Fragments of large Roman bronzes at the Landesmuseum of Archeology Baden-Württemberg in Rastatt (Picture: Martin Neumann)

Participation in the final symposium “Forschung in Museen” (Research in Museums) of the Volkswagen Foundation

Karin Leonhard along with doctoral researchers Christiane Kritzer and Verena Wallner introduced the Graduate Research Programme “Changing Frames”

After more than 10 years of work, the funding initiative “Forschung in Museen” hosted its final symposium on the question: “What kind of museums for which kind of society? 10 years of funding for research in museums”, from 18 to 20 March 2019 at Schloss Herrenhausen (Hannover). The event involved the presentation of what has been accomplished so far in past funding projects, while looking back at 10 years of funding for research on museum collections and reflecting on the changing role of museums in society. In this context, Karin Leonhard along with doctoral researchers Christiane Kritzer and Verena Wallner introduced the Graduate Research Programme “Changing Frames”.