Base Packages
y.algo Provides efficient graph algorithms and network analysis tools.
y.base Provides an efficient graph data type and related classes like nodes and edges.
y.geom Provides classes for defining and performing operations related to two-dimensional geometry.
y.util Provides utility classes that are used throughout the yFiles.
y.util.pq Provides interfaces and implementations of priority queues for nodes.

Layout Packages
y.layout This package provides base classes for automatic graph layout generation.
y.layout.circular Provides circular style layout algorithms.
y.layout.grouping Provides classes needed for laying out hierarchically grouped graphs.
y.layout.hierarchic This package encapsulates all classes that make up HierarchicLayouter.
y.layout.labeling This package contains algorithms for the automatic placement of labels. Provides a force-directed layout algorithms, also known as Spring Embedders.
y.layout.orthogonal Provides orthogonal style layout algorithms.
y.layout.planar This package provides classes for handling planar graphs and creating planar graph layouts.
y.layout.random Provides random style layout algorithms.
y.layout.router Provides classes for routing edges in a graph.
y.layout.transformer Provides a layouter that performs geometric transformations like scaling, rotating and mirroring.
y.layout.tree Provides tree style layout algorithms.

View Packages
y.anim Provides core classes and interfaces for a general animation framework. Provides classes for reading and writing a Graph2D in diverse formats. Provides parser and encoder classes used by GMLIOHandler.
y.module Provides view module base classes
y.option Provides classes that allow to manage, store and edit a set of parameters in a very easy and convenient way.
y.view Provides classes for viewing and editing graphs.
y.view.hierarchy Provides classes for managing and viewing a nested hierarchy of graphs.

Other Packages This package provides pluggable modules for diverse yFiles input and output formats.


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yWorks GmbH.
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