Current news

Visit of high school students

As part of the BOGY – Career Orientation at high school () program, we recently had the pleasure of welcoming a group of high school students to our lab. This initiative is designed to give students from grades 9 to 11 a hands-on experience and deeper insight into various career paths. During their visit, the students worked with Celine and Tobias, learning about and performing  different materials characterizations as well as the synthesis of organic materials.

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Ein junger Mann sitz am Rechner in einem Großraumbüro

Präsenzpflicht am Arbeitsplatz

Die neuesten Daten der Konstanzer Homeoffice-Studie zeigen: Die Umsetzung einer Präsenzpflicht am Arbeitsplatz hat erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit der Mitarbeitenden, aber nur einen geringen Zusammenhang mit der selbsteingeschätzten Leistungsfähigkeit.

W4 begrüßt Vorstands­mitglied

Die Konstanzer Medienwissenschaftlerin Isabell Otto wurde am 6. Mai 2024 in den Vorstand des Wissenschaftsverbunds Vierländerregion Bodensee (W4) gewählt. Sie folgt auf ihre Amtsvorgängerin Dorothea Debus; ihre Amtsperiode dauert drei Jahre.

W4 begrüßt Vorstands­mitglied

Die Konstanzer Medienwissenschaftlerin Isabell Otto wurde am 6. Mai 2024 in den Vorstand des Wissenschaftsverbunds Vierländerregion Bodensee (W4) gewählt. Sie folgt auf ihre Amtsvorgängerin Dorothea Debus; ihre Amtsperiode dauert drei Jahre.

Two pupils doing their homework at a table at home

When research questions emerge from your own life

Christina Felfe de Ormeño is a full-time professor with three children. In March 2020, she – like many other parents – had lots to manage, including teaching classes virtually, caring for her children and supervising their homeschooling activities. She explains in an inter-view how this challenging situation led her to conduct a research project where the results were widely discussed, even outside academia.

Bicycle in front of a mountain backdrop in the Swiss Alps

A bike courier for research: Cycling from Konstanz to Oslo

At the end of May 2024, Nils Weidmann, a professor of political science at the University of Konstanz, starts his third business trip by bicycle – this time from Konstanz to Oslo. Over the course of four weeks during his sabbatical, he will discuss current research topics while visiting colleagues at 16 research institutions in 14 cities and travelling about 2,500 km by bike.