New articles published
Günther, F., Smolka, E., & Marelli, M. (2019). ‘Understanding’ differs between English and German: Capturing systematic language differences of complex words.
Cortex, 116, 158-175.
Leminen, A., Smolka, E., Duñabeitia, J. A., & Pliatsikas, C. (2019).
Morphological processing in the brain: the good (inflection), the bad (derivation), and the ugly (compounding).Cortex, 116, 4-44.
Smolka, E., Libben, G., & Dressler, W. U. (2019).
When Morphological Structure Overrides Meaning: Evidence from German Prefix and Particle Verbs.Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience, 34(5), 599-614.