Current news

Shanghai Ranking's Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2021

The subjects “Political Sciences” and “Public Administration” at the University of Konstanz continue to hold top positions in the global university ranking. For the first time, the University of Konstanz was evaluated in the field of “Law” as one of eight German universities in the current ranking.

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Germans (mis-)understand inequality

In their new “Inequality Barometer”, Konstanz researchers demonstrate: The German population often assesses the level of inequality incorrectly, underestimating wealth inequality in particular. This also has political consequences.

Germans (mis-)understand inequality

In their new “Inequality Barometer”, Konstanz researchers demonstrate: The German population often assesses the level of inequality incorrectly, underestimating wealth inequality in particular. This also has political consequences.

Interview with Carolin Hirsch: „Punks not Coups!”

In an interview on Asia Art Tours, Carolin Hirsch talks about punk in Myanmar, her field research in Yangon and activist becomings of members of the “Rebel Community”, whom she thematises in her PhD-project. She furthermore reported on the social commitment of the punk band “Rebel Riot” and how it changed and evolved as reaction to the coronavirus pandemic and the military coup in February 2021.

Dimensions of invasion success

Patterns and drivers of alien plant species invasiveness in Europe identified by an international research team led by Konstanz biologists

Identität und Zusammenhalt

„Wie viel Identität verträgt die Gesellschaft?“ – Der so betitelte Essay von Wolfgang Thierse stand am 28.4.2021 im Fokus eines Webinars des Forschungsinstituts Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt (FGZ) zum Thema Identitätspolitik, das von Prof. Dr. Daniel Thym moderiert wurde., das Online-Magazin der Uni Konstanz, berichtet darüber in seinem Artikel "Gemeinsam streiten".