Photo: HAdW/Tobias Schwerdt

Manfred Fuchs Award for Thomas Böttcher

Congratulations to Thomas Böttcher, who was honoured with the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities’ Manfred Fuchs Award.

Thomas Böttcher and his interdisciplinary Emmy Noether research team investigate the chemical interactions of microbes in the human body and how they use chemical signals to either coordinate their behaviour or keep their competitors in check with highly-specific antibacterial substances. The overall research aim is to better understand the underlying natural processes and the microbial metabolites involved in order to develop new strategies for combating infectious diseases.

The Manfred Fuchs Award honours especially qualified early career researchers who either have earned their habilitation (postdoctoral qualification) in the humanities in the context of the WIN programme or who lead a research team in the natural sciences in preparation for a professorship. It is endowed with € 10,000 provided by the entrepreneur Dr. Dr. h.c. Manfred Fuchs from Mannheim, Germany. This year’s award is shared by two outstanding researchers.

Read more on Thomas Böttcher´s research in the online magazine