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Neue Zugangssatzung: Änderung der Zugangsvoraussetzungen im M.A. "Kulturelle Grundlagen Europas"

Wichtig für alle Studieninteressierte: Zum aktuellen Bewerbungszeitraum (Bewerbungsschluss 15.07.2019) gilt im Hinblick auf die Bewerbung um einen Studienplatz im Masterstudiengang "Kulturelle Grundlagen Europas" erstmals eine neue Zugangssatzung. Die Zugangsvoraussetzungen und das Bewerbungsverfahren haben sich geändert. Die Studienplatz-Bewerbung ist damit um einiges einfacher geworden.

We welcome Benjamin Eva to the Zukunftskolleg

Benjamin Eva is one of three new Research Fellows from the 13th call for applications. He has started his fellowship in April and is affiliated with the Department of Philosophy.

Anke Hoeffler awarded Alexander von Humboldt-Chair

Prof. Dr. Anke Hoeffler receives prestigious award in Berlin, by the Federal minister of research, Anja Karliczek, and the president of the Humboldt-foundation, Hans-Christian Pape, together with eight other researchers.

Project B06: Phys. Rev. B 2019

Magnetic resonance in defect spins mediated by spin waves

In search of two level quantum systems that implement a qubit, the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond has been intensively studied for years. Despite favorable properties such as remarkable defect spin coherence times, the addressability of NV centers raises some technical issues. The coupling of a single NV center to an external driving field is limited to short distances, since an efficient coupling requires the NV to be separated…

Late-Breaking-Work at CHI'19

At this year's CHI conference, Yunlong Wang and Harald Reiterer presented the results of a user study of reminders for prolonged sedentary behavior change at the poster session of the Late-Breaking-Work track.