Exhibition opening for the Nature Positive photo competition

The exhibition of the Nature Positive University of Konstanz photo competition has opened at the Lake Constance Nature Museum, which shows impressive nature photographs and can be visited until November 3, 2024. The highlight is the award ceremony on November 6 in the university library, accompanied by specialist lectures and a panel discussion.

Last Tuesday, the exhibition of the Nature Positive University of Konstanz photo competition opened at the Lake Constance Nature Museum. Almost 60 visitors, including enthusiastic participants, city residents, university staff and professional photographers, flocked together to admire the impressive works of the finalists.

Martina Kroth from the Bodensee-Naturmuseum warmly welcomed the guests and gave the floor to Prof. Mark van Kleunen and Fang-Wei Lin, who provided exciting insights into the project. The exhibition will be open until November 3, 2024 and offers visitors the opportunity to nominate their favorite photos from the finalists. A variety of educational museum events are also planned to bring the topics of biodiversity, evolution and ecological footprint to life.

The competition, which is sponsored under the umbrella of forum.konstanz, invited people of all ages and backgrounds - whether experienced photographers or hobbyists with smartphones, nature lovers or city writers - to capture the beauty of nature around the University of Konstanz in four categories. An impressive total of 240 photos were submitted, from which an expert jury - consisting of experienced nature photographers, biodiversity researchers, student representatives of the Green Office and the student council of the Department of Biology - selected 59 for the exhibition.

The award ceremony for the best photographs will be held on November 6, 2024 as part of a festive vernissage in the university library. The exhibition will continue there until November 29, 2024 and is part of Public Sustainability Week.

A highlight of the vernissage will be the keynote lecture by Prof. Dr. Markus Fischer from the University of Bern, followed by an exciting panel discussion with local nature conservation organizations and authorities. Confirmed participants include Eberhard Klein from NABU and Martin Wichmann from BUND.

As a founding member of Nature Positive Universities, the University of Konstanz is committed to promoting nature both on campus and in the community. The competition aims not only to raise awareness of ecological issues, but also to shine a spotlight on the impressive beauty of nature in the immediate vicinity of the university.

For anyone interested in finding out more about the competition and the exhibition, the project website offers exciting insights: Nature Positive photo competition 2024.