Open Mic Jour Fixe (I)
Jour fixe talks by Claudius Kratochwil, Roxana Halbleib and Andreas Scherer on 7 May 2019
Claudius Kratochwil (Biology / Fellow), Roxana Halbleib (Economics / Research Fellow) and Andreas Scherer (Chemistry / Associated Fellow per Doctoral Fellowship) talked
"About genomes, financial markets and bird navigation."
Claudius Kratochwil works with fish genomes to understand how changes in the genetic code explain the wide diversity of animals on our planet. He told how we got to read the genetic code and how genetic information is starting to influence what we know about our past, present and future.
Roxana Halbleib deals with studying the financial markets from an intrinsic time perspective in order to predict their risks. This perspective is relatively unexplored and aims at capturing the real heartbeat of the markets in accordance with their trading activity and volatility.
Andreas Scherer talked about the navigational capabilities of migratory birds. Despite numerous studies it is still unclear how birds can travel over thousands of kilometres and still find their breading sides with an astonishing precision. He prsented a theory according to which birds use chemical reactions which are sensitive to the earth’s magnetic field as a chemical compass.