Package y.layout.grouping

Provides classes needed for laying out hierarchically grouped graphs.


Interface Summary
GroupBoundsCalculator Implementations of this interface are responsible for calculating the bounds of a group node during a layout process.
GroupingKeys This interface defines dataprovider keys for those layout algorithms that can handle hierarchically grouped graphs.

Class Summary
FixedGroupLayoutStage A layout stage for hierarchically grouped graphs.
Grouping Instances of this class can be used by algorithms to efficiently query the structure of such type of graphs.
GroupNodeHider A layout stage for hierarchically grouped graphs.
InsetsGroupBoundsCalculator Convenience implementation which allows for custom insets for each group node.
IsolatedGroupComponentLayouter A special component layouter that handled hierarchically grouped graphs in a special way.
ParentEdgeAugmentationStage This class can be used as a decorating stage for layout algorithms that cannot handle node groups.
RecursiveGroupLayouter Applies a given layout algorithm to each content of a group node recursively in bottom up fashion.

Package y.layout.grouping Description

Provides classes needed for laying out hierarchically grouped graphs. All layout algorithms that are able to handle hierarchically grouped graphs expect that the grouping information for the input graph (e.g. the parent-child relation of nodes) is given by additional data providers that are registered with the input graph using public keys defined by the interface GroupingKeys.

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