Those who are on the move, move Europe.

Students at the University of Konstanz can take advantage of about 1000 study abroad options at over 225 partner universities in Europe as well as other university exchanges outside Europe through the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility programme.

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Erasmus+ at the University of Konstanz

Apply now by February 1st, 2024 for a study abroad opportunity through the Erasmus+ programme for the academic year 2024/2025 using the link below.

Please note: After logging in with your University of Konstanz login data in Mobility Online, you will be directed to the registration form. You will find brief instructions on the application procedure in the blue info box on this website "Erasmus+ information materials for outgoing students".

Please note: The registration form is in a pilot phase and is only available for the following departments: Biology, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics, Politics and Public Administration and Law.

General information

What is Erasmus+?

Erasmus+ is the EU-programme for all general and vocational education, youth, and sport. As the world’s best known mobility programme, it has provided three million students with EU Erasmus grants since the exchange programme’s launch in 1987, including 450,000 German students. ERASMUS stands for EuRopean community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students and is the most important mobility programme for students who intend to study in another European country.

How does Erasmus+ work?

The Erasmus+ programme consists of subject-specific agreements (so-called Inter-Institutional Agreements) between individual departments at the partner universities and at the University of Konstanz. The University of Konstanz is your point of contact for the organisation and financing of your stay - you do not have to apply to the European Commission or the DAAD. The Erasmus+ departmental coordinators  maintain the contact between the partner universities. They can provide you with information about individual partner universities, their current application procedures and the local housing situation as well as help you contact former exchange participants, etc. For this reason, the departmental coordinators are also responsible for nominating students for exchanges at partner universities. The International Office is responsible for coordinating the departmental exchange activities, informing both the departments and students about the Erasmus+ programme and administering programme funds. If "left-over" study placements exist, then the International Office can help you find a suitable match:

More information about left-over study placements.

What does Erasmus+ have to offer?

  • You can participate in a 2-12 month period of study abroad at one of the University of Konstanz's Erasmus+ partner universities during the academic year (1 July through 30 September of the following year).
  • You pay no tuition fees at the host institution (social security contributions, insurance, teaching materials are not considered as tuition fees).
  • The University of Konstanz supports you with planning and organising your study abroad stay. Generally your host university assists you with finding housing and by providing pre-semester information as well as a stay-supporting programme.
  • You can take affordable language courses before your studies begin and/or while you study.
  • You have access to a mobility grant (ranging from 330 to 450 euros, depending on the host country) to cover part of the added expense of living abroad.
  • Your coursework completed abroad can be recognised in Konstanz.
  • If you have a disability or are a single parent, then special financial support is available for your study abroad. Please contact your university's coordinator for more information.

Which aims does the programme have?

The programme should:

  • enable students to gain experiences in other European countries and gain additional language, cultural and subject-specific skills through these study opportunities;
  • enrich universities with the impulses provided by visiting students and lecturers;
  • promote cooperation between host and home universities;
  • to promote a greater interconnectedness in Europe by encouraging qualified, open and internationally experienced young people to study at at least two European universities;
  • cover a portion of the additional costs of study abroad and thus make it easier for students to finance a stay abroad.

Erasmus+ requirements

If you would like to take part in the Erasmus+ programme, you:

  • will need to be enrolled in a study programme at the University of Konstanz and earn an internationally recognised degree (up to a doctorate);
  • will need to have finished your first year of your study programme;
  • will need to be able to complete a three to twelve month stay abroad (between 1 July and 30 September of the following year);
  • may not simultaneously receive a grant/scholarship from another programme (i.e. European research programme, Erasmus+ internship, etc.). You are, however, allowed to simultaneously receive BAföG student aid for studying abroad or a scholarship from an organisation promoting gifted and talented students.

Note: The stay must take place within the framework of a valid "Inter-Institutional Agreement" between the University of Konstanz and a partner university. These agreements are negotiated by the departmental coordinators. The partnerships are usually set in motion by professors and lecturers, but students may also initiate them.

You can find an overview of available Erasmus+ study placements on our Erasmus+ partner universities page.

You may not simultaneously participate in an Erasmus+ mobility programme for students (SMS) and an Erasmus+ mobility programme for visiting lecturers/ university staff (STA/STT). 

Experience reports from former Erasmus+ students

Please consult the experience reports of former Erasmus+ outgoing students about partner universities and their countries. The experience reports can provide you with a first impression about a study abroad stay or an Erasmus+ stay. You will find information about your future host university and about life, housing and living expenses.

Erasmus+ application in three steps

Step 1: student – department

1st February for study stays in the following year.

The application documents differ depending on the department. As a general rule, they include: Erasmus+ application form and/or an informal letter of application, language certificate, curriculum vitae in tabular form, letter of motivation (1 page maximum), letter(s) of reference, if applicable.

Erasmus+ departmental coordinator With confirmation of acceptance from the department, continue with step 2. 

Step 2: student – host university

Admissions/student housing application for the partner university

Depending on the partner university, the deadlines fall between April and July for the winter term (see information sheets for the Erasmus+ partner universities)

Application documents: see the requirements on the relevant web pages of the partner university. Usually they include the application for admission, housing application, overview of the current course of study, language examination

Mail directly to the partner university. Many partner universities will contact you directly after you have been nominated and will inform you regarding the next steps (usually via email). The process will usually be explained on the web page. Please contact the Erasmus+ team in the International Office or the Erasmus+ coordinator in your department if you have any questions. 

Erasmus+ coordinators

Every department has an Erasmus+ coordinator. To find your coordinator, please consult this list

Assigning remaining placements – Erasmus+ for latecomers

The Erasmus+ study placements are assigned by the responsible departments. It is sometimes possible to fill left-over study placements.

If a department has left-over study placements, then students from other departments in some cases are allowed to fill them. This is often the case within individual faculties. Such individual cases have to be discussed with and confirmed by the partner universities. Based on experience, however, the most popular partner universities in large European cities decline to do so.

Information for Erasmus+ students not from Konstanz

Please be advised that these opportunities are only available to University of Konstanz students. In general, the International Office is not able to nominate any external students for Erasmus+ study abroad placement. 

Erasmus+ confirmation! What do I need to keep in mind?

Erasmus+ forms and study credit

Students who were nominated for an Erasmus+ programme placement will receive all necessary personalised forms via the Mobility Online platform.

Learning agreements and recognition of coursework

The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) was developed in order to simplify the recognition of coursework completed abroad. The system is based on the (quantitative) allocation of credit points for specific courses. It makes it possible to determine and assign the time-based workload for every course. The norm for every semester is 30 ECTS, or 60 ECTS for every year.

Erasmus+ recognition of coursework for outgoing mobility

The recognition of credit for coursework completed abroad occurs within the legal framework of the examination regulations. The departments and study programmes are responsible for assigning credit for coursework. Please inform yourself at your department/study programme about the credit recognition process before studying abroad. Your departmental coordinators will assist you in assigning credit for your coursework completed abroad. You will fill out and sign a “Learning Agreement” as part of the process. As part of the “Learning Agreement”, you will submit a list of courses to the department that you plan to receive credit for. The transcript of records from your host institution is essential for having your coursework recognised in Konstanz. Additional information about your courses are also helpful (literature lists, examinations, essays, etc.) Thanks to our flexibility and accumulated experience, ECTS and grades can be transferred into the Konstanz university system.

Departmental administrators are responsible for signing the Learning Agreements. Names and contact information are available in the following list.

Financing: Erasmus+ scholarships and other opportunities

Erasmus+ scholarship (mobility grant)

Besides receiving a tuition waiver for the host institution, students receive a monthly mobility grant when completing a semester abroad via Erasmus+. This is a partial scholarship to cover any additional foreign living expenses. Funding is provided by the EU and is paid in two instalments by the University of Konstanz's International Office and the Division of Financial Affairs.

The amount of the monthly mobility grant depends on the country of the host institution.

Country group 1:  DK, FI, IE, IS, LI, LU, NO, SE → 600 euros per funding month
Country group 2: AT, BE, CY, ES, FR, GR, IT, MT, NL, PT, → 540 euros per funding month
Country group 3: BG, CZ, EE, HR, HU, LT, LV,  PL, RO, SI, SK, TR  → 490 euros per funding month.
Note UK: Mobilities to the UK can be funded regularly within a 20% special budget of the Erasmus project 2023 with € 600/month (funding duration limited to 4/8months if applicable).

Pleases note that in Erasmus+ funding a distinction is made between the funding period and the period of stay. The monthly Erasmus+ Mobility Grant depends on the allocation of funding: the amount depends on the host country and the academic year. The funding period will be shorter than the actual stay abroad. The actual length of stay depends on the semester dates of the host university. The maximum “funding period” of a one-semester study stay depends on the budget and is usually 120 days, for a two-semester stay it is 240 days.

BAföG (federal student aid) recipients within the EU also receive the full amount of the mobility grant.

Erasmus+ students at the University of Konstanz (outgoing students) receive the first instalment in September - as long as all documents have been submitted (see application process).

If the originally anticipated period of stay does not match the actual Erasmus+ study abroad period (e.g. cut short due to illness), the University of Konstanz will expect the return of any excess amount paid to the student. The grant will also have to be reimbursed if the relevant proof of study stay duration is not provided to the International Office in due time.
If the reclaimed amount is not received within the required 4-week period, the university’s debt recovery procedure will be implemented by the Universitätskasse (university cashier's office): After the first overdue notice, a second one will follow after four weeks. The repeated failure to submit payment despite repeated notifications will result in the Division of Legal Affairs and university coordinators deciding on the next course of action. A judicial debt recovery procedure can be initiated.

Students with disabilities or exceptional special needs may apply for additional funds after receiving a study placement.

Important: The mobility allowance often does not cover the actual costs of a study stay in "expensive" countries like the UK, Ireland and Scandinavia. Here the cost of living is considerably higher than in Germany. Please consider this when planning on how to finance your stay.

A few partner universities demand proof of funding (that will cover the usual cost of living) when you apply for admission or enrol at the host university. For example: The University of Konstanz requires that incoming students can cover living expenses of 861 euros per month.

Sample letters

Additional financing: BAFöG student aid for studying abroad, educational loans and KfW study loans

Within the European Union, students can receive funding for pursuing a foreign educational qualification if they have already completed a minimum of one year of training in their home country. The higher funding rates associated with studying abroad can allow even those students to be funded during their stay abroad who would not normally receive support at home due to a high level of parental income. Applications should be submitted at least six months beforehand in order to ensure continuous support.

The benefits under the BAföG foreign allowance regulation are generally the same as the basic BAföG funding, which means that they must also be repaid later. The only exception is the supplement for the tuition fees, which will be granted in full amount with no re-payment requirement attached. They are country-dependent. When studying or training within the EU, however, the foreign supplements do not apply.

The Erasmus+ mobility grant must be specified when applying for BAföG student aid for studying abroad - the student can print a nomination certificate as proof from the outgoing portal via Mobility Online after filling out the required information.

More information about country-specific foreign supplements and the relevant offices for funding for education can be found online at BAföG or in our information guide about BAföG funding for studying abroad.

Important: Since May 2016, the BAföG student aid for studying abroad requires a minimum stay of 13 weeks and one day. Please take this regulation into consideration if you are planning to stay only one trimester abroad. If your planned stay is shorter than the required minimum length, then your application for BAföG student aid can not be accepted.

Further financing options for a stay abroad include educational loans (Bildungskredit) and the new KfW study loans (Studienkredit der KfW-Förderbank).
For more information, see:
Studienkredit der KfW-Förderbank
(Seezeit student services also provides information and advice on the KfW Studienkredit) 

Support for participants with fewer opportunities and sustainable travel

From the year 2022/2023, inclusion and sustainability will receive special funding in the Erasmus+ program!

  • Funding for participants with fewer opportunities:
    Participants with fewer opportunities can apply for an additional grant of 250,00 Euros per funding month as a Top Up of the Erasmus funding.
    • Students and graduates with a disability of GdB 20 or more or with a chronic illness
    • Students or graduates who spend their stay abroad with children
    • First-time students (students from a non-academic background)
    • working students
  •  Sustainable Travel Grants (Green Travel):
    Participants who use low-emission modes of transportation such as bus, train or carpooling for the majority of their trip can apply for an additional grant of 50,00 Euros as a top-up to their Erasmus-funding and are eligible for up to 4 additional funded travel days. 

The two additional grants for participants with fewer opportunities and for sustainable travel can be applied for directly when registering in Mobility Online. Payment of the approved grants is included in the first installment of the scholarship. 

Erasmus+ promotion of foreign language learning

Online language course for specific languages

The Erasmus+ programme offers nominated outgoing students online language courses in Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish Gaelic, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish.

Outgoing students are required to take a language assessment in these languages before and after their stay abroad. This allows for both the assessment and promotion of language development during a stay abroad. For more information, please consult the International Office directly. The University of Konstanz provides nominated Erasmus+ students with A/B language level competencies automatically with access to language courses after the Online Language test (except Irish Gaelic, Maltese). Students with competencies at level C must request access to the course from the International Office. For further information about the assessment and language courses offered through Erasmus+, please visit Online Linguistic Support (OLS).

Promoting European languages not covered by OLS

Many universities in Europe provide visiting students the opportunity to complete an intensive language course before the start of the study abroad stay. Students may apply for up to € 250 as a funding supplement for this purpose. Conditions:

  • The intensive language course must teach the language of the study programme or host country - except for Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish Gaelic, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish.
  • The course will last 3-4 weeks and covers 60-80 class hours for a minimum total of 5 ECTS.
  • The course provider is a university, ideally your host university.
  • The course is offered right before the start of your study stay.
  • It is your first time participating in an intensive course in this language.

The funding supplement any eventual course fees. If your host institutions confirms your participation in the language course within the Erasmus+ framework (Confirmation of Stay), then you also receive the Erasmus+ mobility grant for this time (cf. Grant Agreement). After successfully completing the language course, please mail the

  • certificate of attendance by 1 November (for summer courses before the start of the academic year ) and 1 April (for courses before the beginning of the summer semester) that includes course level and topics, class meeting dates, course teacher and course scope
  • receipt copy for payment of course fees
  • Form "Erstattung von Erasmus+ Sprachkurs" (refund forErasmus+ language course).

If you are looking for intensive language courses in Europe, please consult the DAAD website.

Leave of absence

You can take a leave of absence to study abroad.

Advantages: it will not be added to your total period of study; you can still have credits recognised; you will continue to have health insurance.

Disadvantages: You cannot take courses at the University of Konstanz. The Division of Student Affairs is responsible for processing a leave of absence request; however, the Erasmus+ coordinator of your department has to sign it.

Further information: Division of Student Affairs

Insurance coverage during your stay abroad

The Erasmus+ programme does not include insurance coverage. Neither the EU Commission nor the University of Konstanz are liable for damages, illnesses and accidents that take place during your stay abroad.

You are responsible for acquiring sufficient insurance coverage for the duration of your stay abroad.

We recommend:

  • third party insurance with coverage abroad
  • accident insurance with coverage abroad
  • health insurance for stays abroad that include return transportation

Please contact your insurance agency ahead of time for further information. Statutory health insurance companies have corresponding agreements within the EU (e.g. EHIC - European Health Insurance Card).

The DAAD also offers group insurance to Erasmus+ students:

Insurance section of the DAAD:
DAAD insurance

Email: DAAD insurance section
Phone: +49 228 882 -400

Extending the stay - additional semester or internship?

If you would like to extend your Erasmus+ stay, you will need to email a request to as soon as possible. Your one-semester stay can be extended by an additional semester as long as your Learning Agreement is amended accordingly and your host university as well as your departmental coordinator in Constance support the extension. As long as funds are available, you can also extend your funding period. Therefore you have to hand in a fully filled and signed application for extension along with a Learning Agreement listing the course plan for the prolonged semester until the 1st of December. Extending your stay is, however, limited to your twelve-month Erasmus+ study cycle contingent (study and internship). You may not extend your stay from the summer semester of an academic year into the winter semester of the following academic year. If you would like to take part in a stay abroad in the subsequent winter semester, you will need to re-apply to the Erasmus+ programme by 1 February. Your stay will then be counted as a completely new one.

You can combine your studies with an internship during your stay abroad. Your internship will need to be supervised by the same host university where you study abroad. The total period of your study and internship abroad can be up to 12 months between 1 July and 30 September of the following year.

Erasmus+ internship: The Erasmus+ internship programme can fund an internship of at least two months in another European country. More information about this programme is available on our Erasmus+ internships page.

The DAAD also has several programmes that provide financial support for internships abroad.
Information for Germans