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[Translate to Englisch:] Fabian Bergmann

Policies towards Indigenous groups and perceptions of inequality

Fabian Bergmann, PhD student at the cluster of excellence “The Politics of Inequality”, has recently published a paper in the interdisciplinary journal “Politics, Groups, and Identities”. The article is part of his doctoral research, which examines the effects of state policy on the political and social situation of Indigenous groups. His current publication explores how policies influence the perceptions of inequality in Sweden and Norway.

IEEE ICRA best paper award for CASCB researchers

Collective behaviour robotic researchers Heiko Hamann, Jonas Kuckling and Andreagiovanni Reina have won the best paper award at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.

75 Jahre Grundgesetz

Am 23. Mai 2024 jährt sich die Verabschiedung des Grundgesetzes zum 75. Mal. Dies ist Anlass für verfassungsrechtliche und -politische Debatten zu wichtigen Wegmarken, Errungenschaften wie auch Herausforderungen und Zukunftspotentialen.

Judith Froese befasst sich mit diesen und weiteren Fragen unter anderem in einem Beitrag für Die Politische Meinung: „Living Instrument“ – Zur Integrationskraft unserer Verfassung und zu ihrer Zukunftstauglichkeit, in einem Interview mit Bayern 2: Zu wem hat uns…

Two meerkats. One seems to speek into the ear of the other one.

Meerkat chit-chat

Konstanz researchers unravel the vocal interactions of meerkat groups and show they use two different types of interactions to stay in touch.

75 years of the German Basic Law and the right to asylum: Back to the future

Western countries are once again having controversial discussions about the right to asylum. Many see a need for reform, from administrative practice to legislation. Such focus on change contrasts with an international debate which presents the Refugee Convention as a ‘magna carta’, thus suggesting timeless guidance. The Migration Policy Forum (MPF) on Thursday, 23 May 2024, will accentuate this long-term perspective on the 75th anniversary of the German Basic Law with the aim of better…