[Translate to Englisch:] tabellarische Darstellung einiger Asylverfahren

Expert Opinion on Asylum Procedures in Safe Third Countries

The spectre of sending asylum applicants to safe third countries is receiving much attention in Brussels and national capitals. The German federal government has been tasked by regional first ministers to actively analyse different options. Within this overall context, Professor Thym has written an expert opinion on legal requirements and practical implementation options. It demonstrates that any realisation of a safe third country scheme would have to choose between different variants and take seriously legal obstacles at the national, European and international level. Numerous examples, graphs and lead messages facilitate readers to get hold of a complex topic. The expert opinion is available both in English (‘Expert Opinion on Legal Requirements for Safe Third Countries in Asylum Law and Practical Implementation Options’) and in German (‘Gutachten über Anforderungen an sichere Drittstaaten im Asylrecht und praktische Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten’).

Here you can find an overview chart of asylum procedures in various countries.