
AI IRL: how to build AI that builds a business

Freitag, 3. März 2023
13:30 bis 14:30 Uhr


Veranstaltet von
Dr. Lothar Sebastian Krapp, ADILT

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Dr. Franziska Kirschner leads the Artificial Intelligence research and product development for Car Inspection at the London-based company Tractable. She completed her doctoral degree in Physics with a focus on condensed matter physics at the University of Oxford. In her current profession, she applies deep learning to a range of use cases in the automotive industry.

Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil der Veranstaltungsreihe „Public ADILT Talk“.

In 2019, Forbes released an article that stated that only 40% of European “AI” startups used AI in their business. Since then, the total valuation of AI startups worldwide has doubled to over $2T. What, if anything, changed? As AI technology matures and hype dies down, startups are under increasing pressure to build, ship, and craft their business around AI that works. Tractable is a London-based startup applying computer vision to uses across the automotive and property industries. In this talk, I’ll share how we’ve applied AI at the core of our business to take products from early prototypes to generating $M revenues.