Current news

Synergy of projects

On Tuesday, April 14th, 2020, the Academic Council of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy held an important online meeting. During the meeting the project PAGOSTE was presented and the launch of a a new educational and professional program “Economic and Business Education” developed on the results of the Erasmus+ project “Improving teacher education for applied learning in the field of VET (ITE-VET)” was discussed and approved. Therefore, the projects interact and produce gut spin off…

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Working online on the need analysis

On April 13, 2020, the regular online working meeting of the Erasmus + project participants “New governance mechanisms based on partnership and standardization of teacher training in Ukraine (PAGOSTE)” was held using the ZOOM platform.

Kick-off workshop in Konstanz

On 17-18 of February 2020, the University of Konstanz hosted the first kick-off project workshop of the Erasmus+ project PAGOSTE. The project teams from Ukraine and three EU countries (Germany, Austria, Italy) spent two days intensively working on the project issues. Generally, 36 participants took part in this event.

Die guten Seiten der Krise?

Seit mehreren Wochen wirken sich die Maßnahmen, welche die weitere Ausbreitung des neuartigen Corornaviruses eindämmen sollen, auf den Alltag der Konstanzer Bürgerinnen und Bürger aus. In den letzten Blogbeiträgen berichteten wir von den Herausforderungen, mit denen sich die Befragten aus Konstanz konfrontiert sehen. Trotzdem sehen viele nicht nur die Nachteile der Coronakrise, sondern können der aktuellen Situation auch etwas Positives abgewinnen.

What happens to equal access to education?

Interview with on the topic of home schooling and reopening schools: Konstanz education researcher, Professor Axinja Hachfeld, says that we risk setbacks in equal access to education and gender equality. In an interview with, she criticizes the federal government’s current decision to reopen schools, citing a lack of planability for educational institutions as well as a lack of long-term policy regarding the social consequences.

What happens to equal access to education?

Interview with on the topic of home schooling and reopening schools: Konstanz education researcher, Professor Axinja Hachfeld, says that we risk setbacks in equal access to education and gender equality. In an interview with, she criticizes the federal government’s current decision to reopen schools, citing a lack of planability for educational institutions as well as a lack of long-term policy regarding the social consequences.