
Acting on behalf of the Foundation Science and Society at the University of Konstanz the Zukunftskolleg annually awards the Manfred-Ulmer Scholarship to doctoral students. This year’s awardee - Friedrich Cain - is cultural scientist and prospective PhD student of the University of Konstanz. In his Master thesis he examines methods of knowledge creation and day-to-day research works in NS-occupied underground Krakow. Friedrich Cain is associated fellow of the Zukunftskolleg since October 2011.…

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“Earthquake Night” of the "Fernbeziehung" Exhibition

“Earthquake Night” is an event which will take place on November 16th, 2011 from 18.00 to 22.00 in the main building of Sparkasse Bodensee within the framework of the exhibition “Fernbeziehung”. This night is dedicated to the memory of the earthquake which happened on November 16th 1911 in Konstanz. The event “Die Nacht, in der die Engel fielen. Ein Konstanzer Erdbeben” offers its visitors a multifaceted lecture program consisting not only of local and media historical but also scientific…

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New release in renowed Journal „The Journal of Neuroscience“

Simon Hanslmayr, Research Fellow of the Zukunftskolleg, published an article concerning successful memory formation in the renowed journal “The Journal of Neuroscience”. Using simultaneous EEG–fMRI recordings in humans during long-term memory encoding it was possible to demonstrate which neuronal synchronisation  pattern underlie the formation of new memory effects. The complete article “The Relationship between Brain Oscillations and BOLD Signal during Memory Formation: A Combined EEG–fMRI…

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Mentorship Workshop

On November 4-5 the Zukunftskolleg Mentorship Workshop "Silvretta Historica: Satellite Image Analysis in Alpine Archaeology" will take place. All members of the Zukunftskolleg are invited to participate in the workshop organized by Karsten Lambers on Friday, November 4, 2011, in Y 311.

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Election of the Executive Committee

October 20th, 2011, Doris Penka was elected of 14 candidates as a new member of the Executive Committee of the Zukunftskolleg. Now all three faculties of the university (Faculty of Science, Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Politics, Law and Economics) are represented in the Executive Committee. In the first meeting directly afterwards the EC decided to affiliate Senior Fellow Jean-Pierre Tignol as another member of the EC. Jean-Pieree Tignol was very pleased about the suggestion and accepted…

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Third Part of the Exhibiton "Fernbeziehung" has been opened

The final part of the exhibition "Fernbeziehung - Über den Nutzen und Nachteil des Telefons für das Leben" themed "Gespenst" attends to the spooky aspects of the telephone. Since the invention of this medium a division of body and voice was possible for the first time. The exhibition was created by the media scholar and Research Fellow of the Zukunftskolleg Albert Kümmel-Schnur together with the computer scientist Prof. Harald Reiterer and students of the literature of the University of…

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Workshop on the Philosophy of Scientific Experimentation

Samuel Schindler, who just moved as an Associate Professor in Philosophy of Science from the Zukunftskolleg to the University of Aarhus in Denmark, will be back in Konstanz as one of the organizers of the PSX2—2nd International Workshop on the Philosophy of Scientific Experimentatio. The workshop of the Department of Philosopy (University of Konstanz) is supported by the Zukunftskolleg and will take place October 21/22 2011.

more information

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Fellow Malte Drescher involved in developing a new research method for measuring biochemical bonds

Together with organic chemists of the University of Konstanz the working group of the Zukunftskolleg Fellow Malte Drescher developed an innovative research method for studying bonding mechanisms between multivalent carbohydrates and proteins. The results of this research are published as a cover article in the journal “Angewandte Chemie” and could be used in cancer research.

Further information is available in the (German) press release of the University of Konstanz.

Link to the article: http:…

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Erster Konstanzer Geistes Slam

An event in German Language:

Samstag 19. November 2011, 16.45 - 18.00 Uhr, Raum A 704

Wer schafft es, innerhalb kurzer Zeit sein Forschungsthema verständlich und unterhaltsam zu vermitteln? Am Tag der Geisteswissenschaften findet der erste Konstanzer „Geistes Slam“ statt. Den Teilnehmenden aus der Geisteswissenschaftlichen Sektion und aus dem Zukunftskolleg stehen maximal 8 Minuten zur Verfügung, um ihr Thema vorzustellen und die Herzen der gespannten Zuschauer zu gewinnen.

Am Ersten…

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Senior Fellow G. A. Miller at the University of Delaware

In the summer 2011, shortly after another Konstanz stay, Senior Fellow Gregory A. Miller moved from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he was Director of the Biomedical Imagine Center, to the University of Delaware, where he is chair of the Department of Psychology. (He reports that being 1900 km closer to Konstanz was not the only reason for the move to Delaware.) He looks forward to continue collaborations with the Zukunftskolleg colleagues and visits to Konstanz are planed…

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Young Scholar Fund call 2012/2013

The Young Scholar Fund call 2012/2013 has been published. All information and documents can be downloaded here in the section "Aktuelles - AFF-Kampagne 2012/2013 und Young Scholar Fund Ausschreibung 2012/2013":
(all documents are German only - please don´t hesitate to contact us if you need help with the translation)

Deadline: 15 October 2011
For more detailed information please contact Mrs. Leib, Tel. 2393, Email Christin…

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Zukunftskolleg Visiting Professorship

In 2011 the University of Konstanz awarded a Zukunftskolleg visiting professorship for the first time. The triennial professorship has been developed by a cooperation between the Zukunftskolleg and the Konstanz Research School Chemical Biology. Prof. Vinod Subramaniam from the Dutch University of Twente will be the first Zukunftskolleg Visiting Professor at the University of Konstanz effective October 2011.

Prof. Subramaniam’s research interest is diversified; during his early scientific…

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I did it my way - Konstanzer Karrierewege

Dienstag, 25. Oktober 2011, 17-19 Uhr, Raum A 703

Podiumsdiskussion mit

  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Bräuninger (Universität Mannheim)
  • PD Dr. Sina Rauschenbach (Universität Konstanz)
  • Prof. Dr. Brigitte Rockstroh (Universität Konstanz)
  • Prof. Dr. Cornelia Ruhe (Universität Mannheim)
  • Dr. Markus Wieland (ETH Zürich)

Moderation: Martin Spiewak (ZEIT)

Begrüßung: Dr. Ulrich Rüdiger, Rektor der Universität Konstanz

Aktuelle und ehemalige Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Universität…

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Minister of Science wants to support young academics

Wissenschaftsministerin Theresia Bauer hat bei ihrem Antrittsbesuch an der Universität Konstanz die Bedeutung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses für das Land Baden-Württemberg betont und damit die Universität in ihren zahlreichen Fördermaßnahmen bestärkt. Im Rahmen der Exzellenzinitiative der Universität ist das Zukunftskolleg ein Hauptpfeiler des Zukunftskonzepts zur Förderdung von Spitzenforschung und gilt als Talentschmiede für junge internationale Forschende aus allen Disziplinen.  Die…

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Research Fellow of the Zukunftskolleg goes to the Univerisy of Surrey

The Research Fellow of the Zukunftskolleg Shujun Li accepted a position as a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Computing, University of Surrey, UK. For his new job in the group of Prof. Anthony T. S. Ho (Multimedia Security and Forensics Group), beginning in September 2011, the Zukunftskolleg whishes Shujun Li all the best. More information are available on Shujun Li's page of the website of the Uiversity of Surrey.

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Interview about social insects

In an interview Prof. Niels Werber (University of Siegen, Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Study Konstanz, Center of Exzellence "Cultural Foundations of Integration") and Prof. Giovanni Galizia (University of Konstanz, Director of the Zukunftskolleg) swapped subject-specific ideas on social insects. For Niels Werber the research is of sociological and literary intrest and he works to find out to what extent one can consider the social structure of ants as a model which can applied to…

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Study about the influence of violence during the pregnancy on the fetal stress hormone receptors

A research, carried out at the University of Konstanz by two working groups, the Psychologist's group led by Prof. Thomas Elbert and the Evolutionary Biology group led by Prof. Axel Meyer, suggested that a strong emotional stress during the pregnancy alters the fetal stress hormone receptors. Dr. Helen Gunter, a co-author of the recently published article "Transgenerational impact of intimate partner violence on methylation in the promoter of the glucocorticoid receptor", is a fellow of the…

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Senior Fellow Jean-Pierre Tignol again at the Zukunftskolleg

Jean-Pierre Tignol, Professor at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium), will come to the University of Konstanz again on 3rd August . The mathematician has allready been at the Zukunftskolleg as a Senior Fellow  in April 2010 and from September 2010 to January 2011. We are looking forward to his further stay until the end of January 2012 and welcome him again at the Zukunftskolleg. Further information about our Senior Fellow are available  here.

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Workshop "Dimensions of Grammar"

On August 2 - 3 the Department of Lincuistics at the University of Konstanz will host the International Workshop 'Dimensions of Grammar' in honor of Paul Kiparsky, who is Robert M. and Anne T. Bass Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences at Stanford University and is spending the summer Semester 2011 in Konstanz as a Senior Fellow of the Zukunftskolleg. The local organizers are Miriam Butt and Chiara Gianollo, with the support: of the Zukunftskolleg, which is co-funding the event; of…

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Substitute of an "Assistenzprofessur" at the University of Bern

In the winter term Dr. Wolfgang Freitag, fellow at the Zukunftskolleg and "Privatdozent" at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Konstanz, will substitute an "Assistenzprofessur" at the University of Bern, Switzerland. He will work for the Institute of Philosophy at the Faculty of Humanities from 01.08.2011 to 31.01.2012.

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Round-table-discussion with Giovanni Galizia

Giovanni Galizia took part in a round-table-discussion about "Academic Staff Development: Discussion about alternatives", organised by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Berlin on June 23th 2011 and as part of an daily conference about "Career without an end?! Employment for young academics".

Please have a look at a live-stream of the event (in German). The round-table-discussion you can find under the heading "Politische Schlussrunde" .

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Zukunftskolleg Lecture SS 2011

The Zukunftskolleg honors for the first time one of the Senior Fellow with the Zukunftskolleg Lecture. Prof. Dr. Bernard D. Frischer will held a lecture on July the 15th at 6.00 p. m. in the lecture hall A 704.

"The Art of Science, the Science of Art - The Position of the New Discipline of Digital Archaeology in the Academy"

After the lecture there will be a get-together. If required there will be a professional child care for which the Zukunftskolleg repays the cost. If you are interested in…

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Lecture of Prof. Dr. Sandeep Verma

Prof. Dr. Sandeep Verma, Senior Fellow at the Zukunftskolleg (May-July 2011), gives a talk titeled "Hirarchical Peptide Superstructures" within the Kolloquium KoRS-Cb of the Graduated School Chemical Biology.

15.06.2011, beginning: 17:15, room: L 602

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New release by Nathan Weisz in "Frontiers in Perception Science"

Another article is published in the Journal "Frontiers in Perception Science" by Nathan Weisz, who is fellow of the Zukunftskolleg and Emmy-Noehter Groupleader in the Department of Psychology at the University of Konstanz.

Nathan Weisz, Thomas Hartmann, Nadia Müller, Isabel Lorenz and Jonas Obleser:

"Alpha Rhythms in Audition: Cognitive and Clinical Perspectives"

Here you can finde an abstract of this article.

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Study "Raum - Expedition: Konsanz"

Anna Lipphardt, former researcher in cultural sciences at the Univerity of Konstanz and alumna of the Zukunftskolleg, and her colleague Eva-Chritiana Edinger, researcher in sociology, as well as 14 students of the master programs “Soziologie” and “Kulturelle Grundlagen Europas” published a study about “Raum – Expedition: Konstanz”, which tries to answer the question “To whom belongs the space?” and analyses conflicts. From an article in the Südkurier dated 3th May 2011 you can find out that the…

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Workshop "The Nature of Possibility"

The fellow of the Zukunftskolleg Wolfgang Freitag organizes a workshop titeled "The Nature of Possibility" for the Department of Philosophy of the University of Konstanz . The first talk "Lewis - He Himself! - On the Analysis of Modality" will be given by John Divers (Univesity of Leeds) on Thursday 26th May at (room G 307). Also there will be talks by members of the Department of Philosophy on various topics surrounding possibility and necessity (room C 358) on Friday 27th May, from…

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