Current news

Beratung fällt aus // Counseling canceled

Die Beratung am Samstag, 29.06.2024 muss leider ausfallen, da die Räume um Café Mondial durch andere Veranstaltungen belegt sind. Wir bitten um Entschuldigung. In dringenden Fällen kontaktieren Sie uns bitte über unser Kontaktformular.


The consultation on Saturday, 29.06.2024 unfortunately has to be canceled as the rooms around Café Mondial are occupied by other events. We apologize for this. In urgent cases, please contact us via our contact form.

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Einladung Get-Together

Die RLC Konstanz läd am Dienstag, den 02.07.2024 um 19:00 Uhr im Uni-Biergarten (bei schlechtem Wetter in der Stadt) zu einem gemütlichen Get-Together ein. Du bist schon bei der RLC aktiv und möchtest die anderen Mitglieder mal näher kennen lernen oder bist noch nicht aktiv, aber hast Lust, mitzumachen? Dann komm doch gerne mal vorbei.

Hinweise zur Remonstration

Die Frist beginnt mit Bekanntgabe der Lösung mit Besprechung und endet am Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2024, 13:30 Uhr durch Eingabe im Sekretariat (C236, Frau Brigitte Strohmeier) per Post oder per Mail an den Lehrstuhl (

- Zur Remonstration ist nur berechtigt, wer an der Besprechung am 26.06.2024 teilgenommen hat.

[Translate to Englisch:] A book cover showing the shadows of a man training to get through a barbed wire.

New publication by Dr. Lena Rose

Dr Lena Rose is co-editor of the edited volume Asylum and Conversion to Christianity in Europe: Interdisciplinary Approaches (Bloomsbury, 2024, with Ebru Öztürk).

Danica presenting at xbio

We are thrilled to announce that Danica was selected to present our project “watER dyes” at the xbio final pitch event. xbio is a Viennese platform dedicated to helping scientists working in biological and medical research to potentially translate their research findings into commercial applications. The watER dyes project presented by Danica focuses on developing cell dyes that are synthesized in environmentally friendly ways. Congratulations Danica and all members of the task force for this…

Screenshot der GBM Compact Symposium Webseite

NFDI4BIOIMAGE and I3D:bio at the GBM Compact Symposium 2024

The NFDI4BIOIMAGE consortium and the I3D:bio project will jointly offer a 1-hour workshop on research data management for bioimaging at this year's GBM Compact Symposium on Sept. 26th and 27th in Frankfurt.

Join us and register for the GBM Compact Sympsoium through the GBM website.

Screenshot der GBM Compact Symposium Webseite

NFDI4BIOIMAGE and I3D:bio at the GBM Compact Symposium 2024

The NFDI4BIOIMAGE consortium and the I3D:bio project will jointly offer a 1-hour workshop on research data management for bioimaging at this year's GBM Compact Symposium on Sept. 26th and 27th in Frankfurt.

Join us and register for the GBM Compact Sympsoium through the GBM website.

Prof. Dr. Florian Kunze in an interview with Southwest Broadcast on compulsory attendance at work and health problems.

The University of Konstanz's long-term study on remote work has shown that employees often suffer from symptoms of stress and exhaustion when they are no longer allowed to work from home. Many companies would prefer to oblige all employees to work from the office again. Prof. Dr. Florian Kunze explains this in an interview with the Southwest Broadcast. You can listen to the full interview in German here