Current news



Collective bargaining agreement for state employees as of 2 March 2019

The negotiations of the latest collective bargaining agreement for state employees have ended. The agreement covers the following main topics:

  •          A linear wage increase across all salary brackets

            Pay will increase as follows (as per attachment B):

            a)   The overall wage volume will increase by 3.2 % as off 1 January 2019. This means that employees in salary step 1 (salary brackets 2-15) will receive a raise of 4.5%; employees in all other salary brackets…

[uniTournament] Intlekofer 32. beim Universiade Slalom

Im letzten Ski Alpin-Rennen der Damen bei der Winteruniversiade fuhr Tanja Intlekofer mit einer Gesamtzeit von 1:47.04 Minute als 32te ins Ziel. Ihre Kommilitonin an der Uni Konstanz Olivia Wenk schied im 67er-Feld auf eisiger Piste mit der Chance auf eine gute Platzierung im ersten Durchgang kurz vor dem Ziel aufgrund eines Torfehlers aus.

Sarang Dalal becomes Full Professor

We congratulate Sarang Dalal (Alumnus / Dept. of Psychology) who has accepted a Full Professorship at the Center of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience at Aarhus University in Denmark.