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Concept to obtain uniform size and shape particles by controlled polymerization on a molecular as well as particle level. An effective nucleation (N) ensures that particles contain only one active site, and start to grow virtually at the same time. Due to the living character of polymerization, all particles continue to grow for the entire duration of the experiment, to yield particles each composed of a chain of identical length. As the growing chains are immediately deposited on the growing single-crystal particle during this process, particle shape evolves uniformly over time during polymerization. Copyright: Stefan Mecking and Manuel Schnitte

Researchers create uniform-shape polymer nanocrystals

Researchers from the University of Konstanz’s Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 1214 “Anisotropic Particles as Building Blocks: Tailoring Shape, Interactions and Structures” successfully generate uniform-shape nanocrystals using direct polymerization

[unitournament] Fechten am See am 15./16. Juni in der Universitätssporthalle

Am Samstag und Sonntag steht die Universitätssporthalle ganz im Zeichen des Fechtsports. Die Fechtgruppe der Universität Konstanz und der Fechtclub Konstanz richten ihr gemeinsames Fechtturnier bereits zum 12. Mal aus. Es werden über 100 Fechter und Fechterinnen aus ganz Deutschland und der Schweiz erwartet. Das Zuschauen ist kostenfrei möglich!

Settimana Intensiva del Dottorato Trinazionale in Italianistica 2019

Vom 12.-15. Juni findet in V 1001 die Settimana intensiva del dottorato trinazionale in italianistica 2019 statt. Das Programm zu dieser von der Universität Bonn, der Sorbonne Université, der Università degli Studi di Firenze, der Universität Konstanz und der Fondazione Bracco veranstalteten Tagung "Norma e Ibridizzazione" ist zu finden unter Alle Vorträge sind öffentlich. Interessierte Zuhörer sind herzlich willkommen. 

Researchers Create Uniform-Shape Polymer Nanocrystals

Researchers from the University of Konstanz’s Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 1214 “Anisotropic Particles as Building Blocks: Tailoring Shape, Interactions and Structures” successfully generate uniform-shape nanocrystals using direct polymerization.