Current news

Konstanz "Fridays for Future" school strike. Image: University of Konstanz

Fridays for Future has the potential to become a mass movement

Researchers at the University of Konstanz and the University of Mannheim release analysis of a national survey in Germany: One in two Germans would be willing to take part in climate protests; more than one in three support a CO2 tax. These are the results of a national survey published by the organizational researchers Sebastian Koos (University of Konstanz) and Elias Naumann (University of Mannheim). The full text is available in German.

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Konstanz "Fridays for Future" school strike. Image: University of Konstanz

Fridays for Future has the potential to become a mass movement

Researchers at the University of Konstanz and the University of Mannheim release analysis of a national survey in Germany: One in two Germans would be willing to take part in climate protests; more than one in three support a CO2 tax. These are the results of a national survey published by the organizational researchers Sebastian Koos (University of Konstanz) and Elias Naumann (University of Mannheim). The full text is available in German.

Mädchen schreibt Notizen

Kinderleichte Wissenschaft

Veranstaltungsreihe „Kinder-Uni“ der Universität Konstanz ergründet die Entstehung von Gefühlen, die Leibspeise der Mammuts und den Wert einer Münze

Europa macht Schule

Mit dem Programm Europa macht Schule können Sie interkulturellen Austausch hautnah erleben und europäische Begegnungen an Konstanzer Schulen gestalten.



Einstufung und Kennzeichnung von Gefahrstoffen

Projektstandards an der Universität Konstanz

Um die erfolgreiche Durchführung von Projekten im Verwaltungsbereich zu gewährleisten, hat die Leitungsrunde der zentralen Verwaltung und Stabsstellen, sowie das Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrum (KIM) der Universität Konstanz, Mindeststandards zur Planung und Durchführung von Projekten formuliert.

Welcome to the Zukunftskolleg, Denisha Gounden

Denisha Gounden began her fellowship in August. She is affiliated with the Department of Chemistry, where she has joined the Hybrid Nanostructures group, headed by Professor Lukas Schmidt-Mende.

New protein spin labelling technique

University of Konstanz researchers develop a new site-directed spin labelling approach based on genetically encoded noncanonical amino acids amenable to Diels-Alder chemistry as well as a new spin label, PaNDA