Appointment for Karsten Lambers

Karsten Lambers, Fellow of the Zukunftskolleg and member of the Department of Computer and Information Science was appointed as a Junior Professor (W 1) of Information Processing in Geoarchaeology at the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies of the University of Bamberg.

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New Seniors Clementz and McDowell

Professor Brett Clementz and Professor Jennifer McDowell both work at the Department of Psychology, University of Georgia, Athens, USA. Zukunftskolleg alumna Johanna Kißler nominated them for a Senior Fellowship. More

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Zukunftskolleg Celebration on 23 June 2010

The Zukunftskolleg at the University of Konstanz will celebrate its move into the new Y2 building on 23 June 2010. You can find the actual programme here. Please note that the fireworks will start at 22:15 h and not at 21:30 h as indicated in the poster.

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Competition and Cooperation amongst Researchers, 12 May 2010

Wednesday, 12. Mai 2010, 13:00-14:30, Y 311

Prof. Melissa S. Anderson (University of Minnesota)
Dr. Diana Schmidt-Pfister (University of Konstanz, EXC16)

The two presenters address the same questions based on their different research projects:
-- How do competition and cooperation manifest themselves in the daily work of researchers?
-- What are their (positive and negative) effects?
-- Is ethical and good research conduct in danger?
-- How have research practices been changing at all?
-- How…

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"Social Origins of Musik" - Lecture on 6 May 2010

The Biologist Sebastian Kirschner from the Max Plank Institute of Evolutional Entropology in Leipzig will talk about the "Social Origins of Musik" and will present very interesting behavior studies concerning musical experience of children in the early years of life. Sebastian is a graduate student of Michael Tomaselo, famous for his research in social cognition, social learning and communication. Poster

The talk will take place on thursday, May 6th in R 512 from 6.00 PM to 8.00 PM. Since this…

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New Senior Fellow Gunnar Jeschke

Gunnar Jeschke is Full Professor for Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) at the ETH Zurich, Switzerland. He is an outstanding scientist not only in his own research but also in field of Physical Chemistry at large. His work has made significant contributions to the development of an important spectroscopic technique, the pulsed ESR. His book on pulsed ESR which has been edited by him in 2001 has developed as the standard work for this topic. Due to his work the modern ESR techniques hold an important…

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Senior Fellowship for Jean-Pierre Tignol

Jean-Pierre Tignol is Professor at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium). He is an outstanding mathematician, working in algebra, more specifically in the field of quadratic forms and linear algebraic groups. His scientific quality is certified by a publication list comprising more than 80 research articles and several books. Jean-Pierre Tignol has collaborated with most other mathematicians in this research area. In the early 1990s, Tignol initiated the currently very active topic of…

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Leipziger Buchmesse Award 2010 for Ulrich Raulff

In der Kategorie Sachbuch/ Essayistik entschied sich die Jury, den Preis der Leipziger Buchmesse an den 60jährigen Ulrich Raulff für sein Werk “Kreis ohne Meister. Stefan Georges Nachleben. Eine abgründige Geschichte“ (Verlag C.H.Beck) zu vergeben. Ulrich Raulff ist Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Beirats des Zukunftskollegs. Mehr Informationen finden sie hier: …

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Irene Albers as Senior Fellow at the Zukunftskolleg

Irene Albers is a Professor of Romance Philology and General and Comparative Literary Studies at the FU Berlin since 2004. The alumna of the University of Konstanz is one of the most distinguished and creative Romance studies scholar's of her generation. Her work not only covers the diversity of Romance literatures from the early modern period, on the one hand, and of the 19th and 20th centuries, on the other, but comprises a broad range of literary-theoretical and cultural-theoretical topics…

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Philosopher Jonathan Weisberg Guest at the Zukunftskolleg

Jonathan Weisberg is Assistant Professor at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Toronto, Canada. He is an outstanding scholar in the areas of Philosophy of Science and Logic and a specialist in Epistemology and Decision Theory. For his excellent work in the field of Formal Epistemology he was awarded with the renowned Rutgers Young Epistemologist Prize.

During his visit in Konstanz in March 2010, Jonathan Weisberg will collaborate with the Emmy Noether Junior Research Group of…

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University Day of Hegau-Bodensee-Seminar

The Zukunftskolleg will host the annual University Day of the Hegau-Bodensee-Seminar on 26 February 2010. The Hegau-Bodensee-Seminar has been promoting particularly interested lower secondary (Sec I) through to upper secondary (Sec II) school pupils and students enrolled at general grammar schools in the administrative district of Konstanz. Besides working groups and presentations, a University Day is held once a year. Sixty pupils are expected to attend this year with whom Gunhild Berg, David…

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Welcome to New Fellows

Between December 2009 and the beginning of February 2010 the Zukunftskolleg could welcome four up-and-coming researchers as new Fellows. They all had succeded in the latest procedure for Fellowship grants. The Call for Applications had concentrated on the two key topics ‘Foundations of Social Justice’ and ‘Mixed Feelings’.

Martin Bruder is a psychologist who was previously a scientific project manager at the Head Office of the German Council of Science and Humanities in Cologne. His project at…

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Zukunftskolleg moves to new building Y2

In January 2010 a new era started for the Zukunftskolleg: the shortly erected building Y 2 is ready for moving in and will also give a more visible external shape to the Zukunftskolleg. On January 25, 2010 the back office of the Zukunftskolleg has relocated to the new offices, several fellows with their work groups will follow. Certainly also our senior fellows will find some space in the new rooms of Y2.

Up to now our fellows have been accommodated in various offices all over the entire…

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Dual Career Couple as Senior Fellows at the Zukunftskolleg

The Zukunftskolleg experienced a premiere on 12 January 2010. It was able to welcome a Dual Career Couple as Senior Fellows. PD Dr. Sabine von Heusinger is an historian at the Institute for History, University of Mannheim, while her husband, Prof. Dr. Klaus von Heusinger, is Professor and Chair of German and General Linguistics at the University of Stuttgart. They will work together at the Zukunftskolleg on a new joint project studying the constitution of social groups. The interdisciplinary…

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Workshop 'Case at the interfaces of grammar', Feb. 4-5, 2010

On February 4-5, 2010, the Department of Linguistics and the Zukunftskolleg will host the workshop 'Case at the interfaces of grammar' at the University of Konstanz. It is organized by Chiara Gianollo and Doris Penka, who are Fellows at the Zukunftskolleg since 2008. The following speakers will present their work:

Markus Bader – University of Konstanz
Rajesh Bhatt – University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Ad Neeleman - University College, London
Henk van Riemsdijk – University of Tilburg

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Zukunftskolleg Award for Irene Heim

Irene Heim is Professor of Linguistics and Head of the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. She is one of the most renowned scholars working on the semantics of natural languages. Starting with her dissertation, she has put forward a number of ideas that have been very influential in the field, and there is hardly a topic in semantics she has not worked on. Irene Heim’s contribution to the field of formal semantics and the syntax/semantics…

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New Release by Borbála Zsuzsanna Török

New Release: The Exile and Return of Writers from East-Central Europe. Neubauer, John  and Török, Borbála Zsuzsanna eds., Berlin, New York : Walter de Gruyter,  2009

For more information about this book please visit:

More from Borbála Zsuzsanna Török with Dietmar Müller and Balázs Trencsényi: Reframing the European Pasts: National Discourses and Regional Comparisons. Special issue of the journal EAST CENTRAL EUROPE 34, 1-2…

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Winners of the Zukunftskolleg Mentorship

In September 2009 the Zukunftskolleg advertised mentorship grants of up to EUR 4,500 for the second time this year. Congratulations to all successful applicants:

  • Dr. Antje Lahne (Dept. of Linguistics), Mentor: Prof. Marcel den Dikken, City University of New York, USA
  • Dr. Diana Schmidt-Pfister (Cluster of Excellence exc 16), Mentor: Prof. Melissa S. Anderson, University of Minnesota, USA
  • Dr. Anja Schwarz (Dept. of Literature Science) and Dr. Michael Neumann (Dept. of…
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Successful Zukunftskolleg Alumni/ae

Four former Fellows of the Zukunftskolleg obtained offers of a professorship.

Professor Michael W. Bauer accepted the offer of a W3 Professorship for Politics and Management at the Humboldt University in Berlin on 1 October 2009. Before it he refused offers of professorships at the Universities of Kiel and Konstanz. Since July 2005 Michael W. Bauer has been a member of the former Centre for Junior Research Fellows at the University of Konstanz (ZWN) and afterwards Fellow of the Zukunftskolleg…

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Zukunftskolleg Award for Gregory A. Miller

Gregory A. Miller is Professor of Psychology and Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champain, USA. He is an outstanding research scientist in his own right. He has published extensively on the psychophysiology of emotional processing, using ERP and neuroimaging methodologies, but has also contributed important papers on statistical and methodological topics. One particularly notable aspect of his work is a careful approach to mindbody and reductionistic…

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New Release by Albert Kümmel-Schnur

New Release: Albert Kümmel-Schnur (Ed.), Sympathy for the Devil, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München 2009, ISBN-10:3-7705-4798-5.
About this book: Radio recension by Thorsten Lorenz in "SWR2 Forum Buch", 19 July 2009 (see p. 12):

More from Albert Kümmel-Schnur:

Live on radio on 15 May 2009 with Julian Doepp:;jsessioni…

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