Current news



Coloured glass roof, University of Konstanz. Copyright: Universität Konstanz

2007, 2012, 2019: University of Excellence in Konstanz

The University of Konstanz will also be funded as a University of Excellence within the context of the new German Excellence Strategy competition. Nationwide, only six universities have been continuously funded as a University of Excellence since 2007.

Illustration of the experimental setup to measure the heat flow through a single molecule. | Copyright: Jan C. Klöckner

Heat transport through single molecules

International team of researchers with participation of the University of Konstanz achieves breakthrough in the area of heat transport at molecular scales

Der Umgang mit kolonialen Objekten im Museum

30 Studierende aus verschiedenen Studiengängen der Universität Kon-stanz nahmen an dem von der Konstanzer Historikerin Prof. Dr. Anne Kwaschik initiierten Workshop „Objektgeschichten des Kolonialismus“ im Historischen und Völkerkundemuseum St. Gallen teil.