Current news

Torben Iversen: "Reinventing Capitalism"

Renowned Danish political economist Torben Iversen of Harvard University gave a knowledgeable and inspiring lecture at the Cluster. He presented the research that entered into his and David Soskice’s recent highly-regarded book “Democracy and Prosperity: Reinventing Capitalism Through a Turbulent Century”.

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New article: Barriers to Digital Co-Creation in Estonia and how they could be Overcome

This article from Rebecca Strauch, Anna Mayer und Corine Fontijn presents the results of an identification of barriers in the digital co-creation process for creating public services in Estonia. They include the stakeholders’ mindset towards responsibility sharing, the quality of relationships between stakeholders, hierarchical expectations towards government, and miscellaneous matters such as time and finance.

Interviews with ten stakeholders from academia, local- and national government…

Promovieren in Konstanz

Die Stabsstelle Qualitätsmanagement und das Academic Staff Development informieren über Rahmenbedingungen der Promotion in Konstanz.

Lehrplan SS 2020

Der Lehrplan für das kommende Sommersemester 2020 und die Modulzuordnungen sind nun verfügbar.

Sie finden diese unter Studium/Lehrveranstaltungen/.

New position for Takayuki Kurihara

We congratulate Takayuki Kurihara (Research Fellow / Department of Physics) who has accepted a position as Research Associate (Assistant Professor) in the Laser and Synchrotron Research Center (LASOR) at the Institute for Solid State Physics of the University of Tokyo.

Umstrukturierung der Fachbereichshomepage

Liebe Mitglieder der Fachbereichs,

damit in Zukunft noch mehr Ordnung auf der Fachbereichshomepage herrscht, wurde der Reiter ,,Studium" umstrukturiert. Sie finden dort von nun an alle Informationen zu unseren Bachelor und Master Studiengängen, aktuellen und geplanten Lehrveranstaltungen, der Studieneingangsphase, der Vortragsreihe Mathematik im Beruf, zum Auslandssemester und und und ...

International Conference: "New Poetries—New Poetics? Cultural and Aesthetic Transformations of American Poetry"

February 14-15, 2020. Bischofsvilla

The conference examines how traditional modalities of literary poetry are extended and transformed in new poetic practices such as poetry slams, rap music, YouTube poetry, and avant-garde rhyme. Organized by the American Studies team at Konstanz, the conference discusses case studies from the United States to map the shifting relationships among aesthetics, materiality, and cultural politics that emerge from these new poetries.