Call for Applications for Bridge Fellowships

The Zukunftskolleg offers up to five Zukunftskolleg Bridge Fellowships (any discipline represented at the University of Konstanz). The positions are available between March 1, 2017 to October 31, 2017 for a maximum of eight months.

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Call for Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Humanities at Universities and Research Institutes in Germany

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Volkswagen Foundation jointly offer Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Humanities at Universities and Research Institutes in Germany. The Fellowships aim at enabling postdoctoral researchers based in the U.S. to spend some time conducting studies at universities or research institutes in Germany. The grants will be awarded for a period of 9 - 12 months for the academic year 2017/2018. Application deadline is September 15, 2016. The Zukunftskolleg is one of…

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Junior Professorship for Monika Class

Monika Class has accepted a junior professorship in "English Literature and Culture" at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz (Germany). Monika Class joined the Zukunftskolleg as a Postdoctoral Fellow in March 2014. Her professorship will start in September 2016. We wish her all the very best!

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5-year Research Fellowship for Sebastian Schutte

We are happy to announce that starting today, Sebastian Schutte will be a Research Fellow at the Zukunftskolleg. Sebastian has already been a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Zukunftskolleg from 06/2014 until 07/2016.  As a Research Fellow, he will be working at his project “Measuring violence and emergent hostility in ongoing civil wars: a mobile phone-based approach”. For this project he received a grant of 88,000 EUR by Deutsche Stiftung Friedensforschung. Sebastian is affiliated with the…

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Humboldt Stiftung grant for Tuhin Shuvra Basu

We congratulate Tuhin Shuvra Basu! He will receive a Humboldt Stiftung grant starting August 1st. Tuhin Basu, Post-Doctoral Fellow of the Zukunftskolleg, is affiliated with the Department of Physics of the University of Konstanz.

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Joint Symposium on "Mobility. A concept and a way of life" with the Martin Buber Society

Together with the Martin Buber Society of Fellows in the Humanities and Social Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem the Zukunftskolleg will hold a joint symposium on "Mobility. A concept and a way of life".

The meeting is organized by Giovanni Galizia, Anda Lohan, Lukas Barwitzki, Daniela Kromrey, Daniela Poli, Bianca Gaudenzi, Nadir Weber, Andrea Lailach-Hennrich and Oleksandra Kukharenko

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Margarita Stolarova

New position for Margarita Stolarova

We congratulate Margarita Stolarova who accepted a position as  Head of the Devision for Early Childhood Educational Concepts at the German Youth Institute in Munich. Margarita Stolarova joined the Zukunftskolleg as a Research Fellow in December, 2009. After holding temporary professorships at the University of Konstanz and the Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Margarita will start her new position in June 2016. We wish her all the very best!

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Sven Lauer

5-year Emmy-Noether project for Sven Lauer

Sven Lauer was successful in applying for a DFG funded Emmy-Noether project. For the upcoming five years, Sven and his research team will work on the project "What Is It to Ask a Question? - A Formal Pragmatic Investigation of Interrogative Force". The project will start in autumn 2016. In the meantime, Sven is a visiting researcher at Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany). We congratulate Sven!

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4- year research-based Postdoctoral Fellowship for Elliott Lash

We congratulate Elliott Lash, who has accepted a position as a Research Fellow at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth, starting on May 1, 2016. The 4-year position is part of the ERC funded project Chronologicon Hibernicum. The project aims to create a methodology to linguistically date early Irish texts in order to facilitate research into the history of the Irish language. We wish Elliott Lash all the best for his…

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Daniel Plaumann

Professorship for Daniel Plaumann

We congratulate Daniel Plaumann who has accepted an associate professorship in Algebra and its Applications at the Faculty of Mathematics at the TU Dortmund (Germany). Daniel Plaumann joined the Zukunftskolleg as a Research Fellow in 2013. His professorship will start in April 2016 and we wish him all the very best!

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Ulrich Sieberer

Professorship for Ulrich Sieberer

Ulrich Sieberer has accepted a Professorship for Empirical Political Science at the University of Bamberg (Germany) starting on April 2016. Ulrich Sieberer has been a Research Fellow at the Zukunftskolleg and the Department of Politics and Public Administration since 2011. We wish him all the best for his new position.

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Eleanor Coghill

Professorship for Eleanor Coghill

We congratulate Eleanor Coghill who has been offered a full professorship in “Semitic Languages” in the Department of Linguistics and Philology at the University of Uppsala (Sweden). Eleanor Coghill is a Research Fellow since 2010 and also Researcher at the University of Zürich (Switzerland). Her professorship will be starting in August. We wish her all the best!

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Tanja Rinker

Research grant for Tanja Rinker, the Center of Mulilinguism and the Binational School of Education

The Center of Multilinguism and the newly built Binational School of Education were successfull in applying for the program „Leuchttürme der Lehrerbildung ausbauen“, called by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Baden-Württemberg. Their project „Bildungssprache fördern: neue Perspektiven auf Deutsch als Zweitsprache im Fachunterricht“ will be supported with 930,000 euros. Zukunftskolleg Research Fellow Tanja Rinker, Janet Grijzenhout and her team will research in this area fort the…

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Exhibition “Gedankengeflechte” on European Tour

Thanks to the success of the exhibition “Gedankengeflechte”, Julien Bernard and Julie Pelletier are organizing similar events on Biomorphism in Europe - with several artists and interdisciplinary researchers. The next exhibition will be in Lisbon in February 2016. They have also submitted applications to realize the project in Marseille and Barcelona. Julien Bernard points out: “We are happy and proud about the Zukunftskolleg having trusted us for this project, and we still present the…

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