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LBS science grant for Dr. Daniel Herfurth

Dr. Daniel Herfurth, post-doctoral researcher in the working group for Public Administration, receives the LBS Science Grant for Sustainable Living and Housing as part of the Dies academicus 2024.

Dr. Daniel Herfurth, post-doctoral researcher in Prof. Dr. Eva Thomann's working group for Public Administration, receives the LBS Science Grant for Sustainable Living and Housing, which is endowed with 5,000 Euros. Dr. Herfurth is in charge of the SPNV-Monitor transfer platform, which is funded as part of the Universities Excellence Strategy. The platform analyses the development of local rail passenger transport (SPNV) in Germany in order to derive recommendations for action to shape the mobility of the future.

Further information under: https://www.polver.uni-konstanz.de/en/the-department/news/current-news/details/dr-daniel-herfurth-receives-the-lbs-science-grant-for-sustainable-living-and-housing/