104 applications for 2-year and 5-year Fellowships

In its current call for 2- and 5-year Fellowships (the closing date for applications was September 30, 2013), the Zukunftskolleg received 104 applications – 80% from outside Germany. In its first meeting on November 8, the Recruitment Committee will choose the finalists for the ZIF-funded 2-year Postdoctoral Fellowships and the 5-year Research Fellowships, funded by both the ZIF-programme and the German Excellence Initiative. The Recruitment Committee will hold its second selection meeting for…

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Valerie Shafer and Yoram Carmeli at the Zukunftskolleg

The Zukunftskolleg is warmly welcoming Senior Fellow Valerie Shafer from the Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences at the City University of New York, as well as Yoram Carmeli from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Haifa, Israel.
Valerie Shafer has been nominated by Tanja Rinker. During her stay in Konstanz, which is divided into three visits until summer 2014, she will collaborate on two projects. The first project with Tanja Rinker focuses on the relationship between…

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Sven Lauer and Roxana Halbleib at the Zukunftskolleg

We welcome Roxana Halbleib (Economics) and Sven Lauer (Linguistics) at the Zukunftskolleg. Both started their Fellowship on October 1st – Sven Lauer as 2-year Postdoctoral Fellow and Roxana Halbleib as 5-year Research Fellow. Roxana Halbleib also holds a Margarete von Wrangell Research Fellowship at the Chair of Economics and Econometrics at the University of Konstanz. Her project is entitled “Modeling, Estimating and Forecasting Risks”. Sven Lauer works on his project “Pragmatic inference based…

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Exhibition with Senior Fellow Patrick Tresset and Alumnus Albert Kümmel-Schnur

On September 27 at 6:00 p.m., the vernissage of the exhibition „Zufallszwänge. Roboterbilder zwischen Wissenschaft und Kunst“ in the Wolkensteinsaal, Kulturzentrum am Münster, Konstanz takes place. The exhibition, that can be visited until October 20 in the BildungsTURM in Konstanz, shows two painting robots/robot painters created by Oliver Deussen (Computer Graphics and Media Design, University of Konstanz) and Patrick Tresset (Senior Fellow/Artist in Residence of the Zukunftskolleg). The…

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New Position for Gunhild Berg

The Zukunftskolleg congratulates Gunhild Berg who has been offered a Postdoctoral Position in the Institute of German Studies at the University of Innsbruck from October 2013. There she will also work on her habilitation thesis “About the concept of “experiment” as polemical term in the natural sciences and the “belles lettres” during the 19th and 20th centuries”.

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Visiting Assistant Professorship for Jeff Kochan

The Zukunftskolleg congratulates Jeff Kochan who has been offered a Visiting Assistant Professorship for Epistemology and Theory of Science in the Liberal Arts and Sciences Programme of the University College Freiburg from September 2013 until March 2014. The University College Freiburg is an undergraduate college within the University of Freiburg. Jeff Kochan assured: “I’ll maintain my strong connection to the Zukunftskolleg during this time.”

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14 new Fellows at the Zukunftskolleg

We welcome 14 new Fellows at the Zukunftskolleg - eleven 2-year Postdoctoral Fellows and three 5-year Research Fellows: Julien Bernard (Philosophy), Joanna Chojnicka (History), Maria Cruz Berrocal (History, 5-year), Laura Iapichino (Mathematics), Claudius Kratochwil (Biology), Ben Lambert (Mathematics), Julia Langkau (Philosophy), Bernard Lepetit (Biology), Daniel Plaumann (Mathematics, 5-year), Beatriz Puente Ballesteros (History), Paraskevi Salamaliki (Economics), Denis Seletskiy (Physics,…

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Giora Hon at the Zukunftskolleg

The Zukunftskolleg is warmly welcoming Senior Fellow Giora Hon from the Department of Philosophy at the University of Haifa, Israel. It is his second stay at the Zukunftskolleg. This time he has been nominated by Helen Gunter and Julia Jones. He will be our guest until February 2014. Prof. Hon's work is located at the interface between the history of physics and the philosophy of science. His research is driven by general (philosophical) questions and concerns about science. In particular, his…

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Decision-making support for Bundestag Elections

Postdoctoral Fellow Martin Elff and Susumu Shikano from the Department of Politics and Public Administration developed – in cooperation with colleagues from the University of Konstanz and the Centre for Democracy in Aarau, Switzerland – a decision-making tool called “ParteieNavi” for the upcoming Bundestag elections on September 22. It serves as addition to the Wahl-o-Mat of the “Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung” and aims at helping the electorate to put its political position in relation…

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Prestigious Position for Margaret Thomas

Margaret Thomas has been offered a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) in Berkeley, California, USA, from January to May 2014. She is invited to the research semester on “Model Theory, Arithmetic Geometry and Number Theory”. The mathematician is one of only seven MSRI Postdoctoral Fellows who were selected worldwide for the program. "This semester will bring together many senior mathematicians in my field, as well as junior researchers, to the…

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Panteleimon Eleftheriou at the Zukunftskolleg

We also welcome 2-year Postdoctoral Fellow Panteleimon Eleftheriou (Mathematics and Statistics) at the Zukunftskolleg. He started his Fellowship on August 1st and works on his project “Groups definable in tame expansions of o-minimal structures”. Before coming to Konstanz Panteleimon Eleftheriou was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the department of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo, Canada.

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Julián Torres-Dowdall at the Zukunftskolleg

We welcome Julián Torres-Dowdall (Biology) at the Zukunftskolleg. He started his 2-year Postdoctoral Fellowship on August 1st. He works in the Laboratory for Zoology and Evolutionary Biology of Axel Meyer on his project “Does side matter? Evolution of genital asymmetry in livebearing fishes”. Julián Torres-Dowdall is one of a total of 15 new 2-year Postdoctoral Fellows that were selected in the latest call for applications.

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Stefanie Neupert wins Manfred Ulmer Scholarship 2013

We welcome Stefanie Neupert (Biology), winner of this year´s Manfred Ulmer Scholarship, as Associated Fellow at the Zukunftskolleg. The Manfred Ulmer programme is open to doctoral students of all disciplines at the University of Konstanz and pays 1,000 euros per month over six months. It enables the scholars to bridge a financial gap between their studies and their doctoral phase. ln her PhD project “Social Communication in Ants”, Stefanie Neupert will study the rules governing nestmate…

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“Talking much helps” – Interview with Tanja Rinker

Tanja Rinker was interviewed by the local newspaper Suedkurier. She spoke about her research project on “Turkish-German children with and without Specific Language Impairment” and explained the opportunities and challenges for children that grow up with two languages. The whole interview you can read and download here:


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Elena Rosseeva met Nobel Laureates

Elena Rosseeva took part in the 63rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting which was dedicated to chemistry. 625 outstanding young researchers from 78 countries have been selected to get the unique chance to participate in the meeting. From June 30 to July 5 they met 35 Nobel Laureates in Lindau to exchange knowledge and ideas, to share their enthusiasm for science and to establish new contacts. For Elena Rosseeva it was an important experience: “It was a great honor for me to participate in the meeting…

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Zhongbao Jian at the Zukunftskolleg

We welcome Zhongbao Jian (Chemistry) at the Zukunftskolleg. He started his 2-year Postdoctoral Fellowship on July 1st. He works at the chair of Chemical Materials Science of Stefan Mecking on his project “Stereoselective acrylate insertion polymerization”. Zhongbao Jian is the first of a total of 15 new 2-year Postdoctoral Fellows that were selected in the latest call for applications.

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Alexander Titz with new position

Alexander Titz has accepted a position as group leader of the Helmholtz Young Investigator Group “Chemical Biology of Carbohydrates”. On August 1st, 2013, he will start working at the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research in Saarbrücken which is part of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research. For more information see:


We congratulate Alexander Titz and wish him all the best!

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Fifteen plus one

On June 17th, the Recruitment Committee held its second meeting to select 15 new 2-year Postdoctoral Fellows for the Zukunftskolleg. On the same day the “Workshop on Future Research Directions” for the candidates applying for a 5-year Research Fellowship took place. In its most recent call for applications (closing date for applications was March 15, 2013), the Zukunftskolleg received more than 180 applications for the 2-year Postdoctoral and 5-year Research Fellowships, as part of the Marie…

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Adelheid Godt at the Zukunftskolleg

The Zukunftskolleg is warmly welcoming Senior Fellow Adelheid Godt from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Bielefeld. She has been nominated by Malte Drescher, Daniel Summerer, Dominik Wöll and Filip Wojciechowski and will be our guest for two months. Prof. Godt is an organic chemist working in the field of synthesis of molecular rulers for spectroscopy. Her work contributes directly to research projects of all four nominating Fellows.

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Habilitation for Ulrich Sieberer

Congratulations to Ulrich Sieberer! He passed his habilitation and received the venia legendi in Political Science at the University of Konstanz. Title of his habilitation thesis: “MPs, Parties and Institutions. Rational Choice Institutionalist Studies of Parliamentary Behavior in European Democracies”.

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Mentor Nora Strejilevich at the Zukunftskolleg

The Zukunftskolleg is warmly welcoming Nora Strejilevich from the Department of Literature at the San Diego State University, California. In the last call for the Mentorship Programme she has been nominated by Liliana Ruth Feierstein, Postdoc in the research group of Zukunftskolleg Alumna Kirsten Mahlke, who works on the project “Narratives of Terror and Disappeareance. Fantastic Dimensions of Argentina’s Collective Memory since the Military Dictatorship”. Nora Strejilevich is professor, writer…

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Mentor Anne Imberty at the Zukunftskolleg

The Zukunftskolleg is warmly welcoming Anne Imberty from the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) in Grenoble, France. She has been nominated by Alexander Titz within the scope of the Zukunftskolleg Mentorship Programme and will be in Konstanz from June 9 to 12, 2013. Anne Imberty is a chemist by training and received her PhD in chemistry from the University of Grenoble. After a postdoctoral stay in Toronto, she moved to Nantes (INRA and CNRS) and then to Grenoble, where she is…

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On the radio: Zukunftskolleg as best practice for promoting young researchers

„Forschen und Bangen“ („Research and tremble“) is the title of a radio report on SWR2 Wissen that analyses the situation of young researchers in Germany. To show good examples for supporting up-and-coming scientists journalist Beate Krol has visited the University of Konstanz and the Zukunftskolleg and interviewed Anda Lohan and Agata Nörenberg. The whole report you can download here: http://www.swr.de/swr2/programm/sendungen/wissen/archiv/-/id=660334/w9hse1/index.html

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Substantial progress in developing new chemotherapeutics

Associated Fellow Aswin Mangerich from the department of Biology, who recently won a Mentorship of the Zukunftskolleg, developed – in cooperation with colleagues from the University of Konstanz and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston, USA – a new method that allows to quantify poly(ADP-ribose) in cells. This can help to develop new chemotherapeutics.
Aswin Mangerich´s future mentor, Peter C. Dedon from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was also involved in the…

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