Winners of the Zukunftskolleg Mentorship

In September 2009 the Zukunftskolleg advertised mentorship grants of up to EUR 4,500 for the second time this year. Congratulations to all successful applicants:

  • Dr. Antje Lahne (Dept. of Linguistics), Mentor: Prof. Marcel den Dikken, City University of New York, USA
  • Dr. Diana Schmidt-Pfister (Cluster of Excellence exc 16), Mentor: Prof. Melissa S. Anderson, University of Minnesota, USA
  • Dr. Anja Schwarz (Dept. of Literature Science) and Dr. Michael Neumann (Dept. of…
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Successful Zukunftskolleg Alumni/ae

Four former Fellows of the Zukunftskolleg obtained offers of a professorship.

Professor Michael W. Bauer accepted the offer of a W3 Professorship for Politics and Management at the Humboldt University in Berlin on 1 October 2009. Before it he refused offers of professorships at the Universities of Kiel and Konstanz. Since July 2005 Michael W. Bauer has been a member of the former Centre for Junior Research Fellows at the University of Konstanz (ZWN) and afterwards Fellow of the Zukunftskolleg…

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Zukunftskolleg Award for Gregory A. Miller

Gregory A. Miller is Professor of Psychology and Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champain, USA. He is an outstanding research scientist in his own right. He has published extensively on the psychophysiology of emotional processing, using ERP and neuroimaging methodologies, but has also contributed important papers on statistical and methodological topics. One particularly notable aspect of his work is a careful approach to mindbody and reductionistic…

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New Release by Albert Kümmel-Schnur

New Release: Albert Kümmel-Schnur (Ed.), Sympathy for the Devil, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München 2009, ISBN-10:3-7705-4798-5.
About this book: Radio recension by Thorsten Lorenz in "SWR2 Forum Buch", 19 July 2009 (see p. 12):

More from Albert Kümmel-Schnur:

Live on radio on 15 May 2009 with Julian Doepp:;jsessioni…

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Giovanni Galizia new Director of the Zukunftskolleg

Prof. Dr. Giovanni Galizia holds the Chair of Zoology and Neurobiology at the University of Konstanz. As from 1 October 2009 he took up a further office as the Director of the Zukunftskolleg. He replaces Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gerhart von Graevenitz, who was the founding director of the Zukunftskolleg and the former rector of the University of Konstanz.

Giovanni Galizia assigned as new Director of the Zukunftskolleg at the University of Konstanz

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Conference “Positivity, Valuations, and Quadratic Forms”, 1 - 6 October 2009, University of Konstanz

The aim of this conference is bringing together mathematicians from three disciplines within algebra, namely Real Algebra, Valuation Theory, and Quadratic Form Theory. These three fields have been in permanent interaction, but conferences specifically devoted to those interactions have been quite rare in recent years.

The conference is organised by Karim Johannes Becher, Tim Netzer, Daniel Plaumann, and Claus Scheiderer. It is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and by the Zukunfts…

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Winners of the Doctoral Fellowships 2009

The Zukunftskolleg's doctoral fellowship programme is geared to students at the University of
Konstanz who are in the third year of their doctoral studies. Outstanding young researchers
from all university departments who are in the final phase of their doctoral thesis and are expected
to contribute significantly to the scientific discourse are eligible for funding. Each doctoral
student is mentored by a fellow of the Zukunftskolleg so that they can benefit from engaging
in intellectual exchange with…

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Agata Sadowska wins the Manfred Ulmer Scholarship 2009

Acting on behalf of the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft of the University of Konstanz,
the Zukunftskolleg awards the Manfred Ulmer Scholarship to doctoral students every year.
The programme is open to doctoral students of all disciplines and pays 1,000 euros per month
over six months. It enables the scholars to bridge a financial gap between their studies and
their doctoral phase.

This year's winner of the Manfred Ulmer Scholarship is Agata Sadowska.

Agata Sadowska studied sociology and history…

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New Release by Wolfgang Freitag

We are pleased to announce the publication of a new book: Wolfgang Freitag, "Form and Philosophy: A Topology of Possibility and Representation" , Volume 9 of the serial "Philosophische Impulse", edited by Felix Mühlhölzer and Wolfgang Spohn, Synchron Wissenschaftsverlag der Autoren, Synchron Publishers, Heidelberg (2009).

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Prix de la Fondation Auschwitz for Anna Lipphardt

The Zukunftskolleg of the University of Konstanz compliments Fellow Anna Lipphardt on
the Prix de la Fondation Auschwitz which has been bestowed on her by the Auschwitz-
Stiftung for her doctoral thesis on Kulturelle Erinnerung, Trauma, Migration. Die Vilne-
Diaspora in New York, Israel und Vilnius nach dem Holocaust. In autumn 2009 the study will
appear in the series Studien zur Historischen Migrationsforschung published by Vandenhoeck
& Ruprecht. The study has already achieved the…

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Welcome to Dr. Heike Schmoll as a Senior Fellow at the Zukunftskolleg

We are delighted to welcome Dr. h.c. Heike Schmoll to Konstanz from April to September 2009 as a Senior Fellow and Zukunftskolleg Award winner. She was nominated by Professor Gerhart von Graevenitz.

Heike Schmoll read German and Protestant Theology at Heidelberg, Tübingen and Munich and was a scholarship holder of the Tübinger Stift. Inspired by her studies under Eberhard Jüngel and Wolfhart Pannenberg, her particular interest focused on Systematic Theology. In 1989, she joined the news…

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Das Kleid der Bilder

Bildspezifische Sinndimensionen von Kleidung in der Vormoderne. International Conference, April 03 - 05, 2009, Organisation PD Dr. David Ganz


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Emmy Noether for Dr. Iris-Tatjana Kolassa

DFG awarded the Emmy Noether Program to Dr. Iris-Tatjana Kolassa for the project "Stress and trauma-associated immunological changes and their implications on health"

Chronic and traumatic stress, as experienced by persons suffering from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), is associated with poor health, high health care utilization, and an increased risk for a variety of diseases such as cardiovascular, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, stress has been associated with…

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