Current news

[Translate to Englisch:]

Science up close: Successful school excursion with the research vessel

Last Thursday, pupils from Schule Schloss Gaienhofen immersed themselves in the world of limnological research under the guidance of Prof. Dr. David Schleheck and Maxima Gebhardt. From the microscopic examination of plankton to the analysis of ecological data - the event offered valuable insights into the complex processes of the lake and demonstrated the importance of scientific work for environmental protection.

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[Translate to Englisch:]

Science up close: Successful school excursion with the research vessel

Last Thursday, pupils from Schule Schloss Gaienhofen immersed themselves in the world of limnological research under the guidance of Prof. Dr. David Schleheck and Maxima Gebhardt. From the microscopic examination of plankton to the analysis of ecological data - the event offered valuable insights into the complex processes of the lake and demonstrated the importance of scientific work for environmental protection.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Science up close: Successful school excursion with the research vessel

Last Thursday, pupils from Schule Schloss Gaienhofen immersed themselves in the world of limnological research under the guidance of Prof. Dr. David Schleheck and Maxima Gebhardt. From the microscopic examination of plankton to the analysis of ecological data - the event offered valuable insights into the complex processes of the lake and demonstrated the importance of scientific work for environmental protection.

Nachholtermin Klausurentag

Wiss. Mitarb. Maximilian Krampe wird am 28.06. seine Einheit "Techniken zur Klausurlösung" nachholen.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Orientation semester for refugees

Have you come to Germany as a refugee, and would you like to prepare for studying at the University of Konstanz or elsewhere?

You have German and/or English language skills at level B2?

During the orientation semester and before you even enrol, you can attend individual courses and earn a certificate of attendance or even take the respective exams.

If you are interested, please make an appointment with the coordination "Studying in Asylum".

After the appointment with the coordination…

Invitation to the FDM Barcamp. The event will take place on the 26th of November 2024 from 9 to 12 am online.

From talking to doing

On 26 November 2024, we are organising an FDM Barcamp for the federal state initiatives. Be part of it!

Gisela Kopp new member of the University Council of Goethe University

We congratulate Gisela Kopp (Research Fellow / Biology) – also member of the Center for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour and the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior at the University of Konstanz - who was appointed as a member of the University Council of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.


Ergebnisse der Ministerpräsidentenkonferenz am 20. Juni

In der Asylpolitik dreht sich das Karussell der Vorschläge so schnell, dass man leicht den Überblick verliert: Abschiebungen von Straftätern nach Syrien und Afghanistan, sichere Drittstaatsmodelle, subsidiärer Schutz für alle Syrer und Afghanen, kein sofortiges Bürgergeld für die Ukrainer, Abschiebung arbeitsloser Ukrainer? Professor Thym erläutert die Machbarkeit, Tragweite und Folgewirkungen der Vorschläge in verschiedenen Medien, darunter in Interviews mit der AUGSBURGER ALLGEMEINEN („Die…