Class ViewPortConfigurator


public class ViewPortConfigurator
extends Object

Convenience class that helps configuring the viewport as it is used by ImageOutputHandler and other classes.

Field Summary
static byte CLIP_GRAPH
          Clip type specifier constant.
static byte CLIP_VIEW
          Clip type specifier constant.
          Size policy specifier.
          Size policy specifier.
          Size policy specifier.
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new instance of ViewPortConfigurator
Method Summary
 void configure(Graph2DView viewPort)
          Setup the viewport of the given view according to the current configuration.
 byte getClipType()
          Returns the clip type used to cofigure the viewport.
 int getCustomHeight()
          Returns the custom height of the viewport.
 int getCustomWidth()
          Returns the custom width of the viewport.
 Graph2D getGraph2D()
          Returns the reference graph used to configure the viewport.
 Graph2DView getGraph2DView()
          Returns the reference view used to configure the viewport.
 int getMargin()
 double getScalingFactor()
          Returns the scaling factor that will be applied to the size of the viewport.
 byte getSizeType()
          Returns the size type used to cofigure the viewport.
 void setClipType(byte clipType)
          Sets the clip type used to cofigure the viewport.
 void setCustomHeight(int customHeight)
          Sets the height of the viewport.
 void setCustomWidth(int customWidth)
          Sets the width of the viewport.
 void setGraph2D(Graph2D graph)
          Sets the reference graph used to configure the viewport when clip type ViewPortConfigurator.CLIP_GRAPH is active.
 void setGraph2DView(Graph2DView view)
          Sets the reference view used to configure the viewport when clip type ViewPortConfigurator.CLIP_VIEW is active.
 void setMargin(int margin)
          When clip type ViewPortConfigurator.CLIP_GRAPH is being used, then an additionaly margin of the given size will be added to the size of the viewport.
 void setScalingFactor(double scale)
          Sets the scaling factor that will be applied to the size of the viewport.
 void setSizeType(byte sizeType)
          Sets the size type used to cofigure the viewport.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static byte CLIP_GRAPH
Clip type specifier constant. Adjusts the size of the viewport in a way that the whole diagram nicely fits the output area.

See Also:


public static byte CLIP_VIEW
Clip type specifier constant. Adjusts the size of the viewport in a way that it displays exactly the same portion of the diagram that another reference view also exposes.

See Also:


public static byte SIZE_USE_ORIGINAL
Size policy specifier. If the clip type is ViewPortConfigurator.CLIP_GRAPH, then the viewport will have the size of the diagram as it is given in world coordinates. If the clip type is ViewPortConfigurator.CLIP_VIEW, then the viewport will have the size of the reference view.


public static byte SIZE_USE_CUSTOM_WIDTH
Size policy specifier. Uses the value set by method ViewPortConfigurator.setCustomWidth(int) as the width of the viewport. The height will be scaled accordingly to avoid distortions. Invoking this method effectivly invalidates the value set by method ViewPortConfigurator.setCustomHeight(int).


public static byte SIZE_USE_CUSTOM_HEIGHT
Size policy specifier. Uses the value set by method ViewPortConfigurator.setCustomHeight(int) as the height of the viewport. The width will be scaled accordingly to avoid distortions. Invoking this method effectivly invalidates the value set by method ViewPortConfigurator.setCustomWidth(int).

Constructor Detail


public ViewPortConfigurator()
Creates a new instance of ViewPortConfigurator

Method Detail


public void configure(Graph2DView viewPort)
Setup the viewport of the given view according to the current configuration.


public void setScalingFactor(double scale)
Sets the scaling factor that will be applied to the size of the viewport. The original size depends on the configured clip, margin and size type. Specified margins will not be scaled. By default the scaling factor is 1.0.


public double getScalingFactor()
Returns the scaling factor that will be applied to the size of the viewport.

See Also:


public void setMargin(int margin)
When clip type ViewPortConfigurator.CLIP_GRAPH is being used, then an additionaly margin of the given size will be added to the size of the viewport. By default a margin of size 15 is being used.


public int getMargin()
See Also:


public void setClipType(byte clipType)
Sets the clip type used to cofigure the viewport.

clipType - one of ViewPortConfigurator.CLIP_VIEW or ViewPortConfigurator.CLIP_GRAPH. By default ViewPortConfigurator.CLIP_GRAPH is set.


public byte getClipType()
Returns the clip type used to cofigure the viewport.


public void setSizeType(byte sizeType)
Sets the size type used to cofigure the viewport.

sizeType - one of ViewPortConfigurator.SIZE_USE_ORIGINAL, ViewPortConfigurator.SIZE_USE_CUSTOM_WIDTH or ViewPortConfigurator.SIZE_USE_CUSTOM_HEIGHT. By default ViewPortConfigurator.SIZE_USE_ORIGINAL is set.


public byte getSizeType()
Returns the size type used to cofigure the viewport.


public void setCustomWidth(int customWidth)
Sets the width of the viewport. The value will be ignored if a size type other than ViewPortConfigurator.SIZE_USE_CUSTOM_WIDTH is set. By default a value of 500 is set.


public int getCustomWidth()
Returns the custom width of the viewport.


public void setCustomHeight(int customHeight)
Sets the height of the viewport. The value will be ignored if a size type other than ViewPortConfigurator.SIZE_USE_CUSTOM_HEIGHT is set. By default a value of 500 is set.


public int getCustomHeight()
Returns the custom height of the viewport.


public void setGraph2DView(Graph2DView view)
Sets the reference view used to configure the viewport when clip type ViewPortConfigurator.CLIP_VIEW is active.


public void setGraph2D(Graph2D graph)
Sets the reference graph used to configure the viewport when clip type ViewPortConfigurator.CLIP_GRAPH is active.


public Graph2D getGraph2D()
Returns the reference graph used to configure the viewport.


public Graph2DView getGraph2DView()
Returns the reference view used to configure the viewport.

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