Class BFSLayerer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BFSLayerer
extends Object
implements Layerer

Layerer that uses a breadth first search to assign layers to the nodes. The nodes of the first layer can be freely chosen (see BFSLayerer.CORE_NODES). The nodes belonging to a subsequent layer are determined as follows: Add all yet unassigned nodes to the new layer that are connected to nodes already assigned.

As a consequence all connected nodes will be at most one layer apart. Also, edges between nodes that belong to the same layer are possible.

Field Summary
static Object CORE_NODES
          The data provider key used to look up the core nodes of the bfs layering.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 int assignNodeLayer(LayoutGraph graph, NodeMap layer, EdgeList reversedEdges)
          This method assigns the nodes in the graph to layers.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final Object CORE_NODES
The data provider key used to look up the core nodes of the bfs layering. The BFSLayerer will try to retrieve a data provider from the graph to be layered with this key. The looked up data provider should provide boolean values for the nodes of that graph. The boolean value signals whether a node is to be placed in the first layer or not.

If the are no nodes marked as core nodes then nodes with indegree 0 are considered to be core nodes.

Constructor Detail


public BFSLayerer()
Method Detail


public int assignNodeLayer(LayoutGraph graph,
                           NodeMap layer,
                           EdgeList reversedEdges)
This method assigns the nodes in the graph to layers.

Postcondition: Forall (v,w) in E: layer(v) < layer(w) !

Specified by:
assignNodeLayer in interface Layerer
graph - the graph for which the layers are determined.
layer - here the layers are stored
reversedEdges - here the edges are stored which had been reversed.
the number of layers

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