Class AbstractLabelingAlgorithm

All Implemented Interfaces:
Layouter, LayoutStage
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractLabelingAlgorithm
extends AbstractLayoutStage

This class an anstract base class for labeling algorithms. A labeling algorithm places a set of labels.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface y.layout.Layouter
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean canLayout(LayoutGraph graph)
          Returns true.
 void doLayout(LayoutGraph graph)
          Place the labels in the graph.
 boolean getPlaceEdgeLabels()
          Returns if labels assigned to nodes in a graph should be placed.
 boolean getPlaceNodeLabels()
          Returns if labels assigned to nodes in a graph should be placed.
 double getProfit(LabelCandidate l)
 YList getRects()
          Debug only.
 boolean getRemoveEdgeOverlaps()
          Returns how label candidates which overlap with edges are handeled.
 boolean getRemoveNodeOverlaps()
          Returns how label candidates which overlap with nodes are handeled.
 Object getSelectionKey()
          Sets the labeling selection.
 boolean isEdgeGroupOverlapAllowed()
          Returns whether edge labels may overlap with edges belonging to the same edge group.
 boolean isStoreRects()
          Debug only.
 void label(LayoutGraph gl)
          Place the labels in the graph.
protected abstract  void label(LayoutGraph g, y.layout.labeling.Label[] labels)
          Place some labels in the graph.
 void label(LayoutGraph gl, Object key)
          Place a subset of the labels.
 void label(LayoutGraph gl, YList nodeLabels, YList edgeLabels)
          Place some labels in the graph.
protected  void removeEdgesOverlaps(LayoutGraph gd, y.layout.labeling.Label[] labels)
          Determines which candidates overlap with edges and remove them from the candidate list.
protected  void removeNodesOverlaps(LayoutGraph gd, y.layout.labeling.Label[] labels)
          Determines which candidates overlap with nodes and remove them from the candidate list.
 void setEdgeGroupOverlapAllowed(boolean edgeGroupOverlapAllowed)
          Sets the policy for edge groups.
 void setPlaceEdgeLabels(boolean value)
          Sets if labels assigned to nodes in a graph should be placed.
 void setPlaceNodeLabels(boolean value)
          Sets if labels assigned to nodes in a graph should be placed.
 void setProfitModel(ProfitModel model)
 void setRemoveEdgeOverlaps(boolean flag)
          Sets how to handle label candidates which overlap with edges.
 void setRemoveNodeOverlaps(boolean flag)
          Sets how to handle label candidates which overlap with nodes.
 void setSelection(Object key)
          Sets the key, under which the labeling selection can be retrieved.
 void setStoreRects(boolean s)
          Debug only.
Methods inherited from class y.layout.AbstractLayoutStage
canLayoutCore, doLayoutCore, getCoreLayouter, setCoreLayouter
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AbstractLabelingAlgorithm()
Method Detail


public void setRemoveNodeOverlaps(boolean flag)
Sets how to handle label candidates which overlap with nodes. If true these candidates are not considered, if false these candidates are considered, but a penalty is assigned to them.


public void setRemoveEdgeOverlaps(boolean flag)
Sets how to handle label candidates which overlap with edges. If true these candidates are not considered, if false these candidates are considered, but a penalty is assigned to them.


public boolean getRemoveNodeOverlaps()
Returns how label candidates which overlap with nodes are handeled. If true these candidates are not considered, if false these candidates are considered, but a penalty is assigned to them.


public boolean getRemoveEdgeOverlaps()
Returns how label candidates which overlap with edges are handeled. If true these candidates are not considered, if false these candidates are considered, but a penalty is assigned to them.


public void setPlaceNodeLabels(boolean value)
Sets if labels assigned to nodes in a graph should be placed. If true node labels are placed, if false node labels are ignored. This method has higher priority than the selection, i.e. even if a node label is selected it is not set when setPlaceNodeLabels(false) has been invoked before.


public void setPlaceEdgeLabels(boolean value)
Sets if labels assigned to nodes in a graph should be placed. If true node labels placed, if false node labels are ignored. This method has higher priority than the selection, i.e. even if an edge label is selected it is not set when setPlaceEdgeLabels(false) has been invoked before.


public boolean getPlaceNodeLabels()
Returns if labels assigned to nodes in a graph should be placed. If true node labels placed, if false node labels are ignored.


public boolean getPlaceEdgeLabels()
Returns if labels assigned to nodes in a graph should be placed. If true node labels placed, if false node labels are ignored.


public void setSelection(Object key)
Sets the key, under which the labeling selection can be retrieved. If the selection is set, only selected labels are placed.

key - The key for a DataProvider. Labels which should be placed return true.


public Object getSelectionKey()
Sets the labeling selection. If the selection is set, only selected labels are placed.


public boolean canLayout(LayoutGraph graph)
Returns true.


public void doLayout(LayoutGraph graph)
Place the labels in the graph. This method is equivalent to the label() method.

graph - The graph to label.


public void label(LayoutGraph gl)
Place the labels in the graph.

gl - The graph to label.


public void label(LayoutGraph gl,
                  Object key)
Place a subset of the labels.

key - The key for a DataProvider in gl. Labels which should be placed return true.


public void label(LayoutGraph gl,
                  YList nodeLabels,
                  YList edgeLabels)
Place some labels in the graph. The selection is ignored, if set.


protected void removeNodesOverlaps(LayoutGraph gd,
                                   y.layout.labeling.Label[] labels)
Determines which candidates overlap with nodes and remove them from the candidate list.

gd - the graph
labels - a list of LabelCandidates


protected void removeEdgesOverlaps(LayoutGraph gd,
                                   y.layout.labeling.Label[] labels)
Determines which candidates overlap with edges and remove them from the candidate list.

gd - the graph
labels - a list of LabelCandidates


public void setProfitModel(ProfitModel model)


public double getProfit(LabelCandidate l)


protected abstract void label(LayoutGraph g,
                              y.layout.labeling.Label[] labels)
Place some labels in the graph.


public YList getRects()
Debug only. Returns the set of all generated candidate rectangles.


public void setStoreRects(boolean s)
Debug only. Sets whether the candidate rectangles should be stored to be retrieved.


public boolean isStoreRects()
Debug only. Returns whether the candidate rectangles should be stored to be retrieved.


public boolean isEdgeGroupOverlapAllowed()
Returns whether edge labels may overlap with edges belonging to the same edge group.


public void setEdgeGroupOverlapAllowed(boolean edgeGroupOverlapAllowed)
Sets the policy for edge groups. If edge labels overlap with other edges of the same group, this flag decides whether these positions are allowed.

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