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With funding in the amount of five million euros, the Humboldt Professorship is Germany's most highly endowed research prize.

Two new Humboldt Professors

Margaret C. Crofoot and Anke Hoeffler have both accepted a Humboldt Professorship at the University of Konstanz. They will work in the university's research priorities Collective Behaviour and Ecology and Social and Cognitive Sciences with a Special Focus on Inequality Research, respectively. With funding in the amount of up to five million euros for each researcher, the Humboldt Professorship is Germany’s most highly endowed research prize.

With funding in the amount of five million euros, the Humboldt Professorship is Germany's most highly endowed research prize.

Two new Humboldt Professors

Margaret C. Crofoot and Anke Hoeffler have both accepted a Humboldt Professorship at the University of Konstanz. They will work in the university's research priorities Collective Behaviour and Ecology and Social and Cognitive Sciences with a Special Focus on Inequality Research, respectively. With funding in the amount of up to five million euros for each researcher, the Humboldt Professorship is Germany’s most highly endowed research prize.

Hochbegabung in der Schule

Wie kann Hochbegabung erkannt und erfolgreich gefördert werden? Damit befassten sich die Workshops und Vorträge der letzten Veranstaltung aus unserer Reihe Schule AKTUELL.

Mitarbeiterin nutzt den Computer in ihrem Büro

Neues Online-Magazin "campus-kn"

Seit Beginn des Wintersemesters 2018/2019 ergänzt das Onlinemagazin „“ die bisherigen Formate zur Wissenschaftskommunikation der Universität Konstanz.

Mit einer Fördersumme von fünf Millionen Euro ist die Humboldt-Professur Deutschlands höchstdotierter Forschungspreis.

Zwei neue Humboldt-Professorinnen

Margaret C. Crofoot und Anke Hoeffler nehmen ihren Ruf auf eine Humboldt-Professur an der Universität Konstanz an. Die Wissenschaftlerinnen werden in den Konstanzer Forschungsschwerpunkten Kollektives Verhalten und Ökologie sowie Sozial- und Kognitionswissenschaften mit Schwerpunkt Ungleichheitsforschung forschen. Mit einer Fördersumme von je bis zu fünf Millionen Euro ist die Humboldt-Professur Deutschlands höchstdotierter Forschungspreis.

With funding in the amount of five million euros, the Humboldt Professorship is Germany's most highly endowed research prize.

Two new Humboldt Professors

Margaret C. Crofoot and Anke Hoeffler have both accepted a Humboldt Professorship at the University of Konstanz. They will work in the university's research priorities Collective Behaviour and Ecology and Social and Cognitive Sciences with a Special Focus on Inequality Research, respectively. With funding in the amount of up to five million euros for each researcher, the Humboldt Professorship is Germany’s most highly endowed research prize.

With funding in the amount of five million euros, the Humboldt Professorship is Germany's most highly endowed research prize.

Two new Humboldt Professors

Margaret C. Crofoot and Anke Hoeffler have both accepted a Humboldt Professorship at the University of Konstanz. They will work in the university's research priorities Collective Behaviour and Ecology and Social and Cognitive Sciences with a Special Focus on Inequality Research, respectively. With funding in the amount of up to five million euros for each researcher, the Humboldt Professorship is Germany’s most highly endowed research prize.