Current news



Die wichtige Rolle von Lob in der Arbeitswelt

In der deutschen Arbeitswelt gilt zuweilen: Nicht geschimpft ist schon genug gelobt. Aber stimmt das wirklich? Oder lassen sich mit mehr anerkennenden und aufmunternden Worten bessere Arbeitsergebnisse erzielen? Wie komplex die Wirkung von Lob und Anerkennung ist, zeigte die Studie "The power of (no) recognition" unter Mitwirkung von Professor Nick Zubanov.

Talk Show ‘Marcus Lanz’ on External Asylum Procedures

Asylum policy has always been controversial. German politicians increasingly embrace the idea of external processing, emulating the model set by the British ‘Rwanda plan’ and the Italian ‘Albania project’. The issue has even reached the prominent prime time talk show ‘Markus Lanz’ on the public television – with Professor Thym as one of four guests (he appears at minute 39’30, 52’26, and 1‘05‘58). Moving beyond domestic politics, the debate involved heartbreaking pictures from a recent TV…

International Women in Mathematics Day - Colloquium & KWIM Special Talk

We would like to invite everyone to celebrate the International Women in Mathematics Day with us!

On the 13th of May at 5:00 PM in G227 Prof. Dr. Norbert Schappacher will give a biographical KWIM talk on life and work of Maryam Mirzakhani, the first women honored with the Fields Medal - the most prestigious award in mathematics. Please see KWIM Lecture Series for an abstract.

Before the talk, at 4:00 PM, we invite everyone to KWIM Tea and Coffee Round.

Optimal Control

Optimizing the energy efficiency of driving processes provides valuable insights into their underlying physics and is of crucial importance for numerous applications, from biological processes to the design of machines and robots.

Optimal Control

Optimizing the energy efficiency of driving processes provides valuable insights into their underlying physics and is of crucial importance for numerous applications, from biological processes to the design of machines and robots.

Visit abroad: Nils Jakubzig takes part in the EUniWell "Education for a Sustainable Future" programme

Nils Jakubzig visited Florence in April and took part in an EUniWell Blended Intensive Programme (BIP). From 15 to 19 April, around forty participants of different nationalities came together in Italy. Together they explored the question of how education can prepare future professionals to address the challenges of sustainable development in innovative and creative ways. The organisers had prepared various interactive lectures, workshops and discovery activities to promote creative and…

Studentisches für KW 20 / 2024

Studentisches für die Woche 13.05.-17.05.2024:

Alle Termine finden wie geplant statt. Zusätzlich wird am Mittwoch, 15.05.24, 17:00-18:30 Uhr, im Raum P 712 die im April ausgefallene Vorlesung Quantenalgorithmik nachgeholt.