Current news

What happens to equal access to education?

Interview with on the topic of home schooling and reopening schools: Konstanz education researcher, Professor Axinja Hachfeld, says that we risk setbacks in equal access to education and gender equality. In an interview with, she criticizes the federal government’s current decision to reopen schools, citing a lack of planability for educational institutions as well as a lack of long-term policy regarding the social consequences.

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Koselleck Project for Konstanz Chemist

Konstanz-based chemist Professor Andreas Marx has been awarded a Reinhart Koselleck Project of the German Research Foundation (DFG) amounting to one million euros plus programme allowance. This will enable him to investigate the structural principles of writing and reading synthetic genetic polymers, so-called xenonucleic acids (XNAs).

Media4Teachers Online Kurs SoSe 2020 BiSE Unterrichtslabor

Freie Plätze im Media4Teachers Live-Online Kurs!

Media4Teachers - Digitale Medien für den Unterricht unkompliziert kennenlernen und erproben! Der kostenlose Live-Online Kurs des BiSE Unterrichtslabors richtet sich an Lehramtsstudierende und Lehrende. Anmeldungen sind ab sofort möglich!

Digital Summer Semester 2020

As of: 29.05.2020

For this summer semester, we plan to run all lectures digitally until further notice.

You will find all materials (e.g., videocasts, slides, tasks) for each lecture, exercise, or seminar on Ilias - additionally, we will provide extra information, time for questions + answers, and discussion during the actual time slot of the specific lecture using a video conferencing tool (e.g., Zoom). We will update this post regularly with new information.

If you have any questions,…

Studentisches für KW 17 / 2020

Studentisches für die Woche 20.04.-24.04.2020:

In dieser Woche beginnt der digitale Vorlesungsbetrieb. Die erste Vorlesung Analysis und Lineare Algebra findet am Mittwoch, 22.04.20, ab 10:00 Uhr per Zoom statt, die erste Vorlesung Komplexitätstheorie am Donnerstag, 23.04.20, ab 13:30 Uhr ebenfalls per Zoom. Den Übungsbetrieb (zu beiden Vorlesungen) gibt es erstmalig in der zweiten Vorlesungswoche 27.04.-01.05.20. Zugangsdaten etc. finden Sie jeweils in ILIAS.