A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


AbstractDrawer - class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer.
Abstract base class for the third phase of the sugiyama algorithm.
AbstractDrawer() - Constructor for class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
AbstractGuiFactory - class y.option.AbstractGuiFactory.
Simple abstract implementation of GuiFactory
AbstractGuiFactory() - Constructor for class y.option.AbstractGuiFactory
AbstractLabelingAlgorithm - class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm.
This class an anstract base class for labeling algorithms.
AbstractLabelingAlgorithm() - Constructor for class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
AbstractLayoutStage - class y.layout.AbstractLayoutStage.
Partial LayoutStage implementation that handles the management of the core layouter part.
AbstractLayoutStage() - Constructor for class y.layout.AbstractLayoutStage
Default constructor.
AbstractLayoutStage(Layouter) - Constructor for class y.layout.AbstractLayoutStage
Initializes this AbstractLayoutStage with the given core Layouter.
AbstractSelectionBoxMode - class y.view.AbstractSelectionBoxMode.
An abstract view mode that draws a temporary box in a view The bounds of this box can be controlled by dragging a corner of the box.
AbstractSelectionBoxMode() - Constructor for class y.view.AbstractSelectionBoxMode
Instantiates a new AbstactSelectionBoxMode.
AbstractSelectionBoxMode(ViewContainer) - Constructor for class y.view.AbstractSelectionBoxMode
Instantiates a new AbstactSelectionBoxMode for a given ViewContainer.
AbstractStringConverter - class y.util.AbstractStringConverter.
This class is an abstract base class for classes implementing the ObjectStringConverter interface.
AbstractStringConverter(Class) - Constructor for class y.util.AbstractStringConverter
Creates a new instance
accept(File) - Method in class y.io.SuffixFileFilter
acceptBend(Node, Node, double, double) - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
Whether or not to accept the creation of a bend.
acceptBend(Node, Node, double, double) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyCreateEdgeMode
Apart from the default behaviour, also accept a bend if its coordinate lies within the inner region of a group node.
acceptSourceNode(Node, double, double) - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
This method gets called right before someone wants to start creating an edge at location (x,y) starting from node source.
acceptTargetNode(Node, double, double) - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
This method gets called right before someone wants to complete creating an edge at location (x,y) by connecting to node target.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class y.module.YPackageMenu
Invokes moduleSelected in the PackageMenuListener for the selected module.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class y.module.LaunchModuleAction
Displays an option editor for a module and then launches it.
activate(boolean) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Invoked when the Mode is activated/deactiveted from the ViewControl
activate(boolean) - Method in class y.view.NavigationMode
When activated disables scrollbars in Graph2DView
activate(boolean) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
activateMode(Graph2DView, ViewMode) - Static method in class y.view.ViewControl
Convinience methods
acyclic(Graph, Node, DataProvider, NodeMap, NodeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
Like ShortestPaths.acyclic(Graph, Node, double[], double[], Edge[]) but uses NodeMaps and DataProviders instead of arrays.
acyclic(Graph, Node, double[], double[]) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
This method solves the single-source shortest path problem for acyclic directed graphs.
acyclic(Graph, Node, double[], double[], Edge[]) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
Like ShortestPaths.acyclic(Graph, Node, double[], double[]) but additionally this method yields the path edges of each calculated shortest path.
add(Node, double) - Method in interface y.util.pq.DoubleNodePQ
Adds a node with the given priority to the queue.
add(Node, double) - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapDoubleNodePQ
Adds the given node with with given priority to this queue.
add(Node, int) - Method in class y.util.pq.TreeIntNodePQ
Insertes a node into the queue.
add(Node, int) - Method in class y.util.pq.ListIntNodePQ
Adds a node to this queue with the given priority
add(Node, int) - Method in interface y.util.pq.IntNodePQ
Adds a node with the given priority to the queue.
add(Node, int) - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapIntNodePQ
Adds the given node with with given priority to this queue.
add(Node, int) - Method in class y.util.pq.ArrayIntNodePQ
Insertes a node into the queue.
add(Node, Object) - Method in interface y.util.pq.NodePQ
Adds the given node with the given priority to the queue.
add(Node, Object) - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapNodePQ
Adds the given node with with given priority to this queue.
add(Object) - Method in class y.base.YList
Same as addLast(Object o).
add(Object) - Method in class y.option.EnumOptionItem
Convenience method that just calls EnumOptionItem.add(Object, Object) with item as both of the arguments
add(Object, Object) - Method in class y.option.EnumOptionItem
Populates the choices for this EnumOptionItem.
add(ViewMode) - Method in class y.view.ViewControl
Registers a mode in this control.
add(YPoint, YPoint) - Static method in class y.geom.YPoint
Adds two points and return the result.
add(YPoint, YVector) - Static method in class y.geom.YVector
Adds the vector to a point and returns the resulting point.
add(YVector) - Method in class y.geom.YVector
Adds a vector to this vector.
add(YVector, YVector) - Static method in class y.geom.YVector
Adds two vectors and returns the result.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
Registers ActionListener to receive events.
addAll(Collection) - Method in class y.base.YList
Adds a collection of items to the list.
addAll(Map) - Method in class y.option.EnumOptionItem
This method is a convenience for the EnumOptionItem.add(Object, Object) method.
addAll(YCursor) - Method in class y.base.YList
Appends objects provided by given cursor to this list.
addAngle(double, double) - Static method in class y.geom.Angle
Returns the result of the addition of two angles between 0 and 2*Pi.
addArgument(String, String) - Method in class y.util.CommandLineArguments
tell the parser to treat '-name xxxx' as a key value pair
addAttribute(String, boolean) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLEncoder
addAttribute(String, double) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLEncoder
addAttribute(String, int) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLEncoder
addAttribute(String, Number) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLEncoder
addAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
Puts the key value pair into the local attribute map
addAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class y.io.gml.GraphParser
addAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLEncoder
addAttribute(String, String) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLEncoder
addAttributes(String, String, Collection) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLEncoder
addBackgroundDrawable(Drawable) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Adds a background drawable to this view.
addBool(String, boolean) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Adds a boolean option item
addBundle(ResourceBundle) - Method in class y.option.ResourceBundleGuiFactory
addBundle(String) - Method in class y.option.ResourceBundleGuiFactory
addChild(String, ItemParser) - Method in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
add a child ItemParser, to which events will be delegated if the parser comes across a section with the specified scope name.
addColor(String, Object) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Adds a color option item.
addColor(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Adds a color option item.
addColor(String, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Adds a color option item.
addComment(String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Adds a commentary text to the option editor.
addComment(String, int) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Adds a commentary text to the option editor.
addCustomArrow(String, Shape, Color) - Static method in class y.view.Arrow
Adds a new custom arrow with the given name to the set of available custom arrows.
addDataProvider(Object, DataProvider) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Registers the given data provider under the given lookup key.
addDouble(String, double) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Adds a double option item
addDouble(String, double, double, double) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Adds a double option item that has a lower and upper value bound
addDouble(String, double, double, double, int) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Like OptionHandler.addDouble(String,double,double,double).
addDrawable(Drawable) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Adds a drawable to this view.
addDrawable(Drawable) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Adds a drawable to this graph.
addEncoding(String, String) - Static method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Adds a new class name encoding to YGFIOHandler.
addEnum(String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Adds an empty enumeration option item.
addEnum(String, Object[], int) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Adds an enumeration option item.
addEnum(String, Object[], Object, ListCellRenderer) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Adds an enumeration option item.
addFile(String, String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Adds a file name option item
addFirst(Object) - Method in class y.base.YList
Inserts Object o at the head of this list.
addFirstCell(ListCell) - Method in class y.base.YList
Adds a formerly removed ListCell at the head of this list.
addGraph2DListener(Graph2DListener) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Adds the given Graph2DListener to this graph.
addGraph2DSelectionListener(Graph2DSelectionListener) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Adds the given Graph2DSelectionListener to this graph.
addGraphListener(GraphListener) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Adds the given graph listener to this graph.
addGroupSegment(Object, Object, YPoint, YPoint) - Method in class y.layout.router.ChannelRouter
Adds an edge object that belongs to a group of edges with source and target coordinates to the set of edges that have to be routed within the channel Edges sharing the same groupId will be placed on the same channel.
addHierarchyListener(HierarchyListener) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Adds a HierarchyListener to this HierarchyManager;
addImage(URL) - Static method in class y.view.ImageNodeRealizer
Adds an image Object to ImageNodeRealizer's image cache.
addImages(String, String) - Static method in class y.view.ImageNodeRealizer
Adds images that are specified in a property file.
addImages(URL) - Static method in class y.view.ImageNodeRealizer
Adds images that are specified in a property file parsable by class java.util.PropertyResourceBundle An example of such a file follows: basepath=imagenodes image1=flower.gif image2=trousers.gif image3=pike.gif The optional key "basepath" signifies a path that is prepended to all given image values. if "basepath' signifies an absolute path then the given url is not prepended to basepath.
addInt(String, int) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Adds an integer option item
addInt(String, int, int, int) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Adds an integer option item that has a lower and upper value bound
addItem(OptionItem) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Adds a generic option item.
addLabel(EdgeLabel) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Adds the given edge label to this realizer.
addLabel(NodeLabel) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
addLabel(NodeLabel) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Add the given label to this realizer.
addLast(Object) - Method in class y.base.YList
Inserts Object o at the tail of this list.
addLastCell(ListCell) - Method in class y.base.YList
Adds a formerly removed ListCell at the tail of this list.
addModule(String) - Method in class y.module.YPackage
Adds a module by its class name.
addModule(String, String) - Method in class y.module.YPackage
Adds a module by its class name.
addModule(String, YModule) - Method in class y.module.YPackage
Adds a module to this package.
addModule(YModule) - Method in class y.module.YPackage
Adds a module to this package.
addObjectStore(Object, ObjectStore) - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
add another objectstore handler to the properties
addOption(String) - Method in class y.util.CommandLineArguments
tell the parser to treat the '-name' option as a boolean option
addOptionHandler(OptionHandler, String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Adds all the sections of another optionhandler to this one.
addPackage(YPackage) - Method in class y.module.YPackage
Adds a subpackage to the package This only affects menuhandling This method will fire a PropertyChangeEvent for "packageList"
addPoint(double, double) - Method in interface y.layout.EdgeLayout
Adds a control point to the end of the control point sequence.
addPoint(double, double) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultEdgeLayout
addPoint(double, double) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
EdgeLayout interface implementation.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class y.module.YPackage
Registers PropertyChangeListener to receive events.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
Adds a property change listener.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class y.view.ViewControl
Adds a property change listener to this class.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.Graph2DHierarchyUndoManager
Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
Adds a property change listener.
addRadial(double) - Method in class y.view.RadialBackgroundRenderer
Adds a new radial with specified radius to this renderer.
addRadialZoom(YPoint, double, double, double) - Method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphZoomer
Adds a zoom operation to the list of operations to be performed on the graph during the doLayout phase.
addRealizer(NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
Adds a realizer to the list of realizers maintained by this class.
addRectangularZoom(YPoint, double, double, double, double) - Method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphZoomer
Adds a zoom operation to the list of operations performed during the doLayout phase.
addSegment(Object, YPoint, YPoint) - Method in class y.layout.router.ChannelRouter
Adds an edge object with source and target coordinates to the set of edges that have to be routed within the channel
addSerializedField(String, String) - Method in class y.util.BeanSerializer
Adds an attribute to the list of attributes which will be serialized by this instance.
addString(String, String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Adds a string option item.
addString(String, String, int) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Adds a string option item whose text editor has a specific number of rows.
addSubdivisionHandler(SubdivisionHandler) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
addTilingOptions(OptionHandler) - Method in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
Adds image-tiling specific options to the given option handler instance.
addToMenu(JMenu) - Method in class y.module.YPackageMenu
Adds the content of the package to a menu
addToMenu(JMenu, YPackageMenuListener) - Method in class y.module.YPackage
Deprecated. yEd does not use this method any longer, just add and remove modules and subpackages, yEd will take care of the menus.
addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class y.view.GraphTreeModel
Adds a listener to this model.
addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeModel
addViewChangeListener(ViewChangeListener) - Method in interface y.view.ViewContainer
Registers a ViewChangeListener to the ViewContainer.
addViewChangeListener(ViewChangeListener) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
View can not change, so this method does nothing
addViewMode(ViewMode) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Adds a view mode to this Graph2DView.
addViewPortOptions(OptionHandler) - Method in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
Adds viewport specific options to the given option handler instance.
adjustScrollBarVisibility() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Updates scrollbar visibility and adjustment for this view .
adoptEditorValue() - Method in class y.option.StringOptionItem
adoptEditorValue() - Method in class y.option.PasswordOptionItem
adoptEditorValue() - Method in class y.option.OptionItem
Adopts the value from the editor component to the item.
adoptEditorValue() - Method in class y.option.IntOptionItem
adoptEditorValue() - Method in class y.option.FileOptionItem
adoptEditorValue() - Method in class y.option.EnumOptionItem
adoptEditorValue() - Method in class y.option.DoubleOptionItem
adoptEditorValue() - Method in class y.option.ComponentOptionItem
adoptEditorValue() - Method in class y.option.CommentOptionItem
adoptEditorValue() - Method in class y.option.ColorOptionItem
adoptEditorValue() - Method in class y.option.BoolOptionItem
adoptValues(LayerSequencer) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer
Tries to adopt/copy the settings of the given LayerSequencer to this sequencer.
adoptValues(YLabel) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Adopts the values from the given label.
adoptValues(YLabel) - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Adopts the values from the given label.
adoptValues(YLabel) - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Adopts the values from the given label.
AffineLine - class y.geom.AffineLine.
This class represents a line in the 2D-dimensional affine space.
AffineLine(YPoint, YPoint) - Constructor for class y.geom.AffineLine
Creates an affine line which is defined by two points.
AffineLine(YPoint, YVector) - Constructor for class y.geom.AffineLine
Creates an affine line which is defined by a point and a vector.
AFTER - Static variable in class y.base.Graph
Object insertion specifier.
AlgorithmAbortedException - exception y.algo.AlgorithmAbortedException.
Exception that gets thrown by an algorithm when the thread executing the algorithm was interrupted.
AlgorithmAbortedException() - Constructor for class y.algo.AlgorithmAbortedException
AlgorithmAbortedException(String) - Constructor for class y.algo.AlgorithmAbortedException
alias(Graphics2D) - Static method in class y.view.Util
Puts a graphics context in anti-aliasing mode.
ALIGN_CENTER - Static variable in class y.view.YLabel
Vertical text alignment constant.
ALIGN_LEFT - Static variable in class y.view.YLabel
Vertical text alignment constant.
ALIGN_RIGHT - Static variable in class y.view.YLabel
Vertical text alignment constant.
ALL - Static variable in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Sphere of action specifier.
allowBendCreation(boolean) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Allows or disallows bend creation.
allowBendCreation(boolean) - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
Allows or disallows bend creation.
allowEdgeCreation(boolean) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Allows or disallows edge creation.
allowMoveSelection(boolean) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Allows or disallows moving around the selected features of the displayed graph.
allowMoving(boolean) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Allows or disallows moving the viewport of the view via the right mouse button.
allowNodeCreation(boolean) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Allows or disallows node creation.
allowRandomization - Variable in class y.layout.planar.VertexOrder
allowResizeNodes(boolean) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Allows or disllows resizing of nodes by dragging at the selection hotspots.
allowSelfloopCreation(boolean) - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
Allows or disallows selfloop creation.
allPairs(Graph, boolean, double[], double[][]) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
This method solves the all-pairs shortest path problem for graphs with arbitrary edge costs.
AMPERSAND - Static variable in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
anchorEncoding - Static variable in class y.io.gml.NodeLabelGraphicsEncoder
Angle - class y.geom.Angle.
This class is an helper for angle calculation.
Angle() - Constructor for class y.geom.Angle
angle(YVector, YVector) - Static method in class y.geom.YVector
Returns the angle between two vectors in counter clockwise order from v1 to v2.
animate(AnimationObject) - Method in class y.anim.AnimationPlayer
Processes the given AnimationObject and informs the AnimationListener whenever changes in the animation scene should be displayed.
AnimationCommand - class y.anim.AnimationCommand.
An abstract command that is also an animation object.
AnimationCommand(AnimationListener) - Constructor for class y.anim.AnimationCommand
Creates a new instance of AnimationCommand that will provide the given AnimationListener.
AnimationEvent - class y.anim.AnimationEvent.
An event that is is used for the communication between an animation object or player and an animation listener.
AnimationEvent(int) - Constructor for class y.anim.AnimationEvent
Create a new Instance of AnimationEvent with a given hint specifier.
animationLength - Variable in class y.anim.AnimationCommand
AnimationListener - interface y.anim.AnimationListener.
A listener for animation events.
AnimationObject - interface y.anim.AnimationObject.
A general interface for objects that perform a sequence of animation steps.
animationPerformed(AnimationEvent) - Method in interface y.anim.AnimationListener
animationPerformed(AnimationEvent) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
AnimationListener implementation.
AnimationPlayer - class y.anim.AnimationPlayer.
An animation player that interpretes a given animation object.
AnimationPlayer() - Constructor for class y.anim.AnimationPlayer
Creates a new Instance of AnimationPlayer.
AnimationPlayer(double) - Constructor for class y.anim.AnimationPlayer
Creates a new Instance of AnimationPlayer with a given speed factor.
ANY_SIDE - Static variable in class y.layout.PortConstraint
Weak constraint specifier.
ANYWHERE - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label position specifier for label model NodeLabel.FREE.
ANYWHERE - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge label position specifier.
append(Object) - Method in class y.util.BoundedQueue
Appends x to the rear of this queue.
appendBend(double, double) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Appends a newly created bend with location (x,y) to the list of bends.
appendStage(LayoutStage) - Method in class y.layout.CompositeLayouter
Appends a stage to the layout pipeline.
appendStage(LayoutStage) - Method in class y.layout.CompositeLayoutStage
Appends a stage to the layout pipeline.
appendStage(LayoutStage) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Appends a stage to the layout pipeline.
applyBestFitRotationAngle(LayoutGraph, double, double) - Static method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Performs a rotation of the given graph such that its resulting bounding box (approximately) fits best to the given area bounds.
ArcEdgeRealizer - class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer.
An edge realizer that displays an edge as an arc.
ArcEdgeRealizer() - Constructor for class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Instantiates a new ArcEdgeRealizer.
ArcEdgeRealizer(byte) - Constructor for class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Instantiates a new ArcEdgeRealizer with a given arc type.
ArcEdgeRealizer(EdgeRealizer) - Constructor for class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Instantiates a new ArcEdgeRealizer as a copy of the given edge realizer.
arcTypeToStringMap() - Static method in class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Returns a map whose keys are the arc type constants wrapped in Byte objects.
arrangeComponentGraphs(LayoutGraph, NodeList[], EdgeList[], YRectangle[], boolean) - Method in class y.layout.ComponentLayouter
Produces a non-overlapping component graph layout.
arrangeRectangleGrid(Rectangle2D[], Rectangle2D, double) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Reassigns the bounds of the rectangles int rects to fit in a large rectangle, whose bounds will be stored in finalrect.
arrangeRectangleRows(Rectangle2D[], Rectangle2D, double) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Reassigns the bounds of the rectangles int rects to fit in a large rectangle, whose bounds will be stored in finalrect.
arrangeRectangleRows(Rectangle2D[], Rectangle2D, double, int) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Reassigns the bounds of the rectangles int rects to fit in a large rectangle, whose bounds will be stored in finalrect.
ArrayIntNodePQ - class y.util.pq.ArrayIntNodePQ.
Implements a priority queue for nodes based on a array with bucket lists.
ArrayIntNodePQ(Graph, DataProvider) - Constructor for class y.util.pq.ArrayIntNodePQ
Returns a new Priority-Queue initialized with all nodes of the graph.
ArrayIntNodePQ(Graph, int) - Constructor for class y.util.pq.ArrayIntNodePQ
Returns an empty Priority-Queue.
ArrayIntNodePQ(Graph, NodeMap, int) - Constructor for class y.util.pq.ArrayIntNodePQ
Returns an empty Priority-Queue.
Arrow - class y.view.Arrow.
Defines a class for arrows, which are usually seen at the end of edges.
ARTreeLayouter - class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter.
This tree layouter tries to generate compact tree layouts with a certain aspect ratio.
ARTreeLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
AS_IS - Static variable in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Initial placement strategy.
AsIsLayerer - class y.layout.hierarchic.AsIsLayerer.
This layerer implementation assigns layers by analysing already existing node coordinates.
AsIsLayerer() - Constructor for class y.layout.hierarchic.AsIsLayerer
assignCoordinates(LayoutGraph, NodeList[], DataProvider) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianDrawerWrapper
assignCoordinates(LayoutGraph, NodeList[], DataProvider) - Method in interface y.layout.hierarchic.Drawer
This method assigns the coordinates to the nodes.
assignCoordinates(LayoutGraph, NodeList[], DataProvider) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Binds the specified graph to this drawer and calls the abstract method AbstractDrawer.assignCoordinates(NodeList[],DataProvider)
assignCoordinates(NodeList[], DataProvider) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.TreeDrawer
assignCoordinates(NodeList[], DataProvider) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.SimplexDrawer
Assigns the coordinates to the
assignCoordinates(NodeList[], DataProvider) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PolylineDrawer
assignCoordinates(NodeList[], DataProvider) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
This is the main loop of this layoutalgorithm.
assignCoordinates(NodeList[], DataProvider) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianLinearSegmentDrawer
Performs coordinate assignment.
assignCoordinates(NodeList[], DataProvider) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.LinearSegmentsDrawer
assignCoordinates(NodeList[], DataProvider) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Overwrite this method to assign the final coordinates to the objects of he graph.
assignLayers(Graph, NodeMap) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.WeightedLayerer
assignLayersFast(Graph, NodeMap) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.WeightedLayerer
Assign the layers to the nodes.
assignLayout(Graph2D, GraphLayout) - Static method in class y.view.LayoutMorpher
assignNodeLayer(LayoutGraph, NodeMap, EdgeList) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.WeightedLayerer
This method assigns the nodes in the graph to layers.
assignNodeLayer(LayoutGraph, NodeMap, EdgeList) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.TopologicalLayerer
This method assigns the nodes in the graph to layers.
assignNodeLayer(LayoutGraph, NodeMap, EdgeList) - Method in interface y.layout.hierarchic.Layerer
This method assigns the nodes in the graph to layers.
assignNodeLayer(LayoutGraph, NodeMap, EdgeList) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.GivenLayersLayerer
Assigns layers to the graph that were given by the DataProvider g.getDataProvider(LAYER_ID_KEY).
assignNodeLayer(LayoutGraph, NodeMap, EdgeList) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.BFSLayerer
This method assigns the nodes in the graph to layers.
assignNodeLayer(LayoutGraph, NodeMap, EdgeList) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AsIsLayerer
assignNodeLayer(LayoutGraph, NodeMap, EdgeList, DataProvider) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.WeightedLayerer
This method assigns the nodes in the graph to layers.
assignPorts(LayoutGraph, DataProvider, Comparator, Comparator) - Static method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PortAssignment
assignPorts(LayoutGraph, NodeList[], DataProvider) - Static method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PortAssignment
Assigns port coordinates to the edges.
assignProfit() - Method in class y.layout.labeling.MISLabelingAlgorithm
Creates a node map which assigns to each node the profit.
assignReverseLayout(LayoutGraph, Edge, Edge) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Set the layout of two parallel edges with different direction identical.
assignYCoords(LayoutGraph, NodeCursor[]) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Assign the y coordinates to the nodes respecting the minimal layer distance.
assignYCoords(LayoutGraph, NodeList[]) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Assign the y coordinates to the nodes respecting the minimal layer distance.
attribute(String, Number) - Method in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
Note: subclass implementers should make a super call, if they want to overwrite this method.
attribute(String, Number) - Method in interface y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer.Callback
invoked when a numeric attribute was encountered
attribute(String, Number) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer.DebugCallback
attribute(String, Number) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer.EncoderCallback
attribute(String, String) - Method in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
Note: subclass implementers should make a super call, if they want to overwrite this method.
attribute(String, String) - Method in interface y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer.Callback
invoked when a string attributes was encountered
attribute(String, String) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer.DebugCallback
attribute(String, String) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer.EncoderCallback
attribute(String, String) - Method in class y.io.gml.EdgeGraphicsParser
attributes - Variable in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
the attribute map, used to store key value pairs which belong to the toplevel only
attributes() - Method in class y.io.LinkInfo
Returns an iterator over the set of attribute names in this LinkInfo.
AutoBoundsFeature - interface y.view.hierarchy.AutoBoundsFeature.
Additional interface for node realizers whose bounds may be determined by other factors then explicit bound assignment.
AUTOSIZE_CONTENT - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Autosize policy specifier.
AUTOSIZE_NODE_HEIGHT - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Autosize policy specifier.
AUTOSIZE_NODE_WIDTH - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Autosize policy specifier.
availableArrows() - Static method in class y.view.Arrow
Returns a vector of all available arrows, i.e. all built in types and all added custom types.
availableImageURLs() - Static method in class y.view.ImageNodeRealizer
Returns a vector of all URL objects, that have are used as keys to ImageNodeRealizer's image cache.
availableLineTypes() - Static method in class y.view.LineType
Returns a vector that contains all available LineTypes.
availablePositions(Byte) - Static method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Returns a vector of all valid positions for the given model The positions are wrapped in Byte objects.
availablePositions(Byte) - Static method in class y.view.EdgeLabel


BackgroundRenderer - interface y.view.BackgroundRenderer.
An interface for classes that provide background rendering for Graph2DView.
backupRealizers() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
A method that supports undoability of the changes performed on node and edge realizers.
backupRealizers(EdgeCursor) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
A method that supports undoability of the changes performed on the edge realizers associated with the given edges.
backupRealizers(Graph2D, EdgeCursor) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
Graph2D.BackupRealizersHandler implementation.
backupRealizers(Graph2D, EdgeCursor) - Method in interface y.view.Graph2D.BackupRealizersHandler
backupRealizers(Graph2D, NodeCursor) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
Graph2D.BackupRealizersHandler implementation.
backupRealizers(Graph2D, NodeCursor) - Method in interface y.view.Graph2D.BackupRealizersHandler
backupRealizers(NodeCursor) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
A method that supports undoability of the changes performed on the node realizers associated with the given nodes.
backupValue - Variable in class y.option.IntOptionItem
backward() - Method in class y.base.CommandStream
Returns the next command for which an undo operation is meaningful and consistent in respect to the order of the commands registered.
backwardPossible() - Method in class y.base.CommandStream
Returns true iff it is possible to retrive a command by calling backward().
BadVersionException - exception y.io.BadVersionException.
BadVersionException() - Constructor for class y.io.BadVersionException
Creates a new instance of BadVersionException without detail message.
BadVersionException(byte) - Constructor for class y.io.BadVersionException
Creates a new instance of BadVersionException with detail message.
BadVersionException(byte, byte) - Constructor for class y.io.BadVersionException
Creates a new instance of BadVersionException without detail message.
BadVersionException(String) - Constructor for class y.io.BadVersionException
Constructs an instance of BadVersionException with the specified detail message.
BalloonLayouter - class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter.
A tree layouter that lays out the subtrees of the tree in a balloon-like fashion.
BalloonLayouter.NodeInfo - class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter.NodeInfo.
Encapsulates information bound to a node during the algorithm calculates a layout
BalloonLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
BARYCENTER_HEURISTIC - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer
Weight assignment heuristic specifier.
BCC_COMPACT - Static variable in class y.layout.circular.CircularLayouter
Layout style specifier.
BCC_ISOLATED - Static variable in class y.layout.circular.CircularLayouter
Layout style specifier.
BCCSubgraph - class y.layout.planar.BCCSubgraph.
This class calculates a planar subgraph for the each biconnected component of the graph and then puts these planar subgraphs together.
BCCSubgraph(InitialPlanarSubgraph) - Constructor for class y.layout.planar.BCCSubgraph
BeanSerializer - class y.util.BeanSerializer.
This class is a simple implementation for automatic object string conversion.
BeanSerializer(Class) - Constructor for class y.util.BeanSerializer
Creates a new instance of BeanSerialization for the given classtype.
BEFORE - Static variable in class y.base.Graph
Object insertion specifier.
BEGIN - Static variable in class y.anim.AnimationEvent
Event hint specifier.
BEGIN_BLOCK - Static variable in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEvent
Event type specifier which indicates that a block of consecutive events starts.
begin() - Method in class y.io.gml.NodeParser
begin() - Method in class y.io.gml.NodeGraphicsParser
begin() - Method in class y.io.gml.LineParser
begin() - Method in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
this method will be called as soon as the parser enters the scope.
begin() - Method in class y.io.gml.HierarchyNodeParser
begin() - Method in class y.io.gml.EdgeParser
begin() - Method in class y.io.gml.EdgeGraphicsParser
beginScope(String) - Method in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
Note: subclass implementers should make a super call, if they want to overwrite this method.
beginScope(String) - Method in class y.io.gml.HierarchyNodeParser
beginScope(String) - Method in interface y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer.Callback
called when a new gml scope begins '['
beginScope(String) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer.DebugCallback
beginScope(String) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer.EncoderCallback
beginSection(String) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLEncoder
bellmanFord(Graph, Node, boolean, DataProvider, NodeMap, NodeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
Like ShortestPaths.bellmanFord(Graph, Node, boolean, double[], double[], Edge[]) but uses NodeMaps and DataProviders instead of arrays.
bellmanFord(Graph, Node, boolean, double[], double[]) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
This method solves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
bellmanFord(Graph, Node, boolean, double[], double[], Edge[]) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
Like ShortestPaths.bellmanFord(Graph, Node, boolean, double[], double[]) but additionally this method yields the path edges of each calculated shortest path.
belongsToSelection(Bend, Rectangle2D) - Method in class y.view.SelectionBoxMode
Callback method that decides whether or not the given bend should be selected, by the given selection box bounds.
belongsToSelection(Edge, Rectangle2D) - Method in class y.view.SelectionBoxMode
Callback method that decides whether or not the given edge should be selected, by the given selection box bounds.
belongsToSelection(Node, Rectangle2D) - Method in class y.view.SelectionBoxMode
Callback method that decides whether or not the given node should be selected, by the given selection box bounds.
belongsToSelection(Node, Rectangle2D) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchySelectionBoxMode
Apart from the default behaviour this method will not accept group nodes whose bounds are not completely contained within the selection box bounds.
Bend - class y.view.Bend.
This class represents a control point of a visual edge.
BEND - Static variable in class y.view.HitInfo
Type specifier for bends used to declare the order of search precedence.
bend() - Method in interface y.view.BendCursor
Returns the bend at the current location of the cursor.
Bend(EdgeRealizer, double, double) - Constructor for class y.view.Bend
Instantiates a new Bend at the given location.
bendChanged(Bend, double, double) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Informs the edge, that a bend has changed position By default this method does nothing.
bendChanged(Bend, double, double) - Method in class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Recalculates the arc path after the bend of this edge has been moved.
BendConverter - class y.layout.BendConverter.
This layout stage replaces bends with dummy nodes, calls the core layout algorithm and recreates the bends.
BendConverter() - Constructor for class y.layout.BendConverter
Creates a new instance of BendConverter
BendConverter(double) - Constructor for class y.layout.BendConverter
Creates a new instance of BendConverter using the given size as the width and height for the dummynodes.
bendCount() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the number of bends of this realizer.
BendCursor - interface y.view.BendCursor.
A cursor interface for iterating over bends.
BendList - class y.view.BendList.
An list for bends
BendList() - Constructor for class y.view.BendList
Creates an empty BendList.
BendList(BendCursor) - Constructor for class y.view.BendList
Creates a list containing the bends accessible via the given bend cursor.
bendPos(Bend) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the index of the bend in the bend sequence.
bends - Variable in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
The list where bends are stored.
bends() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns a bend cursor over all bends in this graph.
bends() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns a cursor over all bends of this realizer.
bends() - Method in class y.view.BendList
Returns an bend cursor for this bend list.
BezierEdgeRealizer - class y.view.BezierEdgeRealizer.
This realizer draws an edge as a bezier spline curve.
BezierEdgeRealizer() - Constructor for class y.view.BezierEdgeRealizer
Default Constructor.
BezierEdgeRealizer(EdgeRealizer) - Constructor for class y.view.BezierEdgeRealizer
Constrcts a new SplineEdgeRealizer as a copy of the given realizer.
Bfs - class y.algo.Bfs.
This class provides services that center around breadth first search (BFS)
Bfs() - Constructor for class y.algo.Bfs
BFSLayerer - class y.layout.hierarchic.BFSLayerer.
Layerer that uses a breadth first search to assign layers to the nodes.
BFSLayerer() - Constructor for class y.layout.hierarchic.BFSLayerer
BG_LAYER - Static variable in class y.view.Graph2DView
Background layer constant.
BHeapDoubleNodePQ - class y.util.pq.BHeapDoubleNodePQ.
This class implements a priority queue for nodes whose priority values are of type double.
BHeapDoubleNodePQ(Graph) - Constructor for class y.util.pq.BHeapDoubleNodePQ
Creates an empty NodePQ for nodes contained in the given graph.
BHeapIntNodePQ - class y.util.pq.BHeapIntNodePQ.
This class implements a priority queue for nodes whose priority values are of type double.
BHeapIntNodePQ(Graph) - Constructor for class y.util.pq.BHeapIntNodePQ
Creates an empty NodePQ for nodes contained in the given graph.
BHeapNodePQ - class y.util.pq.BHeapNodePQ.
This class represents a priority queue for nodes where the priority values are of type Object The implementation is based on binary heaps.
BHeapNodePQ(Graph, Comparator) - Constructor for class y.util.pq.BHeapNodePQ
Creates an empty NodePQ for nodes contained in the given graph.
BHeapNodePQ(Graph, Comparator, NodeMap) - Constructor for class y.util.pq.BHeapNodePQ
Creates an empty NodePQ for nodes contained in the given graph.
biconnectedComponents(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphConnectivity
Calculates the biconnected components of a given undirected graph.
biconnectedComponents(Graph, EdgeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphConnectivity
Calculates the biconnected components of a given undirected graph.
biconnectedComponents(Graph, EdgeMap, NodeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphConnectivity
Like GraphConnectivity.biconnectedComponents(Graph, EdgeMap).
bindEdge(Edge) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Binds an actual edge to this realizer. without a bound edge this realizer is NOT fully functional.
bindRealizer(EdgeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
bindRealizer(NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Binds the given node realizer to this label.
Bipartitions - class y.algo.Bipartitions.
Resposible for graph bipartition problems.
Bipartitions() - Constructor for class y.algo.Bipartitions
BLACK - Static variable in class y.algo.Dfs
Node state specifier.
BLUE - Static variable in class y.algo.Bipartitions
Marker for a node that belongs to the blue partition
BoolOptionItem - class y.option.BoolOptionItem.
An option item for boolean values.
BoolOptionItem(String, boolean) - Constructor for class y.option.BoolOptionItem
Creates a new instance of BoolOptionItem.
BORDER_CENTER_PORTS - Static variable in class y.layout.tree.TreeLayouter
Port style constant.
BORDER_DISTRIBUTED_PORTS - Static variable in class y.layout.tree.TreeLayouter
Port style constant.
BOTTOM - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Symbolic position specifier.
BOTTOM - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label position specifier for label model NodeLabel.INTERNAL.
BOTTOM_LEFT - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Symbolic position specifier.
BOTTOM_LEFT - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label position specifier for label model NodeLabel.INTERNAL.
BOTTOM_RIGHT - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Symbolic position specifier.
BOTTOM_RIGHT - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label position specifier for label model NodeLabel.INTERNAL.
BOTTOM_TO_TOP - Static variable in interface y.layout.LayoutOrientation
Orientation specifier.
BoundedQueue - class y.util.BoundedQueue.
This class represents an efficient queue of bounded size.
BoundedQueue(Collection, int) - Constructor for class y.util.BoundedQueue
Creates a new instance of BoundedQueue copying the values in array to the queue.
BoundedQueue(int) - Constructor for class y.util.BoundedQueue
Creates a new instance of BoundedQueue.
BoundedQueue(Iterator, int) - Constructor for class y.util.BoundedQueue
Creates a new instance of BoundedQueue copying the values in array to the queue.
BoundedQueue(Object[], int) - Constructor for class y.util.BoundedQueue
Creates a new instance of BoundedQueue copying the values in array to the queue.
BoundedQueue(YCursor, int) - Constructor for class y.util.BoundedQueue
Creates a new instance of BoundedQueue copying the values from the cursor to the queue
BoundedQueue(YList, int) - Constructor for class y.util.BoundedQueue
Creates a new instance of BoundedQueue copying the values in the list to the queue
BoundedStack - class y.util.BoundedStack.
This class represents an efficient stack of bounded size.
BoundedStack(int) - Constructor for class y.util.BoundedStack
Creates a new instance of BoundedStack.
BOX_STYLE - Static variable in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Layout style specifier.
boxIntersectsSegment(YRectangle, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class y.geom.LineSegment
Checks whether a line segment intersects a box.
boxIntersectsSegment(YRectangle, YPoint, YPoint) - Static method in class y.geom.LineSegment
Checks whether a line segment intersects a box.
BRICKED - Static variable in class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
Mode constant.
bridgeFace(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
This method updates the faces of the graph when an edge is inserted which connects two diferent connected components.
bridgeFace(Edge, Edge, Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
This method updates the faces of the graph when an edge is inserted which connects two diferent connected components.
bu(int, String) - Static method in class y.util.D
Like bug but uses no linefeed.
bu(Object) - Static method in class y.util.D
Like bug, but omits newline
bu(Object, Object) - Static method in class y.util.D
Like D.bug, but does not append a newline to the output
BufferedLayouter - class y.layout.BufferedLayouter.
A hull layouter that invokes another layout algorithm on a copy of it's input graph.
BufferedLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.BufferedLayouter
Instantiates a new BufferedLayouter.
BufferedLayouter(Layouter) - Constructor for class y.layout.BufferedLayouter
Instantiates a new BufferedLayouter that wraps the given core layouter.
bug(int, String) - Static method in class y.util.D
Prints the given string to System.out if the given debug level if bigger than DEBUG_LEVEL
bug(Object) - Static method in class y.util.D
Prints the given object to System.err unconditionally.
bug(Object, int, Object) - Static method in class y.util.D
Print the given message to System.err if the fully qualified class name of the given source object is encoded in the system property y.debug.
bug(Object, Object) - Static method in class y.util.D
Print the given message to System.err if the fully qualified class name of the given source object is encoded in the system property y.debug and if the given debug level if bigger than DEBUG_LEVEL.


calcAngles(Node) - Method in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Calculates the angle wedge that has to be reserved for the subtree rooted at the given node.
calcChildArrangement(Node) - Method in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Calculates the chld nodes arrangement for a given root node of the tree.
calcConvexHull(YList) - Static method in class y.geom.Geom
Calculates the convex hull for a set of points.
calcDelauneyTriangulation(Graph, DataProvider, EdgeMap) - Static method in class y.geom.Triangulator
calcFaces() - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Calculates the faces of the graph from a given edge order.
calcFaces(EdgeOrder) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Calculates the faces of the graph from the cyclic order of the edges around their source nodes.
calcLayout(GraphInterface, GraphLayout) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Returns a layout for the given graph interface and layout.
calcLayout(GraphInterface, GraphLayout) - Method in class y.layout.BufferedLayouter
Invokes the core Layouter on a copy of the given graph.
calcLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Returns a layout for the given layout graph.
calcLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.BufferedLayouter
Invokes the core Layouter on a copy of the given graph.
calcMaxFlow(Graph, Node, Node, DataProvider, EdgeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.NetworkFlows
Solves a maximum flow problem using the preflow-push method.
calcMISIncidents(EdgeList, NodeMap) - Method in class y.layout.planar.GT
Calcultes form the indendent set of edges, the edges incident to an node which are inside this independent set.
calcNextFrame(int, int) - Method in interface y.anim.AnimationObject
Calculates the next animation frame.
calcNextFrame(int, int) - Method in class y.view.LayoutMorpher
Calculates the next animation frame.
calcOrdering() - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Calculates the cyclic order of the edges around their source nodes from the set of faces of the graph.
calcOrdering(int[], OverlapGraphMIS) - Method in class y.layout.planar.GT
calcShift(LayoutGraph, Node, double[]) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianLinearSegmentDrawer
Calculate the shift values between the different classes of blocks.
calculateBounds(LayoutGraph, Node, NodeList) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.InsetsGroupBoundsCalculator
calculateBounds(LayoutGraph, Node, NodeList) - Method in interface y.layout.grouping.GroupBoundsCalculator
This method is called during the layout process.
calculateOffset() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Calculates the offset of this label.
calculateOffset() - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
calculateOffset() - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Calculates the offset coordinates of this label.
calculatePath() - Method in class y.view.SplineEdgeRealizer
Recalculates the spline path after this realizer has been marked as dirty.
calculatePath() - Method in class y.view.PolyLineEdgeRealizer
Calculates the visible path of this realizer.
calculatePath() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Calculates the visible path of this realizer.
calculatePath() - Method in class y.view.BezierEdgeRealizer
Recalculates the bezier curve path after this realizer has been marked as dirty.
calculatePath() - Method in class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Recalculates the arc path after this realizer has been marked as dirty.
calculateSize() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Calculates the size of this label
calculateSize(FontRenderContext) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Calculates the size of this label with the help of the given FontRenderContext.
calculateSize(FontRenderContext) - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
calcUnionRect(Rectangle2D) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Enlarges the given rectangle such that it will contain the bounding box of this label
calcUnionRect(Rectangle2D) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
calcUnionRect(Rectangle2D) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Enlarges the given rectangle such that it will contain the bounding box of this realizer and the bounding box of the realizer label.
calcUnionRect(Rectangle2D) - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
calcUnionRect(Rectangle2D) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Calculates the union of rectangle enclosed by this realizer and r.
calcUnionRect(Rectangle2D) - Method in class y.view.BezierEdgeRealizer
Calculate the union of rectangle enclosed by this realizer and r.
calcUnionRect(Rectangle2D) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
calcUnionRect(Rectangle2D, byte) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
calcUnionRect(Rectangle2D, byte) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Enlarges the given rectangle such that it will contain the bounding box of this realizer and the bounding box of the realizer label.
calcUnionRect(Rectangle2D, NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.Port
Enlarges the given rectangle such that it will contain the complete visual representation of this port.
calcUnionRect(Rectangle2D, NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.InterfacePort
Enlarges the given rectangle such that it will contain the complete visual representation of this port.
cancelEdgeCreation() - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
Calling this method cancels edge creation properly.
candidateList - Variable in class y.layout.planar.VertexOrder
candidates - Variable in class y.view.MovePortMode
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.SubgraphLayouter
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.SelfLoopLayouter
Wheter or not this layouter can layout the given graph.
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.ParallelEdgeLayouter
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.OrientationLayouter
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in interface y.layout.Layouter
Returns true iff the given graph can be layed out by this algorithm.
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutTranslator
The returned result gets calculated by the core layouter.
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutDataRefinement
Returns true.
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.CompositeLayouter
Returns true if all layout stages and the core layout stage can layout the given graph.
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.CompositeLayoutStage
Returns true.
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.ComponentLayouter
Determines if the preconditions for the graph layout algorithm are fullfilled, by applying them to the connected components.
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Tests whether or not the given graph can be layed out by this layouter.
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.BufferedLayouter
Whether or not this layouter can layout the given graph.
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.BendConverter
Returns true iff the given graph can be layed out by this algorithm.
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.RecursiveGroupLayouter
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.ParentEdgeAugmentationStage
Returns true if the core layouter can layout the augmented graph.
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.IsolatedGroupComponentLayouter
Returns true, iff the coreLayouter returns true for all components of the graph.
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.GroupNodeHider
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.FixedGroupLayoutStage
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Returns true.
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.organic.SplitEdgeLayoutStage
Returns true
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.organic.RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.organic.GroupedShuffleLayouter
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Returns false if the graph contains any self-loops, else true.
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrganicEdgeRouter
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphZoomer
Returns true iff the given graph can be layed out by this algorithm.
canLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.tree.TreeComponentLayouter
Returns true iff the given graph can be layed out by this algorithm.
canLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Subclasses have to provide information whether or not they can layout the given graph.
canLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.AbstractLayoutStage
Queries the core layouter whether or not the given graph can be layed out.
canLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.circular.SingleCycleLayouter
Always returns true.
canLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.circular.CircularLayouter
Always returns true.
canLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Always returns true.
canLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
Always returns true.
canLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Subclasses have to provide information whether or not they can layout the given graph.
canLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Returns always true because this algorithms has no preconditions.
canLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.organic.GRIP
canLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Returns always true.
canLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalGroupLayouter
canLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.random.RandomLayouter
Returns always true, because every graph can be drawn.
canLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Returns always true.
canLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.tree.TreeLayouter
Returns true iff the core layouter can layout the given graph structure.
canLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.tree.HVTreeLayouter
The core layouter can layout trees.
canLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Returns true iff the core layouter can layout the given graph structure.
canLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
The core layouter can layout trees.
CanonicMultiStageLayouter - class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter.
An abstract base class for layout algorithms that provides services to simplify and decompose the input graph before it is passed to the core layout routine itself.
CanonicMultiStageLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Constructs a new AbstractLayouter
canRead() - Method in class y.io.TiledImageOutputHandler
Returns false.
canRead() - Method in class y.io.ImageOutputHandler
Returns false, since this class can't read a graph.
canRead() - Method in class y.io.ImageMapOutputHandler
Returns false, since this class can't read a graph.
canRead() - Method in class y.io.IOHandler
Whether this file handler supports reading from a file.
canRedo() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
Returns whether or not there is a command that can be redone.
canUndo() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
Returns whether or not there is a command that can be undone.
canWrite() - Method in class y.io.TiledImageOutputHandler
This method is delegated to the internal IOHandler.
canWrite() - Method in class y.io.IOHandler
Whether this file handler supports writing to a file.
canWriteSubset() - Method in class y.io.IOHandler
Whether this file handler supports writing graph subsets to a file.
capacity() - Method in class y.util.BoundedStack
Returns the maximal number of elements that this stack can hold.
capacity() - Method in class y.util.BoundedQueue
Returns the maximal number of elements that this queue can hold.
center - Variable in class y.geom.YCircle
the center of the circle
CENTER - Static variable in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Constant which can be used for arrangeRectangleRows.
CENTER - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Symbolic position specifier.
CENTER - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
CENTER - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label position specifier for label model NodeLabel.INTERNAL.
CENTER - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge label position specifier.
CENTER_RATIO - Static variable in class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel
CENTER_RATIO - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge label position specifier.
CENTER_ROOT - Static variable in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Root node policy specifier constant.
CENTER_SLIDER - Static variable in class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel
CENTER_SLIDER - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge label model specifier.
CENTER_X - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label position specifier for label model NodeLabel.INTERNAL.
CENTERED - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
CENTERED - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge label model specifier.
CENTERED - Static variable in class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
Mode constant.
changeEdge(Edge, Edge, Edge, int, int) - Method in class y.base.Graph
This method redefines the endpoints of e.
changeEdge(Edge, Node, Edge, int, Node, Edge, int) - Method in class y.base.Graph
This method redefines the endpoints of e.
changeEdge(Edge, Node, Node) - Method in class y.base.Graph
This method redefines the endpoints of e.
changePriority(Node, double) - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapDoubleNodePQ
Changes the priority value of the given node.
changePriority(Node, int) - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapIntNodePQ
Changes the priority value of the given node.
changePriority(Node, int) - Method in class y.util.pq.ArrayIntNodePQ
Changes the value of a node in the queue to a certain value.
changePriority(Node, Object) - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapNodePQ
Changes the priority value of the given node.
ChannelRouter - class y.layout.router.ChannelRouter.
Class that routes edges within a vertical or horizontal channel All edges will then be routed in an orthogonal fashion.
ChannelRouter(double, double) - Constructor for class y.layout.router.ChannelRouter
Creates a new instance of ChannelRouter for a horizontal channel.
ChannelRouter(double, double, byte) - Constructor for class y.layout.router.ChannelRouter
Creates a new instance of ChannelRouter.
check() - Static method in class y.algo.AlgorithmAbortedException
Throws an AlgorithmInterruptedException if the current Thread has been interrupted.
check(String) - Static method in class y.algo.AlgorithmAbortedException
Throws an AlgorithmInterruptedException if the current Thread has been interrupted.
checkConsistency() - Method in class y.layout.planar.DualPlanarInformation
checkEdgeRecovery() - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Verifies if the edge recovery information is consistent.
checkEditorValue() - Method in class y.option.OptionItem
Whether or not the value entered in the editor is valid for this option item.
checkEditorValue() - Method in class y.option.IntOptionItem
checkEditorValue() - Method in class y.option.DoubleOptionItem
checkIntersection(Object, Object) - Method in interface y.geom.IntersectionAlgorithm.IntersectionHandler
This method is called at every intersection.
checkValues() - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Checks if the values in the option editor are valid.
childFinished(ItemParser) - Method in class y.io.gml.NodeParser
childFinished(ItemParser) - Method in class y.io.gml.LineParser
childFinished(ItemParser) - Method in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
this method will be called, as soon as the a child ItemParser finished and returned from its end() method.
childFinished(ItemParser) - Method in class y.io.gml.EdgeParser
childFinished(ItemParser) - Method in class y.io.gml.EdgeGraphicsParser
childMap - Variable in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
the map of section names to child ItemParser instances
CIRCLE - Static variable in class y.io.LinkInfo
CircularLayouter - class y.layout.circular.CircularLayouter.
Circular style layouter.
CircularLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.circular.CircularLayouter
CircularLayoutModule - class y.module.CircularLayoutModule.
Wrapper class for CircularLayouter.
CircularLayoutModule() - Constructor for class y.module.CircularLayoutModule
ClassicLayerSequencer - class y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer.
This class implements the second phase of the sugiyama algorithm.
ClassicLayerSequencer() - Constructor for class y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer
Instantiates a new layer sequencer.
classify(char) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
classifies the given character
clear() - Method in class y.base.YList
Removes all elements from this list.
clear() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Removes all nodes and edges from this graph.
clear() - Method in class y.base.CommandStream
Clears this stream
clear() - Method in class y.io.LinkMap
Removes all mappings from this map and deletes its name.
clear() - Method in class y.io.LinkInfo
Removes all attributes from this LinkInfo.
clear() - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Removes all sections and option items from this option handler
clear() - Method in class y.util.BoundedStack
Removes all elements from this stack;
clear() - Method in class y.util.BoundedQueue
Removes all elements from this queue.
clear() - Method in class y.util.pq.TreeIntNodePQ
Removes all entires from the queue.
clear() - Method in interface y.util.pq.NodePQ
Makes this queue the empty queue.
clear() - Method in class y.util.pq.ListIntNodePQ
Removes all entires from the queue.
clear() - Method in interface y.util.pq.IntNodePQ
Removes all entries from the queue.
clear() - Method in interface y.util.pq.DoubleNodePQ
Removes all entries from the queue.
clear() - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapNodePQ
Makes this queue the empty queue.
clear() - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapIntNodePQ
Makes this queue the empty queue.
clear() - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapDoubleNodePQ
Makes this queue the empty queue.
clear() - Method in class y.util.pq.ArrayIntNodePQ
Removes all entries from the queue.
clearBends() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Removes all bends from this realizer.
clearPoints() - Method in interface y.layout.EdgeLayout
Remove all control points from this edge layout.
clearPoints() - Method in class y.layout.DefaultEdgeLayout
clearPoints() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
EdgeLayout interface implementation.
clearTo(Command) - Method in class y.base.CommandStream
Clears the stream up to the given command (exclusive)
CLIP_GRAPH - Static variable in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
Clip type specifier constant.
CLIP_GRAPH - Static variable in class y.view.Graph2DPrinter
Clip type specifier constant.
CLIP_VIEW - Static variable in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
Clip type specifier constant.
CLIP_VIEW - Static variable in class y.view.Graph2DPrinter
Clip type specifier constant.
clipEdgeOnBB(LayoutGraph, Edge) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
This helper method clips the path of the edge on the bounding box of the start and end points.
clipEdgesOnBB(LayoutGraph) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
This helper method clips the path of the edge on the bounding box of the start and end points.
clone() - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Creates an unbound copy of this NodeLabel.
clone() - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Returns a copy of this instance
CLOSE - Static variable in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
closeGroup(Node) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Convenience method that performs all necessary steps to convert a group node to a folder node.
collinear(YPoint, YPoint, YPoint) - Static method in class y.geom.Geom
Returns true iff the given points are colinear, i.e. all three points lie on a common line.
COLOR_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class y.option.OptionItem
A Color that is used in the editor to signal that the value is not defined (yet)
ColorListCellRenderer - class y.option.ColorListCellRenderer.
A ListCellRenderer for displaying colors.
ColorListCellRenderer() - Constructor for class y.option.ColorListCellRenderer
Creates a new instance of ColorListCellRenderer
ColorOptionItem - class y.option.ColorOptionItem.
An option item for Color values.
ColorOptionItem(String, Color) - Constructor for class y.option.ColorOptionItem
Creates a new instance of ColorOptionItem.
ColorOptionItem(String, Color, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class y.option.ColorOptionItem
Creates a new instance of ColorOptionItem.
CombinatorialEmbedder - class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder.
Interface implementation for an embedder.
CombinatorialEmbedder() - Constructor for class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
Command - interface y.base.Command.
General command pattern interface, that supports the execution and the undoability of some code.
CommandLineArguments - class y.util.CommandLineArguments.
Helper class for parsing command line arguments.
CommandLineArguments() - Constructor for class y.util.CommandLineArguments
Creates a new instance of CommandLineArguments
CommandStream - class y.base.CommandStream.
This class represents a stream of Commands.
CommandStream() - Constructor for class y.base.CommandStream
Initializes a new CommandStream object with unlimited size
COMMENT - Static variable in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
CommentOptionItem - class y.option.CommentOptionItem.
A dummy option item that displays a commentary text.
CommentOptionItem(String, int) - Constructor for class y.option.CommentOptionItem
Creates a new instance of CommentOptionItem.
commitLayoutToOriginalGraph() - Method in class y.layout.CopiedLayoutGraph
Writes the current layout information to the original graph.
commitValues() - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Commits all values that where modified with the option editor to the corresponding option items.
commitValues(YLabel) - Method in class y.io.gml.LabelGraphicsParser
Commits the parsed values to a YLabel instance.
Comparators - class y.util.Comparators.
This class provides access to some Comparator instances that are commenly used in yFiles.
Comparators() - Constructor for class y.util.Comparators
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class y.layout.tree.XCoordComparator
Object must be an edge.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class y.geom.YRectangle
compareTo(Object) - Method in class y.geom.YPoint
Comparable implementation.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class y.geom.YDimension
compareTo(Object) - Method in class y.geom.YCircle
completeOrientationChange(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.OrientationLayouter
Method that will be called after the core layouter has been activated.
completeTransform(YPoint) - Method in class y.layout.OrientationLayouter
Transforms a point for the completion phase.
ComponentLayouter - class y.layout.ComponentLayouter.
This layout stage arranges the connected components of a graph.
ComponentLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.ComponentLayouter
Instantiates a ComponentLayouter.
ComponentLayouter(Layouter) - Constructor for class y.layout.ComponentLayouter
Instantiates a ComponentLayouter.
ComponentOptionItem - class y.option.ComponentOptionItem.
An option item that displays a given JComponent as it's editor.
ComponentOptionItem(String, JComponent) - Constructor for class y.option.ComponentOptionItem
Creates a new instance of ComponentOptionItem.
CompositeLayouter - class y.layout.CompositeLayouter.
A layouter that allows to express a layout stage as a chain of more basic layout stages.
CompositeLayouter(LayoutStage, Layouter) - Constructor for class y.layout.CompositeLayouter
Creates a new instance of CompositeLayouter
CompositeLayoutStage - class y.layout.CompositeLayoutStage.
A composite layout stage that allows to express a layout stage as a chain of more basic layout stages.
CompositeLayoutStage() - Constructor for class y.layout.CompositeLayoutStage
Creates a new instance of CompositeLayoutStage
CompositeLayoutStage(LayoutStage, LayoutStage) - Constructor for class y.layout.CompositeLayoutStage
Creates a new instance of CompositeLayoutStage
computeDualGraph() - Method in class y.layout.planar.DualPlanarInformation
computeMaximumIndependentSets(NodeList, int[]) - Method in class y.layout.planar.OverlapGraphMIS
computes two maximum independent sets of edges. here independent means that the edges do not overlap (with respect to their endnode's order number gained by sorting the vertices with createVertexOrder().
computeVertexOrder(NodeList) - Method in class y.layout.planar.VertexOrder
This method orders the vertices to place them on a line.
configure(Graph2DView) - Method in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
Setup the viewport of the given view according to the current configuration.
configure(Layouter) - Method in class y.module.OrthogonalEdgeRouterModule
Configures an instance of OrthogonalEdgeRouter.
configureEdge(Edge, boolean, Node, Node) - Method in interface y.view.hierarchy.InterEdgeConfigurator
This method will be called by the HierarchyManager every time the state of an edge or interedge changes, i.e. every time an edge gets a new target or source node assigned.
configureEdge(Edge, boolean, Node, Node) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.DefaultInterEdgeConfigurator
This method will remove all bend and port information in the case an interedge is converted back to a normal edge.
configureGraph(Graph2D, Object) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.DefaultHierarchyGraphFactory
Adds all graph-, graph2d- and graph2dselectionlisteners found in the parent graph to the newly created graph.
configureViewPort(Graph2DView, Graph2DView) - Method in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
Configures the given viewPort.
conflictGraph - Variable in class y.layout.labeling.MISLabelingAlgorithm
the conflict graph
connectedComponents(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphConnectivity
Returns the connected components of a given graph.
connectedComponents(Graph, NodeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphConnectivity
Returns the connected components of a given graph.
constructEdgePath(Node, Node, DataProvider) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
Like ShortestPaths.constructEdgePath(Node,Node,Edge[]) with the difference that the path edges are given by a DataProvider.
constructEdgePath(Node, Node, Edge[]) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
Conveniance method that constructs an explicit edge path from the result yielded by one of the shortest paths methods defined in this class.
constructNodePath(Node, Node, DataProvider) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
Like ShortestPaths.constructNodePath(Node,Node,Edge[]) with the difference that the path edges are given by a DataProvider.
constructNodePath(Node, Node, Edge[]) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
Conveniance method that constructs an explicit node path from the result yielded by one of the shortest paths methods defined in this class.
contains(double, double) - Method in class y.geom.YRectangle
checks whether or not this YRectangle contains the given point.
contains(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Evaluate hit test on the node realizer.
contains(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
contains(double, double) - Method in class y.view.Port
Returns true if the given coordinates lie within the visual shape of this port.
contains(double, double) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns true iff the bounding box of this realizer contains the given coords.
contains(double, double) - Method in class y.view.InterfacePort
Whether or not the given coordinate lies within this port.
contains(double, double) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Query if the visible path of this realizer contains the point (x,y).
contains(double, double) - Method in class y.view.BezierEdgeRealizer
Tests whether or not the given coordinate hits the path of this realizer.
contains(double, double) - Method in class y.view.Bend
Whether or not the given coordinates lie within this bend.
contains(double, double) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
contains(Edge) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Whether or not this graph contains the given edge.
contains(Graph) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns whether or not the given graph is part of this graph hierarchy
contains(Node) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Whether or not this graph contains the given node.
contains(Node) - Method in class y.layout.planar.Face
Returns whether a given node is adjacent to the face.
contains(Node) - Method in class y.util.pq.TreeIntNodePQ
Returns whether or not the given node is contained within this queue.
contains(Node) - Method in interface y.util.pq.NodePQ
Returns whether or not the given node is contained in this queue.
contains(Node) - Method in class y.util.pq.ListIntNodePQ
Whether or not the given node is contained within this queue.
contains(Node) - Method in interface y.util.pq.IntNodePQ
Returns whether or not the given node is contained within this queue.
contains(Node) - Method in interface y.util.pq.DoubleNodePQ
Returns whether or not the given node is contained within this queue.
contains(Node) - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapNodePQ
Returns whether or not the given node is contained in this queue.
contains(Node) - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapIntNodePQ
Returns whether or not the given node is contained in this queue.
contains(Node) - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapDoubleNodePQ
Returns whether or not the given node is contained in this queue.
contains(Node) - Method in class y.util.pq.ArrayIntNodePQ
Returns whether or not the given node is contained within this queue.
contains(Object) - Method in class y.base.YList
Whether or not this list contains the given element.
contains(YPoint) - Method in class y.geom.YRectangle
checks whether or not this YRectangle contains the given point.
contains(YPoint) - Method in class y.geom.LineSegment
Checks whether a given point lies on this line segment.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class y.base.YList
Whether or not this list contains the elements given by a collection.
containsEdge(Node, Node) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns whether or not this grpah contains an edge from node source to node target.
containsGroupKey(Object) - Method in class y.layout.router.ChannelRouter
Determines if the given key has been registered as a grouping key with this instance.
containsGroupNodes(Graph) - Static method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Whether or not the given graph contains any group nodes.
containsGroups() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Queries the hierarchy if it contains any group nodes.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class y.layout.router.ChannelRouter
Determines if the given key has been registered already with this instance.
containsKey(Object, Object) - Method in class y.util.HashMap2D
Tests if the specified objects are a pair of keys in this hashtable.
containsSeg(double, double) - Method in class y.view.SplineEdgeRealizer
like contains(), but returns number of the hit segment, 0 otherwise.
containsSeg(double, double) - Method in class y.view.PolyLineEdgeRealizer
like contains(), but returns number of the hit segment, 0 otherwise.
containsSeg(double, double) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
like contains(), but returns number of the hit segment, 0 otherwise.
convertColor(Color) - Static method in class y.io.GMLIOHandler
converts a java Color into standard string representation
convertToFolderNode(Node) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Converts a group node or a normal node to a folder node.
convertToFolderNode(Node, Graph) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Like HierarchyManager.convertToFolderNode(y.base.Node) with the additional option to specify the inner graph to be used by the folder node.
convertToGroupNode(Node) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Converts a folder node or a normal node to a group node Emits HierarchyEvents of type HierarchyEvent.PRE_NODE_STATE_CHANGE and HierarchyEvent.NODE_STATE_CHANGED.
convertToInterEdge(Edge, Node, Node) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Converts a normal edge to an inter edge.
convertToNormalEdge(Edge) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Converts an inter edge to a normal edge.
convertToNormalNode(Node) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Converts a group or folder node to a normal node.
convertToObject(String) - Method in class y.util.ReflectionStringConverter
convertToObject(String) - Method in class y.util.AbstractStringConverter
This method must be implemented by subclasses. o will never be the null String
convertToObject(String, Class) - Method in interface y.util.ObjectStringConverter
This method takes a String, and tries to interpret it as a String representation of the given classtype, which it will then create.
convertToObject(String, Class) - Method in class y.util.ObjectStringConversion
convertToObject(String, Class) - Method in class y.util.AbstractStringConverter
This method does some checks and then delegates the call to AbstractStringConverter.convertToObject(String)
convertToString(Object) - Method in class y.util.ReflectionStringConverter
convertToString(Object) - Method in class y.util.AbstractStringConverter
This method must be implemented by subclasses. o will never be the null object.
convertToString(Object, Class) - Method in interface y.util.ObjectStringConverter
This method takes an object, treats it as an object of the given class type and produces a String representation.
convertToString(Object, Class) - Method in class y.util.ObjectStringConversion
convertToString(Object, Class) - Method in class y.util.AbstractStringConverter
This method does some checks and then delegates the call to AbstractStringConverter.convertToString(Object)
CopiedLayoutGraph - class y.layout.CopiedLayoutGraph.
This is a LayoutGraph implementation that serves as a copy of another LayoutGraph or as copy of a combined GraphInterface and and GraphLayout interface implementation.
CopiedLayoutGraph(GraphInterface, GraphLayout) - Constructor for class y.layout.CopiedLayoutGraph
Initializes this graph as a copy of the given graph interface and graph layout.
CopiedLayoutGraph(LayoutGraph) - Constructor for class y.layout.CopiedLayoutGraph
Initializes this graph as a copy of the given graph
CORE_NODES - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.BFSLayerer
The data provider key used to look up the core nodes of the bfs layering.
CORNER_MASK - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Position mask that constrains the positions to DiscreteNodeLabelModel.NORTH_EAST, DiscreteNodeLabelModel.NORTH_WEST, DiscreteNodeLabelModel.SOUTH_EAST and DiscreteNodeLabelModel.SOUTH_WEST.
CORNERS - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label model specifier.
cost(EdgeList, DataProvider) - Static method in class y.algo.SpanningTrees
Returns the overall cost of a previously calculated minimum spanning tree.
countCrossings() - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Returns the number of dummy nodes currently contained in the graph
create(byte) - Static method in class y.layout.PortConstraint
Creates a weak port constraint.
create(byte, boolean) - Static method in class y.layout.PortConstraint
Creates a weak port constraint.
create(Object, Object) - Static method in class y.util.Tuple
Factory method to create a 2-Tuple
create(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class y.util.Tuple
Factory method to create a 3-Tuple
create(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class y.util.Tuple
Factory method to create a 4-Tuple
create(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class y.util.Tuple
Factory method to create a 5-Tuple
createActionMap() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DViewActions
Returns a new ActionMap that contains the actions provided by this class.
createBend(double, double, Bend, int) - Method in class y.view.SplineEdgeRealizer
Add a new Bend to the edge
createBend(double, double, Bend, int) - Method in class y.view.PolyLineEdgeRealizer
Add a new Bend to the edge
createBend(double, double, Bend, int) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Adds a new bend to the edge.
createBend(double, double, Bend, int) - Method in class y.view.BezierEdgeRealizer
Add a new Bend to the edge
createBend(double, double, Bend, int) - Method in class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Has no effect, because arcs have no bends.
createBends(EdgeLayout, Node, Node, Object, Object) - Method in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
createButton(Action) - Method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
createButton(String) - Method in interface y.option.GuiFactory
Create a button for the specified action "OK_ACTION", "CANCEL_ACTION", "HELP_ACTION"...
createButton(String) - Method in class y.option.AbstractGuiFactory
Create a button for the specified action "OK_ACTION", "CANCEL_ACTION", "HELP_ACTION"...
createButtonBar() - Method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
createCircularEdgeOrder() - Method in class y.layout.planar.DualPlanarInformation
Creates the circular edge-order in the primal graph.
createCircularEdgeOrder(EdgeList, EdgeList, NodeMap, NodeMap, int[]) - Method in class y.layout.planar.GT
this method sorts each nodes incident edges according to the aim of yielding a planar embedding for a subgraph of the input graph It also assigns first incoming/outgoing.
createComparableComparator() - Static method in class y.util.Comparators
Returns a comparator that compares to Objects of type Comparable.
createConflictGraph(Label[]) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.MISLabelingAlgorithm
Creates the conflict graph.
createConstantDataProvider(Object) - Static method in class y.util.DataProviders
Returns a DataProvider that returns the given value for each key.
createCopy() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Creates a copy of this graph.
createCopy() - Method in class y.view.Port
Creates an unbound copy of this port.
createCopy() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns a copy of this realizer that is not bound to any node.
createCopy() - Method in class y.view.InterfacePort
Creates and returns a copy of this port.
createCopy() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Creates a copy of this graph.
createCopy() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns a copy of this realizer.
createCopy(EdgeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.SplineEdgeRealizer
Creates a copy of this realizer type that is initialized with the attributes of the given realizer.
createCopy(EdgeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.PolyLineEdgeRealizer
Creates a copy of this realizer type that is initialized with the attributes of the given realizer.
createCopy(EdgeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Get a copy of this realizer, with basic (EdgeRealizer) features adopted from er.
createCopy(EdgeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.BezierEdgeRealizer
Creates a copy of this realizer type that is initialized with the attributes of the given realizer.
createCopy(EdgeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Creates a copy of this realizer type that is initialized with the attributes of the given realizer.
createCopy(Graph) - Method in class y.base.Node
Creates a copy of this node that will be inserted in the given graph.
createCopy(Graph, Node, Node) - Method in class y.base.Edge
Creates a copy of this edge that will be inserted in the given graph connecting the given source and target nodes.
createCopy(NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Creates a copy of this realizer type that will be initialized with the values found in the given realizer.
createCopy(NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
createCopy(NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns a realizer of the same type as this realizer, that adopts as many attributes as possible from the given realizer.
createCopy(NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.ImageNodeRealizer
Creates and returns a new ImageNodeRealizer whose attributes are copied from the given realizer.
createCopy(NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DNodeRealizer
createCopy(NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.ProxyAutoBoundsNodeRealizer
createCopy(NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
createCreateEdgeMode() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Factory method, which creates the CreateEdgeMode.
createCreateEdgeMode() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEditMode
Returns an instance of HierarchyCreateEdgeMode.
createCursor(Collection) - Static method in class y.util.Cursors
Creates a YCursor view of a collection
createDefaultGraph2DView(Graph2D) - Method in class y.io.ImageOutputHandler
Creates the default view used as image producer in case there is no current view associated with the graph2D.
createDefaultGraph2DView(Graph2D) - Method in class y.io.ImageMapOutputHandler
Creates the default view used as image producer in case there is no current view associated with the graph2D.
createDefaultGraph2DView(Graph2D) - Method in class y.io.GIFIOHandler
Takes the value returned by the base class and adds a transparent background to it.
createDefaultInputMap() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DViewActions
Returns a default key binding for the actions provided by this class.
createDefaultInputMap(ActionMap) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DViewActions
Returns a default key binding for the actions provided by this class that are also bound by the given ActionMap.
createDetailsAction() - Method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
createDetailsButton(Action) - Method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
createDoubleDataComparator(DataProvider) - Static method in class y.util.Comparators
Returns a comparator that compares objects of arbitrary type.
createDoubleDataSourceComparator(DataProvider) - Static method in class y.util.Comparators
Returns a comparator that compares objects of type Edge.
createDoubleDataTargetComparator(DataProvider) - Static method in class y.util.Comparators
Returns a comparator that compares objects of type Edge.
createDummyEdgeRealizer() - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
Factory method, which creates the dummy EdgeRealizer which is used during the edge creation process.
createDummySourceNodeRealizer(NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
Creates a dummy node for the target node of the dummy edge By default, this method returns currentRealizer.createCopy();
createDummyTargetNodeRealizer(double, double) - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
Creates a dummy node for the other end of the edge.
createEdge(Graph, Node, Node, Object) - Method in interface y.base.GraphFactory
Returns a newly created edge object for the given graph.
createEdge(Graph, Node, Node, Object) - Method in class y.view.DefaultGraph2DFactory
Returns a newly created edge object for the given graph.
createEdge(Node, Edge, Node, Edge, int, int) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Creates a new edge in this graph The new edge e has source node v and target node w.
createEdge(Node, Edge, Node, Edge, int, int) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Creates a new edge in this graph.
createEdge(Node, Edge, Node, Edge, int, int, EdgeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Creates a new edge with given realizer in this graph.
createEdge(Node, Node) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Creates a new edge in this graph.
createEdge(Node, Node) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Creates a new edge from node v to node w.
createEdge(Node, Node, EdgeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Creates a new edge in this graph.
createEdgeDataProvider(boolean[]) - Static method in class y.util.DataProviders
Returns a DataProvider view of a boolean array defined for edges.
createEdgeDataProvider(double[]) - Static method in class y.util.DataProviders
Returns a DataProvider view of a double array defined for edges.
createEdgeDataProvider(double[], int[], boolean[], Object[]) - Static method in class y.util.DataProviders
Returns a DataProvider view of a double, int, boolean and Object array defined for edges.
createEdgeDataProvider(int[]) - Static method in class y.util.DataProviders
createEdgeDataProvider(Object[]) - Static method in class y.util.DataProviders
Returns a DataProvider view of an Object array defined for edges.
createEdgeEncoder(ObjectEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphEncoderFactory
createEdgeEncoder(ObjectEncoder) - Method in interface y.io.gml.EncoderFactory
create an encoder that is capable of encoding an edge
createEdgeEncoder(ObjectEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.DefaultEncoderFactory
createEdgeInfo() - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Factory to create edge tupels.
createEdgeLabel() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Creates a new edge label that can be added to this realizer.
createEdgeLayout() - Method in class y.layout.DefaultLayoutGraph
Override this to create your own EdgeLayouts.
createEdgeMap() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns a newly created edge map that is valid for the edges in this graph.
createEdgeMap(Map) - Static method in class y.util.Maps
Create an EdgeMap view of the given map.
createEdgeMode - Variable in class y.view.EditMode
CreateEdgeMode - class y.view.CreateEdgeMode.
This view mode is responsible for creating edges.
CreateEdgeMode() - Constructor for class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
Instantiates a new CreateEdgeMode.
CreateEdgeMode(ViewContainer) - Constructor for class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
Instantiates a new CreateEdgeMode for a given ViewContainer
createEdgeParser(Graph2D, GMLTokenizer.Callback) - Method in interface y.io.gml.ParserFactory
return a parser which is capable of parsing the graph.edge scope and putting the result into a graph
createEdgeParser(Graph2D, GMLTokenizer.Callback) - Method in class y.io.gml.DefaultParserFactory
createEdgeParser(Graph2D, GMLTokenizer.Callback) - Method in class y.io.gml.DefaultHierarchicParserFactory
createEdges() - Method in class y.layout.labeling.MISLabelingAlgorithm
Creates one edge bewtween two nodes if the corresponding label candidates are intersecting.
createFace(Edge, EdgeOrder, boolean[]) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Creates a face starting at an edge and using the cyclic order of the outgoing edges.
createFaceMap() - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Creates a FaceMap for the faces in the graph.
createFolderNode(Graph) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Similar to HierarchyManager.createFolderNode(Node).
createFolderNode(Node) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns a newly created folder node that will be created as a child node of the given folder or group node.
createFrame(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.planar.FrameMaker
createGMLEncoder() - Method in class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphEncoderFactory
createGMLEncoder() - Method in interface y.io.gml.EncoderFactory
return an Encoder, that is capable of writing the gml header
createGMLEncoder() - Method in class y.io.gml.DefaultEncoderFactory
createGMLParser(Graph2D) - Method in interface y.io.gml.ParserFactory
return a parser which is capable of parsing a gml stream and putting the result into a graph
createGMLParser(Graph2D) - Method in class y.io.gml.DefaultParserFactory
createGMLParser(Graph2D) - Method in class y.io.gml.DefaultHierarchicParserFactory
createGraph() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Creates an empty.base object of the same type as this graph.
createGraph() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Creates an empty view of the same type as this graph.
createGraph(Object) - Method in interface y.base.GraphFactory
Returns a newly created graph object.
createGraph(Object) - Method in class y.view.DefaultGraph2DFactory
Creates a new instance of Graph2D.
createGraph(Object) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.DefaultHierarchyGraphFactory
Creates a new Graph2D that inherits all listeners from the parent graph
createGraphEncoder(ObjectEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphEncoderFactory
createGraphEncoder(ObjectEncoder) - Method in interface y.io.gml.EncoderFactory
create an encoder that is capable of encoding a graph
createGraphEncoder(ObjectEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.DefaultEncoderFactory
createGraphParser(Graph2D, GMLTokenizer.Callback) - Method in interface y.io.gml.ParserFactory
return a parser which is capable of parsing the graph scope and putting the result into a graph
createGraphParser(Graph2D, GMLTokenizer.Callback) - Method in class y.io.gml.DefaultParserFactory
createGraphParser(Graph2D, GMLTokenizer.Callback) - Method in class y.io.gml.DefaultHierarchicParserFactory
createGroupNode(Graph) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Similar to HierarchyManager.createGroupNode(Node).
createGroupNode(Node) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns a newly created group node that will be created as a child node of the given group or folder node.
createHashedEdgeMap() - Static method in class y.util.Maps
Creates an EdgeMap that is based on hashing.
createHashedNodeMap() - Static method in class y.util.Maps
Creates a NodeMap that is based on hashing.
createHelpAction(String) - Method in interface y.option.GuiFactory
Create an action for a help key, which is to display an html page normally.
createHelpAction(String) - Method in class y.option.AbstractGuiFactory
Create an action for a help key, which is to display an html page normally.
createHotSpotMode() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Factory method, which creates the HotSpotMode.
createHotSpotMode() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEditMode
Returns an instance of HierarchyHotSpotMode.
createHTMLString(Graph2D) - Method in class y.io.ImageMapOutputHandler
Creates a string representation of a HTML ImageMap corresponding to the specified graph.
createImage(int, int) - Method in class y.io.JPGIOHandler
createImage(int, int) - Method in class y.io.ImageOutputHandler
Creates the buffered image on which the graph will be rendered.
createImage(int, int) - Method in class y.io.GIFIOHandler
createIndexEdgeMap(boolean[]) - Static method in class y.util.Maps
Returns a EdgeMap view of a boolean array defined for edges.
createIndexEdgeMap(double[]) - Static method in class y.util.Maps
Returns a EdgeMap view of a double array defined for edges.
createIndexEdgeMap(double[], int[], boolean[], Object[]) - Static method in class y.util.Maps
Returns a EdgeMap view of a double, int, boolean and Object array defined for edges.
createIndexEdgeMap(int[]) - Static method in class y.util.Maps
Returns a EdgeMap view of an int array defined for edges.
createIndexEdgeMap(Object[]) - Static method in class y.util.Maps
Returns a EdgeMap view of an Object array defined for edges.
createIndexNodeMap(boolean[]) - Static method in class y.util.Maps
Returns a NodeMap view of a boolean array defined for nodes.
createIndexNodeMap(double[]) - Static method in class y.util.Maps
Returns a NodeMap view of a double array defined for nodes.
createIndexNodeMap(double[], int[], boolean[], Object[]) - Static method in class y.util.Maps
Returns a NodeMap view of a double, int, boolean and Object array defined for nodes.
createIndexNodeMap(int[]) - Static method in class y.util.Maps
Returns a NodeMap view of an int array defined for nodes.
createIndexNodeMap(Object[]) - Static method in class y.util.Maps
Returns a NodeMap view of an Object array defined for nodes.
createInfoMap(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.Grouping
factory method for a NodeMap
createInnerGraph(Node) - Method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Creates a new graph instance that is used as inner graph for a Graph2DNodeRealizer in case the read in graph is not part of a graph hierarchy.
createIntDataComparator(DataProvider) - Static method in class y.util.Comparators
Returns a comparator that compares objects of arbitrary type.
createIntDataSourceComparator(DataProvider) - Static method in class y.util.Comparators
Returns a comparator that compares objects of type Edge.
createIntDataTargetComparator(DataProvider) - Static method in class y.util.Comparators
Returns a comparator that compares objects of type Edge.
createInterEdgeEncoder(ObjectEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphEncoderFactory
createInterEdgeParser(Graph2D, HierarchicGraphParser) - Method in class y.io.gml.DefaultHierarchicParserFactory
createIOHandler() - Method in class y.module.io.YGFOutput
Returns an instance of YGFIOHandler.
createIOHandler() - Method in class y.module.io.YGFInput
Returns an instance of YGFIOHandler.
createIOHandler() - Method in class y.module.io.TGFOutput
Returns an instance of TGFIOHandler.
createIOHandler() - Method in class y.module.io.TGFInput
Returns an instance of TGFIOHandler.
createIOHandler() - Method in class y.module.io.JPGOutput
Returns an instance of JPGIOHandler.
createIOHandler() - Method in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
Creates an IOHandler instance responsible for the actual I/O to be performed.
createIOHandler() - Method in class y.module.io.GMLOutput
Returns an instance of GMLIOHandler.
createIOHandler() - Method in class y.module.io.GMLInput
Returns an instance of GMLIOHandler.
createIOHandler() - Method in class y.module.io.GIFOutput
Returns an instance of GIFIOHandler.
createIterator(YCursor) - Static method in class y.util.Cursors
Creates an Iterator view of a given YCursor
createLabelTextComparator() - Static method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeModel
Returns a comparator that compares Graph2D nodes by their label text
createLineType(float, int, int, float, float[], float) - Static method in class y.view.LineType
Returns a custom line type adhering to the given specifications.
createLineType(ObjectInputStream) - Static method in class y.view.LineType
Returns a LineType instance whose properties have been written out before by method LineType.serializeLineType(ObjectOutputStream, LineType).
createLongComponent(String, String) - Method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
createMemento() - Method in interface y.layout.hierarchic.MementoSupport
Creates a memento which can be held by the user, before using the support, a valid memento Object has to be set using the corresponding setter method.
createMenu() - Method in class y.module.YPackageMenu
Creates a menu containing the content of the package
createMenu(YPackageMenuListener) - Method in class y.module.YPackage
Deprecated. yEd does not use this method any longer, just add and remove modules and subpackages, yEd will take care of the menus.
createModelParameter(YRectangle, EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout) - Method in class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel
Returns a model parameter that suits the given edge label context best.
createModelParameter(YRectangle, EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout) - Method in class y.layout.FreeEdgeLabelModel
Returns a model parameter that represents the given edge label context.
createModelParameter(YRectangle, EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout) - Method in interface y.layout.EdgeLabelModel
Creates a model parameter that represents the given edge label context best within this model.
createModelParameter(YRectangle, EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout) - Method in class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
createMoveLabelMode() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Factory method, which creates the MoveLabelMode.
createMovePortMode() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Factory method, which creates the MovePortMode.
createMoveSelectionMode() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Factory method, which creates the MoveSelectionMode.
createMoveSelectionMode() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEditMode
Returns an instance of HierarchyMoveSelectionMode.
createNegatedDataProvider(DataProvider) - Static method in class y.util.DataProviders
Returns a DataProvider that returns the negated boolean values provided by another data provider.
createNode() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Creates a new node in this graph.
createNode() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Creates a new node.
createNode(double, double) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Creates a new node with center location (x,y).
createNode(double, double, double, double, String) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Creates a new node with center location (x,y), dimension (w,h) and given label text.
createNode(double, double, String) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Creates a new node with center location (x,y) and given label text.
createNode(Graph, Object) - Method in interface y.base.GraphFactory
Returns a newly created node object for the given graph.
createNode(Graph, Object) - Method in class y.view.DefaultGraph2DFactory
Returns a newly created node object for the given graph.
createNode(Graph, Object) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.DefaultHierarchyGraphFactory
Creates a new node in the given graph.
createNode(NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Creates a new node in this graph.
createNodeDataProvider(boolean[]) - Static method in class y.util.DataProviders
Returns a DataProvider view of a boolean array defined for nodes.
createNodeDataProvider(double[]) - Static method in class y.util.DataProviders
Returns a DataProvider view of a double array defined for nodes.
createNodeDataProvider(double[], int[], boolean[], Object[]) - Static method in class y.util.DataProviders
Returns a DataProvider view of a double, int, boolean and Object array defined for nodes.
createNodeDataProvider(int[]) - Static method in class y.util.DataProviders
createNodeDataProvider(Object[]) - Static method in class y.util.DataProviders
Returns a DataProvider view of an Object array defined for nodes.
createNodeEncoder(ObjectEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphEncoderFactory
createNodeEncoder(ObjectEncoder) - Method in interface y.io.gml.EncoderFactory
create an encoder that is capable of encoding a node
createNodeEncoder(ObjectEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.DefaultEncoderFactory
createNodeEnlargementStage() - Method in class y.layout.router.OrganicEdgeRouter
This will return a layout stage which can be given a core layouter, which itself should assure that the nodes do not overlap.
createNodeInfo() - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Factory to create edge tupels.
createNodeLabel() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
createNodeLabel() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Creates a new node label that can be added to this realizer.
createNodeLayout() - Method in class y.layout.DefaultLayoutGraph
Override this to create your own NodeLayouts.
createNodeMap() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns a newly created node map that is valid for the nodes in this graph.
createNodeMap(Map) - Static method in class y.util.Maps
Create a NodeMap view of the given map.
createNodeParser(Graph2D, GMLTokenizer.Callback) - Method in interface y.io.gml.ParserFactory
return a parser which is capable of parsing the graph.node scope and putting the result into a graph
createNodeParser(Graph2D, GMLTokenizer.Callback) - Method in class y.io.gml.DefaultParserFactory
createNodeParser(Graph2D, GMLTokenizer.Callback) - Method in class y.io.gml.DefaultHierarchicParserFactory
createNodeRealizer(Object) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.DefaultHierarchyGraphFactory
Creates a realizer for a node.
createNodeReference(Graph, Node, HierarchyManager) - Method in class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphObjectEncoder
createNodes(Label[]) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.SALabeling
Overwrittes existing method to add the created nodes to an array.
createNodes(Label[]) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.MISLabelingAlgorithm
Creates one node in the conflict graph for each label candidate.
createNodeStateComparator(HierarchyManager) - Static method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeModel
Returns a comparator that uses the hierarchical state of the nodes as a first criterum.
createObjectInputStream(String) - Static method in class y.io.IOHandler
Creates and returns an object input stream that is connected to a file.
createObjectOutputStream(String) - Static method in class y.io.IOHandler
Creates and returns an object output stream that is connected to a file.
createOkAction() - Method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
createOptionHandler() - Method in class y.module.YModule
Creates an option handler for this class.
createOptionHandler() - Method in class y.module.TreeLayoutModule
module support
createOptionHandler() - Method in class y.module.SmartOrganicLayoutModule
Factory method.
createOptionHandler() - Method in class y.module.ShuffleLayoutModule
Creates an option handler for this module that manages options for the force transfer algorithm.
createOptionHandler() - Method in class y.module.PortConstraintModule
Creates and initializes the option handler so that a convenient way for manipulating the parameters is at the user's hand.
createOptionHandler() - Method in class y.module.OrthogonalLayoutModule
createOptionHandler() - Method in class y.module.OrthogonalEdgeRouterModule
Creates and initializes the Option Handler so that a convenient way for manipulating the parameters is at the user's hand.
createOptionHandler() - Method in class y.module.OrganicLayoutModule
Factory method.
createOptionHandler() - Method in class y.module.OrganicEdgeRouterModule
Creates an option handler for this module that manages options for the force transfer algorithm.
createOptionHandler() - Method in class y.module.LabelingModule
Creates an option handler for this layouter
createOptionHandler() - Method in class y.module.HierarchicLayoutModule
createOptionHandler() - Method in class y.module.GraphTransformerModule
createOptionHandler() - Method in class y.module.GRIPModule
createOptionHandler() - Method in class y.module.EdgeGroupConstraintModule
Creates and initializes the option handler so that a convenient way for manipulating the parameters is at the user's hand.
createOptionHandler() - Method in class y.module.CircularLayoutModule
createOptionHandler() - Method in class y.module.io.TGFOutput
createOptionHandler() - Method in class y.module.io.TGFInput
createOptionHandler() - Method in class y.module.io.JPGOutput
createOptionHandler() - Method in class y.module.io.GIFOutput
createOrientedInsets(Insets) - Method in class y.layout.OrientationLayouter
Create and return an insets object that is a geometric transform of the given inserts.
createPackage(String) - Static method in class y.module.YPackage
createPlanarization(PlanarInformation) - Method in interface y.layout.planar.InitialPlanarSubgraph
manipulate the current graph g in such a way that it becomes planar, e. g. by removing (hiding) all edges which cause crossings.
createPlanarization(PlanarInformation) - Method in class y.layout.planar.GT
This method planarizes a graph by finding (a maximum) planar sub- graph.
createPlanarization(PlanarInformation) - Method in class y.layout.planar.BCCSubgraph
This method planarizes a graph by finding (a maximum) planar sub- graph.
createPopupMode() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Factory method, which can create the PopupMode.
createPortConstraintFromSketch(LayoutGraph, Edge, boolean, boolean) - Method in class y.layout.PortConstraintConfigurator
Creates and returns a weak portcontraint for the given edge.
createPortConstraintsFromSketch(LayoutGraph, EdgeCursor, EdgeMap, boolean, EdgeMap, boolean) - Method in class y.layout.PortConstraintConfigurator
Creates weak portcontraints for some edges of the given graph.
createPortConstraintsFromSketch(LayoutGraph, EdgeMap, EdgeMap) - Method in class y.layout.PortConstraintConfigurator
Creates weak portcontraints for all edges of the given graph.
createPropertyAdapter(Object, Map, ObjectStringConverter) - Method in class y.util.BeanSerializer
constructs a PropertyChangeListener which can be registered with an instance that fires property change events, if one of the propertynames equals one of the keys, this listener will automatically store the value in the given object as the new attribute.
createReverse() - Method in class y.geom.YPointPath
Create a point path with reverse ordering of the points.
createReverse(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Creates the reverse edge for a given edge.
createReverseEdges() - Method in class y.layout.planar.GT
createRotatedPort() - Method in class y.view.Port
Creates an unbound copy of this port that is rotated by 90 degrees.
createSelectionBoxMode() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Factory method, which creates the SelectionBoxMode.
createSelectionBoxMode() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEditMode
Returns an instance of HierarchySelectionBoxMode.
createSelectionDataProvider(Graph2D) - Static method in class y.view.Selections
Creates a DataProvider, that can be used to query the selection state of graph elements in the given graph.
createSelectionEdgeMap(Graph2D) - Static method in class y.view.Selections
Creates an EdgeMap view of the selection state of the edges in the given graph.
createSelectionNodeMap(Graph2D) - Static method in class y.view.Selections
Creates a NodeMap view of the selection state of the nodes in the given graph.
createShortComponent(String) - Method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
createSimpleEdgeInfo() - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Factory to create edge tupels.
createSimpleEdgeInfo() - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Factory to create edge tupels.
createSourceDataProvider(DataProvider) - Static method in class y.util.DataProviders
Returns a DataProvider for edges that return the data provider values bound to their source nodes.
createTargetDataProvider(DataProvider) - Static method in class y.util.DataProviders
Returns a DataProvider for edges that return the data provider values bound to their target nodes.
createTitleComponent(String) - Method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
createToStringComparator() - Static method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeModel
Returns a comparator that compares the nodes in the tree by their default string value.
createXStruct(YList) - Static method in class y.geom.IntersectionAlgorithm
Inits the sweepline datastrcutures form a set of objects.
current() - Method in class y.base.YList.ListCursorImpl
current() - Method in interface y.base.YCursor
Returns the Object currently pointed on.
currentVersionString() - Static method in class y.util.YVersion
Returns the version string of this yFiles release.
currentViewChanged(View) - Method in class y.view.ViewControl
Current View of the ViewContainer has changed, so transfer the current mode to the new current view
currentViewChanged(View) - Method in interface y.view.ViewChangeListener
cursor() - Method in class y.base.YList
Returns a cursor for this list.
cursor() - Method in class y.geom.YPointPath
Get the points in the path.
Cursors - class y.util.Cursors.
This class contains only static methods, that can be used in conjunction with YCursors and Iterators
CUSTOM_STYLE - Static variable in class y.view.LineType
Line style specifier that describes a custom line.
CUSTOM_TYPE - Static variable in class y.view.Arrow
Arrow type constant that describes a custom arrow type.
Cycles - class y.algo.Cycles.
Reponsible for finding cycles within a graph that have certain properties.
Cycles() - Constructor for class y.algo.Cycles
cyclicNext() - Method in interface y.base.NodeCursor
Moves the cursor to the cyclic next element of the underlying sequence.
cyclicNext() - Method in interface y.base.EdgeCursor
Moves the cursor to the cyclic next element of the underlying sequence.
cyclicNextEdge(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Returns the counterclockwise next edge of an edge at the source node.
cyclicPred(ListCell) - Method in class y.base.YList
Returns the cyclic predecessor cell of ListCell c.
cyclicPrev() - Method in interface y.base.NodeCursor
Moves the cursor to the cyclic previous element of the underlying sequence.
cyclicPrev() - Method in interface y.base.EdgeCursor
Moves the cursor to the cyclic previous element of the underlying sequence.
cyclicPrevEdge(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Returns the counterclockwise preceeding edge of an edge at the source node.
cyclicSucc(ListCell) - Method in class y.base.YList
Returns the cyclic successor cell of ListCell c.


D - class y.util.D.
Provides some convenience methods for code debugging and exception handling.
D() - Constructor for class y.util.D
DASHED_1 - Static variable in class y.view.LineType
A dashed line with width 1.0
DASHED_2 - Static variable in class y.view.LineType
A dashed line with width 2.0
DASHED_3 - Static variable in class y.view.LineType
A dashed line with width 3.0
DASHED_4 - Static variable in class y.view.LineType
A dashed line with width 4.0
DASHED_5 - Static variable in class y.view.LineType
A dashed line with width 5.0
DASHED_STYLE - Static variable in class y.view.LineType
Line style specifier that describes a dashed line.
DataAcceptor - interface y.base.DataAcceptor.
A general interface for setting data.
DataAcceptorAdapter - class y.util.DataAcceptorAdapter.
An abstract adapter class for accepting data.
DataAcceptorAdapter() - Constructor for class y.util.DataAcceptorAdapter
DataProvider - interface y.base.DataProvider.
A general interface for data provision.
DataProviderAdapter - class y.util.DataProviderAdapter.
An abstract adapter class for providing data.
DataProviderAdapter() - Constructor for class y.util.DataProviderAdapter
DataProviders - class y.util.DataProviders.
This class provides convenience and transformation services for DataProviders.
DataProviders() - Constructor for class y.util.DataProviders
deactivateMode(Graph2DView, ViewMode) - Static method in class y.view.ViewControl
Convinience methods
DEBUG_LEVEL - Static variable in class y.util.D
The debug level threshold.
decode(String) - Static method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Decodes the external class name string generated by YGFIOHandler.encode(String).
decodeAlignment(String) - Static method in class y.io.gml.LabelGraphicsParser
Decodes a GML text alignment value to one of YLabel.ALIGN_LEFT, YLabel.ALIGN_CENTER or YLabel.ALIGN_RIGHT,
decodeArrow(String) - Static method in class y.io.gml.EdgeGraphicsParser
decodeAutoSizePolicy(String) - Static method in class y.io.gml.LabelGraphicsParser
Decodes a GML value to one of the auto-size policy constants defined in class NodeLabel.
decodeFontStyle(String) - Static method in class y.io.gml.LabelGraphicsParser
Decodes a GML font-style value to one of Font.BOLD, Font.ITALIC or Font.PLAIN.
decodeLineStyle(String) - Static method in class y.io.gml.EdgeGraphicsParser
Decodes a line-style GML value to one of the line type constants LineType.LINE_STYLE, LineType.DASHED_STYLE or LineType.DOTTED_STYLE.
decreasePriority(Node, double) - Method in interface y.util.pq.DoubleNodePQ
Decreases the priority of a node in the queue to a given value.
decreasePriority(Node, double) - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapDoubleNodePQ
Decreases the priority value of the given node.
decreasePriority(Node, int) - Method in class y.util.pq.TreeIntNodePQ
Decreases the value of a node in the queue to a certain value.
decreasePriority(Node, int) - Method in class y.util.pq.ListIntNodePQ
Decreases the priority of a node in the queue to a certain value.
decreasePriority(Node, int) - Method in interface y.util.pq.IntNodePQ
Decreases the priority of a node in the queue to a given value.
decreasePriority(Node, int) - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapIntNodePQ
Decreases the priority value of the given node.
decreasePriority(Node, int) - Method in class y.util.pq.ArrayIntNodePQ
Decreases the value of a node in the queue to a certain value.
decreasePriority(Node, Object) - Method in interface y.util.pq.NodePQ
Decreased the priority value of the given node.
decreasePriority(Node, Object) - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapNodePQ
Decreases the priority value of the given node.
decreaseSpeed() - Method in class y.anim.AnimationPlayer
Decreases the speed factor of the animation by 50 percent.
decrementPriority(Node) - Method in class y.util.pq.ListIntNodePQ
Decrements the associated priorityt value for the given node by 1 and updates it's position within the queue accordingly.
DefaultBackgroundRenderer - class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer.
Implements a background renderer that displays an image or a solid color as background of a Graph2DView.
DefaultBackgroundRenderer(Graph2DView) - Constructor for class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
Create a new DefaultBackgroundRenderer for a given view.
defaultClosedGroupIcon - Static variable in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
The default icon used by the state label, if the group realizer is closed.
DefaultEdgeLayout - class y.layout.DefaultEdgeLayout.
This class is a default implementation of the EdgeLayout interface.
DefaultEdgeLayout() - Constructor for class y.layout.DefaultEdgeLayout
Creates a new DefaultEdgeLayout.
DefaultEdgeLayout(EdgeLayout) - Constructor for class y.layout.DefaultEdgeLayout
Creates a new DefaultEdgeLayout which is the copy of another EdgeLayout.
DefaultEncoderFactory - class y.io.gml.DefaultEncoderFactory.
This class is an implementation of the EncoderFactory interface.
DefaultEncoderFactory() - Constructor for class y.io.gml.DefaultEncoderFactory
DefaultGraph2DFactory - class y.view.DefaultGraph2DFactory.
This is the default implementation of a graph factory that produces graphs of type Graph2D and default graph objects corresponding to that graph type.
DefaultGraph2DFactory() - Constructor for class y.view.DefaultGraph2DFactory
DefaultGraph2DRenderer - class y.view.DefaultGraph2DRenderer.
Default Graph2DRenderer implementation.
DefaultGraph2DRenderer() - Constructor for class y.view.DefaultGraph2DRenderer
DefaultGraphLayout - class y.layout.DefaultGraphLayout.
This class is a default implementation of the SimpleGraphLayout interface.
DefaultGraphLayout() - Constructor for class y.layout.DefaultGraphLayout
DefaultHierarchicParserFactory - class y.io.gml.DefaultHierarchicParserFactory.
This class is an implementation of the ParserFactory interface.
DefaultHierarchicParserFactory() - Constructor for class y.io.gml.DefaultHierarchicParserFactory
DefaultHierarchyGraphFactory - class y.view.hierarchy.DefaultHierarchyGraphFactory.
This is the default graph factory used by HierarchyManager to create and configure new graph elements within the hierarchy.
DefaultHierarchyGraphFactory() - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.DefaultHierarchyGraphFactory
Create a new instance of DefaultHierarchyGraphFactory.
defaultInsets - Static variable in class y.view.YLabel
Default insets that define the distance between the bounding box of the label and its content.
DefaultInterEdgeConfigurator - class y.view.hierarchy.DefaultInterEdgeConfigurator.
This default implementation of the InterEdgeConfigurator performs some simple heuristics.
DefaultInterEdgeConfigurator() - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.DefaultInterEdgeConfigurator
DefaultLayoutGraph - class y.layout.DefaultLayoutGraph.
This class is an default implementation of the abstract class LayoutGraph.
DefaultLayoutGraph() - Constructor for class y.layout.DefaultLayoutGraph
Creates a new Layout Graph
DefaultLayoutGraph(DefaultLayoutGraph, YCursor) - Constructor for class y.layout.DefaultLayoutGraph
Creates a copy of the given subgraph.
DefaultLayoutGraph(LayoutGraph, YCursor) - Constructor for class y.layout.DefaultLayoutGraph
Creates a copy of the given subgraph.
DefaultNodeChangePropagator - class y.view.hierarchy.DefaultNodeChangePropagator.
This Graph2DListeners translates incoming Graph2DEvents that signal node label changes to hierarchy events that signal node changes.
DefaultNodeChangePropagator() - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.DefaultNodeChangePropagator
Creates a new instance of DefaultNodeChangePropagator
DefaultNodeLabelLayout - class y.layout.DefaultNodeLabelLayout.
This class is the default implemtation for the NodeLabelLayout.
DefaultNodeLabelLayout(NodeLabelModel, Object, YRectangle, Node) - Constructor for class y.layout.DefaultNodeLabelLayout
DefaultNodeLayout - class y.layout.DefaultNodeLayout.
This class is a default implementation of the NodeLayout interface.
DefaultNodeLayout() - Constructor for class y.layout.DefaultNodeLayout
Creates a new instance of DefaultNodeLayout.
DefaultNodeLayout(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class y.layout.DefaultNodeLayout
Creates a new instance of DefaultNodeLayout.
DefaultNodeLayout(NodeLayout) - Constructor for class y.layout.DefaultNodeLayout
Creates a new instance of DefaultNodeLayout as copy of another instance of NodeLayout.
DefaultNodeLayout(YPoint, YDimension) - Constructor for class y.layout.DefaultNodeLayout
Creates a new instance of DefaultNodeLayout.
defaultOpenGroupIcon - Static variable in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
The default icon used by the state label, if the group realizer is open.
DefaultParserFactory - class y.io.gml.DefaultParserFactory.
This class is an implementation of the ParserFactory interface.
DefaultParserFactory() - Constructor for class y.io.gml.DefaultParserFactory
defined(Object) - Method in class y.util.DataProviderAdapter
Returns false for all data holders.
defined(Object) - Method in class y.util.DataAcceptorAdapter
Returns false for all data holders.
degree - Variable in class y.layout.planar.VertexOrder
degree() - Method in class y.base.Node
Returns the number of ingoing and outgoing edges at this node.
delegate - Variable in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
the currently active child
delegate - Variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianDrawerWrapper
the delegate
DELETE_SELECTION - Variable in class y.view.Graph2DViewActions
ActionMap key for action returned by Graph2DViewActions.getDeleteSelectionAction().
deleteFrame(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.planar.FrameMaker
DELTA - Static variable in class y.view.Arrow
A unicolored arrow that has the shape of a triangle.
DELTA_TYPE - Static variable in class y.view.Arrow
Arrow type constant that describes arrow Arrow.DELTA.
dequeue() - Method in class y.util.BoundedQueue
Returns the front element in this queue and removes it from the queue.
deselectNodeAndSelfLoopBends(Graph2D, Node) - Static method in class y.view.Selections
Deselects a node and the bends of its selfloop.
DetailedMessagePanel - class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel.
This Panel can display short and long versions of an error message.
DetailedMessagePanel(Exception) - Constructor for class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
Creates a new instance of DetailedMessagePanel
DetailedMessagePanel(String, boolean, Exception) - Constructor for class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
Creates a new instance of DetailedMessagePanel
DetailedMessagePanel(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
determineRoot() - Method in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Dfs - class y.algo.Dfs.
Framework class for depth first search (DFS) based algorithms.
DFS_TREE - Static variable in class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
Dfs() - Constructor for class y.algo.Dfs
Instantiates a new Dfs object.
dfsCompletion(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.NodeOrders
Like NodeOrders.dfsCompletion(Graph,int[]) but the result is returned as a NodeList.
dfsCompletion(Graph, int[]) - Static method in class y.algo.NodeOrders
This method calculates a node order that is identical with the order of node completion events in a depth first search.
DIAMOND - Static variable in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Shape type constant.
DIAMOND - Static variable in class y.view.Arrow
A unicolored arrow that has the shape of a diamond.
DIAMOND_TYPE - Static variable in class y.view.Arrow
Arrow type constant that describes arrow Arrow.DIAMOND.
DIGIT - Static variable in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
dijkstra(Graph, Node, boolean, DataProvider, NodeMap, NodeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
Like ShortestPaths.dijkstra(Graph, Node, boolean, double[], double[], Edge[]) but uses NodeMaps and DataProviders instead of arrays.
dijkstra(Graph, Node, boolean, double[], double[]) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
This method solves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
dijkstra(Graph, Node, boolean, double[], double[], Edge[]) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
Like ShortestPaths.dijkstra(Graph, Node, boolean, double[], double[]) but additionally this method yields the path edges of each calculated shortest path.
dijkstra(Graph, Node, Node, boolean, int[], int[], Edge[]) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimpleEdgeRouter
DIRECTED_ROOT - Static variable in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Root node policy specifier constant.
directTree(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.Trees
Reverses the edges of the given tree such that it is a directed rooted tree afterwards.
directTree(Graph, Node) - Static method in class y.algo.Trees
Reverses the edges of the given tree such that it is a directed rooted tree with the given node as root element.
DiscreteEdgeLabelModel - class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel.
An edge label model that allows placement of labels at some positions along an edge.
DiscreteEdgeLabelModel() - Constructor for class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
Returns a new instance of DiscreteEdgeLabelModel.
DiscreteEdgeLabelModel(int) - Constructor for class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
Returns a new instance of DiscreteEdgeLabelModel.
DiscreteNodeLabelModel - class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel.
A node label model that allows placement of labels at eight positions around a node and at four positions inside the node.
DiscreteNodeLabelModel() - Constructor for class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Returns a new instance of DiscreteNodeLabelModel.
DiscreteNodeLabelModel(int) - Constructor for class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Returns a new instance of DiscreteNodeLabelModel.
DiscreteNodeLabelModel(int, double) - Constructor for class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Returns a new instance of DiscreteNodeLabelModel.
displayPartition(Object) - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
dispose() - Method in class y.layout.grouping.Grouping
Disposes the datastructures held by this instance.
dispose() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianLinearSegmentDrawer
Frees held resources.
dispose() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Frees allocated resources after the drawwer is finished.
dispose() - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Frees resources
dispose() - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Remove all information from graph concerning planar Information: reverse Edge-Key,inserted reverse edges
dispose() - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Remove all information from graph concerning planar Information: reverse Edge-Key,inserted reverse edges
dispose() - Method in class y.layout.planar.OverlapGraphMIS
Disposes no longer needed node maps.
dispose() - Method in class y.layout.planar.IntDSP
dispose() - Method in class y.layout.planar.GT
Cleaning up resources.
dispose() - Method in interface y.layout.planar.Embedder
Undoes the changes in the graph.
dispose() - Method in class y.layout.planar.DualPlanarInformation
Undoes the changes in the graph.
dispose() - Method in class y.layout.planar.DrawingEmbedder
Dispose unused information.
dispose() - Method in class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
Undoes the changes in the graph and removes the complete help info
dispose() - Method in class y.layout.planar.BCCSubgraph
dispose() - Method in class y.module.YModule
Disposition code performed after the execution of YModule.mainrun() was finished.
dispose() - Method in class y.module.SmartOrganicLayoutModule
clean up the module, clear temporarily bound dataproviders and references to the wrapped algorithm.
dispose() - Method in class y.module.RandomLayoutModule
dispose() - Method in class y.module.OrthogonalEdgeRouterModule
dispose() - Method in class y.module.OrganicLayoutModule
clean up the module, clear temporarily bound dataproviders and references to the wrapped algorithm.
dispose() - Method in class y.module.HierarchicLayoutModule
dispose() - Method in class y.util.WrappedObjectDataProvider
Disposes previously allocated datastructures.
dispose() - Method in class y.util.pq.TreeIntNodePQ
Disposes this queue.
dispose() - Method in class y.util.pq.ListIntNodePQ
Disposes this queue.
dispose() - Method in interface y.util.pq.IntNodePQ
Disposes this queue.
dispose() - Method in interface y.util.pq.DoubleNodePQ
Disposes this queue.
dispose() - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapIntNodePQ
Does nothing.
dispose() - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapDoubleNodePQ
Does nothing.
dispose() - Method in class y.util.pq.ArrayIntNodePQ
dispose() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Disposes this HierarchtyManager instance.
disposeAnimation() - Method in interface y.anim.AnimationObject
Disposes the animation object.
disposeAnimation() - Method in class y.view.LayoutMorpher
Disposes the animation.
disposeEdgeMap(EdgeMap) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Informs the graph that the given edge map is not needed any longer.
disposeFaceMap(FaceMap) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Disposes a FaceMap formerly created with createFaceMap().
disposeInfoMap(LayoutGraph, NodeMap) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.Grouping
factory desctructor method for a the NodeMap
disposeMementoSupport() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Disposes the memento support if it is existent, i.e. if it has been queried before by getMementoSupport()
disposeNodeMap(NodeMap) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Informs the graph that the given node map is not needed any longer.
disposeStructures() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
Cleans up previously allocated structures, that were constructed by a call to initStructures
dist - Variable in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter.NodeInfo
the distance of the node to it's root node.
distance(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class y.geom.YPoint
Returns the euclidean distance between two points.
distance(YPoint, YPoint) - Static method in class y.geom.YPoint
Returns the euclidean distance between two points.
distanceToNextNode - Variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
doAllowBendCreation() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Returns true iff the creation of bends should be allowed.
doAllowBendCreation() - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
Returns true iff the creation of bends should be allowed.
doAllowEdgeCreation() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Returns true iff the creation of edges should be allowed.
doAllowMoveSelection() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Whether or not to allow moving around the selected features of the displayed graph.
doAllowMoving() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Whether or not to allow moving the viewport of the view via right mouse drag action.
doAllowNodeCreation() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Returns true iff the creation of nodes should be allowed.
doAllowResizeNodes() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Whether or not to allow resizing of nodes by dragging at the selection hotspots.
doAllowSelfloopCreation() - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
Returns true iff the creation of selfloops should be allowed.
doEdgeRecovery() - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
this method restores all the substituted edges in the graph and removes the dummy nodes that represent crossings
doLayout(GraphInterface, GraphLayout) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Calculates a layout for the given graph interface and layout.
doLayout(GraphInterface, GraphLayout) - Method in class y.layout.BufferedLayouter
Invokes the core Layouter on a copy of the given graph.
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.SubgraphLayouter
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.SelfLoopLayouter
Lays out the given graph.
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.ParallelEdgeLayouter
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.OrientationLayouter
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in interface y.layout.Layouter
Assigns a new graph layout to the given layout graph.
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutTranslator
Before invoking the core layouter this stage translates traditional label layout information to data provider based label layout data.
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutDataRefinement
Assigns a new graph layout to the given layout graph.
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.CompositeLayouter
Assigns a new graph layout to the given layout graph.
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.CompositeLayoutStage
Assigns a new graph layout to the given layout graph.
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.ComponentLayouter
Calculate the layout.
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Calculates a layout for the given graph.
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.BufferedLayouter
Invokes the core Layouter on a copy of the given graph.
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.BendConverter
Assigns a new graph layout to the given layout graph.
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.RecursiveGroupLayouter
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.ParentEdgeAugmentationStage
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.IsolatedGroupComponentLayouter
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.GroupNodeHider
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.FixedGroupLayoutStage
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Place the labels in the graph.
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.organic.SplitEdgeLayoutStage
Assigns a new graph layout to the given layout graph
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter
Performs the force transfer algorithm on the given graph after the core layouter has performed its job.
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.organic.RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage
Assigns a new graph layout to the given layout graph.
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.organic.GroupedShuffleLayouter
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalGroupLayouter
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Main entrance to orthogonal edge routing.
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrganicEdgeRouter
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphZoomer
Assigns a new graph layout to the given layout graph.
doLayout(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.tree.TreeComponentLayouter
Assigns a new graph layout to the given layout graph.
doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Subclasses have to provide core layout code in this method.
doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.AbstractLayoutStage
Invokes the layout routine of the core layouter.
doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.circular.SingleCycleLayouter
Core layout routine.
doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.circular.CircularLayouter
Core layout routine.
doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Layout the given graph.
doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
Layout the given graph.
doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Subclasses have to provide core layout code in this method.
doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Invokes the core layout algorithm.
doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.organic.GRIP
doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Assigns an orthogonal graph layout to the given layout graph.
doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalGroupLayouter
doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.random.RandomLayouter
Perform the layout.
doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Performs the selected transformation.
doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.tree.TreeLayouter
Starts the tree layout process
doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.tree.HVTreeLayouter
Core layout routine.
doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Core layout routine.
doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
Core layout routine.
doLayoutUsingDummies(LayoutGraph, DataProvider) - Method in class y.layout.tree.TreeComponentLayouter
doRemoveOriginalEdges(EdgeList) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Removes a list of edges from the graph.
doShowEdgeTips() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Returns true if this mode should display tip text for an edge.
doShowNodeTips() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Returns true if this mode should display tip text for a node.
DOTTED_1 - Static variable in class y.view.LineType
A dotted line with width 1.0
DOTTED_2 - Static variable in class y.view.LineType
A dotted line with width 2.0
DOTTED_3 - Static variable in class y.view.LineType
A dotted line with width 3.0
DOTTED_4 - Static variable in class y.view.LineType
A dotted line with width 4.0
DOTTED_5 - Static variable in class y.view.LineType
A dotted line with width 5.0
DOTTED_STYLE - Static variable in class y.view.LineType
Line style specifier that describes a dotted line.
DoubleNodePQ - interface y.util.pq.DoubleNodePQ.
Defines an interface for specialized priority queues that contains nodes which are prioritized by associated double values.
DoubleOptionItem - class y.option.DoubleOptionItem.
An option item for double values.
DoubleOptionItem(String, double) - Constructor for class y.option.DoubleOptionItem
Creates a new instance of DoubleOptionItem.
DoubleOptionItem(String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class y.option.DoubleOptionItem
Creates a new instance of DoubleOptionItem for bounded values.
DoubleOptionItem(String, double, double, double, int) - Constructor for class y.option.DoubleOptionItem
Like DoubleOptionItem.DoubleOptionItem(String,double,double,double).
DOWN_SHIFT - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.TopologicalLayerer
Ranking policy specifier.
downShiftNodes(Graph, NodeMap, int) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.WeightedLayerer
Pushes the nodes down, drawings seems then to be nicer.
Drawable - interface y.view.Drawable.
An interface for classes that can draw themselves.
drawables() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns a cursor iterating over all Drawables known to this graph.
Drawer - interface y.layout.hierarchic.Drawer.
Interface for the third phase of the sugiyama algorithm.
DrawingEmbedder - class y.layout.planar.DrawingEmbedder.
Computes a planar embedding from a planar drawing of a graph.
DrawingEmbedder() - Constructor for class y.layout.planar.DrawingEmbedder
drawPortCandidate(Graphics2D, YPoint, Node, Edge) - Method in class y.view.MovePortMode
Draws a single port candidate.
dropViewContainer() - Method in class y.view.ViewControl
Remove the ViewControl from the ViewContainer.
DUAL - Static variable in class y.layout.planar.SimpleEdgeRouter
DualPlanarInformation - class y.layout.planar.DualPlanarInformation.
A class for all the dual graph stuff
DualPlanarInformation(SimplePlanarInformation) - Constructor for class y.layout.planar.DualPlanarInformation
Creates dual graph of an embedded graph.
DualPlanarInformation(SimplePlanarInformation, EdgeList) - Constructor for class y.layout.planar.DualPlanarInformation
Creates dual graph of an embedded graph.
dummy - Variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianDrawerWrapper
the dummyMap
DUMMY_NODE_DPKEY - Static variable in class y.layout.tree.TreeComponentLayouter
During the mainrun of the layout dummy nodes can be identified by looking at the value of the registered DataProvider which can be obtained from the graph using this key.
dummyMap - Variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
DYNAMIC - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label position specifier for label model NodeLabel.EDGE_OPPOSITE.
DYNAMIC - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge label position specifier for label models EdgeLabel.SIDE_SLIDER and EdgeLabel.CENTER_SLIDER.
DYNAMIC - Static variable in class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
Mode constant.


E - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label position specifier for label model NodeLabel.SIDES and NodeLabel.EIGHT_POS.
E() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Same as Graph.edgeCount()
EAST - Static variable in class y.layout.PortConstraint
Weak constraint specifier.
EAST - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Symbolic position specifier.
Edge - class y.base.Edge.
Represents a directed connection between two nodes in a graph.
EDGE - Static variable in class y.view.HitInfo
Type specifier for edges used to declare the order of search precedence.
EDGE_CREATION - Static variable in class y.base.GraphEvent
Type constant that identifies an event that gets fired immediatelly after an edge has been created.
EDGE_ID_DPKEY - Static variable in interface y.layout.Layouter
The data provider key used to look up a unique Object identifier (consistend with hashCode() and equals() ) for each edge in a graph.
EDGE_LABEL_LAYOUT_KEY - Static variable in interface y.layout.LabelLayoutKeys
Key that is used to add or access a data provider to a graph that must returns for each edge of the graph an array of type LabelLayoutData.
EDGE_OPPOSITE - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label model specifier.
EDGE_REINSERTION - Static variable in class y.base.GraphEvent
Type constant that identifies an event that gets fired immediatelly after an edge has been reinserted in the graph.
EDGE_STATE_CHANGED - Static variable in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEvent
Event type specifier which indicates that the inter edge state of an edge has changed.
edge() - Method in interface y.base.EdgeCursor
Returns the edge at the current location of the cursor.
Edge(Graph, Node, Edge, Node, Edge, int, int) - Constructor for class y.base.Edge
Creates a new edge that belongs to the given graph.
edgeCount() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns the number of edges in this graph.
edgeCreated(Edge) - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
This method gets called after a new edge was completely created by this mode.
EdgeCursor - interface y.base.EdgeCursor.
A cursor interface for iterating over edges.
EdgeGraphicsParser - class y.io.gml.EdgeGraphicsParser.
This class is used by EdgeParser.
EdgeGraphicsParser() - Constructor for class y.io.gml.EdgeGraphicsParser
EdgeGroupConstraintModule - class y.module.EdgeGroupConstraintModule.
A module that allows to configure edge group constraints, interactively.
EdgeGroupConstraintModule() - Constructor for class y.module.EdgeGroupConstraintModule
EdgeInserter - class y.layout.planar.EdgeInserter.
This class handles insertion of edges into an embedded graph.
EdgeInserter(PlanarInformation) - Constructor for class y.layout.planar.EdgeInserter
EdgeLabel - class y.view.EdgeLabel.
This class represents a label associated with an EdgeRealizer.
EdgeLabel() - Constructor for class y.view.EdgeLabel
Default is visible label with empty text, model 2-pos
EdgeLabel(String) - Constructor for class y.view.EdgeLabel
Default: CENTERED labelling and visible.
EdgeLabel(String, byte) - Constructor for class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge Label with positioning model mode.
EdgeLabelCandidate - class y.layout.EdgeLabelCandidate.
A candidate position for edge labels
EdgeLabelCandidate(YPoint, YDimension, Object, EdgeLabelLayout) - Constructor for class y.layout.EdgeLabelCandidate
Returns a new instance of LabelCandidate.
EdgeLabelCandidate(YPoint, YDimension, Object, EdgeLabelLayout, boolean) - Constructor for class y.layout.EdgeLabelCandidate
Returns a new instance of EdgeLabelCandidate.
edgeLabelFeatureMap - Variable in class y.layout.DefaultLayoutGraph
EdgeLabelGraphicsEncoder - class y.io.gml.EdgeLabelGraphicsEncoder.
This class can encode EdgeLabels in valid GML
EdgeLabelGraphicsEncoder() - Constructor for class y.io.gml.EdgeLabelGraphicsEncoder
EdgeLabelLayout - interface y.layout.EdgeLabelLayout.
This interface defines the properties of one edge label from the perspective of a labelling algorithm.
EdgeLabelLayoutImpl - class y.layout.EdgeLabelLayoutImpl.
This class is an default implementation of the EdgeLabelLayout interface.
EdgeLabelLayoutImpl() - Constructor for class y.layout.EdgeLabelLayoutImpl
edgeLabelMap - Variable in class y.layout.DefaultLayoutGraph
EdgeLabelModel - interface y.layout.EdgeLabelModel.
This interface defines the properties of the model associated with an edge label layout.
edgeLabelModelMap - Static variable in class y.io.gml.LabelGraphicsParser
edgeLabelPosMap - Static variable in class y.io.gml.LabelGraphicsParser
edgeLabelPrefMap - Static variable in class y.io.gml.LabelGraphicsParser
EdgeLayout - interface y.layout.EdgeLayout.
This interface encapsulates the layout information for an edge.
edgeLayoutString(LayoutGraph, Edge) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Returns the path of the layout of a specific edge as a String.
edgeLengthKey - Variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
EdgeList - class y.base.EdgeList.
This is a special list implementation for instances of type Edge.
EdgeList() - Constructor for class y.base.EdgeList
Creates an empty List.
EdgeList(Edge) - Constructor for class y.base.EdgeList
Creates a list that is initialized with a single element provided
EdgeList(Edge[]) - Constructor for class y.base.EdgeList
Creates a list that is initialized with the elements provided by the given array of Edges
EdgeList(EdgeCursor) - Constructor for class y.base.EdgeList
Creates a list containing the edges accessible via the given edge cursor.
EdgeList(EdgeCursor, DataProvider) - Constructor for class y.base.EdgeList
Creates a list containing the edges accessible via the given edge cursor and for which the given data provider returns true upon calling its getBool method.
EdgeList(Iterator) - Constructor for class y.base.EdgeList
Creates a list that is initialized with the elements provided by the Iterator it.
edgeListComparator - Variable in class y.layout.planar.GT
EdgeMap - interface y.base.EdgeMap.
Provides access to data associated with an edge.
EdgeMapAdapter - class y.util.EdgeMapAdapter.
This class is an empty abstract implementation of the EdgeMap interface.
EdgeMapAdapter() - Constructor for class y.util.EdgeMapAdapter
edgeModelMap - Static variable in class y.io.gml.EdgeLabelGraphicsEncoder
Mapping between label model identifier and string description
edgeMoved(double, double) - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
This method gets called whenever the dummy endpoint of the to be created edge has changed it's location.
EdgeObjectEncoder - class y.io.gml.EdgeObjectEncoder.
This class is capable of encoding an Edge in valid gml format.
EdgeObjectEncoder() - Constructor for class y.io.gml.EdgeObjectEncoder
EdgeObjectEncoder(ObjectEncoder, ObjectEncoder) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.EdgeObjectEncoder
edgeObjects() - Method in interface y.base.GraphInterface
Returns an iterator that provides access to all edges residing in the graph.
edgeObjects() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns an iterator that provides access to all edges residing in this graph.
EdgeOppositeNodeLabelModel - class y.layout.EdgeOppositeNodeLabelModel.
A node label model that sets the labels at the opposite side of the outgoing edges of a node.
EdgeOppositeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter - class y.layout.EdgeOppositeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter.
EdgeOppositeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter() - Constructor for class y.layout.EdgeOppositeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter
EdgeOppositeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter(double, double) - Constructor for class y.layout.EdgeOppositeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter
EdgeOppositeNodeLabelModel(LayoutGraph, Node) - Constructor for class y.layout.EdgeOppositeNodeLabelModel
EdgeOrder - interface y.layout.planar.EdgeOrder.
Interface EdgeOrder.
EdgePairCursor - interface y.layout.planar.EdgePairCursor.
Defines a cursor which returns pairs of edges.
EdgeParser - class y.io.gml.EdgeParser.
This class is used by GraphParser.
EdgeParser(Graph2D, Map, Map) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.EdgeParser
Creates an edge parser, which is capable of parsing the top level attributes of the .graph.edge scope.
edgePosMap - Static variable in class y.io.gml.EdgeLabelGraphicsEncoder
Mapping between label position identifier and string description
edgePrefMap - Static variable in class y.io.gml.EdgeLabelGraphicsEncoder
Mapping between preferred label position identifier and string description
EdgeRealizer - class y.view.EdgeRealizer.
Abstract graphical representation of an edge.
EdgeRealizer() - Constructor for class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Instantiates a new EdgeRealizer with default values.
EdgeRealizer(EdgeRealizer) - Constructor for class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Instantiates a new EdgeRealizer as a copy of the given edge realizer.
EdgeRealizerObjectEncoder - class y.io.gml.EdgeRealizerObjectEncoder.
This class is capable of encoding an Edge's EdgeRealizer in valid gml format.
EdgeRealizerObjectEncoder() - Constructor for class y.io.gml.EdgeRealizerObjectEncoder
EdgeReverser - class y.layout.hierarchic.EdgeReverser.
Helper that reverses edges that are oriented in the wrong direction.
EdgeReverser() - Constructor for class y.layout.hierarchic.EdgeReverser
EdgeRouter - class y.layout.planar.EdgeRouter.
Instances of this class route edges through a planar graph using it's dual graph
EdgeRouter(PlanarInformation) - Constructor for class y.layout.planar.EdgeRouter
edges() - Method in class y.base.Node
Returns an edge cursor for all in- and outgoing edges at this node.
edges() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Provides access to the edges of the graph.
edges() - Method in class y.base.EdgeList
Returns an edge cursor for this edge list.
edges() - Method in class y.layout.planar.Face
Returns a cursor over the edges in the face.
EDIT_LABEL - Variable in class y.view.Graph2DViewActions
ActionMap key for action returned by Graph2DViewActions.getEditLabelAction().
EditMode - class y.view.EditMode.
This view mode is the default edit mode for a Graph2DView.
EditMode() - Constructor for class y.view.EditMode
Instantiates a new EditMode
EditMode(ViewContainer) - Constructor for class y.view.EditMode
Instantiates a new EditMode for a given ViewContainer
editor - Variable in class y.option.IntOptionItem
EIGHT_POS - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label model specifier.
EIGHT_POS_MASK - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Position mask that allows only the eight node-external positions.
ELABEL - Static variable in class y.view.HitInfo
Type specifier for edge labels used to declare the order of search precedence.
elementAt(int) - Method in class y.base.YList
Returns the i-th element in this list.
ELLIPSE - Static variable in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Shape type constant.
embed() - Method in interface y.layout.planar.Embedder
Creates the embedding.
embed() - Method in class y.layout.planar.DrawingEmbedder
Calculate planar embedding.
embed() - Method in class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
This method does the whole embedding work
Embedder - interface y.layout.planar.Embedder.
This is an interface for planar embedders.
emit(AnimationEvent) - Method in class y.anim.AnimationCommand
Emits the given event to the bound AnimationListener.
EMPTY_PATH - Static variable in class y.geom.YPointPath
Defines a path with no points.
enableOnlyCore() - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Disables all layout stages and performs only the core layouter.
encode(BufferedImage, OutputStream) - Method in class y.io.JPGIOHandler
encode(BufferedImage, OutputStream) - Method in class y.io.ImageOutputHandler
Encodes the given image to the given output stream.
encode(BufferedImage, OutputStream) - Method in class y.io.GIFIOHandler
encode(Object, GMLEncoder) - Method in interface y.io.gml.ObjectEncoder
This method will try to encode the given object using the GMLEncoder
encode(Object, GMLEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.NodeRealizerObjectEncoder
encode(Object, GMLEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.NodeObjectEncoder
encode(Object, GMLEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.NodeLabelGraphicsEncoder
encode(Object, GMLEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.LabelGraphicsEncoder
encode(Object, GMLEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.InterEdgeEncoder
encode(Object, GMLEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.HierarchyNodeObjectEncoder
encode(Object, GMLEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.HierarchyEdgeObjectEncoder
encode(Object, GMLEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphObjectEncoder
encode(Object, GMLEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.GraphObjectEncoder
encode(Object, GMLEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.GmlObjectEncoder
encode(Object, GMLEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.EdgeRealizerObjectEncoder
encode(Object, GMLEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.EdgeObjectEncoder
encode(Object, GMLEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.EdgeLabelGraphicsEncoder
encode(String) - Static method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Returns the external form of a given class name string.
encodeAlignment(byte) - Static method in class y.io.gml.LabelGraphicsEncoder
encodeArrowType(Arrow) - Static method in class y.io.gml.EdgeRealizerObjectEncoder
Encodes an arrow type to one of the GML values delta, standard, diamond, short, white_delta, white_diamond, none.
encodeAutoSizePolicy(byte) - Static method in class y.io.gml.NodeLabelGraphicsEncoder
encodeFontStyle(int) - Static method in class y.io.gml.LabelGraphicsEncoder
encodeLineStyle(byte) - Static method in class y.io.gml.EdgeRealizerObjectEncoder
Encodes a line-style constant to one of the GML values line, dashed or dotted.
EncoderFactory - interface y.io.gml.EncoderFactory.
This interface is a factory for ObjectEncoders.
encodeShape(byte) - Static method in class y.io.gml.NodeRealizerObjectEncoder
Encodes a ShapeNodeRealizer shape constant to a GML value.
END - Static variable in class y.anim.AnimationEvent
Event hint specifier.
END_BLOCK - Static variable in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEvent
Event type specifier which indicates that a block of consecutive events has ended.
end() - Method in class y.io.gml.NodeParser
end() - Method in class y.io.gml.NodeGraphicsParser
end() - Method in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
this method will be called as soon as the parser leaves the scope.
end() - Method in class y.io.gml.InterEdgeParser
end() - Method in class y.io.gml.HierarchyNodeParser
end() - Method in class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphParser
Groups the graph according to the grouping information that has been parsed.
end() - Method in class y.io.gml.GraphParser
end() - Method in class y.io.gml.EdgeParser
end() - Method in class y.io.gml.EdgeGraphicsParser
endScope(String) - Method in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
Note: subclass implementers should make a super call, if they want to overwrite this method.
endScope(String) - Method in interface y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer.Callback
called when a scope is left
endScope(String) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer.DebugCallback
endScope(String) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer.EncoderCallback
endSection() - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLEncoder
enqueue(Object) - Method in class y.util.BoundedQueue
Appends x to the rear of this queue.
EnumOptionItem - class y.option.EnumOptionItem.
An option item for a value that is chosen from a fixed range of possible values.
EnumOptionItem(String) - Constructor for class y.option.EnumOptionItem
Creates an empty instance of EnumOptionItem.
EnumOptionItem(String, Object[], int) - Constructor for class y.option.EnumOptionItem
Creates a new instance of EnumOptionItem.
EnumOptionItem(String, Object[], Object) - Constructor for class y.option.EnumOptionItem
Creates a new instance of EnumOptionItem.
EOF - Static variable in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
EPSILON - Static variable in class y.view.Util
A reasonable small value ( 0.000001 ) useful for approximating 0.0.
equals(Object) - Method in class y.geom.YRectangle
equals(Object) - Method in class y.geom.YPoint
Tests a point to equality to another point.
equals(Object) - Method in class y.geom.YDimension
Tests a dimension to equality to another dimension.
equals(Object) - Method in class y.geom.YCircle
equals(Object) - Method in class y.io.SuffixFileFilter
equals(Object) - Method in class y.util.Tuple
Determines if the given Tuple equals another Tuple.
equals(Object) - Method in class y.view.LineType
Two LineTypes are considered to be equal if all of their properties are equal.
execute() - Method in class y.anim.AnimationCommand
Executes this AnimationObject by invoking an AnimationPlayer on it.
execute() - Method in interface y.base.Command
Exeutes the command.
externalNodeLabelPosMap - Static variable in class y.io.gml.LabelGraphicsParser


Face - class y.layout.planar.Face.
This class represents a face (region) in a planar graph.
face() - Method in interface y.layout.planar.FaceCursor
Returns the Face, the cursor is pointing on.
faceCount() - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Returns the number of Faces.
FaceCursor - interface y.layout.planar.FaceCursor.
Defines a cursor which returns only instances of Face.
faceList - Variable in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
FaceMap - interface y.layout.planar.FaceMap.
Provides access to data associated with a face.
faceOf(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Get the face to which an edge belongs.
faces() - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Get cursor over faces.
FAILED - Static variable in class y.module.YModule
Exit state constant.
fatal(Object) - Static method in class y.util.D
Called on a fatal error.
fatal(Object, Object) - Static method in class y.util.D
Outputs the class of the given object and the given message.
FG_LAYER - Static variable in class y.view.Graph2DView
Foreground layer constant.
FileOptionItem - class y.option.FileOptionItem.
An option item for file name values.
FileOptionItem(String, String) - Constructor for class y.option.FileOptionItem
Creates a new instance of FileOptionItem
findAllPaths(Graph, Node, Node, EdgeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.Paths
Marks all edges that belong to a directed path from start to end node.
findAndHideParallelEdges(Graph) - Method in class y.layout.ParallelEdgeLayouter
findBBIntersection(double, double, double, double, Point2D) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
findBBIntersection(double, double, double, double, Point2D) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns true iff the coord (ix,iy) is identical with (getCenterX(),getCenterY()) and the coord (ox,oy), lies outside the bounding box of this realizer.
findBBIntersection(double, double, double, double, Point2D) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
findBestFitRotationAngle(LayoutGraph, double, double) - Static method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Returns a rotation angle that, if applied to the given graph, would minimize the zoom-level needed to display the graph in an area of the given dimension.
findCell(Object) - Method in class y.base.YList
Returns the cell where Object o is stored.
findChains() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
Finds chains of nodes, i.e. maximum number of adjacent nodes (real ones and dummy nodes) have indegree and outdegree 1.
findCycle(Graph, boolean) - Static method in class y.algo.Cycles
Returns an edge list that contains the edges of a cycle found in the given graph.
findCycleEdges(Graph, EdgeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.Cycles
This method marks edges of a given graph whose removal or reversal would make that graph acyclic.
findCycleEdgesDFS(Graph, EdgeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.Cycles
Like Cycles.findCycleEdges(Graph, EdgeMap) this method edges of a given graph whose removal or reversal would make that graph acyclic.
findExtendedGroupingSelection(Graph2D, NodeList, NodeList, BendList) - Static method in class y.view.Selections
Collects additional elements within a grouped graph that depend on the current node selection.
findGraphComponents(LayoutGraph, NodeMap) - Method in class y.layout.ComponentLayouter
Determines which nodes will belong to the same graph component.
findGraphComponents(LayoutGraph, NodeMap) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.IsolatedGroupComponentLayouter
Determines which nodes will belong to the same graph component.
findIntersection(double, double, double, double, Point2D) - Method in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Special Intersection handling for some types of shape.
findIntersection(double, double, double, double, Point2D) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
findIntersection(double, double, double, double, Point2D) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns true iff the coord (ix,iy) lies within the visual shape of this realizer and the coord (ox,oy) lies outside of that shape.
findIntersection(double, double, double, double, Point2D) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
findIntersection(NodeRealizer, double, double, double, double, Point2D) - Method in class y.view.Port
Returns true iff the coord (ix,iy) lies within the visual shape of this port and the coord (ox,oy> lies outside of that shape.
findIntersection(NodeRealizer, double, double, double, double, Point2D) - Method in class y.view.InterfacePort
Returns true iff the coord (ix,iy) lies within the visual shape of this port and the coord (ox,oy> lies outside of that shape.
findLongestPath(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.Paths
Returns the longest directed path within the given acyclic graph.
findLongestPath(Graph, DataProvider) - Static method in class y.algo.Paths
Returns the longest directed path within a given acyclic weighted graph.
findLongestPaths(Graph, Node, EdgeMap, NodeMap, EdgeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.Paths
Calculates the longest path from one vertex to all other vertices in a given acyclic graph
findLongPath(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.Paths
Returns an edge list that contains the edges of a undirected simple path within the given graph.
findNode(String, HierarchicGraphParser) - Method in class y.io.gml.InterEdgeParser
findPath(Graph, NodeList, Node, Node, EdgeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.Paths
Returns whether or not there is a directed path from one node to another node in an acyclic graph
findPath(Graph, Node, Node, boolean) - Static method in class y.algo.Paths
Returns an edge list that contains the edges of a path from the given start node to the given end node, if such a path exists.
findShortestUniformPaths(Graph, Node, Node, boolean, EdgeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
Marks all edges that belong to a shortest path from start to end node.
fireGraph2DEvent(Object, String, Object, Object) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Fires a Graph2DEvent
fireGraph2DSelectionEvent(Object) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Fires a GraphSelectionEvent for the given subject
fireGraphEvent(GraphEvent) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Propagates the given graph event to all registered graph listeners.
fireHierarchyEvent(HierarchyEvent) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Propagates the given hierarchy event to all registered hierarchy listeners.
firePostEvent() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Propagates a post event to all registered graph listeners.
firePostEvent(Object) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Like Graph.firePostEvent().
firePreEvent() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Propagates a pre event to all registered graph listeners.
firePreEvent(Object) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Like Graph.firePreEvent().
fireSplitFaceEvent(Edge, Face[], Face[]) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
fireSubdivisionEvent(Edge, Edge[]) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
fireUnsplitFaceEvent(Edge, Face[], Face[]) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
fireUnsubdivideEvent(Edge[], Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
first() - Method in class y.base.YList
Returns the first element in this list.
firstBend() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the first bend of the edge, null if the edge has none.
firstBend() - Method in class y.view.BendList
Returns the first bend in this list.
firstCell() - Method in class y.base.YList
Returns the first cell in this list.
firstEdge() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns the first edge in this graph.
firstEdge() - Method in class y.base.EdgeList
Returns the first edge in this list.
firstInEdge() - Method in class y.base.Node
Returns the first ingoing edge at this node, or null if it does not exist.
firstNode() - Method in class y.base.NodeList
Returns the first node in this list, null when the list is empty.
firstNode() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns the first node in this graph.
firstOutEdge() - Method in class y.base.Node
Returns the first outgoing edge at this node, or null if it does not exist.
firstOutEdge(Node) - Static method in class y.base.Graph
Low level iteration support for adj edges.
fitContent() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Fits the contents inside this view.
fitGraph2DView() - Method in class y.module.YModule
Fits the content if the current view is of type Graph2DView.
fitGraph2DView() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Invokes fitContent() on the current view, if the current view is of type Graph2DView.
fitRectangle(Rectangle) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Fits the given rectangle inside this view.
fitWorldRect() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Set the size and offset of the displayed document's world rectangle to the size and offset of this view.
FIXED_GROUP_NODES_DPKEY - Static variable in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
DataProvider key used in conjunction with hierarchically grouped graphs.
FIXED_GROUPS_POLICY - Static variable in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Node group policy specifier.
FIXED_HEIGHT - Static variable in class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Arc type specifier constant.
FIXED_RATIO - Static variable in class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Arc type specifier constant.
FixedGroupLayoutStage - class y.layout.grouping.FixedGroupLayoutStage.
A layout stage for hierarchically grouped graphs.
FixedGroupLayoutStage() - Constructor for class y.layout.grouping.FixedGroupLayoutStage
Creates a new instance of FixedGroupLayoutStage
FLOAT2 - Static variable in class y.view.Util
A 2-dimensional float array that may be used as temporary scratch variable.
FLOAT6 - Static variable in class y.view.Util
A six-dimensional float array that may be used as temporary scratch variable, e.g. when working with PathIterators.
FOCUS_BOTTOM_NODE - Variable in class y.view.Graph2DViewActions
ActionMap key for action returned by Graph2DViewActions.getFocusBottomNodeAction().
FOCUS_LEFT_NODE - Variable in class y.view.Graph2DViewActions
ActionMap key for action returned by Graph2DViewActions.getFocusLeftNodeAction().
FOCUS_RIGHT_NODE - Variable in class y.view.Graph2DViewActions
ActionMap key for action returned by Graph2DViewActions.getFocusRightNodeAction().
FOCUS_TOP_NODE - Variable in class y.view.Graph2DViewActions
ActionMap key for action returned by Graph2DViewActions.getFocusTopNodeAction().
focusView(double, Point2D, boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
folderNode - Variable in class y.io.gml.HierarchyNodeParser
folderNodeId2Parser - Variable in class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphParser
Used to associate a HierarchyNodeParser the the id of the group node that it needs to parse.
foldSubgraph(NodeList, Node) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Moves part of a graph into a folder node.
followingEdge(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Returns the counterclockwise next edge of another edge around a node
followingEdge(Edge) - Method in interface y.layout.planar.EdgeOrder
forClass - Variable in class y.util.AbstractStringConverter
the class type which can be converted by this instance
forward() - Method in class y.base.CommandStream
Returns the next command for which a redo operation is meaningful and consistent in respect to the order of the commands registered.
forwardPossible() - Method in class y.base.CommandStream
Returns true iff it is possible to retrive a command by calling forward().
FrameMaker - class y.layout.planar.FrameMaker.
Creates a Frame around a graph.
FrameMaker() - Constructor for class y.layout.planar.FrameMaker
FREE - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label model specifier.
FREE - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge label model specifier.
FreeEdgeLabelModel - class y.layout.FreeEdgeLabelModel.
An edge label model that allows placement of labels at a fixed offset from the source intersection point of the node.
FreeEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter - class y.layout.FreeEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter.
The model parameters for the FreeEdgeLabelModel.
FreeEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter() - Constructor for class y.layout.FreeEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter
FreeEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter(double, double) - Constructor for class y.layout.FreeEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter
FreeEdgeLabelModel() - Constructor for class y.layout.FreeEdgeLabelModel
FreeNodeLabelModel - class y.layout.FreeNodeLabelModel.
A node label model that allows placement of labels at a fixed offset from the upper left corner of the node.
FreeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter - class y.layout.FreeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter.
The model parameters for the FreeNodeLabelModel.
FreeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter() - Constructor for class y.layout.FreeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter
FreeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter(double, double) - Constructor for class y.layout.FreeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter
FreeNodeLabelModel() - Constructor for class y.layout.FreeNodeLabelModel
FULLSCREEN - Static variable in class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
Mode constant.


gapAngle - Variable in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter.NodeInfo
The angle that of the gap that to the wedge of the previous child node.
Geom - class y.geom.Geom.
This class provides useful geometric primitives and advanced geometric algorithms.
get(Object) - Method in interface y.base.NodeMap
Returns the value bound to the given node.
get(Object) - Method in interface y.base.EdgeMap
Returns the value bound to the given edge.
get(Object) - Method in interface y.base.DataProvider
Returns an object value associated with the given data holder.
get(Object) - Method in class y.io.LinkMap
Gets the LinkInfo mapped to the specified key.
get(Object) - Method in class y.util.WrappedObjectDataProvider
get(Object) - Method in class y.util.NodeMapAdapter
Returns the value bound to the given node.
get(Object) - Method in class y.util.EdgeMapAdapter
Returns the value bound to the given edge.
get(Object) - Method in class y.util.DataProviderAdapter
Throws UnsupportedOperationException.
get(Object, Object) - Method in class y.util.HashMap2D
Returns the value to which the specified pair of keys is mapped.
get(String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns the value of the option item that has the given identifying name.
get(String, String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns the value of an option item
getA() - Method in class y.geom.AffineLine
Returns a from ax+by+c = 0
getAbsRatio() - Method in class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter
getAcceptingSuffix() - Method in class y.io.SuffixFileFilter
getActivateDeterministicMode() - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Returns whether or not this layouter is in deterministic mode.
getActivateTreeBeautifier() - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Returns whether or not to activate the subtree beautifier.
getActiveGraph() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.Graph2DHierarchyUndoManager
Getter for property activeGraph.
getActiveToken() - Method in class y.base.CommandStream
Obtains a token which determines the currently active position in the stream.
getActiveToken() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
Obtains a token which determines the currently active position in the stream.
getAlignment() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns the currently set alignment style for multiple lines of label text.
getAllowOverlaps() - Method in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Returns whether or not to allow partially overlapping nodes.
getAllowRandomization() - Method in class y.layout.planar.GT
Returns if the algorithm will use randomization to improve the result.
getAnchorNode(Graph) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns the anchor node of the given graph.
getAngleSum() - Method in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter.NodeInfo
Returns the sum of all wedge angles
getAnimationLength() - Method in interface y.anim.AnimationObject
Returns the number of animation frames this object will provide.
getAnimationLength() - Method in class y.anim.AnimationCommand
AnimationObject implementatation.
getAnimationListener() - Method in interface y.anim.AnimationObject
Returns the animation listener relevant for the displayed results of the animation object.
getAnimationListener() - Method in class y.anim.AnimationCommand
Returns the AnimationListener of this AnimationCommand.
getApplyClipping() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DNodeRealizer
Returns whether or not to use clipping when drawing the inenr graph.
getApplyTransformation() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DNodeRealizer
Returns whether or not to apply a best fit transformation to the graph before displaying it.
getArcType() - Method in class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Returns the arc type of this realizer.
getArgument(String) - Method in class y.util.CommandLineArguments
returns the string value of the option named 'name'
getArrow() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the arrow type at the target location of the edge path.
getArrow(byte) - Static method in class y.view.Arrow
Returns the arrow described by the given arrow type specifier.
getAspectRatio() - Method in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
Getter for property aspectRatio.
getAspectRatio(Node) - Method in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
Returns whether or not the subtree rooted at the given node should be layed out vertically.
getAssignEdgeLabels() - Method in class y.io.TGFIOHandler
Returns whether or not to ignore node labels when reading or writing nodes.
getAssignNodeLabels() - Method in class y.io.TGFIOHandler
Returns whether or not to ignore node labels when reading or writing nodes.
getAttraction() - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Getter for property attraction.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class y.io.LinkInfo
Returns the value of attribute name.
getAttributes() - Method in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
Getter for property attributes.
getAuthor() - Method in class y.module.YModule
Returns the name of this module's author
getAutoBoundsInsets() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.ProxyAutoBoundsNodeRealizer
This call will be delegated to the internal realizer, if that realizer implements the AutoBoundsFeature interface.
getAutoBoundsInsets() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
getAutoBoundsInsets() - Method in interface y.view.hierarchy.AutoBoundsFeature
Returns the currently set auto bounds insets.
getAutomaticRadius() - Method in class y.layout.circular.SingleCycleLayouter
Returns whether or not to choose the cycle radius automatically.
getAutoSizePolicy() - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Returns the currently set autosize policy for this label.
getB() - Method in class y.geom.AffineLine
Returns b from ax+by+c = 0
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns the background color to be used for painting this label.
getBackgroundRenderer() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns the current BackgroundRenderer of this view.
getBackupRealizersHandler() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the handler for backupRealizer method calls.
getBadOrthogonal() - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Returns whether bad edges should be drawn in an orthogonal fashion.
getBalloonLayouter() - Method in class y.layout.circular.CircularLayouter
Returns the BalloonLayouter used for laying out arranging separate node cycles Configuring that layouter has effect upon the arrangement of separate node cycles within the overall layout.
getBend(int) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the bend at the given positional index.
getBendDistance() - Method in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
Getter for property bendDistance.
getBendPopup(Bend) - Method in class y.view.PopupMode
Provides a JPopupMenu that is displayed for the given bend.
getBendReductionThreshold() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Returns the limit, when bends are removed and a straight line is drawn instead.
getBendsToBeMoved() - Method in class y.view.MoveSelectionMode
Returns the bends that should will be moved by this view mode.
getBendsToBeMoved() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyMoveSelectionMode
getBestModelParameterForLocation(double, double) - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Returns the best model parameter for this label at the given location.
getBestModelParameterForOffset(double, double) - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Returns the best model parameter for this label with the given offset.
getBipartition(Graph, NodeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.Bipartitions
Calculates a bipartition of the given graph if one exists.
getBool(Object) - Method in interface y.base.NodeMap
Returns the boolean value bound to the given node.
getBool(Object) - Method in interface y.base.EdgeMap
Returns the boolean value bound to the given edge.
getBool(Object) - Method in interface y.base.DataProvider
Returns a boolean value associated with the given data holder.
getBool(Object) - Static method in class y.util.YUtil
Converts an Object to boolean.
getBool(Object) - Method in class y.util.WrappedObjectDataProvider
getBool(Object) - Method in class y.util.NodeMapAdapter
Returns the boolean value bound to the given node.
getBool(Object) - Method in class y.util.EdgeMapAdapter
Returns the boolean value bound to the given edge.
getBool(Object) - Method in class y.util.DataProviderAdapter
Throws UnsupportedOperationException.
getBool(String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns the boolean value of an option item.
getBool(String, String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns the boolean value of an option item.
getBoolArray(int, int) - Method in class y.util.YRandom
Returns an array of n randomly chosen boolean values of which trueCount of them are true.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
Convenience method, which returns true if and only if there is an integer attribute valued >0 in the table for the key.
getBorderInsets() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
Returns the size of the empty border that will be added to the minimal bounds of this realizer.
getBottomBorder(Node) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Returns the height of the bottom border of the given node.
getBottomHalf(Node) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Returns the height of the border-obeying bottom half of the node,
getBottomY(Node) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Returns the border obeying bottom y-coordinate of the given node.
getBoundingBox() - Method in class y.geom.YRectangle
Returns this object.
getBoundingBox() - Method in interface y.geom.PlaneObject
Returns the smallest Rectangle which contains the object.
getBoundingBox() - Method in class y.geom.LineSegment
Returns the smallest Rectangle which contains the object.
getBoundingBox() - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the bounding box of the diagram.
getBoundingBox() - Method in class y.layout.LabelCandidate
Returns the bounding box of this label candidate.
getBoundingBox() - Method in interface y.layout.GraphLayout
Returns the bounding box of the graph layout.
getBoundingBox() - Method in class y.layout.DefaultGraphLayout
Returns the bounding box of this graph layout This is the smallest rectangle containing the entire layout.
getBoundingBox() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
getBoundingBox() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Return the bounding box of this realizer.
getBoundingBox() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the bounding box of this graph.
getBoundingBox() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
getBoundingBox(byte) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the bounding box of all graph objects residing in the specified layer.
getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph, EdgeCursor) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Returns the bounding box of the edges accessible through the given edge cursor.
getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph, NodeCursor) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Returns the bounding box of the nodes accessible through the given node cursor.
getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph, NodeCursor, EdgeCursor) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Returns the bounding box of the nodes and edges accessible through the given cursors.
getBounds() - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutData
Retruns the bounds of the label.
getBounds() - Method in interface y.view.Drawable
returns the bounds of this drawable.
getBox() - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutImpl
Returns the bounding box of the label
getBox() - Method in interface y.layout.LabelLayout
Returns the bounding box of the label
getBox() - Method in class y.layout.DefaultNodeLabelLayout
getBox() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns the bounding box of this label.
getBox() - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
NodeLabelLayout implementation.
getBox() - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
getBufferedMode() - Method in class y.module.LayoutModule
Returns whether or not to perform the layout process in buffered mode.
getC() - Method in class y.geom.AffineLine
Returns c from ax+by+c = 0
getCallback() - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
Getter for property callback.
getCancelKeyCode() - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
Sets the virtual key code as defined in KeyEvent which cancels the edge creation.
getCanvasComponent() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns the component that displays the contents of this view.
getCanvasSize() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns the size of the canvas part of this component.
getCenter() - Method in class y.geom.YCircle
Returns the center of the circle.
getCenter() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns the world coordinate that is displayed in the center of this view.
getCenter(Node) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the position of a node in a drawing.
getCenterRoot(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.Trees
Returns the center node of an undirected unrooted tree.
getCenterToSpaceRatio() - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Returns the currently set ratio between the two complementary weighting strategies center driven and space driven.
getCenterX() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
getCenterX() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Get X-Coordinate of the center of the node.
getCenterX() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
getCenterX(Node) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the center x-coord of the given node.
getCenterX(Node) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the center x-coord of the given node.
getCenterY() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
getCenterY() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Get Y-Coordinate of the center of the node.
getCenterY() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
getCenterY(Node) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the center y-coord of the given node.
getCenterY(Node) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the center y-coord of the given node.
getChild(Object, int) - Method in class y.view.GraphTreeModel
If parent is the root node then then node at index in the graph is returned.
getChild(Object, int) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeModel
getChildComparator() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeModel
Returns the comparator used to sort the children in each folder.
getChildCount(Object) - Method in class y.view.GraphTreeModel
If parent is the root then the number of nodes in the graph is returned.
getChildCount(Object) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeModel
getChildren(Node) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.Grouping
Returns the children of the given group node as a NodeList.
getChildren(Node) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns all direct child nodes of a group or folder node.
getClassPathProfilePath() - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
Returns the relative path from the class path to the profile that will be used for loading the properties into this instance upon invokation of GlobalProperties.load().
getClassPathResource(String) - Static method in class y.util.ResourceResolver
Resolves the given string and returns an URL.
getClassType() - Method in class y.option.OptionItem
Getter for property classType.
getClickedNode() - Method in class y.view.InteractiveViewMode
Blocks until a node in the associated view gets clicked by a user.
getClipEnlargementValue() - Method in class y.view.DefaultGraph2DRenderer
Returns the clip enlargemnt value.
getClipType() - Method in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
Returns the clip type used to cofigure the viewport.
getClipType() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DPrinter
Returns the clipping type to be applied for printing.
getColor() - Method in class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
Returns the color used to paint the background.
getCompactness() - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Getter for property compactness.
getCompactnessFactor() - Method in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Returns the compactness factor for this layouter.
getComparator() - Method in class y.layout.tree.TreeLayouter
Returns the comparator for outgoing edges at a node This comparator defines the relative order of the child nodes in the layout to be calculated.
getComponent() - Method in interface y.view.View
Returns the AWT component on which the view acts.
getComponent() - Method in class y.view.TreeView
Returns the AWT component on which the view acts.
getComponent() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns this.
getComponentLayouter() - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Returns the LayoutStage responsible for laying out the connected components of the graph.
getComponentSpacing() - Method in class y.layout.ComponentLayouter
Getter for property componentSpacing.
getContext() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEvent
the hierarchy level on which a change occured
getConversion() - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
Getter for property conversion.
getCoord(Object) - Method in class y.layout.router.ChannelRouter
Returns the calculated channel coordinate for an added edge object.
getCopiedEdge(Object) - Method in class y.layout.CopiedLayoutGraph
Returns the copied edge that corresponds to the given original edge.
getCopiedNode(Object) - Method in class y.layout.CopiedLayoutGraph
Returns the copied node that corresponds to the given original node.
getCoreLayouter() - Method in interface y.layout.LayoutStage
Returns the core layouter.
getCoreLayouter() - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutTranslator
getCoreLayouter() - Method in class y.layout.BendConverter
Returns the core layouter.
getCoreLayouter() - Method in class y.layout.AbstractLayoutStage
Returns the core layouter.
getCoreLayouter() - Method in class y.layout.organic.SplitEdgeLayoutStage
Returns the core layouter.
getCoreLayouter() - Method in class y.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter
Returns the core layouter.
getCoreLayouter() - Method in class y.layout.organic.RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage
Returns the core layouter.
getCoreLayouter() - Method in class y.layout.router.OrganicEdgeRouter
Returns the core layouter.
getCoreLayouter() - Method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
getCoreLayouter() - Method in class y.layout.tree.TreeComponentLayouter
Returns the core layouter.
getCost(Graph, NodeMap, EdgeMap, EdgeMap) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.SimplexDrawer
getCoupledDistances() - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Returns whether the minimum distances are coupled.
getCreateEdgeMode() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Returns the minor create edge mode associated with this mode.
getCrossing(AffineLine, AffineLine) - Static method in class y.geom.AffineLine
Returns the crossing of two lines.
getCurrentMode() - Method in class y.view.ViewControl
Returns the currently activated mode of this view control.
getCurrentPath(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
This method returns the path generated by split operations on one edge.
getCurrentView() - Method in interface y.view.ViewContainer
Returns the currently active view in the ViewContainer.
getCurrentView() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns this View.
getCurrentView() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the current view.
getCursor(byte) - Static method in class y.view.HotSpotMode
Returns a suitable cursor for the given hotSpotType.
getCustomArrow(String) - Static method in class y.view.Arrow
Returns the custom arrow that was added under the given name.
getCustomBorderCapacity() - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Returns the currently set custom value for the capacity of the routing border around the graph's bounding box.
getCustomBorderCapacityEnabled() - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Returns the a custom value for the capacity of the routing border should be applied.
getCustomHeight() - Method in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
Returns the custom height of the viewport.
getCustomName() - Method in class y.view.Arrow
If this arrow is a custom arrow it's custom name will be returned.
getCustomWidth() - Method in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
Returns the custom width of the viewport.
getCut(AffineLine) - Method in class y.geom.YCircle
Determines the intersection between this circle and a line.
getData() - Method in class y.base.GraphEvent
Returns the data object associated with this graph event.
getData() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEvent
data associated with a specific event type
getDataProvider(Object) - Method in interface y.base.GraphInterface
Returns a data provider that is registered with the graph under the given key. the lookup domain of a data provider returned will normally consist of either the nodes of the graph or its edges or both.
getDataProvider(Object) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns a data provider that is registered with the graph under the given key.
getDataProviderKeys() - Method in interface y.base.GraphInterface
Returns an array of all data provider keys that are registered with this graph.
getDataProviderKeys() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns an array of all data provider keys that are registered with this graph.
getDefaultEdgeRealizer() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the default edge realizer that will be bound to newly created edges.
getDefaultFolderNodeRealizer() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.DefaultHierarchyGraphFactory
Returns the default node realizer for folder nodes.
getDefaultGroupNodeRealizer() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.DefaultHierarchyGraphFactory
Returns the default node realizer for group nodes.
getDefaultGuiFactory() - Static method in class y.option.OptionHandler
getter for the default GUIFactory
getDefaultNodeRealizer() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the default node realizer that will be bound to newly created nodes.
getDefaultOptionsIOHandler() - Static method in class y.option.OptionHandler
getter for the default OptionsIOhandler
getDefaultParameter() - Method in class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel
Returns the default position.
getDefaultParameter() - Method in interface y.layout.NodeLabelModel
getDefaultParameter() - Method in class y.layout.FreeNodeLabelModel
Returns the default position, this is offset (0,0)
getDefaultParameter() - Method in class y.layout.FreeEdgeLabelModel
Returns the default parameter.
getDefaultParameter() - Method in class y.layout.EdgeOppositeNodeLabelModel
Returns the default position, this is offset (0,0)
getDefaultParameter() - Method in interface y.layout.EdgeLabelModel
Returns the default parameter for this model.
getDefaultParameter() - Method in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Returns the default position.
getDefaultParameter() - Method in class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
Returns the default position.
getDelegate() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianDrawerWrapper
Gets the drawer to which the actual drawing will be delegated.
getDeleteSelectionAction() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DViewActions
Returns an action that deletes the currently selected elements from the graph.
getDescendants(Node) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.Grouping
Returns all descendants of the given group node as a NodeList.
getDescription() - Method in class y.io.SuffixFileFilter
getDescription() - Method in class y.module.YModule
Returns a short description of what this module does
getDistance() - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Returns the distance of the label to the node.
getDistance() - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Returns the distance of the label to the edge.
getDistanceToNextNode(Node) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Returns the minimal distance between the right border of the given node and the left border of its right hand side neighbor in the layer.
getDouble(Object) - Method in interface y.base.NodeMap
Returns the double value bound to the given node.
getDouble(Object) - Method in interface y.base.EdgeMap
Returns the double value bound to the given edge.
getDouble(Object) - Method in interface y.base.DataProvider
Returns a double value associated with the given data holder.
getDouble(Object) - Static method in class y.util.YUtil
Converts an Object to double.
getDouble(Object) - Method in class y.util.WrappedObjectDataProvider
getDouble(Object) - Method in class y.util.NodeMapAdapter
Returns the double value bound to the given node.
getDouble(Object) - Method in class y.util.EdgeMapAdapter
Returns the double value bound to the given edge.
getDouble(Object) - Method in class y.util.DataProviderAdapter
Throws UnsupportedOperationException.
getDouble(String) - Method in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
Convenience method, which returns a double if there is an numeric attribute in the table for the key, or 0.0d
getDouble(String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns the double value of an option item.
getDouble(String, double) - Method in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
Convenience method, which returns a double if there is an numeric attribute in the table for the key, or the default value
getDouble(String, String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns the double value of an option item.
getDrawEdgesFirst() - Method in class y.view.DefaultGraph2DRenderer
Returns the drawing order of edges and nodes.
getDrawer() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Returns the drawer which is responsible for the third phase of the algorithm
getDrawer() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
Returns the drawer which is responsible for the third phase of the algorithm
getDualEdge(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.DualPlanarInformation
getDualNode(Face) - Method in class y.layout.planar.DualPlanarInformation
getDummyEdgeRealizer() - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
Returns the dummy EdgeRealizer which is currently in use.
getDummySourceNodeRealizer() - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
Returns the currently used dummy node realizer for the source node of the dummy edge.
getDummyTargetNodeRealizer() - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
Returns the currently used dummy node realizer for the target node of the dummy edge.
getEdge() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the edge bound to this realizer.
getEdge() - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
getEdge() - Method in class y.view.Bend
Returns the edge this bend belongs to.
getEdge(Node) - Method in class y.base.Node
Returns an edge that connects this node with the given node, if such an edge exists.
getEdgeArray() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns an array containing all edges of this graph.
getEdgeClippedOnBB(EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
This helper method clips the path of an edge on the bounding box of the start and end vertices.
getEdgeClippedOnBB(EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout, double) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
This helper method clips the path of ab edge on the bounding box of the start and end vertices.
getEdgeClippedOnBB(LayoutGraph, Edge) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
This helper method clips the path of an edge on the bounding box of the start and end vertices.
getEdgeEncoder() - Method in class y.io.gml.GraphObjectEncoder
Getter for property edgeEncoder.
getEdgeFrom(Node) - Method in class y.base.Node
Returns an edge (source,v), if such an edge exists.
getEdgeInfo(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Returns the information for an edge.
getEdgeLabelLayout(Object) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns EdgeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given edge.
getEdgeLabelLayout(Object) - Method in interface y.layout.GraphLayout
Returns an array of layout information for all edge labels belonging to the given edge.
getEdgeLabelLayout(Object) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultGraphLayout
getEdgeLabelPopup(EdgeLabel) - Method in class y.view.PopupMode
Provides a JPopupMenu that is displayed for the given edge label.
getEdgeLayout(Object) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the layout information for an edge in the drawing.
getEdgeLayout(Object) - Method in interface y.layout.GraphLayout
Returns the layout information for a given edge.
getEdgeLayout(Object) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultGraphLayout
getEdgeList() - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns a list, which contains the edges of the graph.
getEdgeOverlapPenalty() - Method in class y.layout.LabelCandidate
getEdgePopup(Edge) - Method in class y.view.PopupMode
Provides a JPopupMenu that is displayed for the given edge.
getEdgeRealizer() - Method in class y.io.gml.EdgeGraphicsParser
getEdgesGoingIn(Node) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.Grouping
Convenience method that returns a list of all Edges crossing the group node boundary of the given group node in such a way, that there target is inside the group node and the source does not lie inside the groupnode.
getEdgesGoingOut(Node) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.Grouping
Convenience method that returns a list of all Edges crossing the group node boundary of the given group node in such a way, that there target is outside the group node and the source does not lie outside the groupnode.
getEdgeTip(Edge) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Returns the tip text displayed for the given edge.
getEdgeTo(Node) - Method in class y.base.Node
Returns an edge (v,target), if such an edge exists.
getEdgeWeight(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
This method returns a non-negative value for each Edge e.
getEditLabelAction() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DViewActions
Returns an action that triggers the inline label editor.
getEditor() - Method in class y.option.StringOptionItem
getEditor() - Method in class y.option.PasswordOptionItem
getEditor() - Method in class y.option.OptionItem
Returns the editor component for the this option item.
getEditor() - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns the editor component of thjis option handler.
getEditor() - Method in class y.option.IntOptionItem
getEditor() - Method in class y.option.FileOptionItem
getEditor() - Method in class y.option.EnumOptionItem
getEditor() - Method in class y.option.DoubleOptionItem
getEditor() - Method in class y.option.ComponentOptionItem
getEditor() - Method in class y.option.CommentOptionItem
getEditor() - Method in class y.option.ColorOptionItem
getEditor() - Method in class y.option.BoolOptionItem
getEditor(GuiFactory, String) - Method in class y.option.OptionItem
Returns the editor component for the this option item.
getEditor(GuiFactory, String) - Method in class y.option.EnumOptionItem
getEditor(GuiFactory, String) - Method in class y.option.ColorOptionItem
getEditor(int) - Method in class y.option.OptionSection
Returns the editor component that provides editability of all option items within this section.
getEditor(int, GuiFactory, String) - Method in class y.option.OptionSection
Returns the editor component that provides editability of all option items within this section using the provided factory and handlername to construct internationalized panels
getElapsedTime() - Method in class y.util.Timer
Returns the period of time the timer has been in an activated state since the last reset occured.
getEncoderFactory() - Static method in class y.io.GMLIOHandler
Getter for the ParserFactory (Singleton)
getEnum(String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns the index value of an enumeration item.
getEnum(String, String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns the index value of an enumeration item.
getEnumRange() - Method in class y.option.EnumOptionItem
Returns the range of possible values.
getEnvironmentName() - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
Returns the environment name that will be queried for an filename that will be used for loading the properties into this instance upon invokation of GlobalProperties.load().
getEpsilon() - Method in class y.layout.router.ChannelRouter
Returns the current epsilon value.
getException() - Method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
Getter for property exception.
getExitStatus() - Method in class y.module.YModule
Ask how the the module succeeded.
getFeature(EdgeLabelLayout) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the edge which is described by a given label layout.
getFeature(EdgeLabelLayout) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultLayoutGraph
Returns the edge which is described by a given label layout.
getFeature(EdgeLabelLayout) - Method in class y.layout.CopiedLayoutGraph
Returns the edge which is described by a given label layout.
getFeature(EdgeLabelLayout) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the node which is described by a given label layout.
getFeature(NodeLabelLayout) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the node which is described by a given label layout.
getFeature(NodeLabelLayout) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultLayoutGraph
Returns the node which is described by a given label layout.
getFeature(NodeLabelLayout) - Method in class y.layout.CopiedLayoutGraph
Returns the node which is described by a given label layout.
getFeature(NodeLabelLayout) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the node which is described by a given label layout.
getFileFormatString() - Method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Returns the YGF file format string.
getFileFormatString() - Method in class y.io.TiledImageOutputHandler
This method is delegated to the internal IOHandler.
getFileFormatString() - Method in class y.io.TGFIOHandler
Returns the TGF file format string.
getFileFormatString() - Method in class y.io.JPGIOHandler
Returns the JPG file format string.
getFileFormatString() - Method in class y.io.ImageMapOutputHandler
Returns "HTML ImageMap"
getFileFormatString() - Method in class y.io.IOHandler
Returns a descriptive string of the supported file format
getFileFormatString() - Method in class y.io.GMLIOHandler
Returns the GML file format string.
getFileFormatString() - Method in class y.io.GIFIOHandler
Returns the GIF file format string.
getFileNameExtension() - Method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Returns the YGF file name extension, i.e.
getFileNameExtension() - Method in class y.io.TiledImageOutputHandler
This method is delegated to the internal IOHandler.
getFileNameExtension() - Method in class y.io.TGFIOHandler
Returns the TGF file name extension, i.e.
getFileNameExtension() - Method in class y.io.JPGIOHandler
Returns the JPG file name extension, i.e.
getFileNameExtension() - Method in class y.io.ImageMapOutputHandler
Returns "html"
getFileNameExtension() - Method in class y.io.IOHandler
Returns the file name extension that will be added (if not present) when saving a file.
getFileNameExtension() - Method in class y.io.GMLIOHandler
Returns the GML file name extension, i.e.
getFileNameExtension() - Method in class y.io.GIFIOHandler
Returns the GIF file name extension, i.e.
getFileResource(String) - Static method in class y.util.ResourceResolver
Resolves the given string and returns an URL.
getFillColor() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
getFillColor() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns the fill color of this realizer.
getFillColor2() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
getFillColor2() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns the fill color of this realizer.
getFinalRounds() - Method in class y.layout.organic.GRIP
returns the number of the final rounds
getFinalTemperature() - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Getter for property finalTemperature.
getFirst() - Method in class y.geom.YPointPath
Get the first point in the path.
getFirstEndPoint() - Method in class y.geom.LineSegment
Returns the first endpoint of the line segment.
getFitContentOnResize() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Whether or not the fitContentOnResize feature is enabled.
getFixedRadius() - Method in class y.layout.circular.SingleCycleLayouter
Returns the fixed radius for the cycle on which the nodes of the graph will be placed.
getFocusBottomNodeAction() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DViewActions
Returns an action that selects a node that is below the currently selected node.
getFocusLeftNodeAction() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DViewActions
Returns an action that selects a node that is to the left of the currently selected node.
getFocusRightNodeAction() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DViewActions
Returns an action that selects a node that is to the right of the currently selected node.
getFocusTopNodeAction() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DViewActions
Returns an action that selects a node that is above the currently selected node.
getFolderNodes(Graph, boolean) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns all folder nodes that are either contained in given graph or contained in the given graph or one of its graph decendants.
getFolderPath(Object) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns the hierarchy of folder nodes that lie above the given item within this hierarchy.
getFont() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns the font used for this label.
getFontName() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns the font name of this label.
getFontSize() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns the font size of this label.
getFontStyle() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Sets the font style for this label.
getFrame() - Method in interface y.view.View
Returns the frame in which the view is contained.
getFrame() - Method in class y.view.TreeView
Returns the frame in which the view is contained.
getFrame() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns the frame this components belongs to.
getFullHeight(Node) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Returns the border obeying full height of the given node.
getFullWidth(Node) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Returns the border obeying full width of the given node.
getGraph() - Method in class y.base.Node
Returns the graph this node belongs to.
getGraph() - Method in class y.base.GraphEvent
Returns the graph that is the emitter of this event.
getGraph() - Method in class y.base.Edge
Returns the graph this edge belongs to.
getGraph() - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Returns the graph for which this planar information is kept.
getGraph() - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
Getter for property graph.
getGraph() - Method in class y.util.GraphHider
Getter for property graph.
getGraph() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEvent
the hierarchy level on which a change occured
getGraph2D() - Method in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
Returns the reference graph used to configure the viewport.
getGraph2D() - Method in class y.module.YModule
Grants access to the graph2D acted upon.
getGraph2D() - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Returns the Graph2D displayed in the view this mode belongs to.
getGraph2D() - Method in interface y.view.View
Returns the Graph2D that this view displays.
getGraph2D() - Method in class y.view.TreeView
Returns the Graph2D that this tree view shows.
getGraph2D() - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Returns the graph this node label is bound to.
getGraph2D() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns the graph that this view displays.
getGraph2D() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DSelectionEvent
Returns the graph that is the emitter of this event.
getGraph2D() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DEvent
Returns the source of this event.
getGraph2D() - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
getGraph2DListeners() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns an iterator that grants access to all registered Graph2DListeners
getGraph2DRenderer() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns the renderer used to render the bound Graph2D.
getGraph2DSelectionListeners() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns an iterator that grants access to all registered Graph2DSelectionListeners
getGraph2DView() - Method in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
Returns the reference view used to configure the viewport.
getGraph2DView() - Method in class y.module.YModule
Grants access to the current view this module acts upon.
getGraphEncoder() - Method in class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphObjectEncoder
Getter for property graphEncoder.
getGraphEncoder() - Method in class y.io.gml.GmlObjectEncoder
Getter for property graphEncoder.
getGraphFactory() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns the registered graph factory of this hierarchy manager.
getGraphListeners() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns an iterator that grants access to all registered GraphListeners.
getGravityFactor() - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Returns the gravity factor.
getGrid() - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Returns the size of the grid on which the nodes and edges are placed.
getGrid() - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalGroupLayouter
Returns the grid distance.
getGridColor() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns the currently set grid color
getGridMode() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Asks if grid is on or off on the view.
getGridOrigin() - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Returns a grid point coordinate used when grid routing is enabled.
getGridResolution() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Get resolution of grid.
getGridSpacing() - Method in class y.layout.ComponentLayouter
Getter for property gridSpacing.
getGridSpacing() - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Returns the grid spacing to be assumed when grid routing is enabled.
getGridType() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Get type of grid.
getGridX(double) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Translates a given X-Coordinate to the next X grid line coordinate.
getGridY(double) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Translates a given X-Coordinate to the next X grid line coordinate.
getGroupBorderWidth() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEditMode
returns the width the active group node border.
getGroupBoundsCalculator() - Method in class y.layout.grouping.RecursiveGroupLayouter
Returns the currently installed GroupBoundsCalculator instance
getGroupBoundsCalculator() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
Gets the current GroupBoundsCalculator instance.
getGroupBoundsCalculator() - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Getter for property groupBoundsCalculator.
getGroupBoundsCalculator() - Method in class y.layout.organic.GroupedShuffleLayouter
Returns the currently installed GroupBoundsCalculator instance
getGrouping() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
Getter for property grouping.
getGroupNodeCompactness() - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Returns the group node compactness factor.
getGroupNodeDataProvider() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns a data provider the provides boolean values for each node indicating whether or not the given node is a group node.
getGroupNodeHider() - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Returns the LayoutStage that is responsible for hiding away the grouping information for the layout algorithm.
getGroupNodePolicy() - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Returns the policy for group nodes.
getGroupSubChannelRank(Object) - Method in class y.layout.router.ChannelRouter
getGuiFactory() - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Getter for property guiFactory.
getHeight() - Method in class y.geom.YDimension
Get the height of the dimension object.
getHeight() - Method in interface y.layout.NodeLayout
Returns the width of the node.
getHeight() - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutData
Returns the height of the label.
getHeight() - Method in class y.layout.LabelCandidate
getHeight() - Method in class y.layout.DefaultNodeLayout
getHeight() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns the height of this label.
getHeight() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
getHeight() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns the height of this realizer.
getHeight() - Method in class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Returns the height of the arc.
getHeight() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
getHeight(Node) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the height of the given node
getHeight(Node) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the height of the given node.
getHiddenEdges() - Method in class y.layout.planar.OverlapGraphMIS
getHiddenEdges() - Method in interface y.layout.planar.InitialPlanarSubgraph
if planarization is done by means of removing edges, this method returns a list of those ones.
getHiddenEdges() - Method in class y.layout.planar.GT
This Method return a list of the edges that have been removed in order to gain a planarization of the input graph.
getHiddenEdges() - Method in class y.layout.planar.BCCSubgraph
This method returns a list of edges that have been removed in order to gain a planarization of the input graph.
getHierarchy() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEvent
Returns the hierarchy manager that is the source of this event.
getHierarchyManager() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyMoveSelectionMode
getHierarchyManager() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
Returns the heirarchy manager responsibly for managing the node represented by this realizer.
getHighlightedBendColor() - Static method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the color of all highlighed bends By default the color Color.green is returned.
getHint() - Method in class y.anim.AnimationEvent
Returns the event hint.
getHitBend() - Method in class y.view.HitInfo
Returns the first bend that was hit or null if none were hit.
getHitEdge() - Method in class y.view.HitInfo
Returns the first edge that was hit or null if none were hit.
getHitEdgeLabel() - Method in class y.view.HitInfo
Returns the first edge label that was hit or null if none were hit.
getHitInfo(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Query which objects are located on Position (x,y) in the view.
getHitInfo(double, double) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns hit info containing only the first hit object that was found.
getHitInfo(double, double, boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns objects that are hit on position (x,y).
getHitInfo(MouseEvent) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Query which objects are located on Position (x,y) in the view.
getHitNode() - Method in class y.view.HitInfo
Returns the first node that was hit or null if none were hit.
getHitNodeLabel() - Method in class y.view.HitInfo
Returns the first node label that was hit or null if none were hit.
getHitPort() - Method in class y.view.HitInfo
Returns the first port that was hit or null if none were hit.
getHorizontalOverlapCriterium() - Method in class y.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter
getHorizontalScrollBarPolicy() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns the scroll bar policy for the horizontal scroll bar.
getHorizontalSpace() - Method in class y.layout.tree.HVTreeLayouter
Returns the horizontal distance between adjacent nodes.
getHorizontalSpace() - Method in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
Returns the horizontal distance between adjacent nodes.
getHotSpotColor() - Static method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returnsthe color of the hotspot marks for all realizers.
getHotSpotMode() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Getter for child mode HotSpotMode.
getIcon() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns the icon that is displayed by this label and If no icon is associated with this label null is returned.
getIcon() - Method in class y.view.InterfacePort
Returns the icon associated with this port.
getId2Edge() - Method in class y.io.gml.GraphParser
Getter for property id2Edge.
getId2Node() - Method in class y.io.gml.GraphParser
Getter for property id2Node.
getImage() - Method in class y.view.ImageNodeRealizer
Returns the image that is displayed by this realizer.
getImage() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Deprecated. use Graph2DView.paintVisibleContent(Graphics2D) with a graphics context of an appropriate image type instead.
getImage() - Method in class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
Returns the image that will be displayed in the background or null if there is no image.
getImage(URL) - Static method in class y.view.ImageNodeRealizer
Returns the image that is stored under the given URL in ImageNodeRealizer's image cache, or null if there is no image registered with that URL.
getImageOrigin() - Method in class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
Returns thew image origin (upper left corner) of the image.
getImageResource() - Method in class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
Returns the current image resource, or null if none was specified.
getImageTable() - Static method in class y.view.ImageNodeRealizer
Returns ImageNodeRealizer's image cache. the keys to the cached Image objects are their URLs.
getImageURL() - Method in class y.view.ImageNodeRealizer
Returns the URL of the displayed image, or null if no URL is associated with this realizer.
getIndentDepth() - Method in class y.io.ImageMapOutputHandler
getIndex() - Method in class y.option.EnumOptionItem
Returns the index of the currently set value
getIndex(Object[], Object) - Static method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns the index for the given array at which the given value is found.
getIndexOfChild(Object, Object) - Method in class y.view.GraphTreeModel
Returns the index of the node in the graph.
getIndexOfChild(Object, Object) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeModel
getInfo() - Method in class y.base.ListCell
Returns the element residing in this cell.
getInfo(ListCell) - Method in class y.base.YList
Returns the element stored in the given ListCell.
getInfo(Node) - Method in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Returns the NodeInfo object that is associated with the given node while the layouter is active.
getInitialPlacement() - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Returns the initial placement strategy.
getInitialTemperature() - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Getter for property initialTemperature.
getInitialTemperature() - Method in class y.layout.organic.GRIP
returns the initial temperature
getInnerGraph() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DNodeRealizer
returns the inner graph associatd with this realizer.
getInnerGraph(Node) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns the inner graph accessible from the given folder node.
getInsets() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns the insets for this label.
getInstance() - Static method in class y.util.ObjectStringConversion
Provides access to the singleton instance
getInstance() - Static method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
Returns a singleton instance of global properties.
getInstance(Graph) - Static method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
This static method returns the hierarchy manager instance that is responsible for managing the given graph.
getInt(Object) - Method in interface y.base.NodeMap
Returns the integer value bound to the given node.
getInt(Object) - Method in interface y.base.EdgeMap
Returns the integer value bound to the given edge.
getInt(Object) - Method in interface y.base.DataProvider
Returns an integer value associated with the given data holder.
getInt(Object) - Static method in class y.util.YUtil
Converts an Object to int.
getInt(Object) - Method in class y.util.WrappedObjectDataProvider
getInt(Object) - Method in class y.util.NodeMapAdapter
Returns the integer value bound to the given node.
getInt(Object) - Method in class y.util.EdgeMapAdapter
Returns the integer value bound to the given edge.
getInt(Object) - Method in class y.util.DataProviderAdapter
Throws UnsupportedOperationException.
getInt(String) - Method in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
Convenience method, which returns a double if there is an numeric attribute in the table for the key, or 0
getInt(String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns the integer value of an option item.
getInt(String, int) - Method in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
Convenience method, which returns an int if there is an numeric attribute in the table for the key, or the default value
getInt(String, String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns the integer value of an option item.
getIntArray(int, int) - Method in class y.util.YRandom
Returns an int array of length bucketCount for which the values of all fields are non-negative and sum up to ballCount.
getInterEdgeConfigurator() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns the InterEdgeConfigurator used by this class.
getInterEdgeEncoder() - Method in class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphObjectEncoder
Getter for property interEdgeEncoder.
getInterEdgeList() - Method in class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphObjectEncoder
getInterEdgeroutingStyle() - Method in class y.layout.grouping.FixedGroupLayoutStage
Returns the inter-edge routing style used by this layouter.
getInternalLabelingAlgorithm() - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutDataRefinement
Returns the internal labeling algorithm used to improve the label positions.
getInterpretedValue() - Method in class y.option.EnumOptionItem
This method can be used in conjunction with the empty constructor and the EnumOptionItem.add(Object, Object) method.
getIntersection(LineSegment, LineSegment) - Static method in class y.geom.LineSegment
Returns intersection point between the two line segments, if there is one or null if the two linesegments do not intersect.
getIOHandler() - Method in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
Returns the IOHandler used by this module.
getIOMode() - Method in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
Returns the I/O mode the module is working in.
getItem() - Method in class y.io.gml.NodeParser
getItem() - Method in class y.io.gml.NodeGraphicsParser
getItem() - Method in class y.io.gml.LineParser
getItem() - Method in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
Returns the "product" of this scope.
getItem() - Method in class y.io.gml.InterEdgeParser
getItem() - Method in class y.io.gml.HierarchyNodeParser
getItem() - Method in class y.io.gml.GraphParser
getItem() - Method in class y.io.gml.EdgeParser
getItem() - Method in class y.io.gml.EdgeGraphicsParser
getItem(String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns the option item tha thas the given identifying name.
getItem(String, String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns the option item found in the given section under the given name.
getIterationFactor() - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Returns the iteration factor of this layouter.
getIterations() - Method in class y.layout.planar.GT
Returns number of iterations when randomization is used.
getJTree() - Method in class y.view.TreeView
Returns the the JTree Component that display the tree view of the graph.
getKeepBends() - Method in class y.layout.planar.DrawingEmbedder
Returns if bends should be replaced by dummy nodes.
getLabel() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
getLabel() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns the first label associated with this realizer.
getLabel() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the first label associated with this realizer.
getLabel(int) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
getLabel(int) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns the i-th label associated with this realizer.
getLabel(int) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the i-th label of this realizer.
getLabelCandidates(EdgeLabelLayout, EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout) - Method in class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel
Returns a list of instances of EdgeLabelCandidates representing the label candidates.
getLabelCandidates(EdgeLabelLayout, EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout) - Method in class y.layout.FreeEdgeLabelModel
Returns exactly one label candidate that corresponds to the actual label layout of the given label.
getLabelCandidates(EdgeLabelLayout, EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout) - Method in interface y.layout.EdgeLabelModel
Returns a list of EdgeLabelCandidate objects each of which describes a valid label position within this model.
getLabelCandidates(EdgeLabelLayout, EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout) - Method in class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
Returns a list of instances of EdgeLabelCandidates representing the label candidates.
getLabelCandidates(NodeLabelLayout, NodeLayout) - Method in interface y.layout.NodeLabelModel
getLabelCandidates(NodeLabelLayout, NodeLayout) - Method in class y.layout.FreeNodeLabelModel
Returns a list of candidate positions for the label.
getLabelCandidates(NodeLabelLayout, NodeLayout) - Method in class y.layout.EdgeOppositeNodeLabelModel
Returns a list of candidate positions for the label.
getLabelCandidates(NodeLabelLayout, NodeLayout) - Method in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Returns a list of candidate positions for label.
getLabelEncoder() - Method in class y.io.gml.NodeObjectEncoder
Getter for property labelEncoder.
getLabelEncoder() - Method in class y.io.gml.EdgeObjectEncoder
Getter for property labelEncoder.
getLabelLayout(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns EdgeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given edge.
getLabelLayout(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultLayoutGraph
Returns EdgeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given edge.
getLabelLayout(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.CopiedLayoutGraph
Returns EdgeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given edge.
getLabelLayout(Edge) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns EdgeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given edge.
getLabelLayout(Node) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns NodeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given node.
getLabelLayout(Node) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultLayoutGraph
Returns NodeLabelLayout objects that describe the layouts of the labels belonging to the given node.
getLabelLayout(Node) - Method in class y.layout.CopiedLayoutGraph
Returns NodeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given node.
getLabelLayout(Node) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns NodeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given node.
getLabelLayouter() - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Returns the algorithm used for placing labels.
getLabelModel() - Method in class y.layout.NodeLabelLayoutImpl
Returns the node label model associated with this label layout
getLabelModel() - Method in interface y.layout.NodeLabelLayout
Returns the node label model associated with this label layout
getLabelModel() - Method in class y.layout.EdgeLabelLayoutImpl
Returns the edge label model associated with this label layout
getLabelModel() - Method in interface y.layout.EdgeLabelLayout
Returns the edge label model associated with this label layout
getLabelModel() - Method in class y.layout.DefaultNodeLabelLayout
getLabelModel() - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
NodeLabelModel implementation.
getLabelModel() - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
getLabelPlacement(YDimension, EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout, int) - Method in class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
Return the position for a given label model parameter
getLabelPlacement(YDimension, EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout, Object) - Method in class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel
Returns the location of the upper left corner of the label according to a certain parameter.
getLabelPlacement(YDimension, EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout, Object) - Method in class y.layout.FreeEdgeLabelModel
Returns the positions of the upper left corner of the label with given parameter.
getLabelPlacement(YDimension, EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout, Object) - Method in interface y.layout.EdgeLabelModel
Returns the coordinate of the upper-left corner of a label whose environment corresponds to the given parameters.
getLabelPlacement(YDimension, EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout, Object) - Method in class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
Returns the location of the upper left corner of the label according to a certain parameter.
getLabelPlacement(YDimension, NodeLayout, int) - Method in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Returns the position for a given label model parameter
getLabelPlacement(YDimension, NodeLayout, Object) - Method in interface y.layout.NodeLabelModel
getLabelPlacement(YDimension, NodeLayout, Object) - Method in class y.layout.FreeNodeLabelModel
Returns the positions of the lower upper corner of the label with given parameter.
getLabelPlacement(YDimension, NodeLayout, Object) - Method in class y.layout.EdgeOppositeNodeLabelModel
Returns the positions of the lower upper corner of the label with given parameter.
getLabelPlacement(YDimension, NodeLayout, Object) - Method in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Returns the positions of the lower upper corner of the label with given parameter.
getLabelPosition() - Method in class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter
getLabelText() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
getLabelText() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns the text of the first label assiciated with this realizer.
getLabelText() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the text of the assiciated label of this realizer.
getLabelText(Edge) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the label text for the given edge.
getLabelText(Node) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the label text for the given node.
getLast() - Method in class y.geom.YPointPath
Get the first point in the path.
getLastAppliedRadius() - Method in class y.layout.circular.SingleCycleLayouter
Returns the radius last applied by this layouter.
getLastHitInfo() - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Returns the last hit info that has was returned by ViewMode.getHitInfo(double,double).
getLaxity() - Method in class y.layout.organic.GRIP
Getter for property laxity.
getLayer() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
getLayer() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns the logical graphical layer for this realizer.
getLayer() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the logical graphical layer for this realizer.
getLayerer() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Returns the currently set Layerer, which is responsible for the first phase of the algorithm.
getLayerer() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
getLayeringStrategy() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Returns the currently set layering strategy.
getLayers(Graph, DataProvider) - Static method in class y.algo.Bfs
Like Bfs.getLayers(Graph,NodeList), but this time the core nodes are identified by a boolean predicate.
getLayers(Graph, DataProvider, NodeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.Bfs
Like Bfs.getLayers(Graph,DataProvider).
getLayers(Graph, NodeList) - Static method in class y.algo.Bfs
Returns layers of nodes constructed by a breadth first search.
getLayers(Graph, NodeList, boolean, NodeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.Bfs
Returns layers of nodes constructed by a breadth first search.
getLayers(Graph, NodeList, NodeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.Bfs
Like Bfs.getLayers(Graph,NodeList).
getLayers(LayoutGraph, NodeMap, int) - Method in interface y.layout.hierarchic.LayerSequencer
Calculates the sequence of nodes within each layer.
getLayers(LayoutGraph, NodeMap, int) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer
getLayerSequence(LayoutGraph, NodeMap, int) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Determines the order of the nodes within their layers.
getLayerSequence(LayoutGraph, NodeMap, int) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
getLayerSequencer() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Returns the currently set LayerSequencer, which is responsible for the second phase of the algorithm.
getLayerSequencer() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
getLayout(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the layout information for an edge in the drawing.
getLayout(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultLayoutGraph
Returns the layout information for an edge in the drawing.
getLayout(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.CopiedLayoutGraph
Returns the layout information for an edge in the drawing.
getLayout(Edge) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the layout information for an edge in the drawing.
getLayout(Node) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the layout information for a node in the drawing.
getLayout(Node) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultLayoutGraph
Returns the layout information for a node in the drawing.
getLayout(Node) - Method in class y.layout.CopiedLayoutGraph
Returns the layout information for a node in the drawing.
getLayout(Node) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the layout information for a node in the drawing.
getLayoutBounds() - Method in class y.layout.random.RandomLayouter
Returns the rectangle, inside which the layout should be placed.
getLayoutGraph() - Method in class y.layout.grouping.Grouping
Returns the graph instance this object provides information for.
getLayoutOrientation() - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Returns the main layout orientation.
getLayoutQuality() - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalGroupLayouter
Returns the currently set layout quality.
getLayoutStages() - Method in class y.layout.CompositeLayouter
Returns the chain of layout stages that make up this composite layout stage.
getLayoutStages() - Method in class y.layout.CompositeLayoutStage
Returns the chain of layout stages that make up this composite layout stage.
getLayoutStyle() - Method in class y.layout.circular.CircularLayouter
Returns the layout style for this layouter.
getLayoutStyle() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Returns the currently set layout style or -1 if the style cannot be determined
getLayoutStyle() - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Returns the layout style of this layouter.
getLayoutStyle() - Method in class y.layout.tree.TreeLayouter
Returns the current layout style of this layouter
getLeafNodes(Graph, boolean) - Static method in class y.algo.Trees
Returns all leaf nodes of the given tree.
getLeftBorder(Node) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Returns the width of the left border of the given node.
getLeftHalf(Node) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Returns the width of the border-obeying left half of the node,
getLeftX(Node) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Returns the border obeying left x-coordinate of the given node.
getLevel() - Method in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
Getter for property level.
getLevel() - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLEncoder
Getter for property level.
getLineColor() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns the color used to draw a border around the bounding box of this label.
getLineColor() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
getLineColor() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns the outline color of this realizer.
getLineColor() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the line color of the edge path.
getLineSegment(int) - Method in class y.geom.YPointPath
Returns a line segment in the path.
getLineStyle() - Method in class y.view.LineType
Returns the line style of this LineType.
getLineType() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
getLineType() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns the line type of this realizer.
getLineType() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the line type of the edge path.
getLineType(int, byte) - Static method in class y.view.LineType
Returns one of the predefined LineType objects that matches the given width and style best.
getList(int) - Method in class y.util.pq.ArrayIntNodePQ
Returns the list for a given slot.
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class y.option.MappedListCellRenderer
Interface implementation.
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class y.option.ColorListCellRenderer
getLocalGroupDepth(Node) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns the hierarchy level of the given node within its graph.
getLocation() - Method in class y.geom.YRectangle
Returns coordinates of upper left corner.
getLocation() - Method in class y.layout.LabelCandidate
getLocation() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns the absolute coordinates of the labels location.
getLocation() - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Returns the absolute coordinates of the labels location.
getLocation() - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Returns the absolute coordinates of the labels locaalcOffion.
getLocation(Node) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the position of the node in a drawing.
getLongText() - Method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
Getter for property longText.
getMainArgument() - Method in class y.util.CommandLineArguments
Getter for property mainArgument.
getMapName() - Method in class y.io.LinkMap
Returns this map's name.
getMargin() - Method in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
getMaximalDeviationAngle() - Method in class y.layout.circular.CircularLayouter
Returns the maximal deviation angle allowed for an edge.
getMaximalDuration() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Returns a time limit for the algorithm in milliseconds
getMaximalDuration() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer
Returns the proposed maximal duration for the calculation of the sequence.
getMaximumDuration() - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Getter for property maximumDuration.
getMaximumDuration() - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Returns the maximal duration granted to this layouter
getMaximumExtent(Node, boolean) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
Calculates the highest or lowest x-coordinate the Node n can be assigned to, without breaking the constraints.
getMaximumSize() - Method in class y.base.CommandStream
Returns the maximum size of this stream
getMaximumUndoDepth() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
Returns the maximum number of commands stored on the undo stream.
getMaxWidth() - Method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
Getter for property maxWidth.
getMemento() - Method in interface y.layout.hierarchic.MementoSupport
Gets the currently active memento Object
getMementoMode(byte) - Method in interface y.layout.hierarchic.MementoSupport
Retrieves the current mode previously set by setMementoMode(byte, boolean) for the given phase of the algorithm.
getMementoSupport() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Gets the cookie for the memento support of the hierarchich layout algorithm.
getMin() - Method in class y.util.pq.TreeIntNodePQ
Returns the node with the minimal value in the queue.
getMin() - Method in interface y.util.pq.NodePQ
Returns he node with smallest priority in this queue.
getMin() - Method in class y.util.pq.ListIntNodePQ
Returns the node with the minimal value in the queue.
getMin() - Method in interface y.util.pq.IntNodePQ
Returns he node with smallest priority in this queue.
getMin() - Method in interface y.util.pq.DoubleNodePQ
Returns he node with smallest priority in this queue.
getMin() - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapNodePQ
Returns he node with smallest priority in this queue.
getMin() - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapIntNodePQ
Returns he node with smallest priority in this queue.
getMin() - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapDoubleNodePQ
Returns he node with smallest priority in this queue.
getMin() - Method in class y.util.pq.ArrayIntNodePQ
Returns the node with the minimal value in the queue.
getMinBendCount() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the minimal number of bends the edge must have.
getMinBendCount() - Method in class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Returns the minimal number of bends for this realizer, which is 1.
getMinDegreeNodes(ArrayList, ArrayList) - Method in class y.layout.planar.VertexOrder
Returns from a list of nodes the list of nodes with minimal degree and with indegree zero of directed edges.
getMinimalAutoBounds() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.ProxyAutoBoundsNodeRealizer
This call will be delegated to the internal realizer, if that realizer implements the AutoBoundsFeature interface.
getMinimalAutoBounds() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
getMinimalAutoBounds() - Method in interface y.view.hierarchy.AutoBoundsFeature
Returns the minimal auto bounds of this object.
getMinimalDistance() - Method in class y.layout.router.OrganicEdgeRouter
Getter for property minimalDistance.
getMinimalEdgeDistance() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Returns the minimal distance between edges that run in parallel.
getMinimalEdgeDistance() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Returns the minimal distance between two edges in the same layer.
getMinimalEdgeLength() - Method in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Returns the minimal edge length that this layouter assigns to layed out edges.
getMinimalFirstSegmentLength() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Returns the minimal length of first and last edge segments for edge routing.
getMinimalInsets() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
Returns the minimal insets defined for this realizer.
getMinimalLayerDistance() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Returns the minimal distance between two layers.
getMinimalLayerDistance() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Returns the minimal distance between two layers.
getMinimalLayerDistance() - Method in class y.layout.tree.TreeLayouter
Returns the minimal distance between adjacent layers for the layout.
getMinimalLayerDistance(Node, boolean) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
Returns the minimum distance between two Nodes on the same layer according to getMinimalNodeDistance(), getMinimalEdgeDistance() and getMinimalMultiEdgeDistance().
getMinimalMultiEdgeDistance() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Returns the minimal distance between two edges sharing source/target in the same layer.
getMinimalNodeDistance() - Method in class y.layout.circular.SingleCycleLayouter
Returns the distance to keep between the nodes on the cycle
getMinimalNodeDistance() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Returns the minimal distance between two nodes in the same layer.
getMinimalNodeDistance() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Returns the minimal distance between two nodes in the same layer.
getMinimalNodeDistance() - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Getter for property minimalNodeDistance.
getMinimalNodeDistance() - Method in class y.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter
Returns the minimal distance between nodes that has to be obeyed by this layouter.
getMinimalNodeDistance() - Method in class y.layout.tree.TreeLayouter
Returns the minimum horizontal distance between adjacent nodes for this layouter.
getMinimalRadius() - Method in class y.layout.circular.SingleCycleLayouter
Returns the minimal radius for the cycle on which the nodes are placed.
getMinimumDistance() - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Returns the minimum distance between edge segments.
getMinimumDistanceToNode() - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Returns the minimum distance between edge segments and nodes.
getMinPriority() - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapNodePQ
Returns the minimum priority value in this queue.
getMinPriority() - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapIntNodePQ
Returns the minimum priority value in this queue.
getMinPriority() - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapDoubleNodePQ
Returns the minimum priority value in this queue.
getMIS1() - Method in class y.layout.planar.OverlapGraphMIS
getMIS2() - Method in class y.layout.planar.OverlapGraphMIS
getMode() - Method in class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
Returns the mode in which the background should be painted.
getModel() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns the model specifier for this label.
getModelParameter() - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutImpl
Returns the label model parameter that describes the position of this label.
getModelParameter() - Method in interface y.layout.LabelLayout
Returns the label model parameter that describes the position of this label.
getModelParameter() - Method in class y.layout.LabelCandidate
getModelParameter() - Method in class y.layout.DefaultNodeLabelLayout
getModelParameter() - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
NodeLabelModel implementation.
getModelParameter() - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
getModelPositions() - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
getModelPositions(byte) - Static method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Returns a byte array containing all valid positions for the given model specifier.
getModelPositions(byte) - Static method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
getModes() - Method in class y.view.ViewControl
getModule(String) - Method in class y.module.YPackage
Get a registered module by name.
getModuleName() - Method in class y.module.YModule
Returns the name of this module.
getModuleNames() - Method in class y.module.YPackage
Get all module names
getModules() - Method in class y.module.YPackage
Get all Modules
getMoveLabelMode() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Getter for child mode MoveLabelMode.
getMovePortMode() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Getter for child mode MovePortMode.
getMoveSelectionMode() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Returns the minor move selection mode associated with this mode.
getName() - Method in class y.module.YPackage
Get the name of the package
getName() - Method in class y.option.OptionSection
Returns the name of the section
getName() - Method in class y.option.OptionItem
Returns the name of this OptionItem
getName() - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns the name of the option handler
getName() - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Get the name of this mode
getNearestCommonAncestor(Graph, Graph) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Finds the graph that is the nearest common ancestor of two graphs in the hierarchy.
getNearestCommonAncestor(Graph, Node, boolean, NodeList) - Static method in class y.algo.Trees
Returns the nearest common ancestor of a subset of nodes within a directed rooted tree.
getNearestCommonAncestor(NodeList) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Finds the group or folder node that is the nearest common ancestor of all given nodes.
getNode() - Method in class y.layout.DefaultNodeLabelLayout
getNode() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns the node this realizer is bound to.
getNode() - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Returns the node that is bound to this node label
getNodeArray() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns an array containing all nodes of this graph.
getNodeBounds(LayoutGraph, NodeList) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.InsetsGroupBoundsCalculator
Calculates and returns the united bounds of the given nodes only, no labels or adjacent edges are considered.
getNodeDistance(LayoutGraph, Node, Node) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Returns the distance between the centers of two nodes
getNodeEncoder() - Method in class y.io.gml.GraphObjectEncoder
Getter for property nodeEncoder.
getNodeIdDataProvider() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns a data provider the provides a unique ID for each node within the hierarchy.
getNodeInfo(Node) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Returns the information for an edge.
getNodeLabelLayout(Object) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns NodeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given node.
getNodeLabelLayout(Object) - Method in interface y.layout.GraphLayout
Returns an array of layout information for all node labels belonging to the given node.
getNodeLabelLayout(Object) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultGraphLayout
getNodeLayout(Object) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the layout information for a node in the drawing.
getNodeLayout(Object) - Method in interface y.layout.GraphLayout
Returns the layout information for a given node.
getNodeLayout(Object) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultGraphLayout
getNodeModel() - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Deprecated. use OrthogonalLayouter.setLayoutStyle(int) instead.
getNodeOverlapPenalty() - Method in class y.layout.LabelCandidate
getNodePopup(Node) - Method in class y.view.PopupMode
Provides a JPopupMenu that is displayed for the given node.
getNodePositions(LayoutGraph) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Returns the positions of the nodes of agrapg diagram
getNodeRealizer() - Method in class y.io.gml.NodeGraphicsParser
getNodeSequencer() - Method in class y.layout.circular.SingleCycleLayouter
Returns the node sequencer used to determine the order of nodes around a cycle.
getNodesToBeMoved() - Method in class y.view.MoveSelectionMode
Returns the nodes that should will be moved by this view mode.
getNodesToBeMoved() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyMoveSelectionMode
getNodeTip(Node) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Returns the tip text displayed for the given node.
getNormal(YVector) - Static method in class y.geom.YVector
Returns this vector with unit length.
getObeyNodeSize() - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Returns whether or not node sizes should be considered by this layouter.
getOffsetVec(double, double, double, double, byte) - Method in class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel
Returns the offset vector for distances to the edge.
getOffsetVector() - Method in class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter
getOffsetX() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns the x-coord of the positional offset for this label.
getOffsetX() - Method in class y.view.Port
Returns the center x-coord of this port relative to the center of the node it is connected to.
getOffsetY() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns the y-coord of the positional offset for this label.
getOffsetY() - Method in class y.view.Port
Returns the center y-coord of this port relative to the center of the node it is connected to.
getOperation() - Method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Returns the transformation operation this layouter performs.
getOptionHandler() - Method in class y.module.YModule
Returns the option handler of this module.
getOptionMap() - Method in class y.util.CommandLineArguments
Getter for property optionMap.
getOptionsIOHandler() - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Getter for property OptionsIOHandler.
getOrientation() - Method in class y.layout.OrientationLayouter
Returns the orientation of the layout.
getOrientation() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AsIsLayerer
Returns the orientation assumed by this layerer.
getOrientationLayouter() - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Returns the LayoutStage that is responsible for changing the orientation of the computed layout.
getOriginalEdge(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.CopiedLayoutGraph
Returns the original edge that corresponds to the given edge.
getOriginalNode(Node) - Method in class y.layout.CopiedLayoutGraph
Returns the original node that corresponds to the given node.
getOrthogonalEdgeRouter() - Method in class y.layout.grouping.FixedGroupLayoutStage
Returns the orthogonal edge router instance used to route the inter-edges orthogonally.
getOuterFace() - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Returns the outer face of the planar graph
getOverlapPenalty() - Method in class y.layout.LabelCandidate
getOwner() - Method in class y.layout.LabelCandidate
Returns the LabelLayout to which this candidate box belongs.
getOwner() - Method in class y.view.Port
Returns the edge realizer this port belongs to.
getOwner() - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
getPackages() - Method in class y.module.YPackage
Get all subpackages
getPaintDetailThreshold() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns the scale threshold after that less detailed versions of the graph are displayed
getPaperPopup(double, double) - Method in class y.view.PopupMode
Provides a JPopupMenu that is displayed if a hit on the view background occured and no graph elements are selected.
getParallelEdgeLayouter() - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Returns the LayoutStage responsible for routing parallel edges.
getParameter() - Method in class y.layout.LabelCandidate
getParent(Node) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.Grouping
Returns the parent of the given node or null if the node is at the top of the hierarchy
getParentGraph(Graph) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns the parent graph of the given graph within this hierarchy.
getParentNode(Node) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns the parent node of the given node.
getParentNodeIdDataProvider() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns a data provider the provides the parent ID for each node within the hierarchy.
getParserFactory() - Static method in class y.io.GMLIOHandler
Getter for the ParserFactory (Singleton)
getPath() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the visible path of the edge as it will be drawn on a graphics context.
getPath(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the path of an edge.
getPathLength(LayoutGraph, Edge) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Returns the length of path of a given edge.
getPathList(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the path of an edge.
getPendulumForce(Node, EdgeCursor) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
Helper method which calculates the force that all nodes given by EdgeCursor apply to v.
getPendulumForce(YCursor, int) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
Helper method which calculates the force acting on all nodes given by the cursor.
getPlaceEdgeLabels() - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Returns if labels assigned to nodes in a graph should be placed.
getPlaceNodeLabels() - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Returns if labels assigned to nodes in a graph should be placed.
getPlanarSubgraphInstance(short) - Method in class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
Returns an instance of which a planar subgraph.
getPlanarSubgraphRandomizationIterations() - Method in class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
Get number of iterations used by the planar subgraph algorithm.
getPoint() - Method in class y.layout.FreeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter
getPoint() - Method in class y.layout.FreeEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter
getPoint() - Method in class y.layout.EdgeOppositeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter
getPoint(int) - Method in interface y.layout.EdgeLayout
Returns the control point at position index of the sequence.
getPoint(int) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultEdgeLayout
getPoint(int) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
EdgeLayout interface implementation.
getPointList() - Method in class y.io.gml.LineParser
return the list of points which has been filled by this instance
getPointList(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the controllpoints of an edge.
getPoints(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the controllpoints of an edge.
getPopupMode() - Method in class y.view.NavigationMode
Returns the popup mode associated with this mode.
getPopupMode() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Returns the minor popup mode associated with this mode
getPortCandidates(double) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
getPortCandidates(double) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns a list of YPoint that contains absolute(!)
getPortCandidates(Node, Edge, double) - Method in class y.view.MovePortMode
Returns a list of YPoint objects each of which represents an allowed port location for the given edge at the given node.
getPortStyle() - Method in class y.layout.tree.TreeLayouter
Gets the port assignment style.
getPosition() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns the position specifier for this label.
getPosition() - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Returns the position of this label.
getPosition() - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Returns the actual position of the label.
getPosterColumns() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DPrinter
Returns the number of page columns to be used for printing.
getPosterRows() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DPrinter
Returns the number of page rows to be used for printing.
getPreferredChildWedge() - Method in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Returns the preferred child wedge angle.
getPreferredChildWedge(Node) - Method in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Returns the preferred child wedge angle in degrees that is used for the children of the given root node.
getPreferredDuration() - Method in interface y.anim.AnimationObject
Returns the preferred animation length in milliseconds that the display of all provided animation frames should last.
getPreferredDuration() - Method in class y.anim.AnimationCommand
AnimationObject implementatation.
getPreferredEdgeLength() - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Getter for property preferredEdgeLength.
getPreferredEdgeLength() - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Returns the general edge length that should be attained by this layouter
getPreferredEdgeLength() - Method in class y.layout.organic.GRIP
returns the desired edge length
getPreferredMinimalNodeDistance() - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Getter for property preferredMinimalNodeDistance.
getPreferredPlacement() - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutData
Returns the preferred placement for this label.
getPreferredPlacement() - Method in class y.layout.EdgeLabelLayoutImpl
getPreferredPlacement() - Method in interface y.layout.EdgeLabelLayout
Returns the preferred placement of this label.
getPreferredPlacement() - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
getPreferredRootWedge() - Method in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Returns the preferrred radial amount in degrees that stay unoccupied around the root node of the graph.
getPrintPosterCoords() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DPrinter
Whether or not to number the pages by poster coordinates.
getPriority(Node) - Method in class y.util.pq.TreeIntNodePQ
getPriority(Node) - Method in interface y.util.pq.NodePQ
Returns the current priority of the given node.
getPriority(Node) - Method in class y.util.pq.ListIntNodePQ
getPriority(Node) - Method in interface y.util.pq.IntNodePQ
Returns the current priority of the given node.
getPriority(Node) - Method in interface y.util.pq.DoubleNodePQ
Returns the current priority of the given node.
getPriority(Node) - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapNodePQ
Returns the current priority of the given node.
getPriority(Node) - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapIntNodePQ
Returns the current priority of the given node.
getPriority(Node) - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapDoubleNodePQ
Returns the current priority of the given node.
getPriority(Node) - Method in class y.util.pq.ArrayIntNodePQ
getProfileFilePath() - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
Returns the file this class writes the settings to if the GlobalProperties.store() method is invoked;
getProfileResource() - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
This method is responsible for determining an URL that points to a profile file, that should be used by this instances GlobalProperties.load() method.
getProfit(LabelCandidate) - Method in interface y.layout.ProfitModel
Returns the profit for placing a label-candidate.
getProfit(LabelCandidate) - Method in class y.layout.LabelRanking
getProfit(LabelCandidate) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
getProperty(String, Class) - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
retrieve a property in the specified class' form
getPropertyName() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DEvent
Returns the property name of the feature whose value has been changed.
getQuality() - Method in class y.io.JPGIOHandler
Returns the quality level of JPG encoding.
getQualityTimeRatio() - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Getter for property qualityTimeRatio.
getRadius() - Method in class y.geom.YCircle
Returns the radius of the circle.
getRandomizationRounds() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer
Returns the number of randomized rounds this algorithm will try if there was no optimal solution.
getRankingPolicy() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.TopologicalLayerer
Returns the currently active ranking policy within this layerer.
getRatio() - Method in class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter
getRatio() - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Returns the source-target distance ratio of the label
getRatio() - Method in class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Returns the ratio between the distance of the end nodes of the edges and the height of the arc.
getRealEdge(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.DualPlanarInformation
getRealFace(Node) - Method in class y.layout.planar.DualPlanarInformation
getRealizer() - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Returns the node realizer that is bound to this node label
getRealizer(Edge) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the EdgeRealizer bound to the given edge.
getRealizer(int) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
Returns the i-th realizer from the list of realizers maintained by this class.
getRealizer(Node) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the NodeRealizer bound to the given node.
getRealizerDelegate() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
Returns the delegation target of this proxy realizer.
getRealizerEncoder() - Method in class y.io.gml.NodeObjectEncoder
Getter for property realizerEncoder.
getRealizerEncoder() - Method in class y.io.gml.EdgeObjectEncoder
Getter for property realizerEncoder.
getRealSource(Edge) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns the real source node associated with the given inter edge.
getRealTarget(Edge) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns the real target node associated with the given inter edge.
getRecentCrossingNumber() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer
Returns the number of edge crossings that were produced by this sequencer the last time it was applied to a graph.
getRectangle(Node) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the bounding box of a node.
getRectCut(YPoint, YDimension) - Method in class y.geom.YCircle
Returns the intersection points of the circle with a rectangle.
getRects() - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Debug only.
getRedoAction() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
Returns a swing action that can be used to trigger a redo operation.
getReferences() - Method in class y.io.ImageMapOutputHandler
getRegisteredEdgeMaps() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns all undisposed edge maps that have been created by this graph.
getRegisteredNodeMaps() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns all undisposed node maps that have been created by this graph.
getRegisteredOptionHandlers() - Static method in class y.option.OptionHandler
This method returns a list of all non-garbagecollected instances of OptionHandlers, which have been instanciated during this session.
getRemoveEdgeOverlaps() - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Returns how label candidates which overlap with edges are handeled.
getRemoveFalseCrossings() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Whether or not false crossings should be removed from the layout.
getRemoveFalseCrossings() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer
Returns whether or not to remove false crossings.
getRemoveNodeOverlaps() - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Returns how label candidates which overlap with nodes are handeled.
getRepresentative() - Method in class y.io.gml.InterEdge
Getter for property representative.
getRepresentative(Node, Node) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.Grouping
Convenience method that returns the node whica list of all Edges crossing the group node boundary of the given group node in such a way, that there target is outside the group node and the source does not lie outside the groupnode.
getRepulsion() - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Getter for property repulsion.
getRerouteIterations() - Method in class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
returns the number of iterations over the list of all splitted edges
getReroutingTime() - Method in class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
getResource(String) - Static method in class y.util.ResourceResolver
Tries to resolve the given string by all methods available to this class.
getResource(String, String, String) - Static method in class y.util.ResourceResolver
Tries to resolve the given strings in the given order.
getReverse(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Returns the reverse edge of an edge.
getRightBorder(Node) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Returns the width of the right border of the given node.
getRightHalf(Node) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Returns the width of the border-obeying right half of the node,
getRightX(Node) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Returns the border obeying right x-coordinate of the given node.
getRoot() - Method in class y.layout.grouping.Grouping
Returns a node instance that can be used as a handle to the virtual root of the node hierarchy.
getRoot() - Method in class y.view.GraphTreeModel
Returns the dummy root node.
getRoot() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeModel
getRoot(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.Trees
Returns the root node of a rooted tree (or reversed rooted tree) or a maximum weight center node as defined in Trees.getWeightedCenterNode(y.base.Graph) or another node if the graph is not a tree.
getRootGraph() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns the root graph of this hierarchy.
getRootNodePolicy() - Method in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Returns the root node policy that determines which node is chosen as (virtual) tree root for the layout process.
getRootPlacement() - Method in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
Getter for property rootPlacement.
getRootPlacement(Object) - Method in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
getRootValue() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeCellRenderer
Returns the value used to render the root graph of the hierarchy.
getRotationAngle() - Method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Returns the angle of rotation.
getRounds() - Method in class y.layout.organic.GRIP
returns the number of the initial rounds
getRoutingPolicy() - Method in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
Getter for property routingPolicy.
getRoutingPolicy(Object) - Method in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
getRoutingStyle() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Returns the routing style being used.
getRoutingStyle() - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Returns the currently set routing style.
getRoutingTime() - Method in class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
getScaleFactorX() - Method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Returns the scaling factor used for the x-coordinate.
getScaleFactorY() - Method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Returns the scaling factor used for the y-coordinate.
getScaleNodeSize() - Method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Returns whether or not to scale node sizes.
getScalingFactor() - Method in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
Returns the scaling factor that will be applied to the size of the viewport.
getScalingFactor() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DPrinter
Returns the scale factor which is used when scale type is set to Graph2DPrinter.SCALING_FIX.
getScalingType() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DPrinter
Sets the scaling type to be applied for printing.
getScope() - Method in class y.geom.LineSegment
Returns the scope of the line segment.
getScope() - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Getter for property scope.
getSecondEndPoint() - Method in class y.geom.LineSegment
Returns the second endpoint of the line segment.
getSegmentNumber() - Method in class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter
getSelectionBoxMode() - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Returns the minor selection box mode associated with this mode.
getSelectionColor() - Static method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the color of all selected edges.
getSelectionKey() - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Sets the labeling selection.
getSelectionPopup(double, double) - Method in class y.view.PopupMode
Provides a JPopupMenu that is displayed if a hit on the view background occured and some graph elements are selected.
getSelectionStroke() - Static method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the stroke of the selected edge.
getSelectSubject() - Method in class y.view.PopupMode
getSelfLoopLayouter() - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Returns the LayoutStage used for routing Selfloops.
getShape() - Method in class y.view.Arrow
Returns the shape of this arrow.
getShape(String) - Static method in class y.io.gml.NodeGraphicsParser
getShapeType() - Method in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Returns shape type of this realizier
getShapeType() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
getShortText() - Method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
Getter for property shortText.
getShuffleLayouter() - Method in class y.layout.organic.GroupedShuffleLayouter
Gets the layouter instance, that will be used for shuffling (removing node overlaps).
getSide() - Method in class y.layout.PortConstraint
Returns the side of a node at which a port should connect.
getSimpleEdgeInfo(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Returns the information for an edge.
getSingleCycleLayouter() - Method in class y.layout.circular.CircularLayouter
Returns the SingleCycleLayouter used for laying out single node cycles Configuring that layouter has effects upon single cycle layouts
getSink() - Method in class y.layout.planar.GT
Returns the sink of the st-graph.
getSize() - Method in class y.layout.LabelCandidate
getSize(Node) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the size of the node in a drawing.
getSizeType() - Method in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
Returns the size type used to cofigure the viewport.
getSloppySelectionColor() - Static method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns the fill color of the node used when drawing a selected node in sloopy mode..
getSmoothedBends() - Method in class y.view.PolyLineEdgeRealizer
Returns whether or not to draw bends in a smoothed fashion.
getSource() - Method in class y.layout.planar.GT
Returns the source of the st-graph.
getSource(Object) - Method in interface y.base.GraphInterface
Returns the source node associated with the given edge.
getSource(Object) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns the source node associated with the given edge.
getSourceArrow() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the arrow at the source location of the edge path.
getSourceIntersection() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the intersection point between this realizer and the source node realizer.
getSourcePoint() - Method in interface y.layout.EdgeLayout
Returns the relative coordinates of the first endpoint of this layout that is associated with the source node of the edge.
getSourcePoint() - Method in class y.layout.DefaultEdgeLayout
getSourcePoint() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
EdgeLayout interface implementation.
getSourcePointAbs(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the coordinates of the source endpoint of an edge in absolute coordinates.
getSourcePointRel(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the coordinates of the source endpoint of an edge in relative coordinates to the center of the source node.
getSourcePort() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the source port of this edge realizer.
getSourceRealizer() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the node realizer that is bound to the source node of the underlying edge.
getSourceReference() - Method in class y.io.gml.InterEdge
Getter for property sourceReference.
getSPC(LayoutGraph, Edge) - Static method in class y.layout.PortConstraint
Returns the source port constaint associated with the given edge.
getSpeed() - Method in class y.anim.AnimationPlayer
Returns the speed factor of the animation player.
getSphereOfAction() - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Returns the sphere of action for this layouter.
getSphereOfAction() - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Returns the currently set sphere of action specifier.
getSplitSegmentLength() - Method in class y.layout.organic.SplitEdgeLayoutStage
Returns the split segment length.
getStateLabel() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
Returns the state label of this realizer.
getStatistics() - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Returns statistical information about the Orthogonal Edge Router.
getStraighteningFactor() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.SimplexDrawer
getString(String) - Method in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
Returns a String representation of the value in the map for key.
getString(String) - Method in class y.option.ResourceBundleGuiFactory
Localize a string
getString(String) - Method in class y.option.PropertiesGuiFactory
Localize a string
getString(String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns the String value of an option item.
getString(String) - Method in interface y.option.GuiFactory
Localize a string
getString(String, String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns the String value of an option item.
getStringValue() - Method in class y.option.OptionItem
Returns the stringified value of this option item if the classType property is set, it uses the y.util.ObjectStringConversion class to perform its task, otherwise it will return null.
getStringValue() - Method in class y.option.EnumOptionItem
Returns the stringified value of this option item if the classType property is set, it uses the y.util.Serialization class to perform its task, otherwise it will return null.
getStringValue(String, String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns the stringified value of an option item
getSubChannelCount() - Method in class y.layout.router.ChannelRouter
Returns the number of subchannels within this channel.
getSubChannelRank(Object) - Method in class y.layout.router.ChannelRouter
Returns the subchannel rank of this segment within the channel.
getSubgraphLayouter() - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Returns the LayoutStage that is responsible for constraining the layout process to a subgraph of the target graph.
getSubgraphTime() - Method in class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
getSubject() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DSelectionEvent
Returns the subject whose selection state changed.
getSubject() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DEvent
Returns the subject of this event.
getSynchronizedMode() - Method in class y.anim.AnimationPlayer
Whether or not the player is in synchronized mode.
getSystemResource(String) - Static method in class y.util.ResourceResolver
Resolves the given string and returns an URL.
getTarget(Object) - Method in interface y.base.GraphInterface
Returns the target node associated with the given edge.
getTarget(Object) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns the target node associated with the given edge.
getTargetArrow() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Same as EdgeRealizer.getArrow().
getTargetIntersection() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the intersection point between this realizer and the target node realizer.
getTargetPoint() - Method in interface y.layout.EdgeLayout
Returns the relative coordinates of the second endpoint of this layout that is associated with the target node of the edge.
getTargetPoint() - Method in class y.layout.DefaultEdgeLayout
getTargetPoint() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
EdgeLayout interface implementation.
getTargetPointAbs(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the coordinates of the target endpoint of an edge in absolute coordinates.
getTargetPointRel(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the coordinates of the target endpoint of an edge in relative coordinates to the center of the target node.
getTargetPort() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the target port of this edge realizer.
getTargetRealizer() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the node realizer that is bound to the target node of the underlying edge.
getTargetReference() - Method in class y.io.gml.InterEdge
Getter for property targetReference.
getText() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns the text of this label
getTextColor() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns the text color of this label.
getTextLocation() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns the absolute coordinate of the label text.
getTimer() - Method in class y.module.YModule
Grants access to a timer object associated with this module.
getTipText() - Method in class y.option.OptionItem
Returns the tooltip for the item editor.
getTitle() - Method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
Getter for property title.
getTopBorder(Node) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Returns the height of the top border of the given node.
getTopHalf(Node) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Returns the height of the border-obeying top half of the node,
getTopY(Node) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Returns the border obeying top y-coordinate of the given node.
getTPC(LayoutGraph, Edge) - Static method in class y.layout.PortConstraint
Returns the source port constaint associated with the given edge.
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeCellRenderer
getTreeComponentCoreLayouter() - Method in class y.layout.tree.TreeComponentLayouter
Getter for property treeComponentCoreLayouter.
getTreeEdges(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.Trees
Returns an array of EdgeList objects each containing edges of the given graph that belong to maximal tree leaves of the graph.
getTreeEdges(Graph, NodeList[]) - Static method in class y.algo.Trees
Same as Trees.getTreeEdges(Graph) but more efficient if the treeNodes where calculated before by Trees.getTreeNodes(Graph).
getTreeNodes(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.Trees
Returns a list of NodeList objects each containing nodes of the given graph that belong to a maximal subtree of the graph.
getTreePath(Object) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns the hierarchy of group and folder nodes that lie above the given item within this hierarchy.
getTreePath(Object, boolean) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Like HierarchyManager.getTreePath(Object) with the additional option to include the given item as the last element of the path.
getType() - Method in class y.base.GraphEvent
Returns the type of this GraphEvent.
getType() - Method in class y.option.StringOptionItem
Returns "String"
getType() - Method in class y.option.PasswordOptionItem
Returns "Password"
getType() - Method in class y.option.OptionItem
Returns a unique identifier for the type of this OptionItem
getType() - Method in class y.option.IntOptionItem
Returns "Int"
getType() - Method in class y.option.FileOptionItem
Returns "File"
getType() - Method in class y.option.EnumOptionItem
Returns "Enum"
getType() - Method in class y.option.DoubleOptionItem
Returns "Double"
getType() - Method in class y.option.ComponentOptionItem
Returns "Component"
getType() - Method in class y.option.CommentOptionItem
Returns "Comment"
getType() - Method in class y.option.ColorOptionItem
Returns "Color"
getType() - Method in class y.option.BoolOptionItem
Returns "Bool"
getType() - Method in class y.view.Arrow
Returns the type of this arrow.
getType() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEvent
Returns the type specifier of this event.
getType(Node) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Returns the type of a node.
getUndirectedTreeNodes(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.Trees
Returns a list of NodeList objects each containing nodes of the given graph that belong to a maximal subtree of the graph.
getUndoAction() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
Returns a swing action that can be used to trigger an undo operation.
getUniqueArray(int, int, int) - Method in class y.util.YRandom
Returns an array of n unique random integers that lie within the range min (inclusive) and max (exclusive).
getUnsplitEdge(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
This method returns the original edge for a split edge.
getURL() - Method in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
Returns the location of the file to which the module either will export or import the diagram.
getURL() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the URL associatioed with this graph.
getURL(String) - Static method in class y.util.YUtil
Returns the corresponding absolute URL to the given relative path.
getURL(String, URL) - Method in class y.io.gml.NodeGraphicsParser
getURLResource(String) - Static method in class y.util.ResourceResolver
Resolves the given string and returns an URL.
getUseBiconnectedComponents() - Method in class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
returns indicator for usage of bccs is allowed or not resp.
getUseCrossingPostprocessing() - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Returns if postprocessing is used to reduce the number of crossings.
getUseEdgeRerouting() - Method in class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
Returns indicator for edge rerouting is allowed or not resp.
getUseLengthReduction() - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Returns if the algorithm optimizes over the length of the edges.
getUseRandomization() - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Returns if a randomization strategy is used.
getUseRandomization() - Method in class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
returns indicator for randomization is allowed or not resp.
getUserHomeProfilePath() - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
Returns the relative path from the user home to the profile that will be used for loading the properties into this instance upon invokation of GlobalProperties.load().
getUserHomeResource(String) - Static method in class y.util.ResourceResolver
Resolves the given string and returns an URL.
getUseSketchDrawing() - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Returns if the existing drawing should be used as sketch.
getUseSmartrouting() - Method in class y.layout.planar.EdgeRouter
Returns if smart routing should be used.
getUseSmartrouting() - Method in class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
Returns if smart routing should be used.
getUseSpacePostprocessing() - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
getUseTransposition() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer
Returns whether or not the transposition heuristic should be used.
getValue() - Method in class y.option.StringOptionItem
getValue() - Method in class y.option.PasswordOptionItem
getValue() - Method in class y.option.OptionItem
Returns the value of this option item
getValue() - Method in class y.option.IntOptionItem
getValue() - Method in class y.option.FileOptionItem
getValue() - Method in class y.option.EnumOptionItem
getValue() - Method in class y.option.DoubleOptionItem
getValue() - Method in class y.option.ComponentOptionItem
Returns the editor component itself
getValue() - Method in class y.option.CommentOptionItem
Returns the commentary text.
getValue() - Method in class y.option.ColorOptionItem
getValue() - Method in class y.option.BoolOptionItem
getVerticalScrollBarPolicy() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns the scroll bar policy for the vertical scroll bar.
getVerticalScrollBarPolicy(int) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets the scroll bar policy for the vertical scroll bar.
getVerticalSpace() - Method in class y.layout.tree.HVTreeLayouter
Returns the vertical distance between adjacent nodes.
getVerticalSpace() - Method in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
Returns the vertical distance between adjacent nodes.
getView() - Method in class y.module.YModule
Grants access to the current view this module acts upon.
getViewContainer() - Method in class y.view.ViewControl
Get the ViewContainer of this ViewControl
getViewContainer() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
Returns the view container this undomanager is associated with.
getViewControl() - Method in interface y.view.ViewContainer
Returns the ViewControl that is used for all the views of the ViewContainer.
getViewControl() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns the view control of this view.
getViewCursor() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns the cursor that is displayed when the mouse is over this view.
getViewPoint() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns the world coordinate this view displays at its the upper left corner.
getViewPoint2D() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns the world coordinate this view displays at its the upper left corner.
getViews() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns a cursor iterating through all registered views.
getViewSize() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns the size of the drawing canvas.
getVisibleRect() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns the visible part of the world rectangle.
getWeightedCenterNode(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.Trees
Finds a node which is used by the greatest number of all paths interconnecting all nodes with each other.
getWeightedCenterNode(Graph, NodeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.Trees
Finds a node which is used by the greatest number of all paths interconnecting all nodes with each other.
getWeightHeuristic() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer
Returns the currently set weight heuristic.
getWidth() - Method in class y.geom.YDimension
Get the width of the dimension object.
getWidth() - Method in interface y.layout.NodeLayout
Returns the height of the node.
getWidth() - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutData
Returns the width of the label.
getWidth() - Method in class y.layout.LabelCandidate
getWidth() - Method in class y.layout.DefaultNodeLayout
getWidth() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns the with of this label.
getWidth() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
getWidth() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns the width of this realizer.
getWidth() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
getWidth(Node) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the width of the given node.
getWidth(Node) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the width of the given node.
getWorldRect() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns the world rectangle defined for this view.
getWrappedProvider() - Method in class y.util.WrappedObjectDataProvider
Gets the underlying wrapped DataProvider.
getWrappingProvider() - Method in class y.util.WrappedObjectDataProvider
Gets the wrapping DataProvider instance.
getX() - Method in class y.geom.YVector
Returns the first coordinate of the vector.
getX() - Method in class y.geom.YRectangle
Returns x-coordinate of upper left corner.
getX() - Method in class y.geom.YPoint
Returns the x-coordinate of the point object.
getX() - Method in interface y.layout.NodeLayout
Returns X-Coordinate of the upper left corner of the node.
getX() - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutData
Returns the x-coordinate of the upper-left label location.
getX() - Method in class y.layout.LabelCandidate
getX() - Method in class y.layout.DefaultNodeLayout
getX() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
getX() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Get X-Coordinate of the upper left corner of the node.
getX() - Method in class y.view.Bend
Returns the absolute x-coordinate of this bend.
getX() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
getX(Node) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the upper left x-coord of the given node.
getX(Node) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the upper left x-coord of the given node.
getX(NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.Port
Returns the absolute center x-coord of this port.
getXCut(double) - Method in class y.geom.YCircle
Determine the intersection between the circle and a parallel to the X-Axis.
getXOffset() - Method in class y.geom.LineSegment
Returns the y value of the line on x coordinate 0.
getXProjection(YPoint) - Method in class y.geom.AffineLine
Projects an point on the line in direction of the X-axis.
getY() - Method in class y.geom.YVector
Returns the second coordinate of the vector.
getY() - Method in class y.geom.YRectangle
Returns y-coordinate of upper left corner.
getY() - Method in class y.geom.YPoint
Returns the y-coordinate of the point object.
getY() - Method in interface y.layout.NodeLayout
Returns Y-Coordinate of the upper left corner of the node.
getY() - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutData
Returns the y-coordinate of the upper-left label location.
getY() - Method in class y.layout.LabelCandidate
getY() - Method in class y.layout.DefaultNodeLayout
getY() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
getY() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Get Y-Coordinate of the upper left corner of the node.
getY() - Method in class y.view.Bend
Returns the absolute y-coordinate of this bend.
getY() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
getY(Node) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Returns the upper left y-coord of the given node.
getY(Node) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the upper left y-coord of the given node.
getY(NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.Port
Returns the absolute center y-coord of this port.
getYCut(double) - Method in class y.geom.YCircle
Determine the intersection between the circle and a parallel to the Y-Axis.
getYProjection(YPoint) - Method in class y.geom.AffineLine
Projects an point on the line in direction of the Y-axis.
getZ() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
This method calculates the function whose value this algorithm should minimize.
getZoom() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns the current zoom level of this view.
gid2ChildMap - Variable in class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphParser
Used to associate a NodeList containing the children of a group node with the id of that group node.
GIFIOHandler - class y.io.GIFIOHandler.
Writes a Graph2D in GIF image format.
GIFIOHandler() - Constructor for class y.io.GIFIOHandler
Instantiates a new GIFIOHandler.
GIFOutput - class y.module.io.GIFOutput.
Exports a diagram to a GIF image.
GIFOutput() - Constructor for class y.module.io.GIFOutput
GivenLayersLayerer - class y.layout.hierarchic.GivenLayersLayerer.
This layerer implementation layers the nodes by given layer IDs.
GivenLayersLayerer() - Constructor for class y.layout.hierarchic.GivenLayersLayerer
GlobalProperties - class y.util.GlobalProperties.
Singleton class that can manage global properties for an application, store and reload them in and from a properties file and manage the object <-> string conversion process.
globalSink - Variable in class y.layout.planar.GT
globalSource - Variable in class y.layout.planar.GT
GMLEncoder - class y.io.gml.GMLEncoder.
This class is a utility class for writing valid GML to a Writer
GMLEncoder(Writer) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.GMLEncoder
Creates a new instance of GMLEncoder
GMLInput - class y.module.io.GMLInput.
Imports a diagram from a GML file.
GMLInput() - Constructor for class y.module.io.GMLInput
GMLIOHandler - class y.io.GMLIOHandler.
Read and writes a Graph2D in Graph Modeling Language (GML).
GMLIOHandler() - Constructor for class y.io.GMLIOHandler
Instantiates a new GMLIOHandler.
GmlObjectEncoder - class y.io.gml.GmlObjectEncoder.
This class is capable of encoding a Graph in valid gml format.
GmlObjectEncoder() - Constructor for class y.io.gml.GmlObjectEncoder
GmlObjectEncoder(ObjectEncoder) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.GmlObjectEncoder
GMLOutput - class y.module.io.GMLOutput.
Exports a diagram to a GML file.
GMLOutput() - Constructor for class y.module.io.GMLOutput
GMLTokenizer - class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer.
This class is used to parse a valid stream from a reader, which contains well formed gml.
GMLTokenizer.Callback - interface y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer.Callback.
The interface used for the callback during parsing.
GMLTokenizer.DebugCallback - class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer.DebugCallback.
An implementation of the callback which can be used to debug the parser.
GMLTokenizer.DebugCallback() - Constructor for class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer.DebugCallback
GMLTokenizer.EncoderCallback - class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer.EncoderCallback.
An implementation of the callback, which will call the appropriate methods on an encoder.
GMLTokenizer.EncoderCallback(GMLEncoder) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer.EncoderCallback
constructs a new Transcoder
GMLTokenizer() - Constructor for class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
Creates a new instance of GMLTokenizer
GMLTokenizer(GMLTokenizer.Callback) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
Creates a new instance of GMLTokenizer and installs the given callback
graph - Variable in class y.io.gml.NodeParser
graph - Variable in class y.io.gml.GraphParser
graph - Variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
graph - Variable in class y.layout.organic.RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage
the graph
graph - Variable in class y.layout.planar.VertexOrder
graph - Variable in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
graph - Variable in class y.layout.planar.GT
graph - Variable in class y.layout.tree.HVTreeLayouter
graph - Variable in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
The layout graph being acted upon.
graph - Variable in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
Graph - class y.base.Graph.
This class implements a directed graph structure.
Graph() - Constructor for class y.base.Graph
Instantiates an empty Graph.
Graph(Graph) - Constructor for class y.base.Graph
Instantiates a new Graph object as a copy of argGraph.
Graph(Graph, YCursor) - Constructor for class y.base.Graph
Instantiates a new Graph object as a partial copy of the argument graph.
Graph2D - class y.view.Graph2D.
This class represents a graph with additional 2D support.
Graph2D.BackupRealizersHandler - interface y.view.Graph2D.BackupRealizersHandler.
Implementations of this interface are responsible for backing up the node and edge realizer of a Graph2D.
Graph2D() - Constructor for class y.view.Graph2D
Constructs an empty Graph2D.
Graph2D(Graph2D) - Constructor for class y.view.Graph2D
Copy constructor of Graph2D.
Graph2D(Graph2D, YCursor) - Constructor for class y.view.Graph2D
Creates a copy of the given subgraph.
Graph2DEvent - class y.view.Graph2DEvent.
An event which indicates that a property associated with a Graph2D or associated with one of its elements has changed.
Graph2DEvent(Graph2D, Object, String, Object, Object) - Constructor for class y.view.Graph2DEvent
Creates a new instance of Graph2DEvent.
Graph2DHierarchyUndoManager - class y.view.hierarchy.Graph2DHierarchyUndoManager.
This class provides undoability and redoability support for a hierarchy of graphs.
Graph2DHierarchyUndoManager(HierarchyManager) - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.Graph2DHierarchyUndoManager
Creates a new instance of Graph2DHierarchyUndoManager.
Graph2DListener - interface y.view.Graph2DListener.
The listener interface for receiving Graph2DEvents.
Graph2DNodeRealizer - class y.view.Graph2DNodeRealizer.
A node realizer that can display a graph as its contents.
Graph2DNodeRealizer() - Constructor for class y.view.Graph2DNodeRealizer
Creates a new instance Graph2DNodeRealizer.
Graph2DNodeRealizer(NodeRealizer) - Constructor for class y.view.Graph2DNodeRealizer
Creates a new instance of Graph2DNodeRealizer as a copy of the given realizer.
Graph2DPrinter - class y.view.Graph2DPrinter.
This class is responsible for printing the contents of a Graph2DView on one or more pages.
Graph2DPrinter(Graph2DView) - Constructor for class y.view.Graph2DPrinter
Instantiates a new Graph2DPrinter for the given Graph2DView.
Graph2DRenderer - interface y.view.Graph2DRenderer.
Implementations of this interface render a Graph2D object.
Graph2DSelectionEvent - class y.view.Graph2DSelectionEvent.
An event which indicates that the selection state of an edge, a bend or a node in a Graph2D has changed.
Graph2DSelectionEvent(Graph2D, Object) - Constructor for class y.view.Graph2DSelectionEvent
Creates a new Instance of GraphEvent with given type and data
Graph2DSelectionListener - interface y.view.Graph2DSelectionListener.
The listener interface for receiving Graph2DSelectionEvents.
Graph2DUndoManager - class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager.
This class provides undoability and redoability support for Graph2D changes.
Graph2DUndoManager() - Constructor for class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
Creates a new Instance of UndoManager.
Graph2DView - class y.view.Graph2DView.
This is a powerful component to view graphs in 2-dimensional space.
Graph2DView() - Constructor for class y.view.Graph2DView
Creates a new Graph2DView containing an empty graph.
Graph2DView(Graph2D) - Constructor for class y.view.Graph2DView
Creates a new Graph2DView for a given graph.
Graph2DView(Graph2D, ViewControl) - Constructor for class y.view.Graph2DView
Creates a new Graph2DView for a given graph and viewcontrol.
Graph2DViewActions - class y.view.Graph2DViewActions.
This class provides actions for Graph2DView.
Graph2DViewActions(Graph2DView) - Constructor for class y.view.Graph2DViewActions
Creates a new instance of Graph2DViewActions.
GraphChecker - class y.algo.GraphChecker.
Provides methods that check structural properties of a given graph.
GraphChecker() - Constructor for class y.algo.GraphChecker
GraphConnectivity - class y.algo.GraphConnectivity.
Provides algorithms for determining certain connectivity components within a graph.
GraphConnectivity() - Constructor for class y.algo.GraphConnectivity
GraphEvent - class y.base.GraphEvent.
An event which indicates that a graph structure change occured.
GraphEvent(Graph, byte, Object) - Constructor for class y.base.GraphEvent
Creates a new Instance of GraphEvent with given type and data
GraphFactory - interface y.base.GraphFactory.
Implementations of this interface provide a factory for graphs and elements within that graph.
GraphHider - class y.util.GraphHider.
Provides functionality to hide and unhide nodes and edges of a graph.
GraphHider(Graph) - Constructor for class y.util.GraphHider
Instantiates a new GraphHider for the given graph.
GraphInterface - interface y.base.GraphInterface.
An interface that describes the structural information of a graph and the data that is associated with its nodes and edges.
GraphLayout - interface y.layout.GraphLayout.
This interface defines the layout information of a graph.
GraphListener - interface y.base.GraphListener.
The listener interface for receiving graph events.
graphNodes - Variable in class y.layout.planar.VertexOrder
GraphObjectEncoder - class y.io.gml.GraphObjectEncoder.
This class is capable of encoding Graph in valid gml format.
GraphObjectEncoder() - Constructor for class y.io.gml.GraphObjectEncoder
GraphObjectEncoder(ObjectEncoder, ObjectEncoder) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.GraphObjectEncoder
GraphParser - class y.io.gml.GraphParser.
This class works together with NodeParser and EdgeParser instances.
GraphParser(Graph2D) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.GraphParser
GraphPartitionManager - class y.util.GraphPartitionManager.
Provides functionality to hide and unhide nodes and edges of a graph.
GraphPartitionManager(Graph, DataProvider) - Constructor for class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
Instantiates a new GraphPartitionManager for the given graph.
GraphTransformer - class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer.
Provides geometric transforms for (sub-)graphs.
GraphTransformer() - Constructor for class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Creates a new instance of graph transformer.
GraphTransformerModule - class y.module.GraphTransformerModule.
Wrapper class for GraphTransformer.
GraphTransformerModule() - Constructor for class y.module.GraphTransformerModule
GraphTreeModel - class y.view.GraphTreeModel.
This class represents a flat tree model for a graph.
GraphTreeModel(Graph) - Constructor for class y.view.GraphTreeModel
Creates a model for a given Graph
GraphZoomer - class y.layout.transformer.GraphZoomer.
This class contains algorithms which allow for zooming parts of a diagram only in a socalled fish-eye (radial) style.
GraphZoomer.Zoom - interface y.layout.transformer.GraphZoomer.Zoom.
This interface can be implemented for custom zoom types.
GraphZoomer() - Constructor for class y.layout.transformer.GraphZoomer
Creates a new instance of GraphZoomer
GRAY - Static variable in class y.algo.Dfs
Node state specifier.
GreedyMISLabeling - class y.layout.labeling.GreedyMISLabeling.
This class places the labels of a graph using a greedy strategy.
GreedyMISLabeling() - Constructor for class y.layout.labeling.GreedyMISLabeling
GRID_CROSS - Static variable in interface y.view.View2DConstants
Grid type specifier.
GRID_LINES - Static variable in interface y.view.View2DConstants
Grid type specifier.
GRID_NONE - Static variable in interface y.view.View2DConstants
Grid type specifier.
GRID_POINTS - Static variable in interface y.view.View2DConstants
Grid type specifier.
gridCursorActive(boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Activates/Deactivates the grid cursor.
GRIP - class y.layout.organic.GRIP.
This class implements a variant of the GRIP algorithm by P.
GRIP() - Constructor for class y.layout.organic.GRIP
Creates a new instance of the GRIP layout algorithm
GRIPModule - class y.module.GRIPModule.
Wrapper class for GRIP.
GRIPModule() - Constructor for class y.module.GRIPModule
GROUP_DPKEY - Static variable in interface y.layout.grouping.GroupingKeys
This key is used to distinguish normal nodes from group nodes.
GROUP_KEY - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer
This is the key, which must be used to register the DataProvider which contains the mappings between nodes and group ids.
GROUP_NODE_INSETS_DPKEY - Static variable in interface y.layout.grouping.GroupingKeys
This key is used to provide insets for group nodes.
GroupBoundsCalculator - interface y.layout.grouping.GroupBoundsCalculator.
Implementations of this interface are responsible for calculating the bounds of a group node during a layout process.
GroupedShuffleLayouter - class y.layout.organic.GroupedShuffleLayouter.
This class uses a customizable shuffle layout algorithm to recursively remove node overlaps from grouped graph structures.
GroupedShuffleLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.organic.GroupedShuffleLayouter
GroupedShuffleLayouter(Layouter) - Constructor for class y.layout.organic.GroupedShuffleLayouter
Creates a new instance of GroupedShuffleLayouter The given core layouter instance will get to perform its work before the actual shuffling takes place.
Grouping - class y.layout.grouping.Grouping.
Instances of this class can be used by algorithms to efficiently query the structure of such type of graphs.
Grouping(LayoutGraph) - Constructor for class y.layout.grouping.Grouping
Creates a new instance of Grouping.
GroupingKeys - interface y.layout.grouping.GroupingKeys.
This interface defines dataprovider keys for those layout algorithms that can handle hierarchically grouped graphs.
GroupLayoutConfigurator - class y.view.hierarchy.GroupLayoutConfigurator.
This convenience class helps to prepare a hierarchically grouped Graph2D for an automatic assignment of layout information.
GroupLayoutConfigurator(Graph2D) - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.GroupLayoutConfigurator
Creates a new instance of GroupLayoutConfigurator for a given graph
GroupNodeHider - class y.layout.grouping.GroupNodeHider.
A layout stage for hierarchically grouped graphs.
GroupNodeHider() - Constructor for class y.layout.grouping.GroupNodeHider
Creates a new instance of GroupNodeHider
GroupNodeHider(Layouter) - Constructor for class y.layout.grouping.GroupNodeHider
Creates a new instance of GroupNodeHider.
GroupNodeRealizer - class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer.
A node realizer that is crafted to represent group and folder nodes within a graph hierarchy.
GroupNodeRealizer.StateChangeListener - class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer.StateChangeListener.
This static inner class can be used to automatically adjust the groupClosed property of GroupNodeRealizer instances.
GroupNodeRealizer.StateChangeListener() - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer.StateChangeListener
Creates a new (unbound) instance of GroupNodeSynchronizer
GroupNodeRealizer() - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
GroupNodeRealizer(NodeRealizer) - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
groupSubgraph(NodeList, Node) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Assigns the given nodes to the given group node.
GT - class y.layout.planar.GT.
This class implements a powerfull planar-subgraph heuristic.
GT - Static variable in class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
GT() - Constructor for class y.layout.planar.GT
Returns a new instance of GT.
guiFactory - Variable in class y.option.OptionHandler
the guifactory used for constructing the panel
GuiFactory - interface y.option.GuiFactory.
This interface must be implemented by GUIFactories which are used by OptionHandler and OptionSection


h - Variable in class y.layout.DefaultNodeLayout
h - Variable in class y.layout.organic.RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage
heights based on node-indices
handleLabels() - Method in class y.io.gml.NodeParser
handleLabels() - Method in class y.io.gml.EdgeParser
Applies the parsed edge label attributes to the edge labels of this edges.
hasAttribute(String) - Method in class y.io.LinkInfo
Returns true if the attribute name has been set.
hasAttributes() - Method in class y.io.LinkInfo
Returns true if any attributes have been set.
hasBounds - Variable in class y.option.IntOptionItem
hasFreePositioning() - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Whether of not the label has a free position, i.e. one that is solely dictated by the offset coordinates.
hasFreePositioning() - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Whether or not this label has free positioning.
hashCode() - Method in class y.geom.YRectangle
hashCode() - Method in class y.geom.YPoint
hashCode() - Method in class y.geom.YDimension
hashCode() - Method in class y.geom.YCircle
hashCode() - Method in class y.util.Tuple
Generates a hashCode using the two tuple elements.
hashCode() - Method in class y.view.LineType
hasHitBends() - Method in class y.view.HitInfo
Whether or not a bend was hit.
hasHitEdgeLabels() - Method in class y.view.HitInfo
Whether or not an edge label was hit.
hasHitEdges() - Method in class y.view.HitInfo
Whether or not an edge was hit.
hasHitNodeLabels() - Method in class y.view.HitInfo
Whether or not a node label was hit.
hasHitNodes() - Method in class y.view.HitInfo
Whether or not a node was hit.
hasHitPorts() - Method in class y.view.HitInfo
Whether or not a port was hit.
hasHits() - Method in class y.view.HitInfo
Whether or not something was hit.
HashMap2D - class y.util.HashMap2D.
This class represents a 2-dimensional hashmap.
HashMap2D() - Constructor for class y.util.HashMap2D
Creates a new instance of HashMap2D.
HashMap2D(int) - Constructor for class y.util.HashMap2D
Creates a new instance of HashMap2D with given initial capacity
hasMainArgument() - Method in class y.util.CommandLineArguments
Returns whether or not the main argument is set.
hasMultiHits() - Method in class y.view.HitInfo
Whether or not more than one element was hit.
hasPC(LayoutGraph, Edge) - Static method in class y.layout.PortConstraint
Returns whether or not there are non-trivial source or target port constaints associated with the given edge.
hasSliderPositioning() - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
hasSPC(LayoutGraph, Edge) - Static method in class y.layout.PortConstraint
Returns whether or not there is a non-trivial source port constaint associated with the given edge.
hasTPC(LayoutGraph, Edge) - Static method in class y.layout.PortConstraint
Returns whether or not there is a non-trivial target port constaint associated with the given edge.
HEAD - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
HEAD - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge label position specifier.
HEAD_RATIO - Static variable in class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel
HEAD_RATIO - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge label position specifier.
height - Variable in class y.geom.YDimension
the height of the dimension
height - Variable in class y.view.YLabel
The height of this label
height - Variable in class y.view.NodeRealizer
HEXAGON - Static variable in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Shape type constant.
hiddenEdges - Variable in class y.layout.ParallelEdgeLayouter
hiddenEdges - Variable in class y.layout.planar.GT
hiddenEdges - Variable in class y.util.GraphHider
holds the list of the hidden edges in stack order
hiddenNodes - Variable in class y.util.GraphHider
holds the list of the hidden nodes in stack order
hide(Edge) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Hides the given edge from this graph.
hide(Edge) - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides the given edge from the graph.
hide(Edge) - Method in class y.util.GraphHider
Hides the given edge from the graph.
hide(EdgeCursor) - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides the given edges from the graph.
hide(EdgeCursor) - Method in class y.util.GraphHider
Hides the given edges from the graph.
hide(EdgeList) - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides the given list of edges from the graph.
hide(EdgeList) - Method in class y.util.GraphHider
Hides the given list of edges from the graph.
hide(GraphHider, DataProvider) - Method in class y.io.IOHandler
Uses the GraphHider to hide parts of the graph in order to write a subset.
hide(Node) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Hides the given node from this graph.
hide(Node) - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides the given node and all it's adjacent edges from the graph.
hide(Node) - Method in class y.util.GraphHider
Hides the given node and all it's adjacent edges from the graph.
hide(NodeCursor) - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides the given nodes from the graph.
hide(NodeCursor) - Method in class y.util.GraphHider
Hides the given nodes from the graph.
hide(NodeList) - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides the given list of nodes from the graph.
hide(NodeList) - Method in class y.util.GraphHider
Hides the given list of nodes from the graph.
hide(YCursor) - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides the given elements from the graph.
hide(YCursor) - Method in class y.util.GraphHider
Hides the given elements from the graph.
hideAll() - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides all nodes and edges from this graph.
hideAll() - Method in class y.util.GraphHider
Hides all nodes and edges from this graph.
hideEdges() - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides all edges from this graph.
hideEdges() - Method in class y.util.GraphHider
Hides all edges from this graph.
hideMultipleEdges() - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides multiple edges from the graph.
hideMultipleEdges() - Method in class y.util.GraphHider
Hides multiple edges from the graph.
hidePartition(Object) - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
hideSelfLoops() - Method in class y.layout.planar.SelfLoopTool
Hides all selfloops in a graph.
hideSelfLoops() - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides all selfloop edges from this graph.
hideSelfLoops() - Method in class y.util.GraphHider
Hides all selfloop edges from this graph.
hideSubgraph(Graph, EdgeCursor) - Static method in class y.util.GraphHider
Hides the subgraph induced by the given edges from the given graph.
HierarchicGraphEncoderFactory - class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphEncoderFactory.
This factory can be installed with the GMLIOHandler to support the serialization of hierarchic graphs in GML
HierarchicGraphEncoderFactory() - Constructor for class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphEncoderFactory
HierarchicGraphObjectEncoder - class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphObjectEncoder.
This class is capable of encoding a Hierarchic Graph in valid gml format.
HierarchicGraphObjectEncoder(HierarchicGraphObjectEncoder) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphObjectEncoder
HierarchicGraphObjectEncoder(ObjectEncoder, ObjectEncoder, HierarchicGraphObjectEncoder) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphObjectEncoder
HierarchicGraphParser - class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphParser.
This class works together with HierarchyNodeParser and HierarchyEdgeParser instances.
HierarchicGraphParser(Graph2D) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphParser
HierarchicGroupLayouter - class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter.
This class is an extended variant of the HierarchicLayouter class.
HierarchicGroupLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
Creates a new instance of HierarchicGroupLayouter
HierarchicLayouter - class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter.
This class implements a layouter for drawing directed graphs in a hierarchic way.
HierarchicLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Instantiates a new HierarchicLayouter.
HierarchicLayoutModule - class y.module.HierarchicLayoutModule.
Wrapper class for HierarchicLayouter.
HierarchicLayoutModule() - Constructor for class y.module.HierarchicLayoutModule
hierarchyChange(HierarchyEvent) - Method in interface y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyListener
Invoked when the structure of a graph hierarchy changes.
hierarchyChange(HierarchyEvent) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer.StateChangeListener
hierarchyChange(HierarchyEvent) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.Graph2DHierarchyUndoManager
HierarchyListener implementation.
HierarchyCreateEdgeMode - class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyCreateEdgeMode.
A specialized CreateEdgeMode suitable for graphs that contain groups nodes.
HierarchyCreateEdgeMode() - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyCreateEdgeMode
HierarchyEdgeObjectEncoder - class y.io.gml.HierarchyEdgeObjectEncoder.
This class is capable of encoding an edge of a Hierarchic Graph in valid gml format.
HierarchyEdgeObjectEncoder(ObjectEncoder, HierarchicGraphObjectEncoder) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.HierarchyEdgeObjectEncoder
Creates a new instance of HierarchyEdgeObjectEncoder
HierarchyEditMode - class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEditMode.
A specialized EditMode suitable for editing hierarchically organized graphs.
HierarchyEditMode() - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEditMode
Creates a new instance of HierarchyEditMode
HierarchyEvent - class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEvent.
Encapsulates information describing changes to a graph hierarchy and used to notify hierarchy listeners of the change.
HierarchyEvent(HierarchyManager, byte, Graph, Object) - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEvent
Creates a new instance of HierarchyEvent.
HierarchyEvent(HierarchyManager, byte, Object, Object) - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEvent
Creates a new instance of HierarchyEvent.
HierarchyHotSpotMode - class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyHotSpotMode.
A specialized HotSpotMode suitable for editing hierarchically organized graphs.
HierarchyHotSpotMode() - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyHotSpotMode
Instantiates a new HierarchyHotSportMode.
HierarchyHotSpotMode(ViewContainer) - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyHotSpotMode
Instantiates a new HierarchyHotSpotMode for a given ViewContainer
HierarchyJTree - class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyJTree.
A JTree configured to display the hierarchically organized nodes within a HierarchyManager.
HierarchyJTree(HierarchyManager) - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyJTree
Creates a new HierarchyJTree that visualized the data within the given HierarchyManager.
HierarchyJTree(HierarchyManager, TreeModel) - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyJTree
Creates a new HierarchyJTree that visualized the data within the given HierarchyManager.
HierarchyListener - interface y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyListener.
The listener interface for receiving HierarchyEvents.
HierarchyManager - class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager.
This class manages a hierarchy of grouped nodes and nested graphs.
HierarchyManager.NodeVisitor - interface y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager.NodeVisitor.
Callback interface that allows to perform some action when nodes within the hierarchy get visited in a certain order.
HierarchyManager(Graph) - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Creates a new hierarchy manager that initially manages a flat graph hierarchy whose root graph will be the given graph.
HierarchyManager(Graph, GraphFactory) - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Creates a new hierarchy manager that initially manages a flat graph hierarchy whose root graph will be the given graph.
HierarchyMoveSelectionMode - class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyMoveSelectionMode.
A specialized MoveSelectionMode suitable for graphs that contain group nodes.
HierarchyMoveSelectionMode() - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyMoveSelectionMode
HierarchyMoveSelectionMode(HierarchyManager) - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyMoveSelectionMode
HierarchyNodeObjectEncoder - class y.io.gml.HierarchyNodeObjectEncoder.
This class is capable of encoding a node of a Hierarchic Graph in valid gml format.
HierarchyNodeObjectEncoder(HierarchicGraphObjectEncoder, HierarchicGraphEncoderFactory) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.HierarchyNodeObjectEncoder
HierarchyNodeObjectEncoder(ObjectEncoder, HierarchicGraphObjectEncoder, HierarchicGraphEncoderFactory) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.HierarchyNodeObjectEncoder
HierarchyNodeParser - class y.io.gml.HierarchyNodeParser.
This class is capable of parsing nodes and nested graphs of a Hierarchic Graph from valid gml.
HierarchyNodeParser(Graph2D, Map, HierarchicGraphParser, ParserFactory) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.HierarchyNodeParser
HierarchySelectionBoxMode - class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchySelectionBoxMode.
A specialized SelectionBoxMode suitable for graphs that contain group nodes.
HierarchySelectionBoxMode() - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchySelectionBoxMode
HierarchyTreeCellRenderer - class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeCellRenderer.
Default TreeCellRenderer to visualize elements within HierarchyTreeModel.
HierarchyTreeCellRenderer() - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeCellRenderer
Creates a new instance of HierarchyTreeCellRenderer.
HierarchyTreeCellRenderer(TreeCellRenderer) - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeCellRenderer
Creates a new instance of HierarchyTreeCellRenderer.
HierarchyTreeModel - class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeModel.
This class represents a tree model view of a graph hierarchy managed by HierarchyManager.
HierarchyTreeModel(HierarchyManager) - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeModel
Creates a new instance of HierarchyTreeModel for the nodes within the given HierarchyManager.
HierarchyTreeSelectionModel - class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeSelectionModel.
This TreeSelectionModel represents the selection state of the nodes within a graph hierarchy.
HierarchyTreeSelectionModel(HierarchyManager) - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeSelectionModel
hitBends() - Method in class y.view.HitInfo
Returns a cursor that grants access to all hit bends.
hitEdgeLabels() - Method in class y.view.HitInfo
Returns a cursor that grants access to all hit edge labels.
hitEdges() - Method in class y.view.HitInfo
Returns a cursor that grants access to all hit edges.
HitInfo - class y.view.HitInfo.
A class that collects hit information for a elements contained in a Graph2D.
HitInfo(Graph2D, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class y.view.HitInfo
Creates a new HitInfo object for the given graph.
HitInfo(Graph2D, double, double, boolean, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class y.view.HitInfo
Creates a new HitInfo object for the given graph.
hitNodeLabels() - Method in class y.view.HitInfo
Returns a cursor that grants access to all hit node labels.
hitNodes() - Method in class y.view.HitInfo
Returns a cursor that grants access to all hit nodes.
hitPorts() - Method in class y.view.HitInfo
Returns a cursor that grants access to all hit ports
HOC_INTERSECTION_BOX - Static variable in class y.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter
HOC_LESS_MOVEMENT - Static variable in class y.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter
HOC_NODE_CENTER - Static variable in class y.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter
HORIZONTAL_SUBTREE - Static variable in class y.layout.tree.HVTreeLayouter
Subtree orientation specifier.
horizontalCompaction(LayoutGraph, double[], NodeList[]) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianLinearSegmentDrawer
Calculate coordinates.
HOTSPOT_E - Static variable in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Hotspot type indentifier.
HOTSPOT_N - Static variable in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Hotspot type indentifier.
HOTSPOT_NE - Static variable in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Hotspot type indentifier.
HOTSPOT_NONE - Static variable in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Hotspot type indentifier.
HOTSPOT_NW - Static variable in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Hotspot type indentifier.
HOTSPOT_S - Static variable in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Hotspot type indentifier.
HOTSPOT_SE - Static variable in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Hotspot type indentifier.
HOTSPOT_SW - Static variable in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Hotspot type indentifier.
HOTSPOT_W - Static variable in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Hotspot type indentifier.
hotSpotHit(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
hotSpotHit(double, double) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns one of the predefined hotspot type constants to signal which hotspot is hit by the given coords.
hotSpotMode - Variable in class y.view.EditMode
HotSpotMode - class y.view.HotSpotMode.
Handles hotspot drags.
HotSpotMode() - Constructor for class y.view.HotSpotMode
Instantiates a new HotSportMode.
HotSpotMode(ViewContainer) - Constructor for class y.view.HotSpotMode
Instantiates a new HotSpotMode for a given ViewContainer
HTML_ACCESSKEY - Static variable in class y.io.LinkInfo
HTML_COORDINATES - Static variable in class y.io.LinkInfo
HTML_REFERENCE - Static variable in class y.io.LinkInfo
HTML_SHAPE - Static variable in class y.io.LinkInfo
HTML_TABINDEX - Static variable in class y.io.LinkInfo
HTML_TOOLTIP - Static variable in class y.io.LinkInfo
HVTreeLayouter - class y.layout.tree.HVTreeLayouter.
This tree layouter allows to layout a tree such that each subgraph rooted at a node can either have a horizontal or vertical layout.
HVTreeLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.tree.HVTreeLayouter


id2Edge - Variable in class y.io.gml.GraphParser
id2Node - Variable in class y.io.gml.NodeParser
id2Node - Variable in class y.io.gml.GraphParser
IGNORE_GROUPS_POLICY - Static variable in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Node group policy specifier.
ImageMapOutputHandler - class y.io.ImageMapOutputHandler.
A simple write-only IOHandler that produces a HTML image map.
ImageMapOutputHandler() - Constructor for class y.io.ImageMapOutputHandler
Constructs an ImageMapOutputHandler, which uses newlines and indents area elements by 2 spaces.
ImageNodeRealizer - class y.view.ImageNodeRealizer.
A node realizer that displays a node as an image.
ImageNodeRealizer() - Constructor for class y.view.ImageNodeRealizer
Creates a new ImageNodeRealizer with no image associated with it.
ImageNodeRealizer(NodeRealizer) - Constructor for class y.view.ImageNodeRealizer
Creates a new ImageNodeRealizer whose attributes are copied from the given realizer.
ImageOutputHandler - class y.io.ImageOutputHandler.
Abstract base class for IOHandlers that produce image based output formats.
ImageOutputHandler() - Constructor for class y.io.ImageOutputHandler
ImageOutputHandler(boolean) - Constructor for class y.io.ImageOutputHandler
increasePriority(Node, double) - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapDoubleNodePQ
increasePriority(Node, int) - Method in class y.util.pq.ListIntNodePQ
Increases the priority of a node in the queue to a certain value.
increasePriority(Node, int) - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapIntNodePQ
Increases the priority value of the given node.
increasePriority(Node, int) - Method in class y.util.pq.ArrayIntNodePQ
Increases the value of a node in the queue to a certain value.
increasePriority(Node, Object) - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapNodePQ
increaseSpeed() - Method in class y.anim.AnimationPlayer
Increases the speed factor of the animation by 50 percent
incrementPriority(Node) - Method in class y.util.pq.ListIntNodePQ
Increments the associated priority value for the given node by 1 and updates it's position within the queue accordingly.
inDegree() - Method in class y.base.Node
Returns the number of ingoing edges at this node.
index() - Method in class y.base.Node
Returns this node's index within its graph G .
index() - Method in class y.base.Edge
Returns the index of this edge within its graph G .
indexOf(Object) - Method in class y.base.YList
Returns the zero-based index of the given element in this list.
inEdges() - Method in class y.base.Node
Returns an edge cursor for all ingoing edges at this node.
inEdges(Edge) - Method in class y.base.Node
Returns an edge cursor for ingoing edges at this node that starts that the given edge.
init() - Method in class y.layout.grouping.Grouping
Initializes internal datastructures.
init() - Method in class y.module.YModule
Initialisation code performed before calling YModule.mainrun().
init() - Method in class y.module.SmartOrganicLayoutModule
Module initialisation routine.
init() - Method in class y.module.RandomLayoutModule
init() - Method in class y.module.OrthogonalEdgeRouterModule
init() - Method in class y.module.OrganicLayoutModule
Module initialisation routine.
init() - Method in class y.module.LabelingModule
init() - Method in class y.module.io.TGFOutput
init() - Method in class y.module.io.TGFInput
init() - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
This method is called in a child mode when it gets installed in another mode.
init() - Method in class y.view.MoveLabelMode
Called when this mode gets activeted.
init() - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
init(Graph) - Method in class y.layout.planar.IntDSP
init(Graph, NodeList[]) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianLinearSegmentDrawer
Initializes data structures for all runs.
initAnimation() - Method in interface y.anim.AnimationObject
Initializes the animatiopn object.
initAnimation() - Method in class y.view.LayoutMorpher
Initializes the animation.
initDegrees() - Method in class y.layout.planar.VertexOrder
This method calculates the potential of each node to cause a direction error.
initDetailsAction(Action) - Method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
initDiagram(LayoutGraph) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
This method assigns the position (0,0) to all nodes in the graph, and sets the edges to straight lines with ports in the center of the adjacent node.
initFromArguments(String[]) - Method in class y.util.CommandLineArguments
parses the command line arguments and fills the internal map using the given values
initializeDistancesToNextNode(NodeList[]) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Initializes the minimal distances between the right border of a node and the left border of its right hand side neighbor in a layer.
initializePositions(NodeList[]) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
Helper method which initializes the positions of the nodes in all layers.
InitialPlanarSubgraph - interface y.layout.planar.InitialPlanarSubgraph.
an interface for graph planarization
initOkAction(Action) - Method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
initOrdering(NodeMap, NodeMap, NodeList) - Method in class y.layout.planar.GT
Initializes datastructures from an ordering.
initPackage(InputStream) - Method in class y.module.YPackage
Initializes a YPackage from a Input stream
initPartitions(DataProvider) - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
initStructures() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
used to initialize internal structures such as NodeMap right and NodeMap left bendGridWidth and nodeGridWidth.
INPUT_MODE - Static variable in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
I/O mode specifier constant.
insertAfter(Object, ListCell) - Method in class y.base.YList
Inserts the given object to this list.
insertBefore(Object, ListCell) - Method in class y.base.YList
Inserts the given object to this list.
insertBend(double, double) - Method in class y.view.SplineEdgeRealizer
Adds a new bend to this realizer and returns it.
insertBend(double, double) - Method in class y.view.PolyLineEdgeRealizer
Adds a new bend to this realizer and returns it.
insertBend(double, double) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Adds a new bend to this realizer and returns it.
insertBend(double, double) - Method in class y.view.BezierEdgeRealizer
Adds a new bend to this realizer and returns it.
insertBend(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Has no effect, because arcs have no bends
insertCellAfter(ListCell, ListCell) - Method in class y.base.YList
Inserts a formerly removed ListCell at the specified position.
insertCellBefore(ListCell, ListCell) - Method in class y.base.YList
Inserts a formerly removed ListCell at the specified position.
insertEdge(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimpleEdgeRouter
Inserts a single edge into the graph by routing through the dual graph.
insertEdge(EdgeList, Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.EdgeInserter
Insert the given edge.
insertEdge(EdgeList, Edge, Edge, Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.EdgeInserter
Insert the given edge.
insertEdgeExternal(Edge, Edge, Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.EdgeInserter
The graph consists of more than one component and two of them are now connected by the edge to insert
insertEdges(Edge, Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.Face
Inserts two edges,which are reverse to each other, into the edgelist of the face.
insertEdges(EdgeList) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SmartEdgeRouter
Inserts a list of edges into the graph by routing through the dual graph.
insertEdges(EdgeList) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimpleEdgeRouter
Inserts a list of edges into the graph by routing through the dual graph.
insertEdges(EdgeList) - Method in class y.layout.planar.EdgeRouter
Inserts a list of edges into the graph by routing through the dual graph.
insertEdgeSimple(Edge, Edge, Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.EdgeInserter
Path has size 0, thus only one face has to be split !
insertNodeWithEdge(Edge, Node, Face) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Insert a node with one edge into a face.
InsetsGroupBoundsCalculator - class y.layout.grouping.InsetsGroupBoundsCalculator.
Convenience implementation which allows for custom insets for each group node.
InsetsGroupBoundsCalculator() - Constructor for class y.layout.grouping.InsetsGroupBoundsCalculator
Constructs an instance that uses inset provided through the dataprovider registered at the input graph with the public key GroupingKeys.GROUP_NODE_INSETS_DPKEY.
InsetsGroupBoundsCalculator(Insets) - Constructor for class y.layout.grouping.InsetsGroupBoundsCalculator
Like InsetsGroupBoundsCalculator.InsetsGroupBoundsCalculator(java.lang.Object, java.awt.Insets).
InsetsGroupBoundsCalculator(Object) - Constructor for class y.layout.grouping.InsetsGroupBoundsCalculator
Constructs an instance using the given DataProvider key.
InsetsGroupBoundsCalculator(Object, Insets) - Constructor for class y.layout.grouping.InsetsGroupBoundsCalculator
Constructs an instance using the given DataProvider key and default insets.
installDefaultGuiFactory(GuiFactory) - Static method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Static method to install a default GUIFactory for all optionhandlers, which will be used if no specific GUIFactory is provided for each instance.
installDefaultOptionsIOHandler(OptionsIOHandler) - Static method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Static method to install a default IOHandler for all optionhandlers, which will be used if no specific instance is provided for each instance.
installInstance(GlobalProperties) - Static method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
install the given singleton object as the singleton
IntDSP - class y.layout.planar.IntDSP.
An implementation of the Dijkstra Shortest Path Algorithm for weighted graphs.
IntDSP() - Constructor for class y.layout.planar.IntDSP
InteractiveViewMode - class y.view.InteractiveViewMode.
A ViewMode for interactive input scenarios.
InteractiveViewMode() - Constructor for class y.view.InteractiveViewMode
Initializes a new InteractiveViewMode.
InterEdge - class y.io.gml.InterEdge.
This utility class is used to represent inter edges during parsing and encoding of hierarchic graphs using GML
InterEdge(String, String) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.InterEdge
InterEdge(String, String, int) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.InterEdge
InterEdgeConfigurator - interface y.view.hierarchy.InterEdgeConfigurator.
This class will be used as a callback by the HierarchyManager whenever the state of an edge/interedge changes.
InterEdgeEncoder - class y.io.gml.InterEdgeEncoder.
This class can encode InterEdges in valid GML
InterEdgeEncoder(HierarchicGraphObjectEncoder) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.InterEdgeEncoder
InterEdgeParser - class y.io.gml.InterEdgeParser.
This class can parse InterEdges from valid GML
InterEdgeParser(Graph2D, Map, HierarchicGraphParser) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.InterEdgeParser
InterfacePort - class y.view.InterfacePort.
Defines a logical end point of an edge relative to the center location of a node.
InterfacePort() - Constructor for class y.view.InterfacePort
Constructs a new InterfacePort with default offset 0.0 and no icon.
InterfacePort(Icon) - Constructor for class y.view.InterfacePort
Constructs a new InterfacePort with default offset 0.0 displaying the given icon at the interface location between node and edge.
InterfacePort(Port) - Constructor for class y.view.InterfacePort
Constructs a new InterfacePort as a copy of the given port.
INTERNAL - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label model specifier.
INTERNAL_MASK - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Position mask that allows only the eight node-internal positions.
internalNodeLabelPosMap - Static variable in class y.io.gml.LabelGraphicsParser
intersect(YList, IntersectionAlgorithm.IntersectionHandler) - Static method in class y.geom.IntersectionAlgorithm
Calculates the intersections of rectangles in the plane.
IntersectionAlgorithm - class y.geom.IntersectionAlgorithm.
This class calculates the intersection of rectangles in the plane with the help of a sweep-line algorithm.
IntersectionAlgorithm.IntersectionHandler - interface y.geom.IntersectionAlgorithm.IntersectionHandler.
An instance of this interface handles intersections found by the IntersectionAlgorithmr,
IntersectionAlgorithm() - Constructor for class y.geom.IntersectionAlgorithm
intersectionSL() - Method in class y.layout.labeling.MISLabelingAlgorithm
intersects(double, double, double, double) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns true iff the bounding box of this label intersects with the given box.
intersects(double, double, double, double) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
intersects(double, double, double, double) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns true iff the bounding box of this realizer intersects with the given box.
intersects(double, double, double, double) - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
intersects(double, double, double, double) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
intersects(YPoint) - Method in class y.geom.LineSegment
Checks whether the line segment intersects a point.
intersects(YRectangle) - Method in class y.geom.LineSegment
Checks whether the line segment intersects a box.
intersects(YRectangle, YRectangle) - Static method in class y.geom.YRectangle
Returns whether or not the given rectangles intersect.
IntNodePQ - interface y.util.pq.IntNodePQ.
Defines an interface for specialized priority queues that contains nodes which are prioritized by associated int values.
IntOptionItem - class y.option.IntOptionItem.
An option item for integer values.
IntOptionItem(String, int) - Constructor for class y.option.IntOptionItem
Creates a new instance of IntOptionItem.
IntOptionItem(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class y.option.IntOptionItem
Creates a new instance of IntOptionItem for bounded values.
IOHandler - class y.io.IOHandler.
Abstract IO handler class.
IOHandler() - Constructor for class y.io.IOHandler
IOHandlerModule - class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule.
Base class of all modules that provide file based I/O services for diagrams.
IOHandlerModule(String, String, String) - Constructor for class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
isAbortable() - Method in class y.module.YModule
Returns whether or not this module is abortable.
isAbortable() - Method in class y.module.LayoutModule
LayoutModules are abortable.
isActive() - Method in class y.util.Timer
Whether or not this timer is active right now.
isActive() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
Getter for property active.
isActiveToken(Object) - Method in class y.base.CommandStream
determines, whether the stream is currently at the same position, the time the token was obtained using CommandStream.getActiveToken()
isActiveToken(Object) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
Determines, whether the stream is currently at the same position, the time the token was obtained using Graph2DUndoManager.getActiveToken()
isAcyclic(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphChecker
Checks whether or not the given graph contains to directed cycle.
isAncestor(Node, Node) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Queries the hierarchy if a given node is an ancestor of another node in the hierarchy.
isAntialiasedPainting() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Getter for property antialiasedPainting.
isAntialiasingEnabled() - Method in class y.io.ImageOutputHandler
Getter for property antialias.
isArgumentSet(String) - Method in class y.util.CommandLineArguments
whether or not the argument 'name' is available
isAtAnySide() - Method in class y.layout.PortConstraint
Returns whether or not this port constaint has has the weak constraint side PortConstraint.ANY_SIDE associated with it.
isAtEast() - Method in class y.layout.PortConstraint
Returns whether or not this port constaint has has the weak constraint side PortConstraint.EAST associated with it.
isAtNorth() - Method in class y.layout.PortConstraint
Returns whether or not this port constaint has has the weak constraint side PortConstraint.NORTH associated with it.
isAtSouth() - Method in class y.layout.PortConstraint
Returns whether or not this port constaint has has the weak constraint side PortConstraint.SOUTH associated with it.
isAtWest() - Method in class y.layout.PortConstraint
Returns whether or not this port constaint has has the weak constraint side PortConstraint.WEST associated with it.
isAutoBoundsEnabled() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.ProxyAutoBoundsNodeRealizer
This call will be delegated to the internal realizer, if that realizer implements the AutoBoundsFeature interface.
isAutoBoundsEnabled() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
Returns true if autobounds have been disabled and the realizer is not closed.
isAutoBoundsEnabled() - Method in interface y.view.hierarchy.AutoBoundsFeature
Queries whether or not auto bounds are enabled
isBackgroundOn() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Deprecated. use YLabel.getBackgroundColor()} instead
isBackgroundPainted() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Deprecated. use YLabel.getBackgroundColor()} instead
isBarycenterModeActive() - Method in class y.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter
Getter for property barycenterModeActive.
isBend(Node) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Returns if a node is a dummy node representing a bend.
isBendSelection() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DSelectionEvent
Returns whether or not the subject is of type Bend.
isBestFitRotationEnabled() - Method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Returns whether or not the best fit roatiopn angle will be applied.
isBiconnected(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphConnectivity
Checks whether or not the given graph his biconnected.
isBiconnected(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphChecker
Checks whether or not the given graph his biconnected.
isBipartite(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphChecker
Checks whether or not the given graph his bipartite.
isBipartite(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.Bipartitions
Tests whether or not the given graph is bipartite.
isComponentLayouterEnabled() - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Returns whether or not ComponentLayouter is enabled.
isConnected(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphConnectivity
Checks whether or not the given graph his connected.
isConnected(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphChecker
Checks whether or not the given graph his connected.
isCreateEdgeGesture(MouseEvent, MouseEvent) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
isCreateEdgeGesture(MouseEvent, MouseEvent) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEditMode
Special handling for group nodes.
isCrossing(Node) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Returns if a node is a dummy node representing a crossing.
isCyclic(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphChecker
Checks whether or not the given graph contains a directed cycle.
isDetailsShowing() - Method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
Getter for property detailsShowing.
isDeterministic() - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Getter for property deterministic.
isDeterministic() - Method in class y.layout.organic.GRIP
Getter for property deterministic.
isDirty() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Whether or not this realizer requires an update of it's graphical representation.
isDoubleConvertible(Object) - Static method in class y.util.YUtil
Checks if the given Object is convertible to a double value.
isDummy(LayoutGraph, Node) - Static method in class y.layout.hierarchic.SimplexDrawer
isEdgeGroupOverlapAllowed() - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Returns whether edge labels may overlap with edges belonging to the same edge group.
isEdgeOutsideNodes(EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout, double) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
This helper method tests if the path of an edge is outside the bounding box of the start and end vertices.
isEdgeOutsideNodes(LayoutGraph, Edge) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
This helper method tests if the path of an edge is outside the bounding box of the start and end vertices.
isEdgeSelection() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DSelectionEvent
Returns whether or not the subject is of type Edge.
isEmpty() - Method in class y.base.YList
Checks whether this list contains elements
isEmpty() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns true if this graph contains no nodes.
isEmpty() - Method in class y.util.BoundedStack
Returns true if this stack is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class y.util.BoundedQueue
Returns true if this queue is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class y.util.pq.TreeIntNodePQ
Time complexity O(1).
isEmpty() - Method in interface y.util.pq.NodePQ
Returns whether or not this queue is empty
isEmpty() - Method in class y.util.pq.ListIntNodePQ
Whether or not this queue is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface y.util.pq.IntNodePQ
Returns whether or not this queue is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface y.util.pq.DoubleNodePQ
Returns whether or not this queue is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapNodePQ
Returns whether or not this queue is empty
isEmpty() - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapIntNodePQ
Returns whether or not this queue is empty
isEmpty() - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapDoubleNodePQ
Returns whether or not this queue is empty
isEmpty() - Method in class y.util.pq.ArrayIntNodePQ
Returns whether or not this queue is empty.
isEpsilonChannelIgnored() - Method in class y.layout.router.ChannelRouter
Returns whether subchannels shorter than epsilon are ignored by this instance.
isExpanded() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DNodeRealizer
Returns the expansion state of this realizer.
isFireGraphEventsEnabled() - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
Returns whether or not this hider should fire graph events.
isFireGraphEventsEnabled() - Method in class y.util.GraphHider
Returns whether or not this hider should fire graph events.
isFlat(Graph) - Static method in class y.layout.grouping.Grouping
A graph is considered to be flat if it is either not grouped or there is no group node that contains child nodes present in the graph.
isFocusTraversable() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
isFolderNode(Node) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns whether or not the given node is a folder node.
isForest(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.Trees
Checks whether the given graph is a forest, i.e.
isForest(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphChecker
Checks whether or not the given graph is a forest, i.e.
isGlobalSequencingActive() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
Returns the current strategy for the node sequencing.
isGrabFocusEnabled() - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Returns whether or not the UI focus should be grabbed by the Graph2DView associated with this mode, when pressing the mouse button.
isGridMode() - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Query if gridmode is active.
isGridRoutingEnabled() - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Returns whether or not to route edge segments on grid lines.
isGridVisible() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Asks if grid is visible in the view.
isGroupClosed() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
Returns true if this group node realizer is closed and false otherwise.
isGroupDepthFillColorEnabled() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
Whether or not the fill color of this node gets adapted to reflect the local group depth of this node within the graph hierarchy.
isGrouped(Graph) - Static method in class y.layout.grouping.Grouping
A graph is considered to be grouped if the three low-level grouping data providers GroupingKeys.GROUP_DPKEY, GroupingKeys.NODE_ID_DPKEY and GroupingKeys.PARENT_NODE_ID_DPKEY are registered.
isGroupingActive() - Method in class y.layout.ComponentLayouter
Returns whether grouping information bound to the graph will be used to calculate the components.
isGroupNode(Node) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.Grouping
Determines if the given node is a group node.
isGroupNode(Node) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns whether or not the given node is agroup node.
isGroupNodeHidingEnabled() - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Returns whether or not to hide away group nodes before the layout begins.
isHierarchicSloppyPaintOrderEnabled() - Method in class y.view.DefaultGraph2DRenderer
Returns whether or not to paint nodes in the correct hierarchic order when when in sloppy mode.
isHorizontalOrientation() - Method in class y.layout.OrientationLayouter
Returns whether or not the set orientation is a horizontal orientation, i.e. one of LayoutOrientation.LEFT_TO_RIGHT or LayoutOrientation.RIGHT_TO_LEFT.
isHorizontalRoot(Node) - Method in class y.layout.tree.HVTreeLayouter
Returns whether or not the subtree rooted at the given node should be layed out horizontally.
isHTMLTableGenerationActive() - Method in class y.io.TiledImageOutputHandler
Returns whether or not to produce an HTL page.
isInBox(double, double, double, double) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
isInBox(double, double, double, double) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns true iff the bounding box of this realizer lies completely within the given box.
isInBox(double, double, double, double) - Method in class y.view.Bend
Whether or not this bend is inside of the box defined by the given arguments.
isInnerGraphDisplayEnabled() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
Returns whether or not the inner graph of a folder node should be displayed.
isInnerPortsEnabled() - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Returns whether edge ports should lay inside the node's bounding box or on its border.
isInsertedEdge(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Returns if an edge is inserted in the planarization process or is an original edge of the input graph
isIntConvertible(Object) - Static method in class y.util.YUtil
Checks if the given Object is convertible to an integer value.
isInterEdge(Edge) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns whether or not the given edge is an inter edge.
isInternal() - Method in class y.layout.LabelCandidate
Returns whether this candidate is an internal node label, i.e. an label which resides inside the boundaries of a node.
isInXIntervall(double) - Method in class y.geom.LineSegment
Returns if the projection on the X axis of the line segment covers a certain point on the X Axis.
isInYIntervall(double) - Method in class y.geom.LineSegment
Returns if the projection on the Y axis of the line segment covers a certain point on the Y Axis.
isLabelLayouterEnabled() - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Returns whether or not LabelLayouter is enabled.
isLeaf(Object) - Method in class y.view.GraphTreeModel
Whether or not the node is a leaf in the tree.
isLeaf(Object) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeModel
isLocalCrossingMinimizationEnabled() - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Returns whether the local crossing minimization strategy is enabled.
isMorphingEnabled() - Method in class y.module.LayoutModule
Getter for property morphingEnabled.
isMultipleEdgeFree(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphChecker
Checks whether or not the given graph contains multiple edges, i.e.
isNaryTree(Graph, int) - Static method in class y.algo.Trees
Checks whether the given graph is a rooted tree where each node has a maximum of n successors.
isNaryTree(Graph, int) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphChecker
Checks whether or not the given graph is a rooted tree where each node has a maximum of n children.
isNodeOverlapsAllowed() - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Getter for property nodeOverlapsAllowed.
isNodeSelection() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DSelectionEvent
Returns whether or not the subject is of type Node.
isNodeSizeAware() - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Getter for property nodeSizeAware.
isNodeSizeAware() - Method in class y.layout.organic.GRIP
Getter for property nodeSizeAware.
isNormalEdge(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.Grouping
Determines if the given Edge is a normal edge, i.e. whether it does not cross any group node boundaries.
isNormalNode(Node) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns whether or not the given node is a normal node, i.e. neither group nor folder node.
isOffsetDirty() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns true if the label offset is not valid yet.
isOffsetDirty() - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Returns true if the label offset is not valid yet.
IsolatedGroupComponentLayouter - class y.layout.grouping.IsolatedGroupComponentLayouter.
A special component layouter that handled hierarchically grouped graphs in a special way.
IsolatedGroupComponentLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.grouping.IsolatedGroupComponentLayouter
Create a new instance of IsolatedGroupComponentLayouter.
IsolatedGroupComponentLayouter(Layouter) - Constructor for class y.layout.grouping.IsolatedGroupComponentLayouter
Create a new instance of IsolatedGroupComponentLayouter.
isOptionSet(String) - Method in class y.util.CommandLineArguments
queries the value of the switch named 'name'
isOrientationLayouterEnabled() - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Returns whether or not the OrientationLayouter is enabled.
isOrientationOptimizationActive() - Method in class y.layout.tree.TreeComponentLayouter
Getter for property orientationOptimizationActive.
isOuterFaceSetCorrectly() - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Returns if the current planar embedding has a correctly set outer face.
isParallelEdgeLayouterEnabled() - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Returns whether or not the ParallelEdgeLayouter is enabled.
isParameterValid(Object) - Method in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Returns if a given parameter is valid in the model.
isParameterValid(Object) - Method in class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
Returns if a given parameter is valid in the model.
isPlanar() - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
This method returns if the current embedding defined by the faces is planar.
isPlanar(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphChecker
Checks whether or not the given graph is planar.
isPortSnappingEnabled() - Method in class y.view.MovePortMode
Returns whether this mode should snap the port to one of the predefined port positions, even if the shift modifier is pressed.
isPropagated() - Method in class y.layout.LabelCandidate
Returns if this box had been choosen by the labeling algorithm.
isProxyNodeRealizerEnabled() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.DefaultHierarchyGraphFactory
Returns whether or not to use a proxy node realizer that delegates to the default realizers for group or folder nodes.
isRootedTree(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.Trees
Checks whether the given graph is a rooted tree.
isRootedTree(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphChecker
Checks whether or not the given graph is a rooted tree.
isRootGraph(Graph) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Returns whether or not the given graph is the root graph of this hierarchy.
isRoutingAll() - Method in class y.layout.router.OrganicEdgeRouter
Getter for property routingAll.
isSegmentNode(Node) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
Helper method that determines wether a node is a socalled segmentnode.
isSelected() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
isSelected() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns the selection state of this realizer.
isSelected() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the selected state of this realizer.
isSelected() - Method in class y.view.Bend
Whether or not this beend is in a selected state.
isSelected(Edge) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the selection state of the given edge.
isSelected(Node) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns the selection state of the given node.
isSelectionEmpty() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns true iff neither edge nor node nor bend in this graph is selected.
isSelectionSingleton() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns true if and only if exactly one object is selected.
isSelfLoop() - Method in class y.base.Edge
Returns true if and only if this edge is a selfloop.
isSelfLoopFree(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphChecker
Checks whether or not the given graph contains selfloops.
isSelfLoopLayouterEnabled() - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Returns whether or not the SelfLoopLayouter is enabled.
isSimple(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphChecker
Checks whether or not the given graph is simple, i.e.
isSimpleModeActive() - Method in class y.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter
Whether or not simple mode is active.
isSizeDirty() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns true if the label size is not valid yet.
isSmartInitialPlacement() - Method in class y.layout.organic.GRIP
Getter for property smartInitialPlacement.
isStopped() - Method in class y.util.Timer
Whether or not this timer is stopped (not active) right now.
isStoreRects() - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Debug only.
isStrong() - Method in class y.layout.PortConstraint
getter for strong property
isStrongPortsScalingActive() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
Gets the property strongPortsScalingActive.
isSubgraphLayouterEnabled() - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Returns whether or not the SubgraphLayouter is enabled.
isTransparent() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
isTransparent() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns the transparancy state of this realizer.
isTree(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.Trees
Checks whether or not the given graph is an undirected tree.
isTree(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphChecker
Checks whether or not the given graph is an undirected tree.
isUseNewlines() - Method in class y.io.ImageMapOutputHandler
isUsingBends() - Method in class y.layout.router.OrganicEdgeRouter
Getter for property usingBends.
isUsingGroups() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer
Getter for property usingGroups.
isValid - Variable in class y.layout.planar.GT
isValidateRoot() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Returns true.
isValueUndefined() - Method in class y.option.OptionItem
Returns whether or not the editor should start up displaying an undefined value.
isVertex(Node) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Returns if a node is a real node and no dummy node.
isVerticalRoot(Node) - Method in class y.layout.tree.HVTreeLayouter
Returns whether or not the subtree rooted at the given node should be layed out vertically.
isVisible() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Whether of not this label is visible.
isVisible() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
isVisible() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns true iff this realizer is marked as visible.
isVisible() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the visibility state of this realizer.
isWellFormed() - Method in class y.io.ImageMapOutputHandler
Returns wether this class generates wellformed (xml-like) tags.
item(int) - Method in class y.option.OptionSection
Returns the OptionItem at position index within this section.
itemCount() - Method in class y.option.OptionSection
Returns the number of items within this section.
ItemParser - class y.io.gml.ItemParser.
This class can be used as a base class for parsers, that want to parse items.
ItemParser() - Constructor for class y.io.gml.ItemParser
constructs a new ItemParser with no children.
iterate(Label[], Node[]) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.SALabeling
Perform simulated annealing.
iterateFast(Label[], Node[], double, int) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.SALabeling
Do the simulated annealing at a fixed temperature.
iterateSlow(Label[], Node[], double, int) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.SALabeling
Do the simulated annealing at a fixed temperature.
iterator() - Method in class y.base.YList
Returns an iterator for that list.
iterator() - Method in class y.geom.YPointPath
Get the points in the path.


JPGIOHandler - class y.io.JPGIOHandler.
Writes a Graph2D in JPG image format.
JPGIOHandler() - Constructor for class y.io.JPGIOHandler
Instantiates a new JPGIOHandler.
JPGOutput - class y.module.io.JPGOutput.
Exports a diagram to a JPG image.
JPGOutput() - Constructor for class y.module.io.JPGOutput
Creates a new instance of JPGOutput
jtree - Variable in class y.view.TreeView
JUSTIFIED - Static variable in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Constant which can be used for arrangeRectangleRows.


key - Variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.WeightedLayerer
kruskal(Graph, DataProvider) - Static method in class y.algo.SpanningTrees
Calculates a minimum spanning tree for the given graph.


label(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Place the labels in the graph.
label(LayoutGraph, Label[]) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.MISLabelingAlgorithm
Performs labeling by solving a MIS.
label(LayoutGraph, Label[]) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Place some labels in the graph.
label(LayoutGraph, Object) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Place a subset of the labels.
label(LayoutGraph, YList, YList) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Place some labels in the graph.
LabelCandidate - class y.layout.LabelCandidate.
Base class for candidate positions for labels.
LabelCandidate(YPoint, YDimension, Object, LabelLayout) - Constructor for class y.layout.LabelCandidate
Returns a new instance of LabelCandidate.
LabelCandidate(YPoint, YDimension, Object, LabelLayout, boolean) - Constructor for class y.layout.LabelCandidate
Returns a new instance of LabelCandidate.
labelCount() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
labelCount() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Returns the number of labels associated with this realizer.
labelCount() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the number of labels associated with this realizer.
labelGraphics - Variable in class y.io.gml.NodeParser
LabelGraphicsEncoder - class y.io.gml.LabelGraphicsEncoder.
This class can encode YLabels in valid GML
LabelGraphicsEncoder() - Constructor for class y.io.gml.LabelGraphicsEncoder
LabelGraphicsParser - class y.io.gml.LabelGraphicsParser.
This class will collect the general attributes from the LabelGraphics section in a GML file.
LabelGraphicsParser() - Constructor for class y.io.gml.LabelGraphicsParser
LabelingModule - class y.module.LabelingModule.
Common base class for modules that launch labeling algorithms.
LabelingModule() - Constructor for class y.module.LabelingModule
LabelLayout - interface y.layout.LabelLayout.
This interface defines the properties of one label from the perspective of a labelling algorithm.
LabelLayoutConstants - interface y.layout.LabelLayoutConstants.
This interface defines constants relevant for the automatic labeling process.
LabelLayoutData - class y.layout.LabelLayoutData.
This class encapsulates layout data for a label.
LabelLayoutData(double, double) - Constructor for class y.layout.LabelLayoutData
Creates a new instance of LabelLayoutData.
LabelLayoutData(double, double, byte) - Constructor for class y.layout.LabelLayoutData
Creates a new instance of LabelLayoutData.
LabelLayoutDataRefinement - class y.layout.LabelLayoutDataRefinement.
A layout stage that improves the placement of edge labels.
LabelLayoutDataRefinement() - Constructor for class y.layout.LabelLayoutDataRefinement
Creates a new instance of LabelLayoutDataImprovement
LabelLayoutImpl - class y.layout.LabelLayoutImpl.
This class is a default implementation of the LabelLayout interface.
LabelLayoutImpl() - Constructor for class y.layout.LabelLayoutImpl
LabelLayoutKeys - interface y.layout.LabelLayoutKeys.
This interface provides label-specific keys that can be used to add data providers to a layout graph.
LabelLayoutTranslator - class y.layout.LabelLayoutTranslator.
Layout stage that automatically translates label layout information provided by the standard label layout classes EdgeLabelLayout and NodeLabelLayout to layout data of type LabelLayoutData that is accessible by the keys defined in class LabelLayoutKeys.
LabelLayoutTranslator() - Constructor for class y.layout.LabelLayoutTranslator
Creates a new instance of LabelLayoutTranslator.
LabelRanking - class y.layout.LabelRanking.
Implements the ranking for edge and node labels for Graph2D.
LabelRanking() - Constructor for class y.layout.LabelRanking
last() - Method in class y.base.YList
Returns the last element in this list.
lastBend() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Returns the last bend of the edge, null if the edge has none.
lastCell() - Method in class y.base.YList
Returns the last cell in this list.
lastClickEvent - Variable in class y.view.ViewMode
Stores last mouse event received via ViewMode.mouseClicked(MouseEvent)
lastDragEvent - Variable in class y.view.ViewMode
Stores last mouse event received via ViewMode.mouseDragged(MouseEvent)
lastEdge() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns the first edge in this graph.
lastEdge() - Method in class y.base.EdgeList
Returns the last edge in this list.
lastInEdge() - Method in class y.base.Node
Returns the last ingoing edge at this node, or null if it does not exist.
lastNode() - Method in class y.base.NodeList
Returns the last node in this list, null when the list is empty.
lastNode() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns the last node in this graph.
lastOutEdge() - Method in class y.base.Node
Returns the last outgoing edge at this node, or null if it does not exist.
lastPressEvent - Variable in class y.view.ViewMode
Stores last mouse event received via ViewMode.mousePressed(MouseEvent)
lastReleaseEvent - Variable in class y.view.ViewMode
Stores last mouse event received via ViewMode.mouseReleased(MouseEvent)
launchLayouter(Layouter) - Method in class y.module.LayoutModule
launchLayouter(Layouter, boolean) - Method in class y.module.LayoutModule
LaunchModuleAction - class y.module.LaunchModuleAction.
An action that launches a YModule.
LaunchModuleAction(ViewContainer, YModule) - Constructor for class y.module.LaunchModuleAction
Creates a new instance of LaunchModuleAction.
LAYER_ID_KEY - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.GivenLayersLayerer
The key used by this class to query a graph for a DataProvider that yields the layerID for each node in the graph.
LAYER_MODE - Static variable in class y.view.Graph2DView
Drawing mode constant.
Layerer - interface y.layout.hierarchic.Layerer.
This is the interface to the node layering phase of the hierarchic layouter.
LAYERING_BFS - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Layering strategy specifier.
LAYERING_FROM_SKETCH - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Layering strategy specifier.
LAYERING_HIERARCHICAL_DOWNSHIFT - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Layering strategy specifier.
LAYERING_HIERARCHICAL_OPTIMAL - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Layering strategy specifier.
LAYERING_HIERARCHICAL_TIGHT_TREE - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Layering strategy specifier.
LAYERING_HIERARCHICAL_TOPMOST - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Layering strategy specifier.
LAYERING_PHASE - Static variable in interface y.layout.hierarchic.MementoSupport
Constant describing the first phase of the HierarchicLayouter algorithm.
LAYERING_USER_DEFINED - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Layering strategy specifier.
LayerSequencer - interface y.layout.hierarchic.LayerSequencer.
Classes implementing this interface calculate the order of nodes within the different layers that the graph has been partitioned. in.
LAYOUT_GROUPS_POLICY - Static variable in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Node group policy specifier.
Layouter - interface y.layout.Layouter.
This is a general interface for algorithms that perform a layout process on a given layout graph.
LayoutGraph - class y.layout.LayoutGraph.
This class represents a drawing of a graph.
LayoutGraph() - Constructor for class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Creates a new Layout Graph
LayoutGraph(LayoutGraph, YCursor) - Constructor for class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Creates a copy of the given subgraph.
layoutLevel(Node, NodeList, boolean) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
Layouts the children of root recursively.
LayoutModule - class y.module.LayoutModule.
Common base class for modules that launch layout algorithms.
LayoutModule(String, String, String) - Constructor for class y.module.LayoutModule
LayoutMorpher - class y.view.LayoutMorpher.
Command that applies a suitable GraphLayoutInfo object to a Graph2D in an animated fashion.
LayoutMorpher(Graph2DView, GraphLayout) - Constructor for class y.view.LayoutMorpher
Creates a new LayoutMorpher that applies the given GraphLayout to the graph that resides in the given view.
LayoutOrientation - interface y.layout.LayoutOrientation.
Defines some layout orientation specifiers that are used to inform a layouter which general orientation a layout should express.
layoutParallelEdges(LayoutGraph, EdgeMap) - Method in class y.layout.ParallelEdgeLayouter
layoutSelfLoops(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.SelfLoopLayouter
Lays out the selfloops of the given graph.
LayoutStage - interface y.layout.LayoutStage.
Interface for a layouter that forms a stage of a larger layout process.
LayoutTool - class y.layout.LayoutTool.
This class is a container for several helper and utility functions for the LayoutGraph class.
LayoutTool() - Constructor for class y.layout.LayoutTool
LEADING - Static variable in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Constant which can be used for arrangeRectangleRows.
left - Variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
map that maps the left node for each node in a layer or null if it is the leftmost
LEFT - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Symbolic position specifier.
LEFT - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label position specifier for label model NodeLabel.INTERNAL.
LEFT_RATIO - Static variable in class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel
LEFT_TO_RIGHT - Static variable in interface y.layout.LayoutOrientation
Orientation specifier.
leftTurn(YPoint, YPoint, YPoint) - Static method in class y.geom.Geom
Same as orientation(p,q,r) > 0
length() - Method in class y.geom.YVector
Returns the length of the vector, this is the value of the eucledian norm.
length() - Method in class y.geom.YPointPath
Get the number of points in the path.
length() - Method in class y.geom.LineSegment
Returns the length of the line segmtn, this is the value of the eucledian norm.
LETTER - Static variable in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
level - Variable in class y.io.gml.ItemParser
the relative scope depth of the parser, i.e. 0 if we are on the current toplevel, and positive if in a subsection
LINE_1 - Static variable in class y.view.LineType
A solid line with width 1.0
LINE_2 - Static variable in class y.view.LineType
A solid line with width 2.0
LINE_3 - Static variable in class y.view.LineType
A solid line with width 3.0
LINE_4 - Static variable in class y.view.LineType
A solid line with width 4.0
LINE_5 - Static variable in class y.view.LineType
A solid line with width 5.0
LINE_6 - Static variable in class y.view.LineType
A solid line with width 6.0
LINE_7 - Static variable in class y.view.LineType
A solid line with width 7.0
LINE_STYLE - Static variable in class y.view.LineType
Line style specifier that describes a solid line.
LINEAR_SEGMENTS - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Layout style specifier.
LinearSegmentsDrawer - class y.layout.hierarchic.LinearSegmentsDrawer.
This class implements the third phase of the sugiyama layout algorithm.
LinearSegmentsDrawer() - Constructor for class y.layout.hierarchic.LinearSegmentsDrawer
lineDistance - Variable in class y.layout.ParallelEdgeLayouter
LineParser - class y.io.gml.LineParser.
This class can parse a point list in a GML file.
LineParser() - Constructor for class y.io.gml.LineParser
LineSegment - class y.geom.LineSegment.
This class represents a line segment in the plane.
lineSegment() - Method in interface y.geom.YLineSegmentCursor
Returns the instance of LineSegment the cursor is currently pointing on.
LineSegment(YPoint, YPoint) - Constructor for class y.geom.LineSegment
Returns a new LineSegment.
lineSegments() - Method in class y.geom.YPointPath
Get the points in the path.
LineType - class y.view.LineType.
The line type of a graphical edge representation.
LinkInfo - class y.io.LinkInfo.
A simple String-based attribute model for hyperlinks.
LinkInfo() - Constructor for class y.io.LinkInfo
Constructs an empty LinkInfo.
LinkMap - class y.io.LinkMap.
A simple named map for key-value-pairs.
LinkMap() - Constructor for class y.io.LinkMap
Constructs an empty, unnamed LinkMap.
ListCell - class y.base.ListCell.
This Class represents a cell or link of the doubly linked list implementation YList.
listeners - Variable in class y.base.Graph
A vector of graph listeners. listeners references null iff no listeners are registered.
ListIntNodePQ - class y.util.pq.ListIntNodePQ.
A specialized priority queue that contains nodes which are prioritized by associated int values.
ListIntNodePQ(Graph) - Constructor for class y.util.pq.ListIntNodePQ
Constructs an initially empty PQ.
ListIntNodePQ(Graph, DataProvider, int, int) - Constructor for class y.util.pq.ListIntNodePQ
Constructs a PQ that holds all nodes of the given graph.
ListIntNodePQ(Graph, DataProvider, int, int, DataProvider) - Constructor for class y.util.pq.ListIntNodePQ
Like ListIntNodePQ.ListIntNodePQ(Graph,DataProvider,int,int).
listModules() - Method in class y.module.YPackage
Convenience method to print out the names of all modules in the package
load() - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
load the default properties .yed/settings.ypf
load(URL) - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
load the properties from the specified location
lookAhead(PushbackReader) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
takes a look at the next character in the stream and classifies it using one of the constants.
lookFurther(Node) - Method in class y.algo.Dfs
Callback method that will be invoked whenever dfs continues its search at a new root node.
lowerAngle - Variable in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter.NodeInfo
The lower angle of the subtree wedge rooted at the node.


main(String[]) - Static method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Test method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class y.util.YVersion
Prints out the version of this yFiles release.
MAINLY_SELECTION - Static variable in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Sphere of action specifier.
mainrun() - Method in class y.module.YModule
Main execution code to be implemented by any subclassed module.
mainrun() - Method in class y.module.TreeLayoutModule
mainrun() - Method in class y.module.SmartOrganicLayoutModule
Main module execution routine. launches the hierarchic layouter.
mainrun() - Method in class y.module.ShuffleLayoutModule
Launches this module.
mainrun() - Method in class y.module.RandomLayoutModule
mainrun() - Method in class y.module.PortConstraintModule
mainrun() - Method in class y.module.ParallelEdgeLayoutModule
mainrun() - Method in class y.module.OrthogonalLayoutModule
mainrun() - Method in class y.module.OrthogonalEdgeRouterModule
mainrun() - Method in class y.module.OrganicLayoutModule
Main module execution routine. launches the hierarchic layouter.
mainrun() - Method in class y.module.OrganicEdgeRouterModule
Launches this module.
mainrun() - Method in class y.module.LabelingModule
mainrun() - Method in class y.module.HierarchicLayoutModule
mainrun() - Method in class y.module.GraphTransformerModule
mainrun() - Method in class y.module.GRIPModule
mainrun() - Method in class y.module.EdgeGroupConstraintModule
mainrun() - Method in class y.module.CircularLayoutModule
mainrun() - Method in class y.module.io.JPGOutput
mainrun() - Method in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
Read or writes a diagram in a specific format to a file.
mainrun() - Method in class y.module.io.GIFOutput
makeBiconnected(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphConnectivity
Makes the given graph biconnected by inserting a minimum number of edges in the graph.
makeConnected(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphConnectivity
Makes a graph connected by adding additional edges to the graph.
makeDFSAcyclic(LayoutGraph, EdgeList) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.WeightedLayerer
Uses dfs to remove cycles from the graph.
MappedListCellRenderer - class y.option.MappedListCellRenderer.
A ListCellRenderer that translates a given list value before it gets rendered by the super class.
MappedListCellRenderer(Map) - Constructor for class y.option.MappedListCellRenderer
Creates a new instance of MappedListCellRenderer.
Maps - class y.util.Maps.
This class provides convenience and transformation services for Node- and EdgeMaps.
Maps() - Constructor for class y.util.Maps
markAsBend(Node) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Sets, that a node should be handeled like a dummy node representing a bend.
markAsCrossing(Node) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Marks a vertex as crossing.
markAsInsertedEdge(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Marks an edge as inserted by an planarization process.
markAsOriginalEdge(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Marks an edge as original
markAsVertex(Node) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Sets, that a node should be handeled like a real node in a graph.
markConflicts(NodeList[], EdgeMap, NodeMap, int[]) - Static method in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianLinearSegmentDrawer
Mark type 1 conflicts.
max - Variable in class y.option.IntOptionItem
MEDIAN_HEURISTIC - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer
Weight assignment heuristic specifier.
MEDIAN_SIMPLEX - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Layout style specifier.
MedianDrawerWrapper - class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianDrawerWrapper.
This class can be used to improve the results of different drawers.
MedianDrawerWrapper(Drawer) - Constructor for class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianDrawerWrapper
Creates a new instance of MedianDrawerWrapper using the delegate to perform the core work.
MedianLinearSegmentDrawer - class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianLinearSegmentDrawer.
This class implements the third phase of the hierarchic layout algorithm.
MedianLinearSegmentDrawer() - Constructor for class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianLinearSegmentDrawer
MementoSupport - interface y.layout.hierarchic.MementoSupport.
This interface is a Cookie for the HierarchicLayouter's memento support.
midPoint(YPoint, YPoint) - Static method in class y.geom.YPoint
Returns a point that geometrically lies in in the middel of the line formed by the given points.
min - Variable in class y.option.IntOptionItem
minCostFlow(Graph, DataProvider, DataProvider, DataProvider, DataProvider, EdgeMap, NodeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.NetworkFlows
Solves a mimium cost flow problem with a capacity scaling algorithm.
minCostFlow(Graph, DataProvider, DataProvider, DataProvider, EdgeMap, NodeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.NetworkFlows
Solves a min-cost flow optimization problem.
minCostFlow(Graph, Node, Node, DataProvider, DataProvider, EdgeMap, NodeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.NetworkFlows
Solves a min-cost maxflow optimization problem.
MINIMAL_DISTANCE_DPKEY - Static variable in class y.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter
This key can be used to specify a minimal distance for each single node in the graph using a data provider.
minimalEdgeDistance - Variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
minimalLayerDistance - Variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
minimalMultiEdgeDistance - Variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
minimalNodeDistance - Variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
minimum(Graph, DataProvider) - Static method in class y.algo.SpanningTrees
Calculates a minimum spanning tree for the given graph using our favourite algorithm for that problem.
minNode() - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
Performs the minNode phase.
minPath(YList) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
Performs the minPath phase.
MIRROR_XAXIS - Static variable in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Operation type constant.
MIRROR_YAXIS - Static variable in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Operation type constant.
mis1Comparator - Variable in class y.layout.planar.GT
mis2Comparator - Variable in class y.layout.planar.GT
MISLabelingAlgorithm - class y.layout.labeling.MISLabelingAlgorithm.
Solving labeling problem by reducing it to the maximum independent set problem.
MISLabelingAlgorithm() - Constructor for class y.layout.labeling.MISLabelingAlgorithm
MIXED_STYLE - Static variable in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Layout style specifier.
model - Variable in class y.view.YLabel
modelEncoding - Static variable in class y.io.gml.NodeLabelGraphicsEncoder
modelToStringMap() - Static method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Returns a map that whose keys are the known label model specifiers wrapped in Byte objects.
modelToStringMap() - Static method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
modifyPosition(Point2D.Double) - Method in interface y.layout.transformer.GraphZoomer.Zoom
This method take a Point2D as an argument, modifies it according to its zoom policy and writes the modification back to the argument.
moduleNames - Variable in class y.module.YPackage
The name of the modules in the order as they was inserted, important for menu creation
modules - Variable in class y.module.YPackage
mapping of module-names to modules
moduleSelected(YModule) - Method in interface y.module.YPackageMenuListener
This method is invoked by YPackageMenu if an YModule had been selected by the user.
mouseClicked(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Called when the mouse was clicked
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
A mouse button get clicked
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
The mouse gets dragged
mouseDraggedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Called when the mouse was dragged with the left button down.
mouseDraggedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.NavigationMode
Moves the viewport of this view.
mouseDraggedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.MoveSelectionMode
Moves the selected graph elements around.
mouseDraggedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.MovePortMode
Moves the port.
mouseDraggedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.MoveLabelMode
Moves the label.
mouseDraggedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.HotSpotMode
Resizes selected nodes.
mouseDraggedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Activates a minor mode.
mouseDraggedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
Moves the dummy end of the edge while the actual target node is unknown.
mouseDraggedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.AbstractSelectionBoxMode
Changes the size of the selection box in such a way that the dragged corner of the box is at the given world coordinate.
mouseDraggedMiddle(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Called when the mouse was dragged with the middle button down.
mouseDraggedRight(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Called when the mouse was dragged with the right button down.
mouseDraggedRight(double, double) - Method in class y.view.NavigationMode
Moves the viewport of this view in an animated fashion.
mouseDraggedRight(double, double) - Method in class y.view.MoveViewPortMode
Moves the viewport around.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
The mouse enters the viewer component.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
The mouse leaves the viewer component.
mouseMoved(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Called when the mouse was moved
mouseMoved(double, double) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
When moving the mouse, the mouse cursor has to be adjusted.
mouseMoved(double, double) - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
Moves the dummy end of the edge while the actual target node is unknown.
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
The Mouse gets moved.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
A mouse button gets pressed.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class y.view.PopupMode
Internal use only
mousePressedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Called when the left mouse button was pressed.
mousePressedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.NavigationMode
Initiates a navigation action.
mousePressedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.MoveSelectionMode
Initiates the movement of the selected graph elements.
mousePressedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.MovePortMode
Initiates reassignment of a hit port.
mousePressedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.MoveLabelMode
Initiates the movement of a hit label.
mousePressedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.InteractiveViewMode
Stores the press location.
mousePressedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.HotSpotMode
Initiates resizing of selected nodes.
mousePressedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Takes the given coordiante and performs with it a hit test on all graph elements.
mousePressedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
Initiates the creation of an edge.
mousePressedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.AbstractSelectionBoxMode
Initiates the selection box action, by opening a selection box at the given world coordinates.
mousePressedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyMoveSelectionMode
mousePressedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyHotSpotMode
Initiates resizing of selected nodes.
mousePressedMiddle(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Called when the middle mouse button was pressed.
mousePressedRight(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Called when the right mouse button was pressed.
mousePressedRight(double, double) - Method in class y.view.NavigationMode
Either activates a popup mode or an animated scroller for the view.
mousePressedRight(double, double) - Method in class y.view.MoveViewPortMode
Initiates the move viewport action.
mousePressedRight(double, double) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
If a popup mode is associates with this mode then it will be actived.
mouseReleased(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Called when a mouse button was released.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
A mouse button get released
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class y.view.PopupMode
Triggers the display of a context sensitive menu on a right mouse button press.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyMoveSelectionMode
mouseReleasedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Called when the left mouse button was released.
mouseReleasedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.NavigationMode
Terminates a navigation action.
mouseReleasedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.MoveSelectionMode
Terminates the movements of the selected graph elements.
mouseReleasedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.MovePortMode
Terminates the reassignment of a port.
mouseReleasedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.MoveLabelMode
Terminates the movement of a label.
mouseReleasedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.InteractiveViewMode
mouseReleasedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.HotSpotMode
Terminates resizing of selected nodes.
mouseReleasedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Depending on the history, actions are triggered, but only if Mouse was not moved since the button was pressed.
mouseReleasedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
If a node was hit at the given coordinates, that node will be used as target node for the newly created edge.
mouseReleasedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.AbstractSelectionBoxMode
Terminates the selection box action and calls the hook method AbstractSelectionBoxMode.selectionBoxAction(Rectangle sb, boolean shiftMode).
mouseReleasedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyMoveSelectionMode
mouseReleasedMiddle(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Called when the middle mouse button was released.
mouseReleasedRight(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Called when the right mouse button was released
mouseReleasedRight(double, double) - Method in class y.view.NavigationMode
Terminates a navigation action.
mouseReleasedRight(double, double) - Method in class y.view.MoveViewPortMode
Terminates the move viewport action.
mouseReleasedRight(double, double) - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
Removes a bend if possible. otherwise cancels edge creation.
mouseShiftPressedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Called when the left mouse button was pressed with shift key down.
mouseShiftPressedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.MoveSelectionMode
Initiates the movement of the selected graph elements.
mouseShiftPressedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Takes the given coordiante and performs with it a hit test on all graph elements.
mouseShiftPressedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
Initiates the creation of an edge.
mouseShiftPressedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.AbstractSelectionBoxMode
Initiates the selection box action, by opening a selection box at the given world coordinates.
mouseShiftPressedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyMoveSelectionMode
mouseShiftPressedMiddle(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Called when the middle mouse button was pressed with shift key down.
mouseShiftPressedRight(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Called when the right mouse button was pressed with shift key down.
mouseShiftReleasedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Called when the left mouse button was released with shift key down.
mouseShiftReleasedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.MoveSelectionMode
Terminates the movements of the selected graph elements.
mouseShiftReleasedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.MovePortMode
Terminates the reassignment of a port.
mouseShiftReleasedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Depending on the history, actions are triggered, but only if Mouse was not moved since the button was pressed.
mouseShiftReleasedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
If a node was hit at the given coordinates, that node will be used as target node for the newly created edge.
mouseShiftReleasedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.AbstractSelectionBoxMode
Terminates the selection box action and calls the hook method AbstractSelectionBoxMode.selectionBoxAction(Rectangle sb, boolean shiftMode).
mouseShiftReleasedLeft(double, double) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyMoveSelectionMode
mouseShiftReleasedMiddle(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Called when the middle mouse button was released with shift key down NOTE: this implementation calls ViewMode.mouseReleasedMiddle(double, double)!
mouseShiftReleasedRight(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Called when the right mouse button was released with shift key down.
MOVE_SELECTION_MODE - Static variable in class y.view.Graph2DView
Drawing mode constant.
move(Node, double) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
Helper method which moves a given node by a given amount if the useGrid is set to true, this method will snap the new node position to the appropriate grid, i.e. it decides wether to use nodeGridWith or bendGridWith
move(YCursor, double) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
Helper method which moves the nodes provided by the Cursor nodes by the given amount.
moveBends(BendCursor, double, double) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Moves the given bends by (dx,dy).
moveBy(double, double) - Method in class y.geom.YPoint
Returns the point, got by moving this point to another position.
moveBy(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Moves this realizer by the vector (dx,dy).
moveBy(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
moveBy(double, double) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Moves the node relatively to the current position.
moveBy(double, double) - Method in class y.view.Bend
Moves the location of this bend by (dx,dy).
moveBy(Node, double, double) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Moves the location of a node by a given vector
moveEdge(LayoutGraph, Edge, double, double) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Moves the edge points of the given edge by the vector (dx,dy).
moveEdges(LayoutGraph, EdgeCursor, double, double) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Moves all edges accessible through the given edge cursor by the vector (dx,dy).
moveLabelMode - Variable in class y.view.EditMode
MoveLabelMode - class y.view.MoveLabelMode.
This view mode allows interactive reassignment of label positions.
MoveLabelMode() - Constructor for class y.view.MoveLabelMode
Instantiates a new MoveLabelMode
MoveLabelMode(ViewContainer) - Constructor for class y.view.MoveLabelMode
Instantiates a new MoveLabelMode for a given ViewContainer
moveNode(LayoutGraph, Node, double, double) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Moves the given node by the vector (dx,dy).
moveNodes(LayoutGraph, NodeCursor, double, double) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Moves all nodes accessible through the given node cursor by the vector (dx,dy).
moveNodes(NodeCursor, double, double) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Moves the given nodes by (dx,dy).
movePortMode - Variable in class y.view.EditMode
MovePortMode - class y.view.MovePortMode.
A view mode that allows interactive reassignment of edge ports.
MovePortMode() - Constructor for class y.view.MovePortMode
Instantiates a new MovePortMode
MovePortMode(ViewContainer) - Constructor for class y.view.MovePortMode
Instantiates a new MovePortMode for a given ViewContainer
moveSelectionMode - Variable in class y.view.EditMode
MoveSelectionMode - class y.view.MoveSelectionMode.
This view mode is responsible for moving selected parts of the displayed graph.
MoveSelectionMode() - Constructor for class y.view.MoveSelectionMode
Initializes a new MoveSelectionMode.
MoveSelectionMode(ViewContainer) - Constructor for class y.view.MoveSelectionMode
Initializes a new MoveSelectionMode for a given ViewContainer
moveSubgraph(LayoutGraph, EdgeCursor, double, double) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Moves the subgraph induced by edges accessible through the given edge cursor by the vector (dx,dy).
moveSubgraph(LayoutGraph, NodeCursor, double, double) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Moves the subgraph induced by nodes accessible through the given node cursor by the vector (dx,dy).
moveSubGraph(NodeList, Graph) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Moves the subgraph induced by subNodes to target.
moveToFirst(Edge) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Moves the given edge to the first position within the sequence of edges in this graph.
moveToFirst(Node) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Moves the given node to the first position within the sequence of nodes in this graph.
moveToFirst(Node) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Makes the given node the first child of its parent.
moveToLast(Edge) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Moves the given edge to the last position within the sequence of edges in this graph.
moveToLast(Node) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Moves the given node to the last position within the sequence of nodes in this graph.
moveToLast(Node) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Makes the given node the last child of its parent.
MoveViewPortMode - class y.view.MoveViewPortMode.
A view mode that allows moving the viewport of the view.
MoveViewPortMode() - Constructor for class y.view.MoveViewPortMode


N - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label position specifier for label model NodeLabel.SIDES, NodeLabel.SANDWICH and NodeLabel.EIGHT_POS.
N() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Same as Graph.nodeCount().
name - Variable in class y.module.YPackage
name of the package
name - Variable in class y.option.OptionItem
NavigationMode - class y.view.NavigationMode.
A view mode that allows to navigate in a view
NavigationMode() - Constructor for class y.view.NavigationMode
Initializes a new NavigationMode.
NavigationMode(ViewContainer) - Constructor for class y.view.NavigationMode
Initializes a new NavigationMode for the given ViewContainer.
NE - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label position specifier for label model NodeLabel.CORNERS and NodeLabel.EIGHT_POS.
neighbors - Variable in class y.layout.planar.VertexOrder
neighbors() - Method in class y.base.Node
Returns a node cursor for all neighbor nodes of this node.
NetworkFlows - class y.algo.NetworkFlows.
Provides sophisticated algorithms for solving classical network flow problems like MinCostFlow or MaxFlow.
NetworkFlows() - Constructor for class y.algo.NetworkFlows
NEWLINE - Static variable in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
next() - Method in class y.base.YList.ListCursorImpl
next() - Method in interface y.base.YCursor
Moves this cursor one position forward.
nextDouble(double, double) - Method in class y.util.YRandom
Returns a double with a random value between minValue (inclusive) and maxValue (exklusive).
nextInEdge() - Method in class y.base.Edge
Returns the successor of this edge in the list of ingoing edges at its target node.
nextInt(int) - Method in class y.util.YRandom
Returns a pseudorandom, uniformly distributed int value between 0 (inclusive) and the specified value (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
nextInt(int, int) - Method in class y.util.YRandom
Returns an int with a random value between minValue (inclusive) and maxValue (exclusive).
nextOutEdge() - Method in class y.base.Edge
Returns the successor of this edge in the list of outgoing edges at its source node.
NLABEL - Static variable in class y.view.HitInfo
Type specifier for node labels used to declare the order of search precedence.
NO_RERANKING - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.TopologicalLayerer
Ranking policy specifier.
Node - class y.base.Node.
Represents a vertex in the directed graph datatype Graph.
NODE - Static variable in class y.view.HitInfo
Type specifier for nodes used to declare the order of search precedence.
NODE_ADDED - Static variable in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEvent
Event type specifier which indicates that a node has been added to the graph hierarchy.
NODE_BORDER_BOTTOM - Static variable in interface y.layout.hierarchic.Drawer
The key used to look up a data provider that, if present, must provide a double value for each node in the graph.
NODE_BORDER_LEFT - Static variable in interface y.layout.hierarchic.Drawer
The key used to look up a data provider that, if present, must provide a double value for each node in the graph.
NODE_BORDER_RIGHT - Static variable in interface y.layout.hierarchic.Drawer
The key used to look up a data provider that, if present, must provide a double value for each node in the graph.
NODE_BORDER_TOP - Static variable in interface y.layout.hierarchic.Drawer
The key used to look up a data provider that, if present, must provide a double value for each node in the graph.
NODE_CENTER_PORTS - Static variable in class y.layout.tree.TreeLayouter
Port style constant.
NODE_CHANGED - Static variable in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEvent
Event type specifier which indicates that a property change on a node within the graph hierarchy has occured.
NODE_CREATION - Static variable in class y.base.GraphEvent
Type constant that identifies an event that gets fired immediatelly after a node has been created.
NODE_DISTANCE - Static variable in interface y.layout.hierarchic.Drawer
The key used to look up a data provider that, if present, must provide a double value for each node in the graph.
NODE_ID_DPKEY - Static variable in interface y.layout.Layouter
The data provider key used to look up a unique Object identifier (consistend with hashCode() and equals() ) for each node in a graph.
NODE_ID_DPKEY - Static variable in interface y.layout.grouping.GroupingKeys
This key is used to register a DataProvider instance with a graph, that associates each node instance with a unique (based on hashCode() and equals()) id.
NODE_REINSERTION - Static variable in class y.base.GraphEvent
Type constant that identifies an event that gets fired immediatelly after a node has been reinserted in the graph.
NODE_REMOVED - Static variable in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEvent
Event type specifier which indicates that a node has been removed from the graph hierarchy.
NODE_STATE_CHANGED - Static variable in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEvent
Event type specifier which indicates that the folder state of a node has changed.
NODE_SUBSET_DATA - Static variable in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
The data provider key for specifying the node subset to be laid out
node() - Method in interface y.base.NodeCursor
Returns the node at the current location of the cursor.
Node(Graph) - Constructor for class y.base.Node
Instantiates a new Node object that will be part of the given graph.
nodeClicked(Node) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
This method gets called after a left mouse click on a node occured.
nodeCount() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns the number of nodes in this graph.
nodeCreated(Node) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
This method gets called after a new node was completely created by this mode.
NodeCursor - interface y.base.NodeCursor.
A cursor interface for iterating over nodes.
nodeGraphics - Variable in class y.io.gml.NodeParser
NodeGraphicsParser - class y.io.gml.NodeGraphicsParser.
This class will parse the nodegraphics section from a valid GML file and create appropriate NodeRealizers
NodeGraphicsParser(URL) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.NodeGraphicsParser
NodeLabel - class y.view.NodeLabel.
This class represents a label associated with a NodeRealizer.
NodeLabel() - Constructor for class y.view.NodeLabel
Instantiates a new NodeLabel.
NodeLabel(String) - Constructor for class y.view.NodeLabel
Instantiates a new NodeLabel with the given text and centered label position.
NodeLabel(String, byte) - Constructor for class y.view.NodeLabel
Instantiates a new NodeLabel with a given text and model.
NodeLabelCandidate - class y.layout.NodeLabelCandidate.
This class represents a candidate position for label assocciated to a node in a graph.
NodeLabelCandidate(YPoint, YDimension, Object, NodeLabelLayout) - Constructor for class y.layout.NodeLabelCandidate
Returns a new instance of NodeLabelCandidate.
NodeLabelCandidate(YPoint, YDimension, Object, NodeLabelLayout, boolean) - Constructor for class y.layout.NodeLabelCandidate
Returns a new instance of NodeLabelCandidate.
nodeLabelFeatureMap - Variable in class y.layout.DefaultLayoutGraph
NodeLabelGraphicsEncoder - class y.io.gml.NodeLabelGraphicsEncoder.
This class can encode NodeLabels in valid GML
NodeLabelGraphicsEncoder() - Constructor for class y.io.gml.NodeLabelGraphicsEncoder
NodeLabelLayout - interface y.layout.NodeLabelLayout.
This interface defines the properties of one edge label from the perspective of a labelling algorithm.
NodeLabelLayoutImpl - class y.layout.NodeLabelLayoutImpl.
This class is an default implementation of the NodeLabelLayout interface.
NodeLabelLayoutImpl() - Constructor for class y.layout.NodeLabelLayoutImpl
nodeLabelMap - Variable in class y.layout.DefaultLayoutGraph
NodeLabelModel - interface y.layout.NodeLabelModel.
This interface defines the properties of the model associated with a node label layout.
nodeLabelModelMap - Static variable in class y.io.gml.LabelGraphicsParser
NodeLayout - interface y.layout.NodeLayout.
This interface describes the layout information for a node in the drawing of a graph.
NodeList - class y.base.NodeList.
This is a special list implementation for instances of type Node.
NodeList() - Constructor for class y.base.NodeList
Creates an empty List.
NodeList(Iterator) - Constructor for class y.base.NodeList
Creates a list that is initialized with the elements provided by the Iterator it.
NodeList(Node) - Constructor for class y.base.NodeList
Creates a list that is initialized with a single element provided
NodeList(Node[]) - Constructor for class y.base.NodeList
Creates a list that is initialized with the elements provided by the given array of Nodes
NodeList(NodeCursor) - Constructor for class y.base.NodeList
Creates a list containing the nodes accessible via the given node cursor.
NodeList(NodeCursor, DataProvider) - Constructor for class y.base.NodeList
Creates a list containing the nodes accessible via the given node cursor for which the given data provider returns true upon calling its getBool method.
NodeMap - interface y.base.NodeMap.
Provides access to data associated with a node.
NodeMapAdapter - class y.util.NodeMapAdapter.
This class is an abstract empty implementation of the NodeMap interface.
NodeMapAdapter() - Constructor for class y.util.NodeMapAdapter
NODEMODEL_UNCHANGED - Static variable in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Deprecated. use OrthogonalLayouter.NORMAL_STYLE instead.
NODEMODEL_UNIFORM - Static variable in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Deprecated. use OrthogonalLayouter.UNIFORM_STYLE instead.
NodeObjectEncoder - class y.io.gml.NodeObjectEncoder.
This class can encode Nodes in valid GML
NodeObjectEncoder() - Constructor for class y.io.gml.NodeObjectEncoder
NodeObjectEncoder(ObjectEncoder, ObjectEncoder) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.NodeObjectEncoder
nodeObjects() - Method in interface y.base.GraphInterface
Returns an iterator that provides access to all nodes residing in the graph.
nodeObjects() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns an iterator that provides access to all nodes residing in this graph.
NodeOrders - class y.algo.NodeOrders.
Provides graph algorithms that order the nodes of a graph by a specific criterion.
NodeOrders() - Constructor for class y.algo.NodeOrders
NodeParser - class y.io.gml.NodeParser.
This class can parse Nodes from valid GML.
NodeParser(Graph2D, Map) - Constructor for class y.io.gml.NodeParser
NodePQ - interface y.util.pq.NodePQ.
Defines an interface for specialized priority queues that contains nodes which are prioritized by a comparable values.
NodeRealizer - class y.view.NodeRealizer.
Abstract graphical representation of a node.
NodeRealizer() - Constructor for class y.view.NodeRealizer
Creates instance of NodeRealizer at location (0,0).
NodeRealizer(double, double) - Constructor for class y.view.NodeRealizer
Creates instance of NodeRealizer at a certain position .
NodeRealizer(double, double, String) - Constructor for class y.view.NodeRealizer
Creates instance of NodeRealizer at a certain position with given label.
NodeRealizer(NodeRealizer) - Constructor for class y.view.NodeRealizer
Create instance of NodeRealizer and initialize it according to a given NodeRealizer.
NodeRealizerObjectEncoder - class y.io.gml.NodeRealizerObjectEncoder.
This class can encode NodeRealizers in valid GML
NodeRealizerObjectEncoder() - Constructor for class y.io.gml.NodeRealizerObjectEncoder
nodes - Variable in class y.layout.organic.RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage
the node array
NODES_GROUPED - Static variable in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEvent
Event type specifier which indicates that nodes within the hierarchy have been regrouped within the same graph.
NODES_MOVED - Static variable in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEvent
Event type specifier which indicates that nodes within the hierarchy have been moved to another graph.
nodes() - Method in class y.base.NodeList
Returns a node cursor for this node list.
nodes() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Provides access to the nodes of the graph.
nodes(Graph) - Method in interface y.algo.NodeSequencer
Returns a cursor that grants access to all nodes of the given graph in some order.
NodeSequencer - interface y.algo.NodeSequencer.
Generic Interface for classes that provide an ordering for the nodes of a graph.
nodesToBoxes - Variable in class y.layout.labeling.MISLabelingAlgorithm
nodesToID - Variable in class y.layout.labeling.MISLabelingAlgorithm
NONE - Static variable in class y.view.Arrow
An arrow that does not have a graphical representation.
NONE_TYPE - Static variable in class y.view.Arrow
Arrow type constant that describes arrow Arrow.NONE.
norm() - Method in class y.geom.YVector
Assigns unit length to the vector.
NORMAL_MODE - Static variable in class y.view.Graph2DView
Drawing mode constant.
NORMAL_STYLE - Static variable in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Layout style specifier.
NORMAL_TREE_STYLE - Static variable in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Layout style specifier.
NORTH - Static variable in class y.layout.PortConstraint
Weak constraint specifier.
NORTH - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Symbolic position specifier.
NORTH_EAST - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Symbolic position specifier.
NORTH_WEST - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Symbolic position specifier.
nr - Variable in class y.io.gml.NodeParser
NW - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label position specifier for label model NodeLabel.CORNERS and NodeLabel.EIGHT_POS.


o1 - Variable in class y.util.Tuple
The first element of the Tuple
o2 - Variable in class y.util.Tuple
The second element of the Tuple
ObjectEncoder - interface y.io.gml.ObjectEncoder.
This Interface is implemented by classes that can encode certain object instances into a GML Stream using the GMLEncoder class
ObjectStore - interface y.util.ObjectStore.
This interface will be implemented by classes which are able to serialize objects into a number of key value pairs.
ObjectStringConversion - class y.util.ObjectStringConversion.
This class serves as a basic implementation of the ObjectStringConverter interface.
ObjectStringConversion() - Constructor for class y.util.ObjectStringConversion
Creates a new instance of ObjectStringConversion
ObjectStringConverter - interface y.util.ObjectStringConverter.
Interface for classes which can convert Objects to String representations and vice versa
OCTAGON - Static variable in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Shape type constant.
offsetDirty - Variable in class y.view.YLabel
offsetX - Variable in class y.view.YLabel
The x-coordinate of the label offset.
offsetY - Variable in class y.view.YLabel
The y-coordinate of the label offset.
OK_APPLY_CANCEL_BUTTONS - Static variable in class y.option.OptionHandler
Button mask for the editor dialog.
OK_CANCEL_BUTTONS - Static variable in class y.option.OptionHandler
Button mask for the editor dialog.
OK_RESET_APPLY_CANCEL_BUTTONS - Static variable in class y.option.OptionHandler
Button mask for the editor dialog.
OK_RESET_CANCEL_BUTTONS - Static variable in class y.option.OptionHandler
Button mask for the editor dialog.
ok() - Method in class y.base.YList.ListCursorImpl
ok() - Method in interface y.base.YCursor
Returns true if the current cursor position is valid.
onGraph2DEvent(Graph2DEvent) - Method in interface y.view.Graph2DListener
Invoked when the properties of graph elements change.
onGraph2DEvent(Graph2DEvent) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.DefaultNodeChangePropagator
onGraph2DSelectionEvent(Graph2DSelectionEvent) - Method in interface y.view.Graph2DSelectionListener
Invoked when the structure of the graph has changed.
onGraphEvent(GraphEvent) - Method in interface y.base.GraphListener
Invoked when the structure of the graph has changed.
onGraphEvent(GraphEvent) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
Graph2DListener implementation.Structural changes of the graph will be converted to undoable commands and stored in a command stream for later execution.
onGraphEvent(GraphEvent) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.Graph2DHierarchyUndoManager
ONLY_SELECTION - Static variable in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Sphere of action specifier.
onReinsert() - Method in class y.base.Edge
Callback method that is invoked from a graph just before this edge will be reinserted into that graph.
OPEN - Static variable in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
openFolder(Node) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Convenience method that performs all necessary steps to convert a folder node to a group node.
openLabelEditor(YLabel, double, double) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Same as Graph2DView.openLabelEditor(YLabel,double,double,PropertyChangeListener).
openLabelEditor(YLabel, double, double, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Same as Graph2DView.openLabelEditor(YLabel,double,double,PropertyChangeListener,boolean) but uses single-line mode by default.
openLabelEditor(YLabel, double, double, PropertyChangeListener, boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Opens a label editor for the given label at world coordinate (x,y).
opposite(Node) - Method in class y.base.Edge
Returns the node at this edge with is on the opposite side of the given node.
OPTIMIZE_OFF - Static variable in class y.anim.AnimationEvent
Event hint specifier.
OPTIMIZE_ON - Static variable in class y.anim.AnimationEvent
Event hint specifier.
OPTION_CLIP_GRAPH - Static variable in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
OPTION_CLIP_TYPE - Static variable in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
OPTION_CLIP_VIEW - Static variable in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
OPTION_CUSTOM_HEIGHT - Static variable in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
OPTION_CUSTOM_WIDTH - Static variable in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
OPTION_GENERATE_HTML_TABLE - Static variable in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
OPTION_MARGIN - Static variable in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
OPTION_SCALING_FACTOR - Static variable in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
OPTION_SIZE_TYPE - Static variable in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
OPTION_SIZE_USE_CUSTOM_HEIGHT - Static variable in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
OPTION_SIZE_USE_CUSTOM_WIDTH - Static variable in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
OPTION_SIZE_USE_ORIGINAL - Static variable in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
OPTION_TILE_COLUMN_COUNT - Static variable in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
OPTION_TILE_ROW_COUNT - Static variable in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
OPTION_TILING_ACTIVE - Static variable in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
OptionHandler - class y.option.OptionHandler.
A class that manages a set of parameters.
OptionHandler(GuiFactory, InputStream) - Constructor for class y.option.OptionHandler
Deprecated. use the OptionsIOhandler way
OptionHandler(GuiFactory, OptionsIOHandler, String) - Constructor for class y.option.OptionHandler
Create a new OptionHandler instance with a given name using the given IOHandler and GUIFactory.
OptionHandler(InputStream) - Constructor for class y.option.OptionHandler
Deprecated. use the OptionsIOhandler way
OptionHandler(String) - Constructor for class y.option.OptionHandler
Create a new OptionHandler instance with a given name, no (default) GuiFactory and no (default) OptionsIOHandler.
OptionItem - class y.option.OptionItem.
Abstract class that serves as base class for all items that can be added to an OptionHandler.
OptionItem() - Constructor for class y.option.OptionItem
Creates a new instance of OptionItem
OptionItem(Class) - Constructor for class y.option.OptionItem
Creates a new instance of OptionItem
OptionItem(Class, String) - Constructor for class y.option.OptionItem
Creates a new instance of OptionItem that has the given identifying name.
OptionItem(String) - Constructor for class y.option.OptionItem
Creates a new instance of OptionItem that has the given identifying name.
OptionSection - class y.option.OptionSection.
This class represents a section within an OptionHandler.
OptionSection(String) - Constructor for class y.option.OptionSection
Creates a new instance of OptionSection.
optionsIOHandler - Variable in class y.option.OptionHandler
the iohandler used for serializing the values
OptionsIOHandler - interface y.option.OptionsIOHandler.
Implementations of this class are responsible for reading and writing a hierarchically structured set of options or parameters.
OrganicEdgeRouter - class y.layout.router.OrganicEdgeRouter.
This algorithm routes edges using an organic-like layout approach and style.
OrganicEdgeRouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.router.OrganicEdgeRouter
Creates a new instance of OrganicEdgeRouter with an inital minimal distance of 10
OrganicEdgeRouter(double) - Constructor for class y.layout.router.OrganicEdgeRouter
Creates a new instance of OrganicEdgeRouter using the given initial minimal distance
OrganicEdgeRouterModule - class y.module.OrganicEdgeRouterModule.
Module for the Organic Edge Router Algorithm.
OrganicEdgeRouterModule() - Constructor for class y.module.OrganicEdgeRouterModule
Creates a new Instance of this Module.
OrganicLayouter - class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter.
A graph layout algorithm that is based on a force directed model.
OrganicLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Returns a new organic Layouter.
OrganicLayoutModule - class y.module.OrganicLayoutModule.
Wrapper class for OrganicLayouter.
OrganicLayoutModule() - Constructor for class y.module.OrganicLayoutModule
orientation(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class y.geom.Geom
Same as #orientation(YPoint, YPoint, YPoint) with double values as arguments.
orientation(YPoint, YPoint, YPoint) - Static method in class y.geom.Geom
Returns the orientation of point r relative to the directed line from point p to point q.
OrientationLayouter - class y.layout.OrientationLayouter.
A layout stage that performs changes the orientation of the layout that another algorithm calculates.
OrientationLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.OrientationLayouter
Instantiates a new OrientationLayouter.
OrientationLayouter(byte) - Constructor for class y.layout.OrientationLayouter
Instantiates a new OrientationLayouter with a given orientation.
OrientationLayouter(Layouter) - Constructor for class y.layout.OrientationLayouter
Instantiates a new OrientationLayouter. the core layout routine will be delegated to the given layouter.
ORIGIN - Static variable in class y.geom.YPoint
A YPoint constant with coordinates (0,0).
originalX - Variable in class y.view.ViewMode
Original view x-coordinate received with the last mouse event.
originalY - Variable in class y.view.ViewMode
Original view y-coordinate received with the last mouse event.
ORTHOGONAL_STYLE - Static variable in class y.layout.tree.TreeLayouter
Layout style constant.
OrthogonalEdgeRouter - class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter.
This class represents an orthogonal edge router.
OrthogonalEdgeRouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Creates a new instance of the Orthogonal Edge Router.
OrthogonalEdgeRouter(Layouter) - Constructor for class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Convenience constructor to simultaneously set a core layout algorithm which will run before the orthogonal edge router.
OrthogonalEdgeRouterModule - class y.module.OrthogonalEdgeRouterModule.
A layout module that allows to configure and launch the Orthogonal Edge Router.
OrthogonalEdgeRouterModule() - Constructor for class y.module.OrthogonalEdgeRouterModule
OrthogonalGroupLayouter - class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalGroupLayouter.
This class provides a layout algorithm which produces orthogonal drawings of hierarchically grouped graphs.
OrthogonalGroupLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalGroupLayouter
Creates a new instance of OrthogonalGroupLayouter
OrthogonalLayouter - class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter.
This class provides a layout algorithm which produces orthogonal drawings.
OrthogonalLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Returns a new instance.
OrthogonalLayoutModule - class y.module.OrthogonalLayoutModule.
Wrapper class for the OrthogonalLayouter layout algorithm.
OrthogonalLayoutModule() - Constructor for class y.module.OrthogonalLayoutModule
orthoNormal(YVector) - Static method in class y.geom.YVector
Returns the vector which is orthogonal to the given one and has unit lenght.
outDegree() - Method in class y.base.Node
Returns the number of outgoing edges at this node.
outEdges() - Method in class y.base.Node
Returns an edge cursor for all outgoing edges at this node.
outEdges(Edge) - Method in class y.base.Node
Returns an edge cursor for outgoing edges at this node that starts that the given edge.
outerFace - Variable in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
outerFaceDeterminationEdge - Variable in class y.layout.planar.GT
outerFaceDeterminationNode - Variable in class y.layout.planar.GT
OUTPUT_MODE - Static variable in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
I/O mode specifier constant.
OverlapGraphMIS - class y.layout.planar.OverlapGraphMIS.
This class handles the computation of the two maximum independent sets for the planarization algorithm GT.
OverlapGraphMIS(Graph, EdgeMap) - Constructor for class y.layout.planar.OverlapGraphMIS
Creates a new instance of the independent set calculaton class.
Overview - class y.view.Overview.
This is a specialized View which acts as Overview.
Overview(Graph2DView) - Constructor for class y.view.Overview
Create a new Overview for a given Graph2DView.


packages - Variable in class y.module.YPackage
The subpackages of this package
PAINT_DETAIL_THRESHOLD_KEY - Static variable in class y.view.YRenderingHints
A key whose associated value must be of type Double.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class y.view.Overview
paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Paints the YLabel on the given graphics object.
paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Paints this realizer and its label(s) on the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Paints this realizer on the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D) - Method in interface y.view.Drawable
Paints itself on the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.Bend
Paints this bend on the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, AffineTransform) - Method in class y.view.Arrow
Paints an affine transform of this arrow.
paint(Graphics2D, double, double, double, double) - Method in class y.view.Arrow
Paints the arrow at a specific position in a specific direction.
paint(Graphics2D, EdgeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.DefaultGraph2DRenderer
Paints the given edge realizer on the graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, Graph2D) - Method in interface y.view.Graph2DRenderer
Renders the given graph2D on the given Graphics2D context.
paint(Graphics2D, Graph2D) - Method in class y.view.DefaultGraph2DRenderer
Renders the given graph2D on the given Graphics2D context.
paint(Graphics2D, int, int, int, int) - Method in class y.view.RadialBackgroundRenderer
Paints the background.
paint(Graphics2D, int, int, int, int) - Method in class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
Paints the background in the given rectangular area on the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics2D, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface y.view.BackgroundRenderer
Paints something on the given graphics object.
paint(Graphics2D, NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.Port
Paints a little black rectangle if the edge realizer this port belongs to is selected.
paint(Graphics2D, NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.InterfacePort
Paints the icon associated with this port.
paint(Graphics2D, NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.DefaultGraph2DRenderer
Paints the given node realizer on the graphics context.
paintArrows(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Paints the arrows of this realizer.
paintDefaultBend(Graphics2D, double, double) - Static method in class y.view.Bend
Paints a default bend at the given center location.
paintDefaultBend(Graphics2D, double, double, Color) - Static method in class y.view.Bend
Paints a default bend at the given center location.
paintHighlightedBends(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Paints the bends if this realizer is in a selected state
paintHighlightedBends(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.BezierEdgeRealizer
Specialized paint method.
paintHotSpots(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
paintHotSpots(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Paints graphical hotspots around this realizer.
paintInnerGraph(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DNodeRealizer
Paints the inner graph.
paintLabels(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Paints the labels belonging to this realizer.
paintLayer(Graphics2D, byte) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
paintLayer(Graphics2D, byte) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Requests this realizer to paint itself on the given graphics context under the constraint that the given layer is active.
paintLayerSloppy(Graphics2D, byte) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
paintLayerSloppy(Graphics2D, byte) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Paints the realizer in a cheap, uniform and sloppy way on g.
paintNode(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Paints the node.
paintNode(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
paintNode(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
This method must be implemented by subclasses.
paintNode(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.ImageNodeRealizer
paintNode(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DNodeRealizer
Paints the node.
paintNode(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
paintPorts(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Paints the ports of this realizer.
paintSloppy(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
paintSloppy(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Paints the realizer in a cheap, uniform and sloppy way on g.
paintSloppy(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DNodeRealizer
paintSloppy(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Paints this realizer in a quick and rather sloppy way.
paintSloppy(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
paintSloppy(Graphics2D, EdgeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.DefaultGraph2DRenderer
Paints the given edge realizer sloppily on the graphics context.
paintSloppy(Graphics2D, Graph2D) - Method in interface y.view.Graph2DRenderer
Renders the given graph2D on the given Graphics2D context.
paintSloppy(Graphics2D, Graph2D) - Method in class y.view.DefaultGraph2DRenderer
Renders the given Graph2D on the given Graphics2D context.
paintSloppy(Graphics2D, NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.DefaultGraph2DRenderer
Paints the given node realizer sloppily on the graphics context.
paintText(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
paintText(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Paints the labels that belong to this realizer
paintText(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
paintVisibleContent(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Paints the visible part of this view's content on the given graphics context.
pair(Edge[]) - Method in interface y.layout.planar.EdgePairCursor
Returns the pair of edges, the cursor is pointing on.
pairs() - Method in class y.layout.planar.Face
Returns a cursor over the edge-pairs in the face.
ParallelEdgeLayouter - class y.layout.ParallelEdgeLayouter.
A layout algorithm that routes parallel edges (edges that have same source and same target node) of a graph.
ParallelEdgeLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.ParallelEdgeLayouter
ParallelEdgeLayouter(Layouter) - Constructor for class y.layout.ParallelEdgeLayouter
ParallelEdgeLayoutModule - class y.module.ParallelEdgeLayoutModule.
Wrapper class for ParallelEdgeLayouter
ParallelEdgeLayoutModule() - Constructor for class y.module.ParallelEdgeLayoutModule
parallelEdges - Variable in class y.layout.ParallelEdgeLayouter
PARALLELOGRAM - Static variable in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Shape type constant.
parent - Variable in class y.io.gml.HierarchyNodeParser
PARENT_NODE_ID_DPKEY - Static variable in interface y.layout.grouping.GroupingKeys
This key is used to actually describe the hierarchy of the nodes in the graph.
ParentEdgeAugmentationStage - class y.layout.grouping.ParentEdgeAugmentationStage.
This class can be used as a decorating stage for layout algorithms that cannot handle node groups.
ParentEdgeAugmentationStage() - Constructor for class y.layout.grouping.ParentEdgeAugmentationStage
Creates a new instance of ParentEdgeAugmentationStage
parse(PushbackReader) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
this is the actual parsing method
parse(Reader) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
starts the parsing and will fire events to the registered callback
parseComment(PushbackReader) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
parses a comment whitespace
parseEntity(PushbackReader) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
parses an entity from a GML "instring"
parseInString(PushbackReader) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
parses the GML "instring"
parseKey(PushbackReader) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
parses a key
parseList(PushbackReader) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
parses a GML list
parseNumber(PushbackReader) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
parses a Number (Double or Integer)
parserFactory - Variable in class y.io.gml.HierarchyNodeParser
ParserFactory - interface y.io.gml.ParserFactory.
This is the interface which will be used by GMLIOHandler to query an appropriate Parser.
parseString(PushbackReader) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
parses a GML String, i.e. removes the quotes and replaces ISO 8859-1 entities with their corresponding characters.
parseValue(PushbackReader) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
parses a value, which might be either a String, or a Number, i.e. either Integer or Double
parseWhiteSpace(PushbackReader) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
parses whitespace
partitionLayer(NodeList, int) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
Partitions a layer given by its NodeList by calculating the forces according to the given direction.
PasswordOptionItem - class y.option.PasswordOptionItem.
An option item for password Strings.
PasswordOptionItem(String, String) - Constructor for class y.option.PasswordOptionItem
Creates a bew instance of PasswordOptionItem.
path - Variable in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
The graphical path of this realizer that will be drawn.
pathIntersects(Rectangle2D, boolean) - Method in class y.view.PolyLineEdgeRealizer
pathIntersects(Rectangle2D, boolean) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
This method complements the EdgeRealizer.contains(double,double) method.
Paths - class y.algo.Paths.
Reponsible for finding paths within a graph that have certain properties.
Paths() - Constructor for class y.algo.Paths
peek() - Method in class y.base.YList
Equivalent to first
PendularDrawer - class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer.
This class implements the third phase of the sugiyama layout algorithm as described in "Visualisierungstechniken fuer den Compilerbau" (Georg Sander) mixed with techniques as described in "A technique for drawing directed graphs" (Gansner et al)
PendularDrawer() - Constructor for class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
empty constructor, does nothing
PENDULUM - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Layout style specifier.
permutate(Object[]) - Method in class y.util.YRandom
Permutates the positions of the elements within the given array.
PLACE_ANYWHERE - Static variable in interface y.layout.LabelLayoutConstants
Preferred placement specifier for edge labels.
PLACE_AT_CENTER - Static variable in interface y.layout.LabelLayoutConstants
Preferred placement specifier for edge labels.
PLACE_AT_SOURCE - Static variable in interface y.layout.LabelLayoutConstants
Preferred placement specifier for edge labels.
PLACE_AT_TARGET - Static variable in interface y.layout.LabelLayoutConstants
Preferred placement specifier for edge labels.
PLACE_LEFT_OF_EDGE - Static variable in interface y.layout.LabelLayoutConstants
Preferred placement specifier for edge labels.
PLACE_ON_EDGE - Static variable in interface y.layout.LabelLayoutConstants
Preferred placement specifier for edge labels.
PLACE_RIGHT_OF_EDGE - Static variable in interface y.layout.LabelLayoutConstants
Preferred placement specifier for edge labels.
placeBlock(LayoutGraph, Node, double[]) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianLinearSegmentDrawer
This method implements the function place_block(v) in Algorithm 3 in [BK01].
placement - Variable in class y.view.YLabel
PLACEMENT_ALONG_EDGE_MASK - Static variable in interface y.layout.LabelLayoutConstants
Placement specifier mask.
PLACEMENT_CORNER - Static variable in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
A data provider value used to specify the placement of the root.
PLACEMENT_CORNER_SIDE - Static variable in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
A data provider value used to specify the placement of the root.
PLACEMENT_CORNER_TOP - Static variable in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
A data provider value used to specify the placement of the root.
PLACEMENT_ON_SIDE_OF_EDGE_MASK - Static variable in interface y.layout.LabelLayoutConstants
Placement specifier mask.
PLACEMENT_TOP - Static variable in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
A data provider value used to specify the placement of the root.
PLAIN - Static variable in class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
Mode constant.
PLAIN_STYLE - Static variable in class y.layout.tree.TreeLayouter
Layout style constant.
planar - Variable in class y.layout.planar.GT
PlanarInformation - class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation.
This class defines a planar graph.
PlanarInformation.EdgeInfo - class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation.EdgeInfo.
Class hold all information related to an edge.
PlanarInformation.EdgeInfo() - Constructor for class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation.EdgeInfo
PlanarInformation.NodeInfo - class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation.NodeInfo.
Class hold all information related to a node.
PlanarInformation.NodeInfo() - Constructor for class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation.NodeInfo
PlanarInformation(Graph) - Constructor for class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Returns a new instance of Planar Information for a graph.
PlaneObject - interface y.geom.PlaneObject.
This interface describes a 2-dimensional object which has a finite bounding box.
point() - Method in interface y.geom.YPointCursor
Returns the instance of YPoint the cursor is currently pointing on.
POINT2D - Static variable in class y.view.Util
A Point2D in double precicion that may be used as temporary scratch variable.
pointCount() - Method in interface y.layout.EdgeLayout
Returns the number of control points of the edge.
pointCount() - Method in class y.layout.DefaultEdgeLayout
pointCount() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
EdgeLayout interface implementation.
points() - Method in class y.geom.YPointPath
Get the points in the path.
POLYGON - Static variable in class y.io.LinkInfo
POLYLINE - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Layout style specifier.
PolylineDrawer - class y.layout.hierarchic.PolylineDrawer.
This class is an implementation of the third phase of the sugiyama algorithm, which represents edges by polylines.
PolylineDrawer() - Constructor for class y.layout.hierarchic.PolylineDrawer
PolyLineEdgeRealizer - class y.view.PolyLineEdgeRealizer.
An edge realizer that displays an edge as a polyline.
PolyLineEdgeRealizer() - Constructor for class y.view.PolyLineEdgeRealizer
Constructs a new PolyLineEdgeRealizer with no bends.
PolyLineEdgeRealizer(EdgeRealizer) - Constructor for class y.view.PolyLineEdgeRealizer
Constructs a new PolyLineEdgeRealizer as a copy of the given realizer.
pop() - Method in class y.base.YList
Removes the first element from this list and returns it.
pop() - Method in class y.util.BoundedStack
Returns the element that has been pushed last on this stack and removes it from this stack.
pop() - Method in class y.util.BoundedQueue
Returns the front element in this queue and removes it from the queue.
popEdge() - Method in class y.base.EdgeList
Removes the first edge from this list and returns it.
popLast() - Method in class y.base.YList
Removes the last element from this list and returns it.
popMaxNode() - Method in class y.util.pq.ListIntNodePQ
Returns a node with highest associated int key within this queue. the returned node will be removed from the queue by this method.
popMinNode() - Method in class y.util.pq.ListIntNodePQ
Returns a node with smallest associated int key within this queue. the returned node will be removed from the queue by this method.
popMode() - Method in class y.view.ViewControl
Makes the the mode on the top of the stack active
popNode() - Method in class y.base.NodeList
Removes the first node in this list and returns it.
popupMode - Variable in class y.view.EditMode
Predefined Modes, which represent substates
PopupMode - class y.view.PopupMode.
A view mode that is responsible for showing context sensitive popup menus when a right click occurs on a view element.
PopupMode() - Constructor for class y.view.PopupMode
Initializes a new PopupMode
PopupMode(ViewContainer) - Constructor for class y.view.PopupMode
Initializes a new PopupMode for a given ViewContainer
Port - class y.view.Port.
Defines a logical end point of an edge relative to the center location of a node.
PORT - Static variable in class y.view.HitInfo
Type specifier for ports used to declare the order of search precedence.
Port() - Constructor for class y.view.Port
Constructs a new Port with default offset 0.0.
Port(double, double) - Constructor for class y.view.Port
Constructs a new Port with offset location (xoff,yoff).
Port(Port) - Constructor for class y.view.Port
Constructs a new Port as a copy of a given port.
PortAssignment - class y.layout.hierarchic.PortAssignment.
This class assigns port coordinates to the edges of a graph.
PortAssignment() - Constructor for class y.layout.hierarchic.PortAssignment
PortConstraint - class y.layout.PortConstraint.
This class represents a constraint for either a source or target port of an edge.
PortConstraint() - Constructor for class y.layout.PortConstraint
Creates the empty constraint, that allows ports to connect at any side of a node.
PortConstraint(byte) - Constructor for class y.layout.PortConstraint
Creates the weak constraint, that allows ports to connect to a specific side of a node.
PortConstraint(byte, boolean) - Constructor for class y.layout.PortConstraint
Creates a constraint, that allows ports to connect to a specific side of a node.
PortConstraintConfigurator - class y.layout.PortConstraintConfigurator.
Provides configuration services for the port constraints of a graph.
PortConstraintConfigurator() - Constructor for class y.layout.PortConstraintConfigurator
Creates a new instance of PortConstraintConfigurator
PortConstraintKeys - interface y.layout.PortConstraintKeys.
This interface defines keys used to associate DataProviders that provide port constraints for all edges of the input graph.
PortConstraintModule - class y.module.PortConstraintModule.
A module that allows to configure port constraints interactively.
PortConstraintModule() - Constructor for class y.module.PortConstraintModule
positionToStringMap() - Static method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Returns a map that whose keys are the known label position specifiers wrapped in Byte objects.
positionToStringMap() - Static method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
POST_EDGE_CHANGE - Static variable in class y.base.GraphEvent
Type constant that identifies an event that gets fired immediatelly before the endpoints of an edge will be changed.
POST_EDGE_REMOVAL - Static variable in class y.base.GraphEvent
Type constant that identifies an event that gets fired immediatelly after an edge will be removed from the graph.
POST_EVENT - Static variable in class y.base.GraphEvent
Type constant that signals the end of a some logically coherent event sequence.
POST_NODE_REMOVAL - Static variable in class y.base.GraphEvent
Type constant that identifies an event that gets fired immediatelly after a node has been removed from the graph.
postEvent() - Method in class y.view.GraphTreeModel
Sends out a TreeModelEvent to all registered listeners.
postprocess(LayoutGraph, NodeList[], NodeMap) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianDrawerWrapper
Called as a hook after the actual drawing is performed by the delegate
postTraverse(Edge, Node) - Method in class y.algo.Dfs
Callback method that will be invoked after the search returns from the given node.
postTraverse(HierarchyManager.NodeVisitor) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Posttraverse all nodes within the hierarchy.
postTraverse(Node, HierarchyManager.NodeVisitor) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Posttraverse all nodes within the hierarchy, that are descendants of the given group or folder node.
postVisit(Node, int, int) - Method in class y.algo.Dfs
Callback method that will be invoked whenever a node visit has been completed.
PRE_EDGE_CHANGE - Static variable in class y.base.GraphEvent
Type constant that identifies an event that gets fired immediatelly before the endpoints of an edge will be changed.
PRE_EDGE_REMOVAL - Static variable in class y.base.GraphEvent
Type constant that identifies an event that gets fired immediatelly before an edge will be removed from the graph.
PRE_EDGE_STATE_CHANGE - Static variable in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEvent
Event type specifier which indicates that the inter edge state of an edge is about to change.
PRE_EVENT - Static variable in class y.base.GraphEvent
Type constant that signals the start of a some logically coherent event sequence.
PRE_NODE_REMOVAL - Static variable in class y.base.GraphEvent
Type constant that identifies an event that gets fired immediatelly before a node will be removed from the graph.
PRE_NODE_STATE_CHANGE - Static variable in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEvent
Event type specifier which indicates that the folder state of a node is about to change.
PRECONDITION_VIOLATED - Static variable in class y.module.YModule
Exit state constant.
pred() - Method in class y.base.ListCell
Returns the predeccessor cell of this cell.
predCell(ListCell) - Method in class y.base.YList
Returns the predecessor cell of ListCell c.
predecessors() - Method in class y.base.Node
Returns a node cursor for all predecessor nodes of this node.
PREFERRED_EDGE_LENGTH_DATA - Static variable in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
The data provider key for specifying the preferred edge lengths for each edge
PREFERRED_EDGE_LENGTH_DATA - Static variable in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Key used to associate a DataProvider with a LayoutGraph.
preferredDuration - Variable in class y.anim.AnimationCommand
preferredPlacementsToStringMap() - Static method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
prepareAll() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupLayoutConfigurator
Convenience method performs all necessary layout preparations on the input graph.
prepareAutoBoundsFeatures() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupLayoutConfigurator
Disables the auto bounds feature in all NodeRealizers that implement AutoBoundsFeature.
prepareGroupDataProviders() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupLayoutConfigurator
Binds all data providers to the input graph, that define the hierarchically grouped structure of the graph.
prepareGroupNodeInsets() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupLayoutConfigurator
Makes the auto bounds insets of group nodes that implement AutoBoundsFeature available for layout algorithms.
prepareOrientationChange(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.OrientationLayouter
Method that will be called before the core layouter gets activated.
prepareTransform(YPoint) - Method in class y.layout.OrientationLayouter
Transforms a point for the preparation phase.
prependStage(LayoutStage) - Method in class y.layout.CompositeLayouter
Prepends a stage to this composite layout stage.
prependStage(LayoutStage) - Method in class y.layout.CompositeLayoutStage
Prepends a stage to this composite layout stage.
prependStage(LayoutStage) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Prepends a stage to the layout pipeline.
preprocess(LayoutGraph, NodeList[], NodeMap) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianDrawerWrapper
Called as a hook before the actual drawing is performed by the delegate
preprocessNode(LayoutGraph, Node, Kernel) - Static method in class y.layout.planar.DrawingEmbedder
preprocessNodes(LayoutGraph) - Static method in class y.layout.planar.DrawingEmbedder
pressedNode - Variable in class y.view.EditMode
Will be set when the mouse was press over a node.
preTraverse(Edge, Node, boolean) - Method in class y.algo.Dfs
Callback method that will be invoked if the given edge will be looked at in the search the first (and only) time.
preTraverse(HierarchyManager.NodeVisitor) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Pretraverse all nodes within the hierarchy.
preTraverse(Node, HierarchyManager.NodeVisitor) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Pretraverse all nodes within the hierarchy, that are descendants of the given group or folder node.
prev() - Method in class y.base.YList.ListCursorImpl
prev() - Method in interface y.base.YCursor
Moves this cursor one position backward (optional)
prevInEdge() - Method in class y.base.Edge
Returns the predecessor of this edge in the list of ingoing edges at its target node.
preVisit(Node, int) - Method in class y.algo.Dfs
Callback method that will be invoked whenever a formerly unvisited node gets visited the first time.
prevOutEdge() - Method in class y.base.Edge
Returns the predecessor of this edge in the list of outgoing edges at its source node.
prim(Graph, DataProvider) - Static method in class y.algo.SpanningTrees
Calculates a minimum spanning tree for the given graph.
print(Graphics) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Prints the currently displayed contents of this view to the given graphics context.
print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DPrinter
Printable implementation.
printNodeSlotSize() - Method in class y.base.Graph
For internal debugging purposes only.
printStatistics() - Method in class y.layout.planar.DrawingEmbedder
ProfitModel - interface y.layout.ProfitModel.
This is an interface for ranking LabelCandidates.
propagate() - Method in class y.layout.LabelCandidate
Sets the model paramteres of the owner of this label candidate to the model parameters of this candidate box.
propagateCoordinates(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianLinearSegmentDrawer
Writes the calculated x values in the layout graph.
propagateSolution(Label[], NodeList) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.MISLabelingAlgorithm
Places the labels according to the independent set.
PropertiesGuiFactory - class y.option.PropertiesGuiFactory.
Simple defaut implementation of GuiFactory which takes the String values from a Map or Properties object
PropertiesGuiFactory(Properties) - Constructor for class y.option.PropertiesGuiFactory
Creates a new instance of PropertiesGuiFactory
PropertiesIOHandler - class y.option.PropertiesIOHandler.
A OptionsIOHandler implementation that reads the options from and writes the options to a Java Properties object.
PropertiesIOHandler(Properties) - Constructor for class y.option.PropertiesIOHandler
Creates a new instance of PropertiesIOHandler
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class y.view.Overview
Updates the view upon receiving a property change event.
propertyChangeSupport - Variable in class y.module.YPackage
the support which is used to notify listeners about changes in the modulelist and subpackagelist
ProxyAutoBoundsNodeRealizer - class y.view.hierarchy.ProxyAutoBoundsNodeRealizer.
A proxy node realizer that implements the auto bounds feature.
ProxyAutoBoundsNodeRealizer() - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.ProxyAutoBoundsNodeRealizer
ProxyAutoBoundsNodeRealizer(NodeRealizer) - Constructor for class y.view.hierarchy.ProxyAutoBoundsNodeRealizer
ProxyShapeNodeRealizer - class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer.
A ShapeNodeRealizer that can act as a proxy to another internally used realizer.
ProxyShapeNodeRealizer() - Constructor for class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
Creates instance of ProxyShapeNodeRealizer.
ProxyShapeNodeRealizer(NodeRealizer) - Constructor for class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
Create instance of NodeRealizer and initialize it according to a given NodeRealizer.
push(Command) - Method in class y.base.CommandStream
Addes the given command to this stream
push(Command) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
This method can be used to push undoable commands on the stream.
push(Object) - Method in class y.base.YList
Equivalent to addFirst
push(Object) - Method in class y.util.BoundedStack
Pushes a new element on this stack.
pushMode(ViewMode) - Method in class y.view.ViewControl
Pushes the current mode on the top of the Stack and activates a new mode
put(Object, LinkInfo) - Method in class y.io.LinkMap
Maps the specified value to the specified key.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
store a key value pair (String->Object)
put(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class y.util.HashMap2D
Maps the specified pair of keys to the specified value.


QUOTE - Static variable in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer


RadialBackgroundRenderer - class y.view.RadialBackgroundRenderer.
Background renderer that paints radial shapes around a specific node.
RadialBackgroundRenderer(Graph2DView) - Constructor for class y.view.RadialBackgroundRenderer
Instantiates a new RadialBackgroundRenderer for the given view.
RadialBackgroundRenderer(Graph2DView, Color) - Constructor for class y.view.RadialBackgroundRenderer
Instantiates a new RadialBackgroundRenderer for the given view.
radius - Variable in class y.geom.YCircle
the radius of the circle
random - Variable in class y.layout.organic.RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage
the source of randomness
random - Variable in class y.layout.planar.VertexOrder
RANDOM - Static variable in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Initial placement strategy.
randomLayout(Label[], Node[]) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.SALabeling
Computes a random start label assignment.
RandomLayouter - class y.layout.random.RandomLayouter.
This class generates a layout, where the nodes are placed randomly.
RandomLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.random.RandomLayouter
RandomLayoutModule - class y.module.RandomLayoutModule.
Wrapper class for RandomLayouter
RandomLayoutModule() - Constructor for class y.module.RandomLayoutModule
randomSelectNode(ArrayList) - Method in class y.layout.planar.VertexOrder
selects a Node from a list of nodes.
RankAssignments - class y.algo.RankAssignments.
Provides algorithms for solving the rank assignment problem.
RankAssignments() - Constructor for class y.algo.RankAssignments
RATIO - Static variable in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
The data provider key used to specify target aspect ratio.
reachable(Graph, Node, boolean, boolean[]) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphConnectivity
Determines the set of nodes that can be reached in the given graph when starting from a given node.
reachable(Graph, Node, boolean, boolean[], boolean[]) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphConnectivity
Similar to GraphConnectivity.reachable(Graph,Node,boolean,boolean[]).
reactivateParent() - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
The parent of this ViewMode is reactivated and this ViewMode is deactivated.
reactivateParent() - Method in class y.view.PopupMode
Internal use only.
reactivateParent() - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
read() - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
reads in the values for the items from the installd IOHandler
read(Graph2D, InputStream) - Method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
read(Graph2D, InputStream) - Method in class y.io.TiledImageOutputHandler
This method is delegated to the internal IOHandler.
read(Graph2D, InputStream) - Method in class y.io.TGFIOHandler
Fills the contents of the given graph from an input stream.
read(Graph2D, InputStream) - Method in class y.io.ImageOutputHandler
Unsupported method.
read(Graph2D, InputStream) - Method in class y.io.ImageMapOutputHandler
Unsupported method.
read(Graph2D, InputStream) - Method in class y.io.IOHandler
Adds the contents reads from a stream to the given graph.
read(Graph2D, InputStream) - Method in class y.io.GMLIOHandler
Adds the contents from the given stream to the given graph.
read(Graph2D, ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Fills the contents of the given graph from an ObjectInputStream.
read(Graph2D, Reader) - Method in class y.io.GMLIOHandler
Fills the contents of the given graph from a reader.
read(Graph2D, String) - Method in class y.io.IOHandler
Fills the contents of the given graph from a file.
read(Graph2D, String) - Method in class y.io.GMLIOHandler
Generates a FileReader and passes control to GMLIOHandler.read(Graph2D, Reader)
read(Graph2D, URL) - Method in class y.io.IOHandler
Fills the contents of the given graph from a URL.
read(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Reads in the serialized form of this label.
read(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.view.SplineEdgeRealizer
Reads in the serialized form of this realizer.
read(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Reads in the serialized form of this realizer.
read(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
Reads in the serialized form of this realizer.
read(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.view.Port
Reads in a serialized form of a port that was previously written out by the method Port.write(ObjectOutputStream out).
read(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.view.PolyLineEdgeRealizer
Reads in the serialized form of this realizer.
read(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Reads in the serialized form of this realizer.
read(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Reads in the serialized form of this label.
read(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.view.InterfacePort
Reads in a serialized form of a port that was previously written out by the method InterfacePort.write(ObjectOutputStream out).
read(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.view.ImageNodeRealizer
Reads in the serialized form of this realizer.
read(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DNodeRealizer
Reads in the serialized form of this realizer.
read(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Reads in the serialized form of this realizer.
read(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
read(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.view.BezierEdgeRealizer
Reads in the serialized form of this realizer.
read(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Reads in the serialized form of this realizer.
read(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
read(OptionsIOHandler) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
reads in the values for the items from the given IOHandler
read(String) - Method in class y.option.PropertiesIOHandler
read(String) - Method in interface y.option.OptionsIOHandler
Restores formerly stored key value pairs.
readEdgeInfo(Graph2D, Edge, ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Reads edge information from the given input stream.
readEdgeRealizer(Graph2D, Edge, ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Reads edge realizer information from the input stream.
readFolderNodeInfo(Graph2D, Node, ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Reads in folder node information if the given graph was part of a graph hierarchy.
readGroupNodeInfo(Graph2D, Node, ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Reads in group node information if the given graph was part of a graph hierarchy and contained grouped nodes.
readInterEdgeInfo(Graph2D, Edge, ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Reads graph hierarchic inter edge information from the given input stream.
readNodeInfo(Graph2D, Node, ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Reads node information from the input stream.
readNodeRealizer(Graph2D, Node, ObjectInputStream) - Method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Reads node realizer information from the input stream.
REAL - Static variable in class y.layout.planar.SimpleEdgeRouter
realizer - Variable in class y.view.Port
realizerCount() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
Returns the number of realizers maintained by this class.
recalculateFeatures() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Recalculates all features.
RECT - Static variable in class y.io.LinkInfo
RECT - Static variable in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Shape type constant.
RECT_3D - Static variable in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Shape type constant.
RecursiveGroupLayouter - class y.layout.grouping.RecursiveGroupLayouter.
Applies a given layout algorithm to each content of a group node recursively in bottom up fashion.
RecursiveGroupLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.grouping.RecursiveGroupLayouter
Creates a new instance of RecursiveGroupLayouter
RecursiveGroupLayouter(Layouter) - Constructor for class y.layout.grouping.RecursiveGroupLayouter
Creates a new instance of RecursiveGroupLayouter
RecursiveGroupLayouter(Layouter, GroupBoundsCalculator) - Constructor for class y.layout.grouping.RecursiveGroupLayouter
Creates a new instance of RecursiveGroupLayouter
RED - Static variable in class y.algo.Bipartitions
Marker for a node that belongs to the red partition
redo() - Method in interface y.base.Command
Executes the command after it has been undone.
redo() - Method in class y.view.LayoutMorpher
Not implemented.
redo() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
Causes the next command in line to be redone.
redo() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.Graph2DHierarchyUndoManager
redoWorldTransform(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
Concatenates the world transform to the graphics context transform.
ReflectionStringConverter - class y.util.ReflectionStringConverter.
A simple implementation of an ObjectStringConverter, which uses reflection to construct an object from a String representation and the toString() method to construct the String representation from an object.
ReflectionStringConverter(Class) - Constructor for class y.util.ReflectionStringConverter
Creates a new instance of ReflectionSerializer for the given class type
ReflectionStringConverter(Class, Class) - Constructor for class y.util.ReflectionStringConverter
Creates a new instance of ReflectionSerializer for native types
registerKeyboardAction(ActionListener, KeyStroke, int) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Registers a keyboard action for this view.
registerKeyboardAction(ActionListener, String, KeyStroke, int) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Registers a keyboard action for this view.
registerObjectStringConverter(Class, ObjectStringConverter) - Method in class y.util.ObjectStringConversion
Registers another handler for the given class type
registerView(View) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Adds this view to the set of views that display this graph.
reinit(Graph, double[]) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianLinearSegmentDrawer
Initializes data structures for one basic step.
reInsertBend(Bend, Bend, int) - Method in class y.view.SplineEdgeRealizer
reInsertBend(Bend, Bend, int) - Method in class y.view.PolyLineEdgeRealizer
reInsertBend(Bend, Bend, int) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Reinserts a bend to the edge which had been removed before.
reInsertBend(Bend, Bend, int) - Method in class y.view.BezierEdgeRealizer
reInsertBend(Bend, Bend, int) - Method in class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Has no effect, because arcs have no bends
reInsertEdge(Edge) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Reinsert an Edge in this graph that was formerly removed.
reInsertNode(Node) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Reinsert a Node in this graph that was formerly removed.
reinsertSelfLoops() - Method in class y.layout.planar.SelfLoopTool
Reinsertes the formerly hidden selfloops into the embedded graph.
remove(Node) - Method in class y.util.pq.TreeIntNodePQ
Removes a node from the queue.
remove(Node) - Method in class y.util.pq.ListIntNodePQ
Removes a node from the queue.
remove(Node) - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapNodePQ
Removes the given node from this queue.
remove(Node) - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapIntNodePQ
Removes the given node from this queue.
remove(Node) - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapDoubleNodePQ
Removes the given node from this queue.
remove(Node) - Method in class y.util.pq.ArrayIntNodePQ
Removes a node from the priority queue.
remove(Object) - Method in class y.base.YList
Removes Object o from this list.
remove(Object) - Method in class y.io.LinkMap
Removes the specified key and its associated value from this map.
remove(ViewMode) - Method in class y.view.ViewControl
Removes this mode from this control.
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
Removes ActionListener from the list of listeners.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class y.base.YList
Removes a collection of objects from the list.
removeAt(YCursor) - Method in class y.base.YList
Removes the element pointed at by the given YCursor.
removeBackgroundDrawable(Drawable) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Removes a background drawable from this view.
removeBend(Bend) - Method in class y.view.SplineEdgeRealizer
Removes a Bend of this realizer
removeBend(Bend) - Method in class y.view.PolyLineEdgeRealizer
Removes a Bend of this realizer
removeBend(Bend) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Removes a Bend of this realizer.
removeBend(Bend) - Method in class y.view.BezierEdgeRealizer
Removes a Bend of this realizer
removeBend(Bend) - Method in class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Has no effect, because arcs have no bends
removeCell(ListCell) - Method in class y.base.YList
Removes the ListCell c and the element stored in it from this list.
removeDataProvider(Object) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Removes a data provider that is registered under the given key.
removeDrawable(Drawable) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Removes a drawable from this view.
removeDrawable(Drawable) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Removes the given drawable from this graph.
removeDuplicateBends(LayoutGraph) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
This helper method removes duplicate bends from all edges in the graph
removeDuplicateBends(LayoutGraph, Edge) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
This helper method removes duplicate bends from the given edge in the graph
removeEdge(Edge) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Remove Edge e in this graph.
removeEdgesOverlaps(LayoutGraph, Label[]) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Determines which candidates overlap with edges and remove them from the candidate list.
removeGraph2DListener(Graph2DListener) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Removes the given Graph2DListener from this graph.
removeGraph2DSelectionListener(Graph2DSelectionListener) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Removes the given Graph2DSelectionListener from this graph.
removeGraphListener(GraphListener) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Removes the given graph listener from this graph.
removeHierarchyListener(HierarchyListener) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Removes the given HierarchyListener from the lsit of registered listeners of this HierarchyManager.
removeLabel(EdgeLabel) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Removes the given edge label from this realizer.
removeLabel(NodeLabel) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
removeLabel(NodeLabel) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Remove the given label from this realizer.
removeMin() - Method in class y.util.pq.TreeIntNodePQ
Removes the node with the minimal value from the queue.
removeMin() - Method in interface y.util.pq.NodePQ
Removes the node with smallest priority from this queue.
removeMin() - Method in class y.util.pq.ListIntNodePQ
Same as popMinNode.
removeMin() - Method in interface y.util.pq.IntNodePQ
Removes the node with the minimal priority from the queue.
removeMin() - Method in interface y.util.pq.DoubleNodePQ
Removes the node with the minimal priority from the queue.
removeMin() - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapNodePQ
Removes the node with smallest priority from this queue
removeMin() - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapIntNodePQ
Removes the node with smallest priority from this queue
removeMin() - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapDoubleNodePQ
Removes the node with smallest priority from this queue
removeMin() - Method in class y.util.pq.ArrayIntNodePQ
Removes the node with the minimal value from the queue.
removeModule(String) - Method in class y.module.YPackage
Removes a module by its name.
removeNode(Node) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Remove Node v in this graph.
removeNodesOverlaps(LayoutGraph, Label[]) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Determines which candidates overlap with nodes and remove them from the candidate list.
RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage - class y.layout.organic.RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage.
This layoutstage removes node overlaps and guarantees a certain minimal node distance.
RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage(double) - Constructor for class y.layout.organic.RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage
Creates a new instance of RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage
RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage(YRandom, double) - Constructor for class y.layout.organic.RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage
Creates a new instance of RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage
removePackage(YPackage) - Method in class y.module.YPackage
Removes a subpackage from the package This method will fire a PropertyChangeEvent for "packageList"
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class y.module.YPackage
Removes PropertyChangeListener from the list of listeners.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
Removes a property change listener.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.Graph2DHierarchyUndoManager
Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
Removes a property change listener.
removeRealizer(NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
Removed a realizer from the list of realizers maintained by this class.
removeSelection() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Removes all selected objects from this graph.
removeStage(LayoutStage) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
removeSubdivisionHandler(SubdivisionHandler) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class y.view.GraphTreeModel
Removes a listener from this model.
removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeModel
removeView(View) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Removes this view from the set of views that display this graph.
removeViewMode(ViewMode) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Remove a view mode from this Graph2DView.
requestFocus() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
rerouteEdges(EdgeList) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimpleEdgeRouter
this method tries to find better paths for all edges that caused crossings.
rerouteEdges(EdgeList) - Method in class y.layout.planar.EdgeRouter
this method tries to find better paths for all edges that caused crossings.
rerouteEdges(int, EdgeList) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimpleEdgeRouter
this method tries to find better paths for all edges that caused crossings.
rerouteEdges(int, EdgeList) - Method in class y.layout.planar.EdgeRouter
this method tries to find better paths for all edges that caused crossings.
reset() - Method in class y.util.Timer
Resets the elapsed time to 0.
resetItem() - Method in class y.io.gml.LabelGraphicsParser
Resets the internally help attribute map.
resetPath(LayoutGraph, Edge) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
This helper method assign an trivial path to an edges which has no controllpoints and the ports are in the center of the nodes.
resetPaths(LayoutGraph) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
This helper method assign an trivial path to all edges which has no controllpoints and the ports are in the center of the nodes.
resetPaths(LayoutGraph, boolean) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
This helper method assign an trivial path to all edges which has no controllpoints
resetPorts(LayoutGraph) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Sets the ports to the center of the nodes.
resetQueue() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
Clears the current undo queue, i.e. canUndo() and canRedo() will return false if invoked directly after this call.
resetValue() - Method in class y.option.StringOptionItem
resetValue() - Method in class y.option.PasswordOptionItem
resetValue() - Method in class y.option.OptionItem
Resets the value of this item to its initial value.
resetValue() - Method in class y.option.IntOptionItem
resetValue() - Method in class y.option.FileOptionItem
resetValue() - Method in class y.option.EnumOptionItem
resetValue() - Method in class y.option.DoubleOptionItem
resetValue() - Method in class y.option.ComponentOptionItem
Does nothing.
resetValue() - Method in class y.option.CommentOptionItem
Does nothing.
resetValue() - Method in class y.option.ColorOptionItem
resetValue() - Method in class y.option.BoolOptionItem
resetValues() - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Resets all option values to their original settings.
reshape(int, int, int, int) - Method in class y.view.Overview
Called on resize events
ResourceBundleGuiFactory - class y.option.ResourceBundleGuiFactory.
Simple defaut implementation of GuiFactory which takes the String values from a list of ResourceBundles
ResourceBundleGuiFactory() - Constructor for class y.option.ResourceBundleGuiFactory
ResourceResolver - class y.util.ResourceResolver.
This class translates strings to URLs.
restore(Object) - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
try to deserialize the object using a previously installed ObjectStore
restore(Object, Map, ObjectStringConverter) - Method in interface y.util.ObjectStore
This method takes an object, uses the supplied converter to restore its attributes stored in the propertyMap using the converter to do the string to object conversion.
restore(Object, Map, ObjectStringConverter) - Method in class y.util.BeanSerializer
restoreAll() - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
restore all previously registered object from the underlying properties
restoreAll() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupLayoutConfigurator
Cleanup method that undoes the steps performed by GroupLayoutConfigurator.prepareAll().
restoreAutoBoundsFeatures() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupLayoutConfigurator
Cleanup method that undoes the steps performed by GroupLayoutConfigurator.prepareAutoBoundsFeatures().
restoreGroupDataProviders() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupLayoutConfigurator
Cleanup method that undoes the steps performed by GroupLayoutConfigurator.prepareGroupDataProviders().
restoreGroupNodeInsets() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupLayoutConfigurator
Cleanup method that undoes the steps performed by GroupLayoutConfigurator.prepareGroupNodeInsets().
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class y.base.YList
Retains only the nodes in the collection which are contained in the specified collection.
reverse() - Method in class y.base.YList
Reverses the sequence of elements in this list.
reverseEdge(Edge) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Reverses the given Edge.
reverseEdgeLayout(EdgeLayout) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Reverses the layout of an edge.
reverseEdges(Graph, EdgeList) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.EdgeReverser
Reverses the edges contained ion the given edge list
reverseUpwardEdges(Graph, NodeMap) - Static method in class y.layout.hierarchic.EdgeReverser
Reverses edges in the given graph whose source node has a larger layer ID than the target node.
right - Variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
map that maps the right node for each node in a layer or null if it is the rightmost
RIGHT - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Symbolic position specifier.
RIGHT - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label position specifier for label model NodeLabel.INTERNAL.
RIGHT_RATIO - Static variable in class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel
RIGHT_TO_LEFT - Static variable in interface y.layout.LayoutOrientation
Orientation specifier.
rightOf(YVector, YVector) - Static method in class y.geom.YVector
Returns true if vector v1 is on the right side of v2.
rightTurn(YPoint, YPoint, YPoint) - Static method in class y.geom.Geom
Same as orientation(p,q,r) < 0
ROOT_PLACEMENT - Static variable in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
The data provider key used to specify the placement of each subtree root.
ROTATE - Static variable in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Operation type constant.
ROUND_RECT - Static variable in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Shape type constant.
roundEdgeLayout(LayoutGraph, Edge) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Round the values of the controllpoints and ports of an edge.
roundLayout(LayoutGraph) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Round the values of the layout of an entire layout.
roundNodeLayout(LayoutGraph, Node) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Round the values of the layout of a node.
ROUTE_ALL_EDGES - Static variable in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Sphere of action specifier.
ROUTE_EDGE_DPKEY - Static variable in class y.layout.router.OrganicEdgeRouter
use this key to provide the alogrithm with boolean values for each edge, specifying the ones which should be rerouted.
ROUTE_EDGES_AT_SELECTED_NODES - Static variable in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Sphere of action specifier.
ROUTE_HORIZONTAL - Static variable in class y.layout.router.ChannelRouter
Channel direction specifier.
ROUTE_ORTHOGONAL - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Edge routing style specifier.
ROUTE_POLYLINE - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Edge routing style specifier.
ROUTE_SELECTED_EDGES - Static variable in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Sphere of action specifier.
ROUTE_VERTICAL - Static variable in class y.layout.router.ChannelRouter
Channel direction specifier.
route() - Method in class y.layout.router.ChannelRouter
Routes all added edges within the specified channel.
routeEdge(Edge, short, DualPlanarInformation, Edge[]) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimpleEdgeRouter
this method tries to find the best route through a graph.
routeEdges(Node, EdgeList, DualPlanarInformation) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SmartEdgeRouter
routeEdgesParallel(LayoutGraph, Edge, Edge, double) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Routes two edges with are incident to the same nodes, in parallel.
routeEdgesParallel(LayoutGraph, Edge, EdgeList, double) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Routes a list of edges with are incident to the same nodes, in parallel.
routeSelfLoop(LayoutGraph, Edge) - Static method in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Routes an selfloop.
ROUTING_HORIZONTAL - Static variable in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
A data provider value used to specify the routing policy of each subtree.
ROUTING_POLICY - Static variable in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
The data provider key used to specify the routing policy of each subtree root.
ROUTING_STYLE_ADOPT - Static variable in class y.layout.grouping.FixedGroupLayoutStage
Inter-edge routing style specifier.
ROUTING_STYLE_ORTHOGONAL - Static variable in class y.layout.grouping.FixedGroupLayoutStage
Inter-edge routing style specifier.
ROUTING_STYLE_STRAIGHTLINE - Static variable in class y.layout.grouping.FixedGroupLayoutStage
Inter-edge routing style specifier.
ROUTING_VERTICAL - Static variable in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
A data provider value used to specify the routing policy of each subtree.
run() - Method in class y.module.YModule
Calls the canonic module execution sequence: YModule.init() - YModule.mainrun() - YModule.dispose().
run() - Method in class y.view.Scroller
Loop, in which the scrolling performs


S - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label position specifier for label model NodeLabel.SIDES, NodeLabel.SANDWICH and NodeLabel.EIGHT_POS.
SALabeling - class y.layout.labeling.SALabeling.
This class places the labels of a graph using a simulated annealing strategy.
SALabeling() - Constructor for class y.layout.labeling.SALabeling
sanatize() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
Performs the suitable number of close bracket operations, to ensure undo() and redo() will work as expected.
sanatize(String) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLEncoder
SANDWICH - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label model specifier.
SANDWICH_MASK - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Position mask that constrains the positions to DiscreteNodeLabelModel.NORTH and DiscreteNodeLabelModel.SOUTH.
scalarProduct(YVector, YVector) - Static method in class y.geom.YVector
Returns the value of the scalar product of two vectors.
SCALE - Static variable in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Operation type constant.
scale(double) - Method in class y.geom.YVector
Scales the vector by an factor.
scaleToRect(LayoutGraph, Rectangle) - Static method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Scales the coordinates of the given graph in such a way that the resulting bounding box of the graph approximately equals the bounds of the given rectangle.
SCALING_AUTO - Static variable in class y.view.Graph2DPrinter
Scaling type specifier constant.
SCALING_FIX - Static variable in class y.view.Graph2DPrinter
Scaling type specifier constant.
SCENTER - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
SCENTR - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge label position specifier.
SCOPE_ALL - Static variable in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
scope constant - used for layouting all nodes
SCOPE_MAINLY_SUBSET - Static variable in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
scope constant - used for layouting mainly the subset of the nodes
SCOPE_SUBSET - Static variable in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
scope constant - used for layouting the subset of the nodes only
Scroller - class y.view.Scroller.
This is a class which scrolls a view in direction with a certain speed.
Scroller(Graph2DView, double, double) - Constructor for class y.view.Scroller
Constructs a new Scroller for a given view.
SE - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label position specifier for label model NodeLabel.CORNERS and NodeLabel.EIGHT_POS.
section(int) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns the option section at position index the first section has the index 0
section(String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns the option section that has the given name.
sectionCount() - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns the number of sections of this option handler
seed - Variable in class y.layout.planar.VertexOrder
segmentKeys() - Method in class y.layout.router.ChannelRouter
Returns an iterator over all added segment keys.
selectAllNodesAndBends(boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Sets the selection state for all nodes and bends.
selectBoxContent(double, double, double, double) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Selects the graph objects in a rectangle defined by the given arguments.
selectBoxContent(Rectangle) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Selects the graph objects in given rectangle.
selected - Variable in class y.layout.planar.VertexOrder
SELECTED_EDGES - Static variable in interface y.layout.Layouter
The data provider key used to look up the selected state of the edges of the graph to be layed out.
SELECTED_NODES - Static variable in interface y.layout.Layouter
The data provider key used to look up the selected state of the nodes of the graph to be layed out.
selectedBends() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns a bend cursor for all momentarily selected bends in this graph.
selectedEdges() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns an edge cursor for all momentarily selected edges in this graph.
selectedNodes() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Returns a node cursor for all momentarily selected nodes in this graph.
SELECTION_BOX_MODE - Static variable in class y.view.Graph2DView
Drawing mode constant.
selectionBoxAction(Rectangle2D.Double, boolean) - Method in class y.view.AbstractSelectionBoxMode
This method is called when the selection box is closed.
selectionBoxAction(Rectangle, boolean) - Method in class y.view.SelectionBoxMode
Selects graph objects within selection box bounds.
selectionBoxAction(Rectangle, boolean) - Method in class y.view.AbstractSelectionBoxMode
This method is called when the selection box is closed.
selectionBoxMode - Variable in class y.view.EditMode
SelectionBoxMode - class y.view.SelectionBoxMode.
This ViewMode is responsible for letting the user open up a selection box.
SelectionBoxMode() - Constructor for class y.view.SelectionBoxMode
Instantiates a new SelectionBoxMode.
SelectionBoxMode(ViewContainer) - Constructor for class y.view.SelectionBoxMode
Instantiates a new SelectionBoxMode for a given ViewContainer
selectionMovedAction(double, double, double, double) - Method in class y.view.MoveSelectionMode
Performs an action after the selection was moved.
selectionMovedAction(double, double, double, double) - Method in class y.view.MoveLabelMode
Performs an action after the selection was moved.
selectionMovedAction(double, double, double, double) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyMoveSelectionMode
selectionOnMove(double, double, double, double) - Method in class y.view.MoveSelectionMode
Performs an action when the selection is moving.
Selections - class y.view.Selections.
This abstract class provides static methods, that perform several different actions and create objects that can be used in conjunction with selections on a Graph2D
selectNode(ArrayList, ArrayList, ArrayList, NodeList) - Method in class y.layout.planar.VertexOrder
Selects a node form the candidate list and updates the datastructures accordingly.
selectNodeAndSelfLoopBends(Graph2D, Node) - Static method in class y.view.Selections
Selects a node and the bends of its selfloop.
selectNodesAndSelfLoopBends(Graph2D) - Static method in class y.view.Selections
Selects all nodes and the bends of selfloops.
SelfLoopLayouter - class y.layout.SelfLoopLayouter.
A layout algorithm that routes the selfloops (reflexive edges) of a graph.
SelfLoopLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.SelfLoopLayouter
Instantiates a new SelfLoopLayouter.
SelfLoopLayouter(Layouter) - Constructor for class y.layout.SelfLoopLayouter
Instantiates a new SelfLoopLayouter. the core layout routine will be delegated to the given layouter.
SelfLoopTool - class y.layout.planar.SelfLoopTool.
This class handles the removal resp. the reinsertion of selfloops from resp.into an embedded graph.
SelfLoopTool(PlanarInformation) - Constructor for class y.layout.planar.SelfLoopTool
Returns a new instance of SelfLoopTool.
SEQUENCING_PHASE - Static variable in interface y.layout.hierarchic.MementoSupport
Constant describing the second phase of the HierarchicLayouter algorithm.
serializeLineType(ObjectOutputStream, LineType) - Static method in class y.view.LineType
Writes the given LineType instance to an object stream.
set(Face, Object) - Method in interface y.layout.planar.FaceMap
Associates the given value to with the given edge.
set(Object, Object) - Method in interface y.base.NodeMap
Associates the given value to the given node.
set(Object, Object) - Method in interface y.base.EdgeMap
Associates the given value to the given edge.
set(Object, Object) - Method in interface y.base.DataAcceptor
Sets an object value associated with the given data holder.
set(Object, Object) - Method in class y.util.NodeMapAdapter
Associates the given value to with the given node.
set(Object, Object) - Method in class y.util.EdgeMapAdapter
Associates the given value to with the given edge.
set(Object, Object) - Method in class y.util.DataAcceptorAdapter
Throws UnsupportedMethodException.
set(String, Object) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Sets the value for the option that has the given name.
set(String, String, Object) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Sets the value for the option that has the given name in the given section
setActivateDeterministicMode(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Whether or not this layouter should work in a deterministic mode.
setActivateTreeBeautifier(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Whether or not to activate the subtree beautifier.
setActiveGraph(Graph) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.Graph2DHierarchyUndoManager
Setter for property activeGraph.
setActiveView(Graph2DView) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Sets the active view this mode operates on.
setAlignment(byte) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Sets the vertical alignment style for label text that spreads over multiple lines.
setAllowOverlaps(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Whether or not this layouter should allow (partially) overlapping nodes.
setAllowRandomization(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.planar.VertexOrder
Sets if the randomized version of the algorithm is used.
setAllowRandomization(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.planar.GT
Sets if the algorithm will use randomization to improve the result.
setAlternativeDrawer(Drawer) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.TreeDrawer
Sets the drawer, which is called when graph is not a tree.
setAnimationLength(int) - Method in class y.anim.AnimationCommand
Sets the number of animation frames this object will provide.
setAnimationListener(AnimationListener) - Method in class y.anim.AnimationCommand
Sets the AnimationListener for this AnimationCommand.
setAntialiasedPainting(boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Setter for property antialiasedPainting.
setAntialiasingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.io.ImageOutputHandler
Setter for property antialias.
setApplyClipping(boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DNodeRealizer
Sets the clipping policy used when displaying the inner graph.
setApplyTransformation(boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DNodeRealizer
Sets the transformation policy used when displaying the inner graph.
setArcType(byte) - Method in class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Sets the arc type for this realizer.
setArrow(Arrow) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Sets the arrow type at the target location of the edge path.
setAspectRatio(double) - Method in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
Setter for property aspectRatio.
setAttraction(int) - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Setter for property attraction.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class y.io.LinkInfo
Sets the attribute name with value value.
setAttributes(Map) - Method in class y.io.gml.LabelGraphicsParser
Sets the internally used attibute map.
setAutoBoundsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.ProxyAutoBoundsNodeRealizer
This call will be delegated to the internal realizer, if that realizer implements the AutoBoundsFeature interface.
setAutoBoundsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
Enabled or disables the autobounds feature of this realizer.
setAutoBoundsEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface y.view.hierarchy.AutoBoundsFeature
Enabled or disabled the auto bounds feature.
setAutoBoundsInsets(Insets) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.ProxyAutoBoundsNodeRealizer
This call will be delegated to the internal realizer, if that realizer implements the AutoBoundsFeature interface.
setAutoBoundsInsets(Insets) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
The same as GroupNodeRealizer.setBorderInsets(Insets).
setAutoBoundsInsets(Insets) - Method in interface y.view.hierarchy.AutoBoundsFeature
Sets auto bounds insets.
setAutomaticRadius(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.circular.SingleCycleLayouter
Whether or not the radius for the layout should be determined automatically.
setAutoSizePolicy(byte) - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Sets the autosize policy for this label.
setBackground(boolean) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Deprecated. use YLabel.setBackgroundColor(Color) instead
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Sets the background color to be used.
setBackgroundPainted(boolean) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Deprecated. use YLabel.setBackgroundColor(Color) instead
setBackgroundRenderer(BackgroundRenderer) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets the BackgroundRenderer of this view.
setBackupRealizersHandler(Graph2D.BackupRealizersHandler) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Sets the delegate class that is responsible for acting upon calls to the methods Graph2D.backupRealizers(EdgeCursor) and Graph2D.backupRealizers(NodeCursor).
setBadOrthogonal(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Determines the way that edges which cannot be routed should be drawn.
setBarycenterModeActive(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter
Setter for property barycenterModeActive.
setBendDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
Setter for property bendDistance.
setBendReductionThreshold(int) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Sets the limit, when bends are removed and a straight line is drawn instead.
setBendsSelected(BendCursor, boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Sets the selection state for the given bends.
setBendsSelected(Edge, boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Sets the selection state for the bends given by the edge.
setBendsSelected(EdgeCursor, boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Sets the selection state for the bends given by the edges.
setBestFitRotationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Set whether or not to choose a best fit rotation angle instead of the one set by GraphTransformer.setRotationAngle(double).
setBool(Face, boolean) - Method in interface y.layout.planar.FaceMap
Associates the given boolean value to with the given edge.
setBool(Object, boolean) - Method in interface y.base.NodeMap
Associates the given boolean value to the given node.
setBool(Object, boolean) - Method in interface y.base.EdgeMap
Associates the given boolean value to the given edge.
setBool(Object, boolean) - Method in interface y.base.DataAcceptor
Sets a boolean value associated with the given data holder.
setBool(Object, boolean) - Method in class y.util.NodeMapAdapter
Associates the given boolean value to with the given node.
setBool(Object, boolean) - Method in class y.util.EdgeMapAdapter
Associates the given boolean value to with the given edge.
setBool(Object, boolean) - Method in class y.util.DataAcceptorAdapter
Throws UnsupportedMethodException.
setBorderInsets(Insets) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
Sets the size of the empty border that will be added to the minimal bounds of this realizer.
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets the bounds of this component.
setBounds(YRectangle) - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutData
Sets the bounds of the label.
setBox(YRectangle) - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutImpl
Returns the bounding box of the label
setBufferedMode(boolean) - Method in class y.module.LayoutModule
Whether or not to perform the layout process in buffered mode.
setCallback(GMLTokenizer.Callback) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
Setter for property callback.
setCancelKeyCode(int) - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
Sets the virtual key code as defined in KeyEvent which cancels the edge creation.
setCenter(double, double) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultNodeLayout
Sets the center coordinates of the node.
setCenter(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Sets the center location of this realizer
setCenter(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setCenter(double, double) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Set the coordinates of the center of the node.
setCenter(double, double) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets the world coordinate that should be displayed in the center of this view.
setCenter(Node, double, double) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Sets the center coords of the given node.
setCenter(Node, double, double) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Sets the center coords of the given node.
setCenter(Node, YPoint) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Sets the position of a node in a drawing.
setCenterNode(Node) - Method in class y.view.RadialBackgroundRenderer
Sets the center node around which the radials should be painted.
setCenterToSpaceRatio(double) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Determines the ratio between two complementary weighting strategies, namely center driven and space driven weighting, when looking for an edge path.
setCenterX(double) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setCenterX(double) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Set the x coordinate of the center of the node.
setCenterY(double) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setCenterY(double) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Set the y coordinate of the center of the node.
setChannel(double, double, byte) - Method in class y.layout.router.ChannelRouter
Sets the channel bounds and direction.
setChild(ViewMode, MouseEvent, MouseEvent) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Sets a child mode for this mode.
setChild(ViewMode, MouseEvent, MouseEvent, MouseEvent) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Sets a child mode for this mode.
setChildComparator(Comparator) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeModel
Sets a comparator used to sort the children in each folder.
setClassPathProfilePath(String) - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
Sets the relative path from the class path to the profile that will be used for loading the properties into this instance upon invokation of GlobalProperties.load().
setClassType(Class) - Method in class y.option.OptionItem
setClipEnlargementValue(int) - Method in class y.view.DefaultGraph2DRenderer
Sets the clip enlargemnt value.
setClipType(byte) - Method in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
Sets the clip type used to cofigure the viewport.
setClipType(byte) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DPrinter
Sets the clipping type to be applied for printing.
setClosedGroupIcon(Icon) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
Sets the icon to be used for the state label when the group is closed.
setColor(Color) - Method in class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
Sets the color used to paint the background.
setColumnCount(int) - Method in class y.io.TiledImageOutputHandler
Sets the number of columns the output image will be split into.
setCompactness(double) - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Setter for property compactness.
setCompactnessFactor(double) - Method in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Sets the compactness factor for this layouter.
setComparator(Comparator) - Method in class y.layout.tree.TreeLayouter
Sets the comparator for outgoing edges at a node This comparator defines the relative order of the child nodes in the layout to be calculated.
setComponentLayouter(LayoutStage) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Sets the LayoutStage responsible for laying out the connected components of the graph.
setComponentLayouterEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Whether or not to enable the ComponentLayouter.
setComponentSpacing(double) - Method in class y.layout.ComponentLayouter
Setter for property componentSpacing.
setCoreLayouter(Layouter) - Method in interface y.layout.LayoutStage
Sets the core layouter.
setCoreLayouter(Layouter) - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutTranslator
setCoreLayouter(Layouter) - Method in class y.layout.BendConverter
Sets the core layouter.
setCoreLayouter(Layouter) - Method in class y.layout.AbstractLayoutStage
Sets the core layouter.
setCoreLayouter(Layouter) - Method in class y.layout.organic.SplitEdgeLayoutStage
Sets the core layouter.
setCoreLayouter(Layouter) - Method in class y.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter
Sets the core layouter.
setCoreLayouter(Layouter) - Method in class y.layout.organic.RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage
Sets the core layouter.
setCoreLayouter(Layouter) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrganicEdgeRouter
Sets the core layouter.
setCoreLayouter(Layouter) - Method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
setCoreLayouter(Layouter) - Method in class y.layout.tree.TreeComponentLayouter
Sets the core layouter.
setCoupledDistances(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Whether or not the minimum distances should be coupled, i.e., whether half the value set for the minimum distance between edge segments should automatically be used as the minimum distance between edge segments and nodes, or a custom value should be used instead.
setCreateEdgeMode(ViewMode) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Sets the minor create edge mode associated with this mode.
setCurrentView(View) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Sets the current view.
setCustomBorderCapacity(int) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Determines the custom value for the capacity of the routing border around the graph's bounding box.
setCustomBorderCapacityEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Whether or not a custom value for the capacity of the routing border around the graph's bounding box should be applied.
setCustomHeight(int) - Method in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
Sets the height of the viewport.
setCustomWidth(int) - Method in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
Sets the width of the viewport.
setDefaultEdgeRealizer(EdgeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Sets the default edge realizer.
setDefaultFolderNodeRealizer(NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.DefaultHierarchyGraphFactory
Sets the default node realizer for folder nodes.
setDefaultGroupNodeRealizer(NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.DefaultHierarchyGraphFactory
Sets the default node realizer for group nodes.
setDefaultNodeRealizer(NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Sets the default node realizer.
setDelegate(Drawer) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianDrawerWrapper
Sets the drawer to which the actual drawing will be delegated.
setDensity(double) - Method in class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel
Set the density to generate label candidate positions.
setDetailsShowing(boolean) - Method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
Setter for property detailsShowing.
setDeterministic(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Setter for property deterministic.
setDeterministic(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.organic.GRIP
Setter for property deterministic.
setDirectedMode(boolean) - Method in class y.algo.Dfs
Whether or not to interpret the edges of the graph as directed.
setDirection(double, double) - Method in class y.view.Scroller
Sets the direction of the scrolling by a direction vector (x,y).
setDirty() - Method in class y.view.Port
Marks this port and it's associated edge realizer as dirty.
setDirty() - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Marks this realizer as dirty.
setDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Sets the distance of the label to the node for external label positions.
setDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
Sets the distance from the edge.
setDistance(double) - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Sets the distance of the label to the node.
setDistance(double) - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Sets the distance of the label to the edge.
setDistances(double, double) - Method in class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel
Set the minimum and maximum distance for the label to the edge.
setDouble(Face, double) - Method in interface y.layout.planar.FaceMap
Associates the given double value to with the given edge.
setDouble(Object, double) - Method in interface y.base.NodeMap
Associates the given double value to the given node.
setDouble(Object, double) - Method in interface y.base.EdgeMap
Associates the given double value to the given edge.
setDouble(Object, double) - Method in interface y.base.DataAcceptor
Sets a double value associated with the given data holder.
setDouble(Object, double) - Method in class y.util.NodeMapAdapter
Associates the given double value to with the given node.
setDouble(Object, double) - Method in class y.util.EdgeMapAdapter
Associates the given double value to with the given edge.
setDouble(Object, double) - Method in class y.util.DataAcceptorAdapter
Throws UnsupportedMethodException.
setDrawEdgesFirst(boolean) - Method in class y.view.DefaultGraph2DRenderer
Sets the drawing order of edges and nodes.
setDrawer(Drawer) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Sets the drawer which is responsible for the third phase of the algorithm.
setDrawer(Drawer) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
Sets the drawer which is responsible for the third phase of the algorithm.
setDrawingMode(int) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets the drawing mode for this view.
setDummyMap(NodeMap) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianDrawerWrapper
setDummyMap(NodeMap) - Method in interface y.layout.hierarchic.Drawer
Gives the drawer the opportunity to distinguish between dummy nodes and real ones. dummy stores the original edge for each dummy node or null for real nodes.
setDummyMap(NodeMap) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Gives the drawer the opportunity to distinguish between dummy nodes and real ones. dummy stores the original edge for each dummy node or null for real nodes.
setEdgeEncoder(ObjectEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.GraphObjectEncoder
Setter for property edgeEncoder.
setEdgeGroupOverlapAllowed(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Sets the policy for edge groups.
setEdgeLabelLayout(Object, EdgeLabelLayout[]) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultGraphLayout
setEdgeLabelModel(EdgeLabelModel) - Method in class y.layout.EdgeLabelLayoutImpl
Sets the edge label model associated with this label layout
setEdgeLayout(Object, EdgeLayout) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultGraphLayout
setEdgeLengthKey(Object) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Set the key to the data provider, which stores the length of the edges.
setEdgeOverlapPenalty(double) - Method in class y.layout.LabelCandidate
setEdgesDirty() - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setEdgesDirty() - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Marks adjacent edge realizers as dirty.
setEncoderFactory(EncoderFactory) - Static method in class y.io.GMLIOHandler
Setter for the EncoderFactory (Singleton)
setEndPointsAbs(Edge, YPoint, YPoint) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Set the two endpoints of an edge in absolute coordinates.
setEnum(Object[]) - Method in class y.option.EnumOptionItem
Sets the range of possible values.
setEnum(Object[], Object) - Method in class y.option.EnumOptionItem
Sets the range of possible values.
setEnvironmentName(String) - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
Sets the environment name that will be queried for an filename that will be used for loading the properties into this instance upon invokation of GlobalProperties.load().
setEpsilon(double) - Method in class y.layout.router.ChannelRouter
Setter for property epsilon.
setEpsilonChannelIgnored(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.router.ChannelRouter
Determines if subchannel lengths smaller than epsilon should be ignored by the channelrouter.
setExchangeRealizersOnBackup() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
Returns the exchangeRealizerOnBackup policy used.
setExchangeRealizersOnBackup(boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
Controls whether or not an exchange of the realizers associated with a node or edge is desired when backing them up.
setExitStatus(short) - Method in class y.module.YModule
Sets the exit status of this module.
setExpanded(boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DNodeRealizer
Sets the expansion state of this realizer.
setFaceOf(Edge, Face) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Sets to which face an edge belongs.
setFillColor(Color) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setFillColor(Color) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Sets the fill color for this realizer.
setFillColor2(Color) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setFillColor2(Color) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Sets the second fill color for this realizer.
setFinalRounds(int) - Method in class y.layout.organic.GRIP
Sets the number of Fruchtermann Reingold rounds (final)
setFinalTemperature(double) - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Setter for property finalTemperature.
setFireGraphEventsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
Whether or not this hider should fire graph events when adding or removing items from the graph.
setFireGraphEventsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.util.GraphHider
Whether or not this hider should fire graph events when adding or removing items from the graph.
setFitContentOnResize(boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Specifies whether or not to fit the content inside the view automatically whenever this component changes it's size.
setFixedRadius(double) - Method in class y.layout.circular.SingleCycleLayouter
Sets a fixed radius for the cycle on which the nodes of the graph will be placed.
setFocusNode(Node) - Method in class y.view.LayoutMorpher
Sets the node being focused at the end of the animation.
setFont(Font) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Sets the font in which the text of this label gets displayed.
setFontName(String) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Sets the font name of this label.
setFontSize(int) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Sets the font size for this label.
setFontStyle(int) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Sets the font style for this label.
setFrame(double, double, double, double) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setFrame(double, double, double, double) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Sets the frame of the realizer, i.e. its size and its location.
setFrame(Rectangle2D) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setFrame(Rectangle2D) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Sets the frame of the realizer, i.e. its size and its location.
setFreeOffset(double, double) - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Sets the free offset for this label.
setGlobalSequencingActive(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
Determines whether a global sequencing heuristic should be used.
setGrabFocusEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Whether or not the UI focus should be grabbed by the Graph2DView associated with this mode, when pressing the mouse button.
setGraph(Graph) - Method in class y.layout.planar.VertexOrder
Sets the graph for which the vertex order is computed.
setGraph2D(Graph2D) - Method in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
Sets the reference graph used to configure the viewport when clip type ViewPortConfigurator.CLIP_GRAPH is active.
setGraph2D(Graph2D) - Method in class y.module.YModule
Sets the graph being acted upon.
setGraph2D(Graph2D) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets the graph that this view displays.
setGraph2DRenderer(Graph2DRenderer) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets the renderer used to render the bound Graph2D.
setGraph2DView(Graph2DView) - Method in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
Sets the reference view used to configure the viewport when clip type ViewPortConfigurator.CLIP_VIEW is active.
setGraph2DView(Graph2DView) - Method in class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
Sets the view for this renderer.
setGraphEncoder(ObjectEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphObjectEncoder
Setter for property graphEncoder.
setGraphEncoder(ObjectEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.GmlObjectEncoder
Setter for property graphEncoder.
setGraphFactory(GraphFactory) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Sets the graph factory used by this manager to create new nodes and graphs.
setGravityFactor(double) - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Sets the gravity factor.
setGrid(int) - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Sets the size of the grid on which the nodes and edges are placed.
setGrid(int) - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalGroupLayouter
Sets the grid distance.
setGridColor(Color) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets the color of the grid By default the grid is painted in gray.
setGridCursorPosition(double, double) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets the position of the gridcursor.
setGridMode(boolean) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Enable/Disable grid mode of the Graph2DView
setGridMode(boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Turns grid on or off on the view.
setGridOrigin(int, int) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Sets a grid point coordinate used when grid routing is enabled.
setGridResolution(double) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets resolution of the grid.
setGridRoutingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Whether or not to route edge segments on grid lines.
setGridSpacing(double) - Method in class y.layout.ComponentLayouter
Setter for property gridSpacing.
setGridSpacing(int) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Sets the grid spacing to be assumed when grid routing is enabled.
setGridType(int) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets type of the grid.
setGridVisible(boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Turns grid's visibility on or off on the view.
setGroupBorderWidth(int) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyEditMode
Sets the width of the active group node border.
setGroupBoundsCalculator(GroupBoundsCalculator) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.RecursiveGroupLayouter
Sets the new GroupBoundsCalculator instance.
setGroupBoundsCalculator(GroupBoundsCalculator) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
Sets the GroupBoundsCalculator instance.
setGroupBoundsCalculator(GroupBoundsCalculator) - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Setter for property groupBoundsCalculator.
setGroupBoundsCalculator(GroupBoundsCalculator) - Method in class y.layout.organic.GroupedShuffleLayouter
Sets the new GroupBoundsCalculator instance.
setGroupClosed(boolean) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
Opens or closes the group node realizer.
setGroupDepthFillColorEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
Whether or not the fill color of this node should be adapted to reflect the local group depth of this node within the graph hierarchy.
setGroupingActive(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.ComponentLayouter
Determines whether grouping information bound to the graph should be used to determine the connectedness of the graph structure.
setGroupNodeCompactness(double) - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Sets the compactness of group nodes.
setGroupNodeHider(LayoutStage) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Sets the LayoutStage that is responsible for hiding away grouping information for the layout algorithm.
setGroupNodeHidingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Whether or not to hide away group nodes before the layout begins.
setGroupNodePolicy(byte) - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Sets the policy for group nodes.
setGuiFactory(GuiFactory) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Setter for property guiFactory.
setHeight(double) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setHeight(double) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Sets the height of this realizer.
setHeight(float) - Method in class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Sets the height of the arc.
setHierarchicSloppyPaintOrderEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.view.DefaultGraph2DRenderer
Whether or not to paint nodes in the correct hierarchic order when when in sloppy mode.
setHighlightedBendColor(Color) - Static method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Sets the color of all highlighed bends By default the color Color.green is set.
setHorizontalOverlapCriterium(byte) - Method in class y.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter
setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(int) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets the scroll bar policy for the horizontal scroll bar.
setHorizontalSpace(double) - Method in class y.layout.tree.HVTreeLayouter
Sets the horizontal distance between adjacent nodes.
setHorizontalSpace(double) - Method in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
Sets the horizontal distance between adjacent nodes.
setHotSpotColor(Color) - Static method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Sets the color of the hotspot marks for all realizers.
setHotSpotMode(ViewMode) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Setter for child mode HotSpotMode.
setHTMLTableGenerationActive(boolean) - Method in class y.io.TiledImageOutputHandler
Whether or not to generate an HTML page that displays the image tiles in one large table.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class y.option.ColorListCellRenderer
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Sets the icon that is displayed by this label.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class y.view.InterfacePort
Sets an icon that is displayed at the port location.
setIgnoreEdgeLabels(boolean) - Method in class y.io.TGFIOHandler
Whether or not to ignore edge labels when reading or writing edges.
setIgnoreNodeLabels(boolean) - Method in class y.io.TGFIOHandler
Whether or not to ignore node labels when reading or writing nodes.
setImage(Image) - Method in class y.view.ImageNodeRealizer
Sets the image that will be displayed by this realizer.
setImage(Image) - Method in class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
Sets the image that will be displayed in the background.
setImageOrigin(double, double) - Method in class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
Sets the origin (upper left corner) of the image.
setImageResource(URL) - Method in class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
Sets the image resource from which the background image should be loaded.
setImageURL(URL) - Method in class y.view.ImageNodeRealizer
Sets the URL of the image that will be displayed by this realizer.
setIndentDepth(int) - Method in class y.io.ImageMapOutputHandler
Sets the indent depth.
setInfo(ListCell, Object) - Method in class y.base.YList
Updates the element residing in the given ListCell.
setInfo(Object) - Method in class y.base.ListCell
Assigns the given element to this cell.
setInitialPlacement(byte) - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Sets the initial placement strategy.
setInitialTemperature(double) - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Setter for property initialTemperature.
setInitialTemperature(int) - Method in class y.layout.organic.GRIP
Sets the inital temperature for each round.
setInnerGraph(Graph2D) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DNodeRealizer
Sets the inner graph that this realizer should display as its contents.
setInnerGraphDisplayEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
Sets whether or not the inner graph of a folder node should be displayed.
setInnerPortsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Whether edge ports should lay inside the node's bounding box or on its border.
setInsets(Insets) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Sets the insets for this label.
setInt(Face, int) - Method in interface y.layout.planar.FaceMap
Associates the given integer value to with the given edge.
setInt(Object, int) - Method in interface y.base.NodeMap
Associates the given integer value to the given node.
setInt(Object, int) - Method in interface y.base.EdgeMap
Associates the given integer value to the given edge.
setInt(Object, int) - Method in interface y.base.DataAcceptor
Sets an integer value associated with the given data holder.
setInt(Object, int) - Method in class y.util.NodeMapAdapter
Associates the given integer value to with the given node.
setInt(Object, int) - Method in class y.util.EdgeMapAdapter
Associates the given integer value to with the given edge.
setInt(Object, int) - Method in class y.util.DataAcceptorAdapter
Throws UnsupportedMethodException.
setInterEdgeConfigurator(InterEdgeConfigurator) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Sets the InterEdgeConfigurator for this class.
setInterEdgeEncoder(ObjectEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.HierarchicGraphObjectEncoder
Setter for property interEdgeEncoder.
setInterEdgeRoutingStyle(byte) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.FixedGroupLayoutStage
Sets the inter-edge routing style used by this layouter.
setInternalLabelingAlgorithm(AbstractLabelingAlgorithm) - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutDataRefinement
Sets the internal labeling algorithm used to improve the label positions.
setInterpretedValue(Object) - Method in class y.option.EnumOptionItem
This method can be used in conjunction with the empty constructor and the EnumOptionItem.add(Object, Object) method.
setIOHandler(IOHandler) - Method in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
Sets a specific IOHandler to be used by this module.
setIOMode(byte) - Method in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
Sets the I/O mode the module is working in.
setIsInsertedEdge(Edge, boolean) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Sets if an edge had been inserted in the planarization process.
setItemListener(ItemListener) - Method in class y.option.EnumOptionItem
Sets the ItemListener for the editor component being used.
setIterationFactor(double) - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Sets the iteration factor.
setIterations(int) - Method in class y.layout.planar.GT
Set number of iterations when randomization is used.
setKeepBends(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.planar.DrawingEmbedder
Sets if bends should be replaced by dummy nodes.
setLabel(NodeLabel) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setLabel(NodeLabel) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Sets the first label associated with this realizer.
setLabelEncoder(ObjectEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.NodeObjectEncoder
Setter for property labelEncoder.
setLabelEncoder(ObjectEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.EdgeObjectEncoder
Setter for property labelEncoder.
setLabelLayout(Edge, EdgeLabelLayout[]) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultLayoutGraph
Sets the EdgeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given edge.
setLabelLayout(Node, NodeLabelLayout) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultLayoutGraph
Sets the NodeLabelLayout object which describes the layout of the label that belongs to the given node.
setLabelLayouter(LayoutStage) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Sets the algorithm used for placing labels
setLabelLayouterEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Whether or not to enable the labeling algorithm.
setLabelModel(EdgeLabelModel) - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
setLabelModel(NodeLabelModel) - Method in class y.layout.NodeLabelLayoutImpl
Sets the node label model associated with this label layout
setLabelModel(NodeLabelModel) - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Sets the NodeLabelModel implementation.
setLabelText(Edge, String) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Sets the given label text for the given edge.
setLabelText(Node, String) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Sets the given label text for the given node.
setLabelText(String) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setLabelText(String) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Sets the text of the first label associated with this realizer.
setLabelText(String) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Sets the text of the associated label for this realizer.
setLastHitInfo(HitInfo) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
setLaxity(double) - Method in class y.layout.organic.GRIP
Setter for property laxity.
setLayer(byte) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setLayer(byte) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Sets the logical graphical layer for this realizer.
setLayer(byte) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Sets the logical graphical layer for this realizer.
setLayer(byte, boolean) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setLayer(byte, boolean) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Sets the layer this realizer should be painted on.
setLayerAll(byte) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Sets the layer for all bound node and edge realizers of this graph.
setLayerer(Layerer) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Sets the Layerer, which is responsible for the first phase of the algorithm.
setLayerer(Layerer) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
setLayeringStrategy(byte) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Sets a predefined layering strategy.
setLayeringStrategy(byte) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
setLayerSequencer(LayerSequencer) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Sets the LayerSequencer, which is responsible for the second phase of the algorithm.
setLayerSequencer(LayerSequencer) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
setLayout(Edge, EdgeLayout) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultLayoutGraph
Sets the layout information for an edge in the drawing.
setLayout(Node, NodeLayout) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultLayoutGraph
Sets the layout information for a node in the drawing.
setLayoutBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class y.layout.random.RandomLayouter
Sets the rectangle, inside which the layout should be placed.
setLayoutGraph(LayoutGraph) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
setLayoutOrientation(byte) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Sets the main layout orientation.
setLayoutQuality(double) - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalGroupLayouter
Sets the desired layout quality.
setLayoutStyle(byte) - Method in class y.layout.circular.CircularLayouter
Sets the layout style for this layouter.
setLayoutStyle(byte) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Sets the layout style for this layouter.
setLayoutStyle(byte) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
setLayoutStyle(int) - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Sets the layout style for this layouter.
setLayoutStyle(int) - Method in class y.layout.tree.TreeLayouter
Sets the layout style of this layouter.
setLineColor(Color) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Sets the color used to draw a border around the bounding box of this label.
setLineColor(Color) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setLineColor(Color) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Sets the outline color for this realizer.
setLineColor(Color) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Sets the line color of the edge path.
setLineDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.ParallelEdgeLayouter
setLineType(LineType) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setLineType(LineType) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Sets the line type for this realizer.
setLineType(LineType) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Sets the line type for the edge path.
setLocalCrossingMinimizationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Whether or not a local crossing minimization strategy should be applied.
setLocation(double, double) - Method in interface y.layout.NodeLayout
Sets the coordinates of the upper left corner of the node.
setLocation(double, double) - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutData
Sets the coordinate of the upper left corner of the label.
setLocation(double, double) - Method in class y.layout.FreeNodeLabelModel
setLocation(double, double) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultNodeLayout
setLocation(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Sets the upper left corner location of this realizer.
setLocation(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setLocation(double, double) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Sets the coordinates of the upper left corner of the node.
setLocation(double, double) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Moves the entire graph to some location.
setLocation(double, double) - Method in class y.view.Bend
Sets the absolute location of this bend to the given coordinates.
setLocation(Node, double, double) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Sets the upper left coords of the given node.
setLocation(Node, double, double) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Sets the upper left coords of the given node.
setLocation(Node, YPoint) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Set the position of the node in a drawing.
setLookFurtherMode(boolean) - Method in class y.algo.Dfs
Whether or not to continue the depth first search after all nodes reachable from the first node were visited.
setMainArgument(String) - Method in class y.util.CommandLineArguments
Setter for property mainArgument.
setMapName(String) - Method in class y.io.LinkMap
Specifies this map's name.
setMargin(int) - Method in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
When clip type ViewPortConfigurator.CLIP_GRAPH is being used, then an additionaly margin of the given size will be added to the size of the viewport.
setMaximalDeviationAngle(int) - Method in class y.layout.circular.CircularLayouter
Sets the maximal deviation angle allowed for an edge.
setMaximalDuration(long) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Sets a time limit for the algorithm in milliseconds
setMaximalDuration(long) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer
Sets the maximum amount of time granted for this sequencer per execution.
setMaximumDuration(long) - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Setter for property maximumDuration.
setMaximumDuration(long) - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Sets the maximal duration granted to this layouter.
setMaximumSize(int) - Method in class y.base.CommandStream
Sets the maximum size of this stream
setMaximumTileSize(int, int) - Method in class y.io.TiledImageOutputHandler
Sets the maximum size for each output image tile.
setMaximumUndoDepth(int) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
Sets the maximum number of commands stored on the undo stream.
setMaxWidth(int) - Method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
Setter for property maxWidth.
setMemento(Object) - Method in interface y.layout.hierarchic.MementoSupport
Sets a previously created memento Object to be used for the next operation
setMementoMode(byte, boolean) - Method in interface y.layout.hierarchic.MementoSupport
Sets the mode for each phase of the algorithm.
setMinimalDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrganicEdgeRouter
Setter for property minimalDistance.
setMinimalEdgeDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.TreeDrawer
setMinimalEdgeDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianDrawerWrapper
setMinimalEdgeDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Sets the minimal distance between edges that run in parallel.
setMinimalEdgeDistance(double) - Method in interface y.layout.hierarchic.Drawer
Sets the minimal distance between two edges in the same layer.
setMinimalEdgeDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Sets the minimal distance between two edges in the same layer.
setMinimalEdgeLength(int) - Method in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Sets the minimal edge length that this layouter assigns to layed out edges.
setMinimalFirstSegmentLength(double) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Sets the minimal length of first and last edge segments for edge routing.
setMinimalInsets(Insets) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
Sets the insets that define the minimal distance between the border of the group node and its graph content.
setMinimalLayerDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.TreeDrawer
setMinimalLayerDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianDrawerWrapper
setMinimalLayerDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Sets the minimal distance between two layers.
setMinimalLayerDistance(double) - Method in interface y.layout.hierarchic.Drawer
Sets the minimal distance between two layers.
setMinimalLayerDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Sets the minimal distance between two layers.
setMinimalLayerDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.tree.TreeLayouter
Sets the minimal distance between adjacent layers for the layout.
setMinimalMultiEdgeDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.TreeDrawer
setMinimalMultiEdgeDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianDrawerWrapper
setMinimalMultiEdgeDistance(double) - Method in interface y.layout.hierarchic.Drawer
Sets the minimal distance between two edges sharing source/target (aka multiedges) in the same layer.
setMinimalMultiEdgeDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Sets the minimal distance between two edges sharing source/target in the same layer.
setMinimalNodeDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.TreeDrawer
setMinimalNodeDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianDrawerWrapper
setMinimalNodeDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Sets the minimal distance between two nodes in the same layer.
setMinimalNodeDistance(double) - Method in interface y.layout.hierarchic.Drawer
Sets the minimal distance between two nodes in the same layer.
setMinimalNodeDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
Sets the minimal distance between two nodes in the same layer.
setMinimalNodeDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Setter for property minimalNodeDistance.
setMinimalNodeDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter
Sets the minimal distance between nodes that has to be obeyed by this layouter.
setMinimalNodeDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.tree.TreeLayouter
Sets the minimum distance between adjacent nodes within a layer.
setMinimalNodeDistance(int) - Method in class y.layout.circular.SingleCycleLayouter
Sets the minimal distance to keep between the nodes on the cycle This feature is ignored if the automatic radius feature is deactivated.
setMinimalRadius(double) - Method in class y.layout.circular.SingleCycleLayouter
setMinimumDistance(int) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Sets the minimum distance between edge segments.
setMinimumDistanceToNode(int) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Sets the minimum distance between edge segments and nodes.
setMode(byte) - Method in class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
Sets the mode in which the backgorund should be painted.
setMode(ViewMode) - Method in class y.view.ViewControl
Sets a new active view mode.
setModel(byte) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Sets a model specifier fo this label.
setModel(byte) - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Set the label model.
setModel(byte) - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Sets the placement model for this label.
setModelParameter(Object) - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutImpl
Sets the label model parameter that describes the position of this label.
setModelParameter(Object) - Method in interface y.layout.LabelLayout
Sets the label model parameter that describes the position of this label.
setModelParameter(Object) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultNodeLabelLayout
setModelParameter(Object) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
setModelParameter(Object) - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
NodeLabelModel implementation.
setModelParameter(Object) - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
setModuleName(String) - Method in class y.module.YModule
Sets name of this module.
setMorphingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.module.LayoutModule
Setter for property morphingEnabled.
setMoveLabelMode(ViewMode) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Setter for child mode MoveLabelMode.
setMovePortMode(ViewMode) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Setter for child mode MovePortMode.
setMoveSelectionMode(ViewMode) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Sets the minor move selection mode associated with this mode.
setName(String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Sets the name of the option handler
setName(String) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Set the name of this mode, important for resource handling
setNodeEncoder(ObjectEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.GraphObjectEncoder
Setter for property nodeEncoder.
setNodeLabelLayout(Object, NodeLabelLayout[]) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultGraphLayout
setNodeLayout(Object, NodeLayout) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultGraphLayout
setNodeModel(int) - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Deprecated. use OrthogonalLayouter.setLayoutStyle(int) instead.
setNodeOverlapPenalty(double) - Method in class y.layout.LabelCandidate
setNodeOverlapsAllowed(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Setter for property nodeOverlapsAllowed.
setNodeSequencer(NodeSequencer) - Method in class y.layout.circular.SingleCycleLayouter
Sets the node sequencer used to determine the order of nodes around a cycle.
setNodeSizeAware(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Setter for property nodeSizeAware.
setNodeSizeAware(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.organic.GRIP
Setter for property nodeSizeAware.
setNoLayoutEdgeMap(EdgeMap) - Method in class y.layout.planar.DrawingEmbedder
Sets the map, for which edges the layout information cannot be used.
setNoLayoutNodeMap(NodeMap) - Method in class y.layout.planar.DrawingEmbedder
Sets the map, for which nodes the layout information cannot be used.
setObeyNodeSize(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Whether or not the node sizes should be considered by this layouter.
setOffset(double, double) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Sets the positional offset for this label.
setOffset(double, double) - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Sets the offset coordinats of this label.
setOffset(double, double) - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Sets the offset coordinats of this label.
setOffsetDirty() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Marks the label offsets as dirty.
setOffsetDirty() - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
setOffsetDirty() - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
setOffsets(double, double) - Method in class y.view.Port
Sets the center coords of this port relative to the center of the node is connected to.
setOffsetX(double) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Sets the x-coord of the positional offset for this label.
setOffsetX(double) - Method in class y.view.Port
Sets the center x-coord of this port relative to the center of the node is connected to.
setOffsetY(double) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Sets the y-coord of the positional offset for this label.
setOffsetY(double) - Method in class y.view.Port
Sets the center x-coord of this port relative to the center of the node is connected to.
setOldStyleDrawer(boolean) - Static method in class y.view.YLabel
Whether or not to use the old style drawer which was the default before yFiles version
setOpenGroupIcon(Icon) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
Sets the icon to be used for the state label when the group is open.
setOperation(int) - Method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Sets the transformation operation this layouter performs.
setOptionHandler(OptionHandler) - Method in class y.module.YModule
Sets the option handler for this method.
setOptionsIOHandler(OptionsIOHandler) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Setter for property OptionsIOHandler.
setOrientation(byte) - Method in class y.layout.OrientationLayouter
Sets the orientation of the layout.
setOrientation(byte) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.AsIsLayerer
Sets the orientation assumed by this layerer.
setOrientationLayouter(LayoutStage) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Sets the LayoutStage that is responsible for changing the orientation of the computed layout.
setOrientationLayouterEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Whether or not to enable the OrientationLayouter.
setOrientationOptimizationActive(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.tree.TreeComponentLayouter
Setter for property orientationOptimizationActive.
setOrigin(LayoutGraph, NodeList, EdgeList, YPoint, YRectangle) - Method in class y.layout.ComponentLayouter
Sets the origin for a subgraph.
setOrthogonalEdgeRouter(Layouter) - Method in class y.layout.grouping.FixedGroupLayoutStage
Sets the orthogonal edge router instance used to route the inter-edges orthogonally.
setOuterFace(Face) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Sets the outer(unbound,exterior) face of the planar graph.
setPaintDetailThreshold(double) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets the scale threshold after that less detailed versions of the graphs are displayed.
setParallelEdgeLayouter(LayoutStage) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Sets the ParallelEdgeLayouter responsible for routing parallel edges.
setParallelEdgeLayouterEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Whether or not to enable the ParallelEdgeLayouter.
setParent(ViewMode) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Sets the parent mode of a child mode.
setParserFactory(ParserFactory) - Static method in class y.io.GMLIOHandler
Setter for the ParserFactory (Singleton)
setPath(Edge, YList) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Sets the path of an edge.
setPath(Edge, YPointPath) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Sets the path of an edge.
setPlaceEdgeLabels(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Sets if labels assigned to nodes in a graph should be placed.
setPlaceNodeLabels(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Sets if labels assigned to nodes in a graph should be placed.
setPlanarInformation(PlanarInformation) - Method in interface y.layout.planar.Embedder
Set the planar information which will contain the embedding.
setPlanarInformation(PlanarInformation) - Method in class y.layout.planar.DrawingEmbedder
Sets the input planar information.
setPlanarInformation(PlanarInformation) - Method in class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
Set the planar information which will contain the embedding.
setPlanarSubgraphRandomizationIterations(int) - Method in class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
Sets number of iterations used by the planar subgraph algorithm.
setPoint(double, double) - Method in class y.layout.FreeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter
setPoint(double, double) - Method in class y.layout.FreeEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter
setPoint(double, double) - Method in class y.layout.EdgeOppositeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter
setPoint(int, double, double) - Method in interface y.layout.EdgeLayout
Sets the coordinates of the control point at position index of the sequence.
setPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultEdgeLayout
setPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
EdgeLayout interface implementation.
setPoints(Edge, YList) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Sets the controllpoints of an edge.
setPoints(Edge, YPointPath) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Sets the controllpoints of an edge.
setPopupMode(PopupMode) - Method in class y.view.NavigationMode
Sets the popup mode for this mode.
setPopupMode(ViewMode) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Sets the minor popup mode associated with this mode.
setPorts(Port, Port) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Sets the specified source- and target-port for this edge realizer.
setPortSnappingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.view.MovePortMode
Sets whether this mode should snap the port to one of the predefined port positions, even if the shift modifier is pressed.
setPortStyle(int) - Method in class y.layout.tree.TreeLayouter
Sets the port assignment style.
setPosition(byte) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Sets a position specifier for this label.
setPosition(byte) - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Sets the position of this label.
setPosition(byte) - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Determines which position the label should have in relation to the node.
setPosterColumns(int) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DPrinter
Sets the number of page columns to be used for printing.
setPosterRows(int) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DPrinter
Sets the number of page rows to be used for printing.
setPrecedence(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class y.view.HitInfo
setPreferedLayoutSize(double, double) - Method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Sets the preferred layout size for this layouter.
setPreferredChildWedge(int) - Method in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Set the preferred radial amount in degrees that all child nodes may occupy around a parent node.
setPreferredDuration(long) - Method in class y.anim.AnimationCommand
Sets the preferred animation length in milliseconds that the display of all provided animation frames should last.
setPreferredEdgeLength(double) - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Setter for property preferredEdgeLength.
setPreferredEdgeLength(int) - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Sets the general edge length that should be attained by this layouter By default an edge length of 80 is set.
setPreferredEdgeLength(int) - Method in class y.layout.organic.GRIP
sets the desired edge length
setPreferredEditorWidth(int) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Sets the preferred width of the option editor
setPreferredLayoutSize(double, double) - Method in class y.layout.ComponentLayouter
Sets the preferred layout size for this layouter.
setPreferredMinimalNodeDistance(double) - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Setter for property preferredMinimalNodeDistance.
setPreferredPlacement(byte) - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutData
Sets the preferred placement for this label.
setPreferredPlacement(byte) - Method in class y.layout.EdgeLabelLayoutImpl
Sets the preferred placement of this label
setPreferredPlacement(byte) - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
setPreferredRootWedge(int) - Method in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Sets the preferred radial amount in degrees that stay unoccupied around the root node of the graph Allowed values lie within 0 and 360 degrees.
setPrintPosterCoords(boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DPrinter
Whether or not to number the pages by poster coordinates.
setProfileFilePath(File) - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
Sets the file this class writes the settings to if the GlobalProperties.store() method is invoked;
setProfitModel(ProfitModel) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
setProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
convenience setter
setProperty(String, byte) - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
convenience setter
setProperty(String, double) - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
convenience setter
setProperty(String, float) - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
convenience setter
setProperty(String, int) - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
convenience setter
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
setProxyNodeRealizerEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.DefaultHierarchyGraphFactory
Whether or not this class should assign a proxy node realizer to all group and folder nodes.
setQuality(float) - Method in class y.io.JPGIOHandler
Sets the quality level of JPG encoding.
setQualityTimeRatio(double) - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Setter for property qualityTimeRatio.
setRadialColors(Color, Color) - Method in class y.view.RadialBackgroundRenderer
Sets the radial colors that should be used.
setRadials(int, int) - Method in class y.view.RadialBackgroundRenderer
Sets equidistant radials for this renderer.
setRadials(Vector) - Method in class y.view.RadialBackgroundRenderer
Sets the radials for this renderer.
setRandomizationRounds(int) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer
Sets the number of additional rounds the algorithm will restart with randomized solutions as long as there might be a better solution to the current best.
setRankingPolicy(byte) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.TopologicalLayerer
Sets the (re)ranking policy used within this layerer.
setRatio(double) - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Sets the source-target distance ratio of the label
setRatio(float) - Method in class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Sets the ratio between the distance of the end nodes of the edges and the height of the arc.
setRealizer(Edge, EdgeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Sets the EdgeRealizer for the given edge.
setRealizer(int, NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
Sets the i-th realizer in the list of realizers maintained by this class.
setRealizer(Node, NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Sets the NodeRealizer for the given node.
setRealizerDelegate(NodeRealizer) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
Sets the delegation target of this proxy realizer.
setRealizerEncoder(ObjectEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.NodeObjectEncoder
Setter for property realizerEncoder.
setRealizerEncoder(ObjectEncoder) - Method in class y.io.gml.EdgeObjectEncoder
Setter for property realizerEncoder.
setReferences(LinkMap) - Method in class y.io.ImageMapOutputHandler
setRemoveEdgeOverlaps(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Sets how to handle label candidates which overlap with edges.
setRemoveFalseCrossings(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Whether or not false crossings should be removed from the layout.
setRemoveFalseCrossings(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer
Whether or not to remove so-called false crossings in an additional phase.
setRemoveNodeOverlaps(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Sets how to handle label candidates which overlap with nodes.
setRenderer(ListCellRenderer) - Method in class y.option.EnumOptionItem
Sets the ListCellRenderer for the editor component used.
setRepulsion(int) - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Setter for property repulsion.
setRerouteIterations(int) - Method in class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
sets the number of iterations over the list of all splitted edges
setReverse(Edge, Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Set two edges as reverse to each other.
setRootNodePolicy(byte) - Method in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Sets the root node policy that determines which node is chosen as (virtual) tree root for the layout process.
setRootPlacement(Object) - Method in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
Setter for property rootPlacement.
setRootValue(Object) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeCellRenderer
Sets the value used to render the root graph of the hierarchy.
setRotationAngle(double) - Method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Sets the angle of rotation.
setRounds(int) - Method in class y.layout.organic.GRIP
Sets the number of Kamada Kawai rounds (initial)
setRoutingAll(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrganicEdgeRouter
Setter for property routingAll.
setRoutingPolicy(Object) - Method in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
Setter for property routingPolicy.
setRoutingStyle(byte) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Sets the edge routing style.
setRoutingStyle(byte) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Sets the preferred routing style for the edges to be routed.
setRowCount(int) - Method in class y.io.TiledImageOutputHandler
Sets the number of rows the output image will be split into.
setScaleFactor(double) - Method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Sets the uniform scaling factor used for the SCALE operation.
setScaleFactors(double, double) - Method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Sets the scaling factors for the x-coordinates and y-coordinates used for the SCALE operation.
setScaleNodeSize(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Whether or not to scale node sizes when performing the SCALE operation.
setScalingFactor(double) - Method in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
Sets the scaling factor that will be applied to the size of the viewport.
setScalingFactor(double) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DPrinter
Sets the scale factor which is used when the scaling type is set to Graph2DPrinter.SCALING_FIX.
setScalingType(byte) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DPrinter
Sets the scaling type to be applied for printing.
setScope(byte) - Method in class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Setter for property scope.
setScrollBarPolicy(int, int) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets the scroll bar policy for the scroll bars.
setSecureDrawingMode(boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
If set to true, all drawing optimizations will be disabled.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Sets the selection state of this realizer.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Sets the selected state of this realizer.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class y.view.Bend
Sets the selected state of this bend.
setSelected(Edge, boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Sets the selected state for the given edge.
setSelected(EdgeCursor, boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Sets the selection state for the given edges.
setSelected(Node, boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Sets the selection state for the given node.
setSelected(NodeCursor, boolean) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Sets the selection state for the given nodes.
setSelection(Object) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Sets the key, under which the labeling selection can be retrieved.
setSelectionBoxBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets the bounds of the selection box beeing displayed while in SELECTION_BOX_MODE.
setSelectionBoxBounds2D(Rectangle2D) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets the bounds of the selection box beeing displayed while in SELECTION_BOX_MODE.
setSelectionBoxMode(ViewMode) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
Sets the minor selection box mode associated with this mode.
setSelectionColor(Color) - Static method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Sets the color of all selected edges.
setSelectionStroke(LineType) - Static method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Sets the stroke of a selected edges.
setSelectSubject(boolean) - Method in class y.view.PopupMode
Sets whether or not to automatically select the subject (node, edge, bend,...) for which the popup menu gets activated.
setSelfLoopLayouter(LayoutStage) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Sets the LayoutStage responsible for routing Selfloops.
setSelfLoopLayouterEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Whether or not to enable the SelfLoopLayouter.
setShapeType(byte) - Method in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Sets the shape type of this realizer.
setShapeType(byte) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setShuffleLayouter(Layouter) - Method in class y.layout.organic.GroupedShuffleLayouter
Sets the new layouter instance, that will be used for shuffling (removing node overlaps).
setSimpleModeActive(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter
Whether or not to activate a simple layout mode.
setSize(double, double) - Method in interface y.layout.NodeLayout
Sets the size of the node.
setSize(double, double) - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutData
Sets the size of the label.
setSize(double, double) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultNodeLayout
setSize(double, double) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Sets the size of this label.
setSize(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Sets the size of the realizer.
setSize(double, double) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setSize(double, double) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Sets the size of the realizer.
setSize(Node, double, double) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Sets the size of the given node.
setSize(Node, double, double) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Sets the size of the given node.
setSize(Node, YDimension) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Set the size of the node in a drawing.
setSizeDirty() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Marks the size of the label as dirty
setSizeDirty() - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
setSizeType(byte) - Method in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
Sets the size type used to cofigure the viewport.
setSloppySelectionColor(Color) - Static method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Sets the fill color of the node used when drawing a selected node in sloopy mode..
setSmartInitialPlacement(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.organic.GRIP
Setter for property smartInitialPlacement.
setSmoothedBends(boolean) - Method in class y.view.PolyLineEdgeRealizer
Sets whether or not to draw bends in a smoothed fashion.
setSmoothViewTransform(boolean) - Method in class y.view.LayoutMorpher
If set the animation will smoothly transform the view's zoom level and translation.
setSourceArrow(Arrow) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Sets the arrow at the source location of the edge path.
setSourcePoint(YPoint) - Method in interface y.layout.EdgeLayout
Sets the relative coordinates of the first endpoint of this layout that is associated with the source node of the edge.
setSourcePoint(YPoint) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultEdgeLayout
setSourcePoint(YPoint) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
EdgeLayout interface implementation.
setSourcePointAbs(Edge, YPoint) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Sets the coordinates of the source endpoint of an edge in absolute coordinates.
setSourcePointRel(Edge, YPoint) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Sets the coordinates of the source endpoint of an edge in relative coordinates to the center of the source node.
setSourcePort(Port) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Sets the specified source port to this edge realizer.
setSpeed(double) - Method in class y.anim.AnimationPlayer
Sets the speed factor for the player.
setSphereOfAction(byte) - Method in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Sets the sphere of action for this layouter.
setSphereOfAction(byte) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Sets the edge (sub-)set to be routed.
setSplitSegmentLength(double) - Method in class y.layout.organic.SplitEdgeLayoutStage
Sets the split segment length.
setStateLabel(NodeLabel) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
Sets the state label of this realizer.
setStoreRects(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
Debug only.
setStraighteningFactor(int) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.SimplexDrawer
setStringValue(String) - Method in class y.option.OptionItem
Sets the stringified value of this option item if the classType property is set, it uses the y.util.ObjectStringConversion class to perform its task, otherwise it will return null.
setStringValue(String) - Method in class y.option.EnumOptionItem
Sets the stringified value of this option item if the classType property is set, it uses the y.util.Serialization class to perform its task, otherwise it will return null.
setStringValue(String, String, String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Sets the value for the option that has the given name in the given section
setStrongPortsScalingActive(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
Sets the property strongPortsScalingActive.
setSubgraphLayouter(LayoutStage) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Sets the LayoutStage that is responsible for constraining the layout process to a subgraph of the target graph.
setSubgraphLayouterEnabled(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Whether or not to enable the SubgraphLayouter.
setSynchronizedMode(boolean) - Method in class y.anim.AnimationPlayer
Set or resets synchronized mode of the player. the animation player should be used in synchronized mode whenever the player is run in a separate thread so that synchronization with the AWT thread is necessary.
setTargetArrow(Arrow) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Same as EdgeRealizer.setArrow(Arrow).
setTargetPoint(YPoint) - Method in interface y.layout.EdgeLayout
Sets the relative coordinates of the second endpoint of this layout that is associated with the target node of the edge.
setTargetPoint(YPoint) - Method in class y.layout.DefaultEdgeLayout
setTargetPoint(YPoint) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
EdgeLayout interface implementation.
setTargetPointAbs(Edge, YPoint) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Sets the coordinates of the target endpoint of an edge in absolute coordinates.
setTargetPointRel(Edge, YPoint) - Method in class y.layout.LayoutGraph
Sets the coordinates of the target endpoint of an edge in relative coordinates to the center of the target node.
setTargetPort(Port) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Sets the specified target port to this edge realizer.
setText(String) - Method in class y.option.ColorListCellRenderer
setText(String) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Sets the text being displayed by this label.
setText(String) - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Sets the text of this node label.
setText(String) - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Sets the text of this edge label.
setTextColor(Color) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Sets the text color of this label.
setTipText(String) - Method in class y.option.OptionItem
Sets the tooltip text for the item editor.
setToCurrent(ViewMode) - Method in class y.view.ViewControl
Sets the given view mode as current view mode.
setToImageSize() - Method in class y.view.ImageNodeRealizer
Sets the size of this realizer to the original size of the image being displayed.
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets the tool tip text. this method can be used in a view mode to show tip texts to show context sensitive tips over nodes, etc.
setTransparent(boolean) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setTransparent(boolean) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Sets the transparancy of the realizer.
setTreeComponentCoreLayouter(Layouter) - Method in class y.layout.tree.TreeComponentLayouter
Setter for property treeComponentCoreLayouter.
setType(Node, int) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Sets the type for a node.
setURL(URL) - Method in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
Sets the location of the file to which the module either will export or import the diagram.
setURL(URL) - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Sets the URL of this Graph2D.
setUseBiconnectedComponents(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
sets indicator for usage of bccs is allowed or not resp.
setUseCrossingPostprocessing(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Sets if postprocessing is used to reduce the number of crossings.
setUseEdgeRerouting(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
sets indicator for edge rerouting is allowed or not resp.
setUseLengthReduction(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Sets if the algorithm optimizes over the length of the edges.
setUseNewlines(boolean) - Method in class y.io.ImageMapOutputHandler
Sets the useNewlines flag.
setUseRandomization(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Sets if a randomization strategy is used.
setUseRandomization(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
sets indicator for randomization is allowed or not resp.
setUserHomeProfilePath(String) - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
Sets the relative path from the user home to the profile that will be used for loading the properties into this instance upon invokation of GlobalProperties.load().
setUseSketchDrawing(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Sets if the existing drawing should be used as sketch.
setUseSmartRouting(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.planar.EdgeRouter
Sets if smart routing should be used.
setUseSmartRouting(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.planar.CombinatorialEmbedder
Sets if smart routing should be used.
setUseSpacePostprocessing(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
setUseTransposition(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer
Whether or not an additional crossing minimization heuristic should be used.
setUsingBends(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.router.OrganicEdgeRouter
Setter for property usingBends.
setUsingGroups(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer
Setter for property usingGroups.
setUsingIntegers(boolean) - Method in class y.option.EnumOptionItem
setValue(Object) - Method in class y.option.StringOptionItem
setValue(Object) - Method in class y.option.PasswordOptionItem
setValue(Object) - Method in class y.option.OptionItem
Sets the value of this option item
setValue(Object) - Method in class y.option.IntOptionItem
setValue(Object) - Method in class y.option.FileOptionItem
setValue(Object) - Method in class y.option.EnumOptionItem
Sets the current value of this option item.
setValue(Object) - Method in class y.option.DoubleOptionItem
setValue(Object) - Method in class y.option.ComponentOptionItem
Does nothing.
setValue(Object) - Method in class y.option.CommentOptionItem
Does nothing.
setValue(Object) - Method in class y.option.ColorOptionItem
setValue(Object) - Method in class y.option.BoolOptionItem
setValueUndefined(boolean) - Method in class y.option.OptionItem
Whether or not the editor should start up displaying an undefined value.
setValueUndefined(boolean) - Method in class y.option.ColorOptionItem
setVerticalSpace(double) - Method in class y.layout.tree.HVTreeLayouter
Sets the vertical distance between adjacent nodes.
setVerticalSpace(double) - Method in class y.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
Sets the vertical distance between adjacent nodes.
setViewContainer(ViewContainer) - Method in class y.view.ViewControl
Set the ViewContainer on which this ViewControl works.
setViewContainer(ViewContainer) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
Sets the view container this undomanager is associated with.
setViewControl(ViewControl) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets the view control for this view.
setViewCursor(Cursor) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse is over this view.
setViewPoint(int, int) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets the world coordinate that is being displayed at the upper left corner of this view.
setViewPoint2D(double, double) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets the world coordinate that is being displayed at the upper left corner of this view.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Sets the visibility state of this label.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Sets the visibility state of this realizer.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Sets the visiblility state of this realizer.
setWeightHeuristic(byte) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer
Sets the weight heuristic to be used.
setWellFormed(boolean) - Method in class y.io.ImageMapOutputHandler
Sets the policy for the generated html/xhtml.
setWidth(double) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setWidth(double) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Sets the width of this realizer.
setWorldRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets the bounds of the world rectangle.
setX(double) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setX(double) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Sets the X-Coordinate of the upper left corner of the node.
setY(double) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
setY(double) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Sets the Y-Coordinate of the upper left corner of the node.
setZoom(double) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Sets the current zoom level that will be used to display the contents.
shakePartition(YList, int) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
Shakes a given partition of a Layer, i.e. it calculates the forces for each part of the partition and applies them if possible.
shape - Variable in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
The graphical shape representation that gets painted.
ShapeNodeRealizer - class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer.
A node realizer that displays a node as a geometric shape.
ShapeNodeRealizer() - Constructor for class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Creates a new ShapeNodeRealizer with rectangular at position (0,0) and with empty label
ShapeNodeRealizer(byte) - Constructor for class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Creates a new ShapeNodeRealizer at position (x,y) with specific type and empty label.
ShapeNodeRealizer(byte, double, double, String) - Constructor for class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Creates a new ShapeNodeRealizer
ShapeNodeRealizer(NodeRealizer) - Constructor for class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Creates a new ShapeNodeRealizer as a copy of the given realizer.
shapeTypeToStringMap() - Static method in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Returns a map whose keys are the shape type specifiers wrapped in Byte objects.
SHEAD - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
SHEAD - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge label position specifier.
SHORT - Static variable in class y.view.Arrow
An arrow that is short and broad.
SHORT_TYPE - Static variable in class y.view.Arrow
Arrow type constant that describes arrow Arrow.SHORT
ShortestPaths - class y.algo.ShortestPaths.
Provides diverse algorithms and helper methods for solving the shortest path problem on weighted graphs.
shouldSerialize(Edge, DataProvider) - Method in class y.io.IOHandler
Determines whether the given edge should be serialized.
shouldSerialize(Node, DataProvider) - Method in class y.io.IOHandler
Determines whether the given node should be serialized.
SHOW - Static variable in class y.anim.AnimationEvent
Event hint specifier.
show(Component, int, String) - Method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
show(Component, String, Exception) - Static method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
show(Component, String, int, Exception) - Static method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
show(Component, String, int, String, String) - Static method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
show(Component, String, String, String) - Static method in class y.util.DetailedMessagePanel
show(Exception) - Static method in class y.util.D
Displays the stack trace generated by the given exception in a dialog window.
showCircularEdgeOrder() - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Prints circular edge order on output.
showEdgePartitionResult(ArrayList, ArrayList) - Method in class y.layout.planar.GT
showEdgeRecoveryInfo(boolean) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
this method shows all edges being split to planarize the graph and what has become of them (a list of subedges).
showEdgeTips(boolean) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
If set to true this mode will show a tip displaying whatever is returned by EditMode.getEdgeTip(Edge e).
showEditor() - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Displays the editor for this option handler as a modal dialog window It uses OptionHandler.OK_RESET_CANCEL_BUTTONS as button mask.
showEditor(Frame) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Displays the editor for this option handler as a modal dialog window It uses OptionHandler.OK_RESET_CANCEL_BUTTONS as button mask.
showEditor(Frame, byte) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Displays the editor for this option handler as a modal dialog window
showError(Object) - Static method in class y.util.D
Displays the string representation of the given object in a dialog window.
showFaces() - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Prints faces on output.
showGraph - Static variable in class y.layout.labeling.MISLabelingAlgorithm
showGraphicDebug(EdgeList, EdgeList, int[]) - Method in class y.layout.planar.GT
showIncidentEdges(NodeMap, NodeMap, EdgeMap, EdgeMap) - Method in class y.layout.planar.GT
showNodeTips(boolean) - Method in class y.view.EditMode
If set to true this mode will show a tip displaying whatever is returned by EditMode.getNodeTip(Node v).
showPopup(JPopupMenu, double, double) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Displays the given popup menu at world coordinate (x,y).
showVertexOrder(int[]) - Method in class y.layout.planar.GT
ShuffleLayouter - class y.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter.
This layout stage removes node overlaps in a layout graph by using a method which is based on a famous russian arcade game.
ShuffleLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter
Creates a new instance of ShuffleLayouter.
ShuffleLayoutModule - class y.module.ShuffleLayoutModule.
Module for the Shuffle Layout Algorithm.
ShuffleLayoutModule() - Constructor for class y.module.ShuffleLayoutModule
Creates a new Instance of this Module.
SIDE_SLIDER - Static variable in class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel
SIDE_SLIDER - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge label model specifier.
sideOfCircle(YPoint, YPoint, YPoint, YPoint) - Static method in class y.geom.Geom
Returns +1 if point d lies left of the directed circle through points a, b, and c, 0 if a,b,c and d are cocircular, and -1 otherwise.
SIDES - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label model specifier.
SIDES_MASK - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Position mask that constrains the positions to DiscreteNodeLabelModel.EAST, DiscreteNodeLabelModel.WEST, DiscreteNodeLabelModel.NORTH and DiscreteNodeLabelModel.SOUTH.
simple(Graph, int[], int[]) - Static method in class y.algo.RankAssignments
This method quickly calculates a tight tree using a highly optimized version of gansners algorithm .
simple(Graph, NodeMap, EdgeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.RankAssignments
This method quickly calculates a tight tree using a highly optimized version of gansners algorithm .
SimpleEdgeRouter - class y.layout.planar.SimpleEdgeRouter.
Instances of this class route edges through a planar graph using it's dual graph
SimpleEdgeRouter(PlanarInformation) - Constructor for class y.layout.planar.SimpleEdgeRouter
SimplePlanarInformation - class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation.
This class defines a planar embedded graph.
SimplePlanarInformation.SimpleEdgeInfo - class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation.SimpleEdgeInfo.
Class hold all information related to an edge.
SimplePlanarInformation.SimpleEdgeInfo() - Constructor for class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation.SimpleEdgeInfo
SimplePlanarInformation(Graph) - Constructor for class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Returns a new instance of Planar Information for a graph.
SIMPLEX - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Layout style specifier.
simplex(Graph, NodeMap, DataProvider, DataProvider) - Static method in class y.algo.RankAssignments
Solves the rank assignment problem using the simplex method.
simplex(Graph, NodeMap, DataProvider, DataProvider, EdgeMap, Node, boolean) - Static method in class y.algo.RankAssignments
Similar to RankAssignments.simplex(Graph,NodeMap,DataProvider,DataProvider).
SimplexDrawer - class y.layout.hierarchic.SimplexDrawer.
Drawer based on rank-assignment.
SimplexDrawer() - Constructor for class y.layout.hierarchic.SimplexDrawer
simplifyGraph() - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides all selfloops and multiple edges from the graph.
simplifyGraph() - Method in class y.util.GraphHider
Hides all selfloops and multiple edges from the graph.
SINGLE_CYCLE - Static variable in class y.layout.circular.CircularLayouter
Layout style specifier.
SingleCycleLayouter - class y.layout.circular.SingleCycleLayouter.
A layouter that places the nodes of a graph on a cycle.
SingleCycleLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.circular.SingleCycleLayouter
singleSource(Graph, Node, boolean, DataProvider, NodeMap, NodeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
Like ShortestPaths.singleSource(Graph, Node, boolean, double[], double[], Edge[]) but uses NodeMaps and DataProviders instead of arrays.
singleSource(Graph, Node, boolean, double[], double[]) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
This method solves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
singleSource(Graph, Node, boolean, double[], double[], Edge[]) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
Like ShortestPaths.singleSource(Graph, Node, boolean, double[], double[]) but additionally this method yields the path edges of each calculated shortest path.
singleSourceSingleSink(Graph, Node, Node, boolean, DataProvider) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
Similar to ShortestPaths.singleSourceSingleSink(Graph,Node,Node,boolean,DataProvider,NodeMap) but instead of returning the shortest distance between the source and sink the actual shortest edge path between these nodes will be returned.
singleSourceSingleSink(Graph, Node, Node, boolean, DataProvider, NodeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
Like ShortestPaths.singleSourceSingleSink(Graph, Node, Node, boolean, double[], Edge[]) but uses NodeMaps and DataProviders instead of arrays.
singleSourceSingleSink(Graph, Node, Node, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
Similar to ShortestPaths.singleSourceSingleSink(Graph,Node,Node,boolean,double[],Edge[]) but instead of returning the shortest distance between the source and sink the actual shortest edge path between these nodes will be returned.
singleSourceSingleSink(Graph, Node, Node, boolean, double[], Edge[]) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
This method solves the single-source single-sink shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
SIX_POS - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
SIX_POS - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge label model specifier.
SIZE_USE_CUSTOM_HEIGHT - Static variable in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
Size policy specifier.
SIZE_USE_CUSTOM_WIDTH - Static variable in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
Size policy specifier.
SIZE_USE_ORIGINAL - Static variable in class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
Size policy specifier.
size() - Method in class y.base.YList
Returns the number of elements in this list
size() - Method in class y.base.YList.ListCursorImpl
size() - Method in interface y.base.YCursor
Returns the number of elements that can be accessed with this cursor.
size() - Method in class y.util.BoundedStack
Returns the number of elements in this stack.
size() - Method in class y.util.BoundedQueue
Returns the number of elements in this queue.
size() - Method in interface y.util.pq.NodePQ
Returns the number of nodes currently in this queue
size() - Method in class y.util.pq.ListIntNodePQ
Returns the number of nodes still in the queue.
size() - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapNodePQ
Returns the number of nodes currently in this queue
size() - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapIntNodePQ
Returns the number of nodes currently in this queue
size() - Method in class y.util.pq.BHeapDoubleNodePQ
Returns the number of nodes currently in this queue
sizeDirty - Variable in class y.view.YLabel
SliderEdgeLabelModel - class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel.
This class implements the slider labeling model for edges.
SliderEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter - class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter.
The model parameters for the slider model.
SliderEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter(int, double, YVector, byte, double) - Constructor for class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter
SliderEdgeLabelModel(byte) - Constructor for class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel
Returns a new slider edge model.
SmartEdgeRouter - class y.layout.planar.SmartEdgeRouter.
Instances of this class route edges through a planar graph using it's dual graph
SmartEdgeRouter(PlanarInformation) - Constructor for class y.layout.planar.SmartEdgeRouter
SmartOrganicLayouter - class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter.
This class can be used as a convenience class to gain access to a variety of organic layout algorithms.
SmartOrganicLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.organic.SmartOrganicLayouter
Creates a new instance of SmartOrganicLayouter
SmartOrganicLayoutModule - class y.module.SmartOrganicLayoutModule.
Wrapper class for SmartOrganicLayouter.
SmartOrganicLayoutModule() - Constructor for class y.module.SmartOrganicLayoutModule
solveMIS(Label[]) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.SALabeling
Calculates labeling with simulated annealing.
solveMIS(Label[]) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.MISLabelingAlgorithm
Here the maximum independent set problem should be solved.
solveMIS(Label[]) - Method in class y.layout.labeling.GreedyMISLabeling
Solving the MIS Problem in a greedy fashion.
sort() - Method in class y.base.YList
Sorts the specified array of objects into ascending order, according to the natural ordering of its elements.
sort(Comparator) - Method in class y.base.YList
Sorts the elements in this list according to the given comparator.
sortChildNodes(Node) - Method in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Sort child nodes according to their wedge angle sizes.
sortEdges(Comparator, Comparator) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Sorts the out- and ingoing edges at each node of the graph.
sortInEdges(Comparator) - Method in class y.base.Node
Sorts ingoing edges at this node according to c.
Sorting - class y.algo.Sorting.
This class provides methods for efficiently sorting graph elements in graph structures.
sortNodesByDegree(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.Sorting
Sort nodes by degree in ascending order
sortNodesByIntKey(Graph, DataProvider) - Static method in class y.algo.Sorting
sortOutEdges(Comparator) - Method in class y.base.Node
Sorts outgoing edges at this node according to c.
SOURCE_GROUPID_KEY - Static variable in interface y.layout.PortConstraintKeys
Key used to associate a DataProvider that provides source port group information for edges of the input graph.
SOURCE_PORT_CONSTRAINT_KEY - Static variable in interface y.layout.PortConstraintKeys
Key used to associate a DataProvider that provides source port constraints for edges of the input graph.
source() - Method in class y.base.Edge
Returns the source node connected to this edge.
sourceNodeDeclined(Node, double, double) - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
This method gets called in case method CreateEdgeMode.acceptSourceNode(Node, double, double) returns false.
SOUTH - Static variable in class y.layout.PortConstraint
Weak constraint specifier.
SOUTH - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Symbolic position specifier.
SOUTH_EAST - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Symbolic position specifier.
SOUTH_WEST - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Symbolic position specifier.
SpanningTrees - class y.algo.SpanningTrees.
Provides (minimum) spanning tree algorithms for graphs.
SpanningTrees() - Constructor for class y.algo.SpanningTrees
SPHERE_OF_ACTION_NODES - Static variable in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
DataProvider key used in conjunction with the sphere-of-action feature.
splice(YList) - Method in class y.base.YList
Transfers the contents of the given list to the end of this list.
SplineEdgeRealizer - class y.view.SplineEdgeRealizer.
This realizer draws an edge as a natural cubic sline curve.
SplineEdgeRealizer() - Constructor for class y.view.SplineEdgeRealizer
Default Constructor.
SplineEdgeRealizer(EdgeRealizer) - Constructor for class y.view.SplineEdgeRealizer
Constrcts a new SplineEdgeRealizer as a copy of the given realizer.
SPLIT - Static variable in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
SplitEdgeLayoutStage - class y.layout.organic.SplitEdgeLayoutStage.
This layout stage replaces edges by a path of nodes before it calls a core layouter.
SplitEdgeLayoutStage() - Constructor for class y.layout.organic.SplitEdgeLayoutStage
Creates a new instance of SplitEdgeLayouter
splitFace(Edge, Face[], Face[]) - Method in interface y.layout.planar.SubdivisionHandler
A face is split by adding an edge.
splitFace(Edge, Face[], Face[]) - Method in class y.layout.planar.DualPlanarInformation
splitFace(Face, Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Splits a face into two parts by introducing an edge.
splitFace(Face, Edge, Edge, Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Splits a face into two parts by introducing an edge.
splitFaceWithSelfLoop(Edge, Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Inserts one selfloop into an existing face.
st(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.NodeOrders
Like NodeOrders.st(Graph, int[]) but the result is returned as a NodeList.
st(Graph, int[]) - Static method in class y.algo.NodeOrders
Assigns an ST-order to the nodes of a biconnected graph.
STAIL - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
STAIL - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge label position specifier.
STANDARD - Static variable in class y.view.Arrow
A unicolored arrow that has the shape of a triangle with impressed bottom side.
STANDARD_TYPE - Static variable in class y.view.Arrow
Arrow type constant that describes arrow Arrow.STANDARD.
start() - Method in class y.util.Timer
Starts or restarts this timer, if not already running.
start(Graph) - Method in class y.algo.Dfs
Starts a depth first search on the given graph.
start(Graph2D) - Method in class y.module.YModule
Main module startup routine.
start(Graph, Node) - Method in class y.algo.Dfs
Starts a depth first search on the given graph.
start(Node, Node, DataProvider) - Method in class y.layout.planar.IntDSP
startAsThread(Graph2D) - Method in class y.module.YModule
Starts this module as a thread.
stateMap - Variable in class y.algo.Dfs
NodeMap that indicates the state of the nodes as they are visited by this algorithm.
stop() - Method in class y.util.Timer
Stops this timer, if not already stopped.
stopScroller() - Method in class y.view.Scroller
Stops the thread.
store() - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
store the properties to disc
store(File) - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
Store the properties to the specified file.
store(Object) - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
try to serialize the object using a previously installed ObjectStore
store(Object, Map, ObjectStringConverter) - Method in interface y.util.ObjectStore
This method takes an object, uses the supplied converter to transform the attributes of the object into string values and puts the attribute-name string-value pairs in the supplied propertyMap.
store(Object, Map, ObjectStringConverter) - Method in class y.util.BeanSerializer
storeAll() - Method in class y.util.GlobalProperties
store all elements registered previously to the underlying properties instance
straightenPath(ListCell, ListCell, double[]) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
Helper method for use in minPath.
StringOptionItem - class y.option.StringOptionItem.
An option item for Strings.
StringOptionItem(String, String) - Constructor for class y.option.StringOptionItem
Creates a new instance of StringOptionItem.
StringOptionItem(String, String, int) - Constructor for class y.option.StringOptionItem
Creates a bew instance of StringOptionItem.
STYLE_ADHOC - Static variable in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Routing style specifier.
STYLE_PREFERMIDDLE - Static variable in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Routing style specifier.
STYLE_SHORTPATH - Static variable in class y.layout.router.OrthogonalEdgeRouter
Routing style specifier.
subdivide(Edge, Edge[]) - Method in interface y.layout.planar.SubdivisionHandler
This method is handled every time the method subdivide (PlanarInformation) is invoked.
subdivide(Edge, Edge[]) - Method in class y.layout.planar.DualPlanarInformation
subdivideEdge(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Splits an edge into two parts by introducing a dummy node.
subdivideEdge(Edge, int) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
Splits an edge into two parts by introducing a dummy node.
SubdivisionHandler - interface y.layout.planar.SubdivisionHandler.
This interface is for handling subdivide events invoked by method subdivide (PlanarInformation).
SUBGRAPH_INSERTION - Static variable in class y.base.GraphEvent
Type constant that identifies an event that gets fired after a subgraph of another graph has been moved to this graph.
SUBGRAPH_REMOVAL - Static variable in class y.base.GraphEvent
Type constant that identifies an event that gets fired after a subgraph of a graph has been moved to another graph.
SubgraphLayouter - class y.layout.SubgraphLayouter.
A layout stage that filters out all graph elements that are not part of a subgraph that is induced by the selected nodes of the input graph.
SubgraphLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.SubgraphLayouter
SubgraphLayouter(Layouter) - Constructor for class y.layout.SubgraphLayouter
subscribe() - Method in class y.layout.planar.DualPlanarInformation
SUBTREE_ORIENTATION - Static variable in class y.layout.tree.HVTreeLayouter
The data provider key used to specify the subtree orientation of each node in the tree.
succ() - Method in class y.base.ListCell
Returns the successor cell of this cell.
succCell(ListCell) - Method in class y.base.YList
Returns the successor cell of ListCell c.
SUCCESS - Static variable in class y.module.YModule
Exit state constant.
successors() - Method in class y.base.Node
Returns a node cursor for all successor nodes of this node.
SuffixFileFilter - class y.io.SuffixFileFilter.
A file filter that accepts file names with a specific suffix.
SuffixFileFilter(String, String) - Constructor for class y.io.SuffixFileFilter
Creates a new instance of YFileFilter.
SuffixFileFilter(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class y.io.SuffixFileFilter
Creates a new instance of YFileFilter.
SW - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label position specifier for label model NodeLabel.CORNERS and NodeLabel.EIGHT_POS.
swap(YPoint) - Static method in class y.geom.YPoint
Returns a copy of the given point with exchanged x- and y-coordinates.


TAB_TILING - Static variable in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
TAB_VIEWPORT - Static variable in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule
TAIL - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
TAIL - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge label position specifier.
TAIL_RATIO - Static variable in class y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel
TAIL_RATIO - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge label position specifier.
TARGET_GROUPID_KEY - Static variable in interface y.layout.PortConstraintKeys
Key used to associate a DataProvider that provides target port group information for edges of the input graph.
TARGET_PORT_CONSTRAINT_KEY - Static variable in interface y.layout.PortConstraintKeys
Key used to associate a DataProvider that provides target port constraints for edges of the input graph.
target() - Method in class y.base.Edge
Returns the target node connected to this edge.
targetNodeDeclined(Node, double, double) - Method in class y.view.CreateEdgeMode
This method gets called in case method CreateEdgeMode.acceptTargetNode(Node, double, double) returns false.
TCENTER - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
TCENTR - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge label position specifier.
TGFInput - class y.module.io.TGFInput.
Imports a diagram from a TGF file.
TGFInput() - Constructor for class y.module.io.TGFInput
TGFIOHandler - class y.io.TGFIOHandler.
Reads and Writes a Graph2D in a trivial graph format (TGF).
TGFIOHandler() - Constructor for class y.io.TGFIOHandler
Instantiates a new TGFIOHandler.
TGFOutput - class y.module.io.TGFOutput.
Exports a diagram to a TGF file.
TGFOutput() - Constructor for class y.module.io.TGFOutput
THEAD - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
THEAD - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge label position specifier.
THREE_CENTER - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
THREE_CENTER - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge label model specifier.
TIGHT_TREE - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.TopologicalLayerer
Ranking policy specifier.
TILED - Static variable in class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
Mode constant.
TiledImageOutputHandler - class y.io.TiledImageOutputHandler.
This output handler is responsible for exporting a diagram to mutliple image tiles that make up a complete image.
TiledImageOutputHandler(IOHandler) - Constructor for class y.io.TiledImageOutputHandler
Creates a new instance of TiledImageOutputHandler.
Timer - class y.util.Timer.
Provides timer functionality.
Timer() - Constructor for class y.util.Timer
Creates a new instance of a timer.
Timer(boolean) - Constructor for class y.util.Timer
Creates a new instance of a timer, initially active or not.
toAffineLine() - Method in class y.geom.LineSegment
Returns the affine line defined by the end points of the line segment.
toArray() - Method in class y.base.YList
Returns an array representation of this List.
toArray() - Method in class y.geom.YPointPath
Get the points in the list as array.
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class y.base.YList
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this list in the correct order.
toArray(YCursor, Object[]) - Static method in class y.util.Cursors
Creates or fills an array with the values provided by the cursor
toEdgeArray() - Method in class y.base.EdgeList
Returns an edge array containing all elements of this list in the canonic order.
toEdgeListArray(Graph, EdgeMap, int) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphConnectivity
Transforms the return values of GraphConnectivity.biconnectedComponents(Graph, EdgeMap) to an array of type EdgeList, like it is returned by GraphConnectivity.biconnectedComponents(Graph).
toFirst() - Method in class y.base.YList.ListCursorImpl
toFirst() - Method in interface y.base.YCursor
Moves this cursor to the first valid cursor position (optional).
toggle() - Method in class y.util.Timer
Toggles the activation state if this timer.
toLast() - Method in class y.base.YList.ListCursorImpl
toLast() - Method in interface y.base.YCursor
Moves this cursor to the last valid cursor position (optional).
toNodeArray() - Method in class y.base.NodeList
Returns a node array containing all elements of this list in the canonic order.
toNodeList(Graph, int[]) - Static method in class y.algo.NodeOrders
Converts an array-based result yielded by a method of this class to a NodeList that contains all nodes of the order in the correct sequence.
toNodeListArray(Graph, NodeMap, int) - Static method in class y.algo.GraphConnectivity
Transforms the return values of GraphConnectivity.connectedComponents(Graph, NodeMap) to an array of type NodeList, like it is returned by GraphConnectivity.connectedComponents(Graph).
TOP - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Symbolic position specifier.
TOP - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label position specifier for label model NodeLabel.INTERNAL.
TOP_LEFT - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Symbolic position specifier.
TOP_LEFT - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label position specifier for label model NodeLabel.INTERNAL.
TOP_RIGHT - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Symbolic position specifier.
TOP_RIGHT - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label position specifier for label model NodeLabel.INTERNAL.
TOP_TO_BOTTOM - Static variable in interface y.layout.LayoutOrientation
Orientation specifier.
top() - Method in class y.util.BoundedStack
Returns the element that has been pushed last on this stack.
top() - Method in class y.util.BoundedQueue
Returns the front element in this queue.
topological(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.NodeOrders
Returns a topological node order of an acyclic graph.
topological(Graph, int[]) - Static method in class y.algo.NodeOrders
Assigns a topological order to the nodes of an acyclic graph.
TopologicalLayerer - class y.layout.hierarchic.TopologicalLayerer.
This class implements the first phase of the sugiyama algorithm.
TopologicalLayerer() - Constructor for class y.layout.hierarchic.TopologicalLayerer
toString() - Method in class y.base.YList
Returns a string representation of this List.
toString() - Method in class y.base.Node
Returns a string representation of this node.
toString() - Method in class y.base.GraphEvent
toString() - Method in class y.base.Graph
Returns a string representation of this graph.
toString() - Method in class y.base.Edge
Returns a string representation of this edge.
toString() - Method in class y.geom.YVector
Returns a string representation of this vector.
toString() - Method in class y.geom.YRectangle
Returns a string representation of this rectangle
toString() - Method in class y.geom.YPointPath
toString() - Method in class y.geom.YPoint
Returns the coordinates of the point as string.
toString() - Method in class y.geom.YDimension
Returns the size in the form: "W: width H: heigth"
toString() - Method in class y.geom.LineSegment
String representation of the line.
toString() - Method in class y.geom.AffineLine
Returns the equation of the line as String
toString() - Method in class y.io.SuffixFileFilter
toString() - Method in class y.layout.PortConstraint
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class y.layout.LabelLayoutData
Returns a string representation of this object
toString() - Method in class y.layout.LabelCandidate
toString() - Method in class y.layout.FreeEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter
toString() - Method in class y.layout.planar.SimplePlanarInformation
Returns a String of the list of faces
toString() - Method in class y.layout.planar.Face
Returns the edges in the face as string.
toString() - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Returns a String that contains what would be written out by OptionHandler.write(OutputStream).
toString() - Method in class y.util.Tuple
toString() - Method in class y.util.Timer
Returns the elapsed time as String in a minutes, seconds, milliseconds format.
toString() - Method in class y.util.BoundedQueue
toString() - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Returns a string representation of this label.
toString() - Method in class y.view.Port
Returns a string representation of this port.
toString() - Method in class y.view.InterfacePort
Returns a string representation of this port.
toString() - Method in class y.view.Bend
Returns a string representation of this bend, namely it's coords.
touches(Node, Node) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
Helper method which checks wether two adjacent nodes on a layer touch each other, i.e. their distance is smaller than getMinimalLayerDistance(v1, ...)
toVector() - Method in class y.base.YList
Returns a vector representation of this List.
toVector() - Method in class y.geom.YPointPath
Get the points in the list as vector.
toViewCoordX(double) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Transforms a x world-coordinate to a y view-coordinate.
toViewCoordY(double) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Transforms a y world-coordinate to a y view-coordinate.
toWorldCoordX(int) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Transforms a x view-coordinate to a y world-coordinate.
toWorldCoordY(int) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Transforms a y view-coordinate to a y world-coordinate.
toYVector() - Method in class y.geom.LineSegment
Returns the vector pointing from the first end point to the second endpoint of the line segment.
trace() - Static method in class y.util.D
Outputs a stack trace on System.err
trace(Exception) - Static method in class y.util.D
Outputs a stack trace on System.err
TRAILING - Static variable in class y.layout.LayoutTool
Constant which can be used for arrangeRectangleRows.
TRANSFORM - Static variable in class y.view.Util
An Affine Transform that may be used as temporary scratch variable.
transform(YPoint, boolean) - Method in class y.layout.OrientationLayouter
Transforms a point for the preparation or completion phase.
transitiveClosure(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.Transitivity
Calculates the transitive closure for a directed acyclic graph.
transitiveClosure(Graph, EdgeList) - Static method in class y.algo.Transitivity
Like Transitivity.transitiveClosure(Graph), additionally this method returns the edges that have been added to the graph.
transitiveReduction(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.Transitivity
Calculates the transitive reduction for a directed acyclic graph.
transitiveReduction(Graph, EdgeList) - Static method in class y.algo.Transitivity
Like Transitivity.transitiveReduction(Graph) this method calculates the transitive reduction of a graph.
Transitivity - class y.algo.Transitivity.
Provides algorithms to compute reachability information for directed, acyclic graphs: transitive closure transitive reduction
Transitivity() - Constructor for class y.algo.Transitivity
translate(LayoutGraph, double, double) - Static method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphTransformer
Translates the layout coordinates by the vector (dx,dy).
translateX(int) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Returns the world coordinate value of the given x view coordinate value
translateY(int) - Method in class y.view.ViewMode
Returns the world coordinate value of the given y view coordinate value
TRAPEZOID - Static variable in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Shape type constant.
TRAPEZOID_2 - Static variable in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Shape type constant.
TREE - Static variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Layout style specifier.
TreeComponentLayouter - class y.layout.tree.TreeComponentLayouter.
This stage can be used to do mix layouts for treelike subgraph structures and the non-tree like rest of a graph.
TreeComponentLayouter(Layouter) - Constructor for class y.layout.tree.TreeComponentLayouter
Creates a new instance of TreeComponentLayouter using the specified layouter for layouting the subtrees.
TreeDrawer - class y.layout.hierarchic.TreeDrawer.
This class implements the third phase of the hierarchic layout algorithm for trees.
TreeDrawer() - Constructor for class y.layout.hierarchic.TreeDrawer
TreeIntNodePQ - class y.util.pq.TreeIntNodePQ.
Implements a priority queue for nodes based on AVL Trees.
TreeIntNodePQ(Graph) - Constructor for class y.util.pq.TreeIntNodePQ
Returns an empty Priority-Queue.
TreeIntNodePQ(Graph, DataProvider) - Constructor for class y.util.pq.TreeIntNodePQ
Returns a new Priority-Queue initialized with all nodes of the graph.
TreeIntNodePQ(NodeMap) - Constructor for class y.util.pq.TreeIntNodePQ
Returns an empty Priority-Queue.
TreeLayouter - class y.layout.tree.TreeLayouter.
This class is an layouter for trees.
TreeLayouter() - Constructor for class y.layout.tree.TreeLayouter
Creates a new instance of TreeLayouter.
TreeLayoutModule - class y.module.TreeLayoutModule.
Wrapper class for TreeLayouter, BalloonLayouter and HVTreeLayouter
TreeLayoutModule() - Constructor for class y.module.TreeLayoutModule
Trees - class y.algo.Trees.
Provides diverse algorithms and services for tree-structured graphs or subgraphs.
TreeView - class y.view.TreeView.
Shows the nodes of graph in a tree structure.
TreeView(Graph2D) - Constructor for class y.view.TreeView
Create a new TreeView for a Graph2D
TRIANGLE - Static variable in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Shape type constant.
triangulatePoints(Graph, DataProvider, EdgeMap) - Static method in class y.geom.Triangulator
Computes a triangulation of the given points.
triangulatePoints(YList, Graph, NodeMap, EdgeMap) - Static method in class y.geom.Triangulator
Computes a triangulation of the given points.
Triangulator - class y.geom.Triangulator.
This class provides algorithms for the triangulation of point sets in the plane.
Triangulator() - Constructor for class y.geom.Triangulator
TTAIL - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
TTAIL - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge label position specifier.
Tuple - class y.util.Tuple.
This class represents an ordered 2-Tuple that is consistent with equals() and hashCode().
Tuple(Object, Object) - Constructor for class y.util.Tuple
Constructs a 2-Tuple using the two given Objects
TWO_POS - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
TWO_POS - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
Edge label model specifier.


unalias(Graphics2D) - Static method in class y.view.Util
Turns off anti-aliasing mode of a graphics context.
UNBUFFERED_MODE - Static variable in class y.view.Graph2DView
Drawing mode constant.
UNDEFINED - Static variable in class y.option.OptionItem
A value item that can be used to signal that there is no defined value yet.
UNDEFINED - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Dummy node label position specifier.
UNDEFINED - Static variable in class y.view.EdgeLabel
undo() - Method in interface y.base.Command
Undoes the effects of this command.
undo() - Method in class y.view.LayoutMorpher
Not implemented.
undo() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
Causes the next command in line to be undone.
undo() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.Graph2DHierarchyUndoManager
undoWorldTransform(Graphics2D) - Method in class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
Concatenates the inverse of the world transform to the graphics context transform
unfoldSubgraph(Graph, NodeList) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Moves part of a nested graph up the hierarchy to the parent graph.
ungroupSubgraph(NodeList) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager
Conveniance method that moves all given nodes a hierarchy level up, if possible.
unhide(Edge) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Unhides the given edge in this graph.
unhide(Edge) - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
This method will be called whenever the hider is requested to unhide the given edge from the graph.
unhide(Edge) - Method in class y.util.GraphHider
This method will be called whenever the hider is requested to unhide the given edge from the graph.
unhide(Node) - Method in class y.base.Graph
Unhides the given node in this graph.
unhide(Node) - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
This method will be called whenever the hider is requested to unhide the given node from the graph.
unhide(Node) - Method in class y.util.GraphHider
This method will be called whenever the hider is requested to unhide the given node from the graph.
unhideAll() - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
Unhides all formerly hidden elements in the graph.
unhideAll() - Method in class y.util.GraphHider
Unhides all formerly hidden elements in the graph.
unhideEdges() - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
Unhides all formerly hidden edges in the graph.
unhideEdges() - Method in class y.util.GraphHider
Unhides all formerly hidden edges in the graph.
unhideNodes() - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
Unhides all formerly hidden nodes in the graph.
unhideNodes() - Method in class y.util.GraphHider
Unhides all formerly hidden nodes in the graph.
unhidePartition(Object) - Method in class y.util.GraphPartitionManager
unhideSubgraph(Graph, EdgeCursor) - Static method in class y.util.GraphHider
Unhides the subgraph induced by the given edges in the given graph.
UNIFORM_STYLE - Static variable in class y.layout.orthogonal.OrthogonalLayouter
Layout style specifier.
uniform(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.SpanningTrees
Calculates a spanning tree for the given graph.
uniform(Graph, Node, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
This method solves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs where each edge has a uniform cost of 1.0.
uniform(Graph, Node, boolean, double[], Edge[]) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
Like ShortestPaths.uniform(Graph, Node, boolean, double[]) but additionally this method yields the path edges of each calculated shortest path.
uniform(Graph, Node, boolean, NodeMap, NodeMap) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
Like ShortestPaths.uniform(Graph, Node, boolean, double[], Edge[]) but uses NodeMaps instead of arrays.
uniformCost(Graph) - Static method in class y.algo.ShortestPaths
Conveniance method that returns an array containing uniform edge costs of 1.0 for each edge of the given graph.
UNIFY - Static variable in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
unregisterKeyboardAction(KeyStroke) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Unregisters a keyboard action for this view.
unselectAll() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Unselects all nodes, edges and bends in this graph.
unselectBends() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Unselects all bends in this graph.
unselectEdges() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Unselects all edges in this graph.
unselectNodes() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Unselects all nodes in this graph.
unsplitFace(Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
this method unifies two faces seperated by a single edge.
unsplitFace(Edge, Face[], Face[]) - Method in interface y.layout.planar.SubdivisionHandler
Faces are unsplit by removing an edge.
unsplitFace(Edge, Face[], Face[]) - Method in class y.layout.planar.DualPlanarInformation
unsubdivide(Edge[], Edge) - Method in interface y.layout.planar.SubdivisionHandler
This method transfers edge informations from splitted edges to the resulting edge.
unsubdivide(Edge[], Edge) - Method in class y.layout.planar.DualPlanarInformation
unsubdivideEdge(Node) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
reconstruct the edge that was subdivided to gain the dummy node given as the parameter.
unsubscribe() - Method in class y.layout.planar.DualPlanarInformation
unwrap() - Method in class y.util.WrappedObjectDataProvider
Undoes a previous wrap() operation.
updateAutoSizeBounds() - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
Forces recalculation of the autosize bounds.
updateDoubleSelectionBox(double, double) - Method in class y.view.AbstractSelectionBoxMode
Updates the bounds of the active selection box.
updateEdgeRecoveryInfo(Edge, EdgeList, int) - Method in class y.layout.planar.PlanarInformation
this method collects bookkeeping information for consistent recovery.
updateNodeRealizerBounds(NodeRealizer, double, double, double, double) - Method in class y.view.HotSpotMode
This method will be invoked by this view mode when the current bounds of a node need to be updated.
updateNodeRealizerBounds(NodeRealizer, double, double, double, double) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyHotSpotMode
Special handling of NodeRealizers that implement AutoBoundsFeature.
updatePos() - Method in class y.layout.organic.RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage
updates arrays x and y according to the current centers of the nodes
updateView() - Method in interface y.view.View
Redraws the content of this view.
updateView() - Method in class y.view.TreeView
Redraws the content of this view.
updateView() - Method in class y.view.Overview
Updates the View.
updateView() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Forces this view to repaint its contents.
updateViews() - Method in class y.view.Graph2D
Calls updateView on all registered views.
updateWorldRect() - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Updates the current world rectangle.
upperAngle - Variable in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter.NodeInfo
The upper angle of the subtree wedge rooted at the node.
useSection(String) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Switch to specific section.
Util - class y.view.Util.
This class provides some static convenience methods and temporary scratch variables.


value - Variable in class y.option.IntOptionItem
valueForPathChanged(TreePath, Object) - Method in class y.view.GraphTreeModel
Does nothing yet.
valueForPathChanged(TreePath, Object) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyTreeModel
This method propagates the result of the inline editor to the label of the node in the Graph2D, as long as there is one.
vc - Variable in class y.view.ViewControl
verifyMovement(Node, double) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.PendularDrawer
Assures that if distance was applied to the n's x-coordinate no given constraint gets broken.
VERSION_1 - Static variable in class y.util.YVersion
Marker indicating yFiles serialisation version 1
VERSION_2 - Static variable in class y.util.YVersion
Marker indicating yFiles serialisation version 2
VERSION_3 - Static variable in class y.util.YVersion
Marker indicating yFiles serialisation version 3
VERSION_4 - Static variable in class y.util.YVersion
Marker indicating yFiles serialisation version 4
VERSION_5 - Static variable in class y.util.YVersion
Marker indicating yFiles serialisation version 5
VERSION_6 - Static variable in class y.util.YVersion
Marker indicating yFiles serialisation version 6
VERSION_7 - Static variable in class y.util.YVersion
Marker indicating yFiles serialisation version 7
VERSION_8 - Static variable in class y.util.YVersion
Marker indicating yFiles serialisation version 8
VERSION_9 - Static variable in class y.util.YVersion
Marker indicating yFiles serialisation version 9
VERSION_EXPERIMENTAL - Static variable in class y.util.YVersion
Marker indicating experimental yFiles serialisation version
vertexOrder - Variable in class y.layout.planar.GT
VertexOrder - class y.layout.planar.VertexOrder.
Computes an ordering of the vertices of an graph.
VertexOrder() - Constructor for class y.layout.planar.VertexOrder
VERTICAL_SUBTREE - Static variable in class y.layout.tree.HVTreeLayouter
Subtree orientation specifier.
verticalAlignment(LayoutGraph, NodeList[]) - Method in class y.layout.hierarchic.MedianLinearSegmentDrawer
Calculates vertical alignment.
view - Variable in class y.view.ViewMode
The view this mode operates on.
view - Variable in class y.view.DefaultBackgroundRenderer
The assiociated view
View - interface y.view.View.
Interface for classes that implement a view for a Graph2D.
View2DConstants - interface y.view.View2DConstants.
Constants useful in Graph2DView.
ViewChangeListener - interface y.view.ViewChangeListener.
An interface for classes that are interested in the event that a ViewContainer changes it's current view.
ViewContainer - interface y.view.ViewContainer.
A ViewContainer is the owner of a set of views.
ViewControl - class y.view.ViewControl.
This class manages the ViewModes on a collection of views.
ViewControl() - Constructor for class y.view.ViewControl
Creates a new ViewControl
ViewControl(ViewContainer) - Constructor for class y.view.ViewControl
Creates a new ViewControl for a given ViewContainer.
ViewMode - class y.view.ViewMode.
This class handles events comming from a Graph2DView.
ViewMode() - Constructor for class y.view.ViewMode
Creates a new ViewMode
ViewMode(ViewContainer) - Constructor for class y.view.ViewMode
Creates a new ViewMode which is bound to a given ViewContainer
ViewPortConfigurator - class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator.
Convenience class that helps configuring the viewport as it is used by ImageOutputHandler and other classes.
ViewPortConfigurator() - Constructor for class y.io.ViewPortConfigurator
Creates a new instance of ViewPortConfigurator
visitNode(Node) - Method in interface y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager.NodeVisitor
This method will be invoked when the given node gets visited.
vpc - Variable in class y.module.io.IOHandlerModule


w - Variable in class y.layout.DefaultNodeLayout
w - Variable in class y.layout.organic.RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage
widths based on node-indices
W - Static variable in class y.view.NodeLabel
Node label position specifier for label model NodeLabel.SIDES and NodeLabel.EIGHT_POS.
waitForClick() - Method in class y.view.InteractiveViewMode
Blocks until a click occured in the associated view.
wantsVisibleName() - Method in class y.option.OptionItem
Whether or not the identifying name should be displayed along with this item.
wantsVisibleName() - Method in class y.option.CommentOptionItem
Returns false, since this item has no name.
watch(String) - Static method in class y.util.D
Returns true if the given object type is under observation due to the -Dy.debug=...
watchSource(Object) - Static method in class y.util.D
Returns true if the given object type is under observation due to the -Dy.debug=...
weight - Variable in class y.layout.hierarchic.WeightedLayerer
weight - Variable in class y.layout.planar.GT
WEIGHTED_CENTER_ROOT - Static variable in class y.layout.tree.BalloonLayouter
Root node policy specifier constant.
WeightedLayerer - class y.layout.hierarchic.WeightedLayerer.
This class implements the first phase of the hierarchic layouter.
WeightedLayerer() - Constructor for class y.layout.hierarchic.WeightedLayerer
Creates a new weighted layerer.
WeightedLayerer(Object) - Constructor for class y.layout.hierarchic.WeightedLayerer
Creates a new weighted layerer.
WEST - Static variable in class y.layout.PortConstraint
Weak constraint specifier.
WEST - Static variable in class y.layout.DiscreteNodeLabelModel
Symbolic position specifier.
WHITE - Static variable in class y.algo.Dfs
Node state specifier.
WHITE_DELTA - Static variable in class y.view.Arrow
An arrow that has the shape of a triangle.
WHITE_DELTA_TYPE - Static variable in class y.view.Arrow
Arrow type constant that describes arrow Arrow.WHITE_DELTA.
WHITE_DIAMOND - Static variable in class y.view.Arrow
An arrow that has the shape of a diamond.
WHITE_DIAMOND_TYPE - Static variable in class y.view.Arrow
Arrow type constant that describes arrow Arrow.WHITE_DIAMOND.
WHITESPACE - Static variable in class y.io.gml.GMLTokenizer
width - Variable in class y.geom.YDimension
the width of the dimension
width - Variable in class y.view.YLabel
the width of this label.
width - Variable in class y.view.NodeRealizer
wrap(Graph, Object) - Method in class y.util.WrappedObjectDataProvider
Performs the wrapping, the given DataProvider will be unregistered from the graph and replaced with this instance.
WrappedObjectDataProvider - class y.util.WrappedObjectDataProvider.
This class can be used to wrap a given DataProvider with another one.
WrappedObjectDataProvider(DataProvider, DataProvider) - Constructor for class y.util.WrappedObjectDataProvider
Creates a new instance of WrappedDataProvider.
WrappedObjectDataProvider(DataProvider, Graph, Object) - Constructor for class y.util.WrappedObjectDataProvider
Creates a new instance of WrappedDataProvider.
wrapUsingEdgeMap(Graph, Object) - Static method in class y.util.WrappedObjectDataProvider
Creates a new instance of WrappedDataProvider.
wrapUsingNodeMap(Graph, Object) - Static method in class y.util.WrappedObjectDataProvider
Creates a new instance of WrappedDataProvider.
write(Graph2D, ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Writes the contents of the given graph to an ObjectOutputStream.
write(Graph2D, OutputStream) - Method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Writes the contents of the given graph in YGF format to a stream.
write(Graph2D, OutputStream) - Method in class y.io.TiledImageOutputHandler
This method is delegated to the internal IOHandler.
write(Graph2D, OutputStream) - Method in class y.io.TGFIOHandler
Writes the contents of the given graph in TGF format to a stream.
write(Graph2D, OutputStream) - Method in class y.io.ImageOutputHandler
Writes the contents of the given graph to the image based format encoded by this class.
write(Graph2D, OutputStream) - Method in class y.io.ImageMapOutputHandler
Writes a HTML ImageMap corresponding to the specified graph to the specified stream.
write(Graph2D, OutputStream) - Method in class y.io.IOHandler
Writes the contents of the given graph to a stream
write(Graph2D, OutputStream) - Method in class y.io.GMLIOHandler
Writes the contents of the given graph in GML format to a stream.
write(Graph2D, String) - Method in class y.io.TiledImageOutputHandler
Exports a diagramm to multiple output files.
write(Graph2D, String) - Method in class y.io.IOHandler
Writes the contents of the given graph to a file.
write(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.view.YLabel
Writes out this label in a serialized form.
write(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.view.SplineEdgeRealizer
Writes out this realizer in a serialized form.
write(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.view.ShapeNodeRealizer
Writes this realizer in a serialized form to the given stream.
write(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.view.ProxyShapeNodeRealizer
Writes this realizer in a serialized form to the given stream.
write(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.view.Port
Writes out this port in a serialized form.
write(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.view.PolyLineEdgeRealizer
Writes out this realizer in a serialized form.
write(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.view.NodeRealizer
Writes this realizer in a serialized form to the given stream.
write(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.view.NodeLabel
Writes out this label in a serialized form.
write(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.view.InterfacePort
Writes out this port in a serialized form.
write(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.view.ImageNodeRealizer
Writes out this realizer in a serialized form.
write(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DNodeRealizer
Writes this realizer in a serialized form to the given stream.
write(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.view.EdgeRealizer
Writes out this realizer in a serialized form.
write(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.view.EdgeLabel
write(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.view.BezierEdgeRealizer
Writes out this realizer in a serialized form.
write(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.view.ArcEdgeRealizer
Writes out this realizer in a serialized form.
write(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer
write(OptionsIOHandler) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
writes out the values from the items to the given IOHandler
write(OutputStream) - Method in class y.option.OptionHandler
Deprecated. use the OptionsIOhandler way
write(String, Map) - Method in class y.option.PropertiesIOHandler
write(String, Map) - Method in interface y.option.OptionsIOHandler
Stores the key value pairs defined in the given map.
writeAttribute(String, String) - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLEncoder
writeEdgeInfo(Graph2D, Edge, ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Writes edge information to the output stream.
writeEdgeRealizer(Graph2D, Edge, ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Writes edge realizer information to the given output stream.
writeFolderNodeInfo(Graph2D, Node, ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Writes out folder node information if the given graph is part of a graph hierarchy.
writeGroupNodeInfo(Graph2D, Node, ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Writes out group node information if the given graph is part of a graph hierarchy.
writeIndentation() - Method in class y.io.gml.GMLEncoder
writeInterEdgeInfo(Graph2D, Edge, ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Writes graph hierarchic inter edge information to the given output stream.
writeNodeInfo(Graph2D, Node, ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Writes node information to the output stream.
writeNodeRealizer(Graph2D, Node, ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Writes node realizer information to the output stream.
writeSubset(Graph2D, DataProvider, OutputStream) - Method in class y.io.IOHandler
Writes a subset of the contents of the given graph to a stream
writeSubset(Graph2D, DataProvider, String) - Method in class y.io.IOHandler
Writes a subset of the contents of the given graph to a stream
WrongGraphStructure - exception y.base.WrongGraphStructure.
Exception thrown when a graph-structural precondition is violated.
WrongGraphStructure(String) - Constructor for class y.base.WrongGraphStructure


x - Variable in class y.geom.YRectangle
The x coordinate of the upper left corner.
x - Variable in class y.geom.YPoint
The x coordinate of the point.
x - Variable in class y.layout.DefaultNodeLayout
x - Variable in class y.layout.organic.RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage
x coordinates based on node-indices
x - Variable in class y.view.NodeRealizer
XCoordComparator - class y.layout.tree.XCoordComparator.
This comparator compares edges by examining the center-x coordinates of their target nodes.
XCoordComparator() - Constructor for class y.layout.tree.XCoordComparator
XLINK_REFERENCE - Static variable in class y.io.LinkInfo
xoff - Variable in class y.view.Port


y - Variable in class y.geom.YRectangle
The y coordinate of the upper left corner.
y - Variable in class y.geom.YPoint
The y coordinate of the point.
y - Variable in class y.layout.DefaultNodeLayout
y - Variable in class y.layout.organic.RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage
y coordinates based on node-indices
y - Variable in class y.view.NodeRealizer
y.algo - package y.algo
Provides efficient graph algorithms and network analysis tools.
y.anim - package y.anim
Provides core classes and interfaces for a general animation framework.
y.base - package y.base
Provides an efficient graph data type and related classes like nodes and edges.
y.geom - package y.geom
Provides classes for defining and performing operations related to two-dimensional geometry.
y.io - package y.io
Provides classes for reading and writing a Graph2D in diverse formats.
y.io.gml - package y.io.gml
Provides parser and encoder classes used by GMLIOHandler.
y.layout - package y.layout
This package provides base classes for automatic graph layout generation.
y.layout.circular - package y.layout.circular
Provides circular style layout algorithms.
y.layout.grouping - package y.layout.grouping
Provides classes needed for laying out hierarchically grouped graphs.
y.layout.hierarchic - package y.layout.hierarchic
This package encapsulates all classes that make up HierarchicLayouter.
y.layout.labeling - package y.layout.labeling
This package contains algorithms for the automatic placement of labels.
y.layout.organic - package y.layout.organic
Provides a force-directed layout algorithms, also known as Spring Embedders.
y.layout.orthogonal - package y.layout.orthogonal
Provides orthogonal style layout algorithms.
y.layout.planar - package y.layout.planar
This package provides classes for handling planar graphs and creating planar graph layouts.
y.layout.random - package y.layout.random
Provides random style layout algorithms.
y.layout.router - package y.layout.router
Provides classes for routing edges in a graph.
y.layout.transformer - package y.layout.transformer
Provides a layouter that performs geometric transformations like scaling, rotating and mirroring.
y.layout.tree - package y.layout.tree
Provides tree style layout algorithms.
y.module - package y.module
Provides view module base classes
y.module.io - package y.module.io
This package provides pluggable modules for diverse yFiles input and output formats.
y.option - package y.option
Provides classes that allow to manage, store and edit a set of parameters in a very easy and convenient way.
y.util - package y.util
Provides utility classes that are used throughout the yFiles.
y.util.pq - package y.util.pq
Provides interfaces and implementations of priority queues for nodes.
y.view - package y.view
Provides classes for viewing and editing graphs.
y.view.hierarchy - package y.view.hierarchy
Provides classes for managing and viewing a nested hierarchy of graphs.
YCircle - class y.geom.YCircle.
This class represents a circle in the plane.
YCircle(double) - Constructor for class y.geom.YCircle
Instantiates a circle with center location (0,0) and given radius.
YCircle(YPoint, double) - Constructor for class y.geom.YCircle
Returns a circle defined by its center and the radius.
YCircle(YPoint, YPoint, double) - Constructor for class y.geom.YCircle
Instantiates a circle defined by two points on its boundary and the radius.
YCircle(YPoint, YPoint, YPoint) - Constructor for class y.geom.YCircle
Instantiates a circle defined by three points on its boundary.
YCursor - interface y.base.YCursor.
YCursor is a general interface for iterating over a collection of objects.
YDimension - class y.geom.YDimension.
This class represents the size of an object.
YDimension(double, double) - Constructor for class y.geom.YDimension
Creates a new YDimension2D object for given size.
YGFInput - class y.module.io.YGFInput.
Reads a diagram from a YGF file.
YGFInput() - Constructor for class y.module.io.YGFInput
YGFIOHandler - class y.io.YGFIOHandler.
Reading and Writing graphs in Y Graph Format (YGF).
YGFIOHandler() - Constructor for class y.io.YGFIOHandler
Instantiates a new YGFIOHandler.
YGFOutput - class y.module.io.YGFOutput.
Writes a diagram to a YGF file.
YGFOutput() - Constructor for class y.module.io.YGFOutput
YLabel - class y.view.YLabel.
This class encapsulates a multi-line text label.
YLabel() - Constructor for class y.view.YLabel
Instantiates a new YLabel.
YLineSegmentCursor - interface y.geom.YLineSegmentCursor.
This is an interface for a sequence of instances of LineSegment.
YList - class y.base.YList.
YList is an implementation of a doubly linked list.
YList.ListCursorImpl - class y.base.YList.ListCursorImpl.
Cursor implementation for ylists
YList.ListCursorImpl() - Constructor for class y.base.YList.ListCursorImpl
YList() - Constructor for class y.base.YList
Creates an empty doubly linked list.
YList(Collection) - Constructor for class y.base.YList
Creates a list that is initialized with the elements provided by the Collection c.
YList(Iterator) - Constructor for class y.base.YList
Creates a list that is initialized with the elements provided by the Iterator it.
YList(Object[]) - Constructor for class y.base.YList
Creates a list that is initialized with the elements provided by the given array of Objects
YList(YCursor) - Constructor for class y.base.YList
Creates a list that is initialized with the elements provided by the YCursor c.
YList(YCursor, DataProvider) - Constructor for class y.base.YList
Creates a list containing the objects accessible via the given cursor and for which the given data provider returns true upon calling its getBool method.
YModule - class y.module.YModule.
This abstract class provides a skeleton for algorithms on graphs.
YModule(String, String, String) - Constructor for class y.module.YModule
Instantiates a YModule.
yoff - Variable in class y.view.Port
YPackage - class y.module.YPackage.
Represents a collection of YModule objects.
YPackage(InputStream) - Constructor for class y.module.YPackage
Read Package description from an InputStream.
YPackage(String) - Constructor for class y.module.YPackage
Creates a new Package
YPackage(URL) - Constructor for class y.module.YPackage
Initializes a YPackage from a resource located at the given url.
YPackageMenu - class y.module.YPackageMenu.
Creates a menu for modules in a package.
YPackageMenu(YPackage, YPackageMenuListener) - Constructor for class y.module.YPackageMenu
Creates a new menu for a package
YPackageMenuListener - interface y.module.YPackageMenuListener.
This class can be passed to an instance of YPackageMenu to specify, what to do if a YModule in the YPackageMenu has been selected
YPoint - class y.geom.YPoint.
This class represents a point in the plane with double coordinates.
YPoint() - Constructor for class y.geom.YPoint
Creates a new YPoint at location (0,0)
YPoint(double, double) - Constructor for class y.geom.YPoint
Creates a new YPoint object for a given position.
YPointCursor - interface y.geom.YPointCursor.
This is an interface for a sequence of instances of YPoint.
YPointPath - class y.geom.YPointPath.
This class represents an ordered list of points in the plane.
YPointPath() - Constructor for class y.geom.YPointPath
Creates a new path from a vector.
YPointPath(Vector) - Constructor for class y.geom.YPointPath
Creates a new path from a vector.
YPointPath(YPoint[]) - Constructor for class y.geom.YPointPath
Creates a new path from an array of points.
YRandom - class y.util.YRandom.
Generates pseudorandom numbers and the such.
YRandom() - Constructor for class y.util.YRandom
Creates a new instance of this class.
YRandom(long) - Constructor for class y.util.YRandom
Creates a new instance of this class with a given initial random seed.
YRectangle - class y.geom.YRectangle.
This class defines a rectangle und provides utility methods for it.
YRectangle() - Constructor for class y.geom.YRectangle
Creates a new rectangle with upper left corner (0,0) and size (0,0).
YRectangle(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class y.geom.YRectangle
Creates a new rectangle with given upper left corner and size.
YRectangle(YPoint, YDimension) - Constructor for class y.geom.YRectangle
Creates a new rectangle with given upper left corner and size.
YRenderingHints - class y.view.YRenderingHints.
Provides rendering hint keys whose associated values may be interpreted by NodeRealizer, EdgeRealizer and other objects that are drawn within a Graph2DView..
YRenderingHints() - Constructor for class y.view.YRenderingHints
YUtil - class y.util.YUtil.
This class provides some static convenience methods and temporary scratch variables.
YVector - class y.geom.YVector.
This class represents a vector in the 2-dimensional real vector space.
YVector(double, double) - Constructor for class y.geom.YVector
Creates a new vector with given direction.
YVector(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class y.geom.YVector
Creates a new vector, whose direction is given by two points.
YVector(YPoint) - Constructor for class y.geom.YVector
Creates a new vector, whose direction is given by a point.
YVector(YPoint, YPoint) - Constructor for class y.geom.YVector
Creates a new vector, whose direction is given by two points.
YVector(YVector) - Constructor for class y.geom.YVector
Creates a new vector which is a copy of another vector.
YVersion - class y.util.YVersion.
Provides system wide version numbers for yFiles releases
YVersion() - Constructor for class y.util.YVersion


ZERO - Static variable in class y.layout.organic.OrganicLayouter
Initial placement strategy.
zoom(LayoutGraph, GraphZoomer.Zoom) - Static method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphZoomer
Convenience method which applies a custom zoom to the graph
zoomRadial(LayoutGraph, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphZoomer
Convenience method which applies a radial zoom to the graph
zoomRectangular(LayoutGraph, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class y.layout.transformer.GraphZoomer
Convenience method which applies a rectangular zoom to the graph
zoomToArea(double, double, double, double) - Method in class y.view.Graph2DView
Adjusts the zoom level and view point of this view such that the given bounds are visible in this view.


_hierarchy - Variable in class y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyMoveSelectionMode

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