Thomas Böttcher (Research Group Leader, Department of Chemistry, University of Konstanz, Research Fellow at the Zukunftskolleg, Konstanz, Germany) gave an online European Netias lecture.
Die BG ETEM (Berufsgenossenschaft Energie Textil Elektro Medienerzegnisse) stellt uns bis zum 31.12.2020 kostenfrei viele interaktive Lernmodule im Arbeitsschutz zur Verfügung.
Wie erging es Referendarinnen und Referendaren in den letzten Wochen? Wir haben einen von ihnen gefragt – Hören Sie hier das Audio-Interview mit Maximilian Schrumpf.
University of Konstanz study shows: The majority of staff would like to continue working remotely even in the time after the coronavirus. A “right to working from home”, however, is controversial.
University of Konstanz study shows: The majority of staff would like to continue working remotely even in the time after the coronavirus. A “right to working from home”, however, is controversial.
University of Konstanz study shows: The majority of staff would like to continue working remotely even in the time after the coronavirus. A “right to working from home”, however, is controversial.