Current news

Konstanzer Mootcourt-Team ab Donnerstag in Münster

Die Sitzung ist eröffnet für das Konstanzer Mootcourt Team 2024 für den Bundesweiten Mootcourt im Strafrecht. Dieser findet in diesem Jahr an der Universität Münster statt. Für Konstanz treten die Studierenden Paulina Haug, Julian Geretzky, Sophia Lang und Maurice Bieller an. Wir drücken euch ab Donnerstag, dem 30.5.2024, bis zur finalen Entscheidung am Freitag die Daumen! Ein großer Dank geht an Simon Pschorr und Janine Blocher für die Betreuung und unser seit Wochen  hochmotiviertes Team! VIEL…

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Open educational resources and a reading lab against discrimination

The University of Konstanz is part of EUniWell, a European University Alliance funded by the Erasmus+ programme. To foster collaborative grassroots projects by researchers, students, teachers, and administrative staff across the EUniWell universities, the alliance established its own Seed Funding Programme.

Formular im SSZ

Ankündigung Prüfungssimulation

Im Rahmen der Vorlesung Rechtsvergleichung von Herrn Prof. Dr. Michael Stürner findet am

Dienstag, 4. Juni 2024 von 10:00 Uhr bis 11:30 Uhr
in Raum C 336

eine Prüfungssimulation statt.

Die Veranstaltung steht allen Studierenden des Schwerpunktes 3 offen.

German text on the picture: "Mitarbeiter*in in der Wissenschaft für das Forschungsdatenmanagement. Werde Teil unseres Teams der Landeinitiative bwFDM!"

We are expanding our team

Our great bwFDM team is looking for a team-oriented and communicative personality to support the federal state initiative!

Workshop Material on OMERO now available as Open Educational Resource

Members of the NFDI4BIOIMAGE consortium recently offered two workshops on using the bioimaging research data management platform OMERO for organizing and structuring microscopy data.

The material and presentations slides from both workshops (One two-day online workshop on April 29th &30th, and one on-premise workshop on May 13th) are now available on Zenodo as reusable Open Educational Material.

Tracking animals without markers

Researchers from the Cluster of Excellence Collective Behaviour developed a computer vision framework for posture estimation and identity tracking which they can use in indoor environments as well as in the wild. They have thus taken an important step towards markerless tracking of animals in the wild using computer vision and machine learning.

Tracking animals without markers

Researchers from the Cluster of Excellence Collective Behaviour developed a computer vision framework for posture estimation and identity tracking which they can use in indoor environments as well as in the wild. They have thus taken an important step towards markerless tracking of animals in the wild using computer vision and machine learning.

Tracking animals without markers

Researchers from the Cluster of Excellence Collective Behaviour developed a computer vision framework for posture estimation and identity tracking which they can use in indoor environments as well as in the wild. They have thus taken an important step towards markerless tracking of animals in the wild using computer vision and machine learning.

Tracking animals without markers

Researchers from the Cluster of Excellence Collective Behaviour developed a computer vision framework for posture estimation and identity tracking which they can use in indoor environments as well as in the wild. They have thus taken an important step towards markerless tracking of animals in the wild using computer vision and machine learning.