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Moot Court am Bundesarbeitsgericht

Im Wintersemester 2019/20 findet am Bundesarbeitsgericht in Erfurt ein Moot Court statt. Gegenstand ist das Individualarbeitsrecht. Der Anmeldeschluss ist Freitag der 21. Juni 2019.

Project A01: Optics Express 2019

All optical control of comb-like coherent acoustic phonons in multiple quantum well structures through double-pump-pulse pump-probe experiments

Copyright: Universität Konstanz

University of Konstanz: For a culture of digital transformation

Project to promote the digitalisation-related competencies of future teachers receives funding approval in the amount of EUR 2.5 million for an additional funding period as part of the national “Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung” (quality enhancement campaign for teacher education)