Current news

Третій тренінг для персоналу

22-23 червня 2021 року проєктна команда Віденського університету економіки та бізнесу (WU Vienna) провела тренінг в онлайн форматі для викладачів вищої, фахової передвищої та професійної освіти в Україні.

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Third Staff Training

On June 22-23, 2021, the project team of the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna) conducted the third staff training in an online format for the teaching staff of higher, professional pre-tertiary and vocational education institution in Ukraine.

Almire Brahimi interviewed in German newspaper ZEIT on working conditions in academia

Almire Brahimi, PhD student at the chair of Prof. Dr. Mergel, has reported about perspectives of female scientists of color in the ZEIT as part of the campaign #IchBinHanna:

"I come from a working-class family with a refugee background and am the first in my family to have studied at all. (...) You can only afford to work in such precarious conditions for years if you have reserves or a scholarship, or if your family can step in financially in an emergency. For many with family histories…

Carolin Hirsch publishes in „zwfu“

Carolin Hirsch published the paper “Religious Gift-Giving Turned Upside Down. On Monks and Punks in Myanmar”. In it, she explores and analyses the practice of gift-giving in the Buddhist characterized country Myanmar and how the practice is taken up and newly contextualised as socio-political protest by punks in the “Food not Bombs”-movement.

Jubiläum 30 Jahre Gleichstellung

Leider wird auch dieses Jahr unsere geplante Jubiläumsfeier aus den bekannten Gründen ausfallen. Doch wir haben uns etwas besonderes überlegt!