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CHE Ranking 2024: Excellent results once again for the Department of Politics and Public Administration

The Department of Politics and Public Administration is one of the eight subjects at the University of Konstanz that were re-evaluated in this year's CHE ranking. The results are excellent (as in the last CHE rankings in 2021 and 2018). In 13 out of 14 indicators, the department performs above average, often with top rankings. The assessment is particularly good in the categories of study organisation, support during the studies, support for exchange programmes and library facilities.

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Friedhofsführung für Wissenschaftler:innen

Friedhofe sind längst nicht mehr nur letzte Ruhestätten, stille Orte des Gedenkens. Vielleicht waren sie das auch nie. Friedhöfe sind Kulturdenkmale, Orte historischer Spurensuche. Friedhöfe sind Naherholungsgebiete, genutzt von morgendlichen Jogger:innen und abendlichen Spaziergehenden. Friedhöfe sind ökologische Nischen: sie müssen nicht fürchten, von einer raumfressenden Stadtplanung allzu widerstandsfrei überplant zu werden. Friedhöfe sind - das zeigen nicht nur repräsentative Grabmale mit…

Uneven perceptions of inequality

How do researchers study perceptions of inequality? This question is the focus of a new episode of the podcast "Exzellent erklärt" (great explanations) with political scientist Marius Busemeyer and microsociologist Claudia Diehl from the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality".

Uneven perceptions of inequality

How do researchers study perceptions of inequality? This question is the focus of a new episode of the podcast "Exzellent erklärt" (great explanations) with political scientist Marius Busemeyer and microsociologist Claudia Diehl from the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality".

Kilian Hampel shows on WDR that Gen Z is insecure and dissatisfied.

In their youth study, Kilian Hampel, Simon Schnetzer and Prof Klaus Hurrelmann show that young people between 14 and 29 are pessimistic about the future. This is one of the findings of the 2024 Youth Study. Mental stress is also on the rise among Gen Z: almost one in nine people of this age are receiving treatment for mental disorders. You can find the full article about the study in German here

Jun-Prof. Dr Lukas Rudolph is investigating factors in Bangladesh that motivate people to (not) migrate.

Strange things have been happening to the Jamuna, a river that flows through Bangladesh, for some time now: it continues to expand. In the process, it is devouring thousands of hectares of fertile farmland and taking the homes of tens of thousands of people with it. Like a hungry animal. People are therefore leaving their villages all along the Jamuna. They are being watched closely. More than eight thousand kilometres away, Jun. Prof. Dr Lukas Rudolph and Prof. Dr Vally Koubi are tracking every…

Dr Deiss-Helbig shows in the MDR that a large proportion of the population does not perceive the fulfilment of election promises.

The majority of the population is of the opinion that the government and the parties generally do not fulfil any or very few election promises. Yet 60 per cent of the governments' election promises have been at least partially implemented. In the MDR interview, Dr Deiss-Helbig reveals a gap between perception and reality. One of the reasons for this could be that sober facts sometimes only play a minor role in voters' favour. So-called "motivated thinking" is relevant: "General attitudes and…