Prof. Dr. Kirsten Martens im Theoriekolloquium

Prof. Dr. Kirsten Martens from Laboratoire interdisciplinaire de Physique, Université Grenoble Alpes , Grenoble, France will talk on Out-of-equilibrium critical phenomena in sheared yield stress materials

Out-of-equilibrium critical phenomena in sheared yield stress materials

In this presentation I will discuss how we develop a framework to study the mechanical response of yield stress materials via a coupling of mesoscale and microscopic models. This model not only allows for simplified descriptions of various critical phenomena that emerge in these systems under shear, but also for a better understanding of the basic ingredients leading to a variety of complex flow behaviors, like for example the emergence shear banding. Further I will show that by measurements of coarse grained quantities from simulations of dense disordered particulate systems, our elasto plastic model approach allows to match consistently transient and steady state features of driven disordered systems with diverse preparation histories under both applied shear rate and creep protocols.