Plenary talk at the networking meeting of the German and the Austrian Academic Scholarship Foundation

Miriam gave the plenary talk at this year’s Summer Networking Meeting of the  the German and the Austrian Academic Scholarship Foundation (in German: Sommer Vernetzungstreffen der Österreichischen Studienstiftung mit der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) organized by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW). In her talk, entitled “Breaking Boundaries – Water as Near-Universal Solvent for Chemical Production” (In German: “Grenzen auflösen – Wasser als nahezu universelles Lösungsmittel für die chemische Produktion”), Miriam shared her views on profiting of water’s properties as reaction medium in the  chemical discovery of new materials. Moreover, she also highlighted the benefits of using automated systems for enhancing the possibilities for materials discovery and therefore expanding the chemical space.