Doctoral Fund

You are a doctoral researcher at the University of Konstanz? Then the Doctoral Fund is exactly the right funding instrument for you.

The Doctoral Fund, launched as part of the Excellence Strategy, provides a limited amount of funding for doctoral researchers. With this tool, the University of Konstanz aims to improve the working conditions of junior researchers.

Funding line Doctoral Fund:

An amount of up to 5,000 euros is available for doctoral researchers at the University of Konstanz to support them in establishing research networks. Three times per year they can apply for grants to finance conference trips, research stays, data collection and the organization of workshops.

In principle, all accepted doctoral researchers from the University of Konstanz can apply. However, the primary purpose of the Doctoral Fund is to support doctoral students who are not supported by a cluster, a funded doctoral programme or other institutions, so they may be prioritised in the award process due to limited funding available. It is possible to submit several applications for different projects, but not more than 5,000 euros will be allocated to an applicant within a period of three years.

The funding is awarded through a structured and competitive procedure, which is carried out by an independent award committee. This committee is composed of representatives of the departments who are doctoral researchers or hold doctoral degrees and who have been appointed by the Senate. The chance of success for applications in the previous award round was 38%.
There is no entitlement to funding.

Funding line Retreats for doctoral researchers:

Doctoral researchers (minimum number 7) can apply jointly for funding for a retreat that serves their research work, collaboration and networking, or continuing education. Up to 5,000 euros may be awarded once per project for the group of participants. One contact person submits the application that will include the documents listed below as well as a list of retreat participants.

For further information please see the Guidelines for the Allocation of funds for scientific retreats for doctoral researchers (part of the Doctoral Fund).

Application (Doctoral Fund and Retreats):

The application should be short, precise and conclusive in form and content (maximum 5 pages) and contain the following parts:

  1. Description of the project with time and financial plan as well as a justification of the requested funds in line with requirements.
  2. Explain the relevance of the project to your doctorate and highlight your own active contribution (e.g. presentation of your own data at a conference).
  3. Statement why this funding is necessary: Why is there no alternative funding option? Document your efforts to find alternative sources of funding.
  4. Current curriculum vitae (as an attachment outside the page limit).
  5. Proof of acceptance for doctoral studies or certificate of enrolment showing the status as a doctoral researcher at the University of Konstanz.

Please use the application template.

Send your application in one PDF document (all documents in one file) by e-mail to the Konstanz Research School.

Applications can be submitted at any time.


Please note:

Before applying:

Please first look for alternative (internal such as funding from the clusters or graduate schools or external such as funding from the DAAD) funding and describe these efforts in your application. The funding is awarded through a structured and competitive procedure, which is carried out by an independent award committee. There is no entitlement to funding.

When submitting your application:

Please ensure that you plan your project as cost-consciously as possible. It is recommended that cost calculations be broken down transparently. It makes sense to carefully calculate the costs and, if necessary, obtain comparative offers.

Upon approval:

Please note that approval by the Doctoral Fund's Awards Committee does not release your project from budgetary and travel expenses checks by our budget department (Dominik Huppert). For projects taking place outside the university, please submit a business trip application in advance to the responsible clerk in the Finance and Controlling Department, Dominik Huppert. For doctoral candidates who are not employed by the university: Please submit the business trip application without travel allowance.

In case of rejection:

It is strongly encouraged to reapply with a revised or new application for the next funding period.

When invoicing:

If conference rooms or comparable facilities are booked and invoiced, comparative offers must be obtained and submitted. If costs for several persons are charged for a project (especially for retreats), a list of participants signed by all participants must be submitted.

Deadlines and start of funding:

The decision about the applications will be taken within four weeks after the following cut-off dates:

15 February (earliest funding start: 1 April)
15 June (earliest funding start: 1 August)
15 October (earliest funding start: 1 December)