Current news

Climate rapid test for corals funded

Save the corals: The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation funds the University of Konstanz rapid test “CBASS” to assess the climate resilience of corals with a total of 4 million dollars

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Climate rapid test for corals funded

Save the corals: The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation funds the rapid stress test “CBASS” to assess the climate resilience of corals with a total of 4 million dollars.

Verbundvorhaben KOBRA,

Kontaktierung von n-Typ polySi basierend auf Barriereschichten gegen Al-eindiffusion, gestartet.

Trust among corvids

Corvids use social information to protect themselves against deception by conspecifics from neighbouring territories


Die Konstanzer Studierendenbefragung „Sag’s uns!“und die Umfrage zum Lehrpreis LUKS ist in Kooperatin mit der StuVe gestartet, am 1. Juni werden Teilnahme-Links per Email verschickt. Das studentische Feedback zu den Studienbedingungen fließt unter anderem in die Akkreditierungsverfahren und Monitoringberichte ein.

J. Worth Estes Prize for Beatriz Puente-Ballesteros

We congratulate Beatriz Puente-Ballesteros (Alumna / Dept. of History and Sociology) who was awarded the 2021 J. Worth Estes Prize at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the History of Medicine on 14 May 2021.