Class TreeIntNodePQ

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TreeIntNodePQ
extends Object
implements IntNodePQ

Implements a priority queue for nodes based on AVL Trees. The priority values may be non-negative.

Constructor Summary
TreeIntNodePQ(Graph _graph)
          Returns an empty Priority-Queue.
TreeIntNodePQ(Graph _graph, DataProvider _initValues)
          Returns a new Priority-Queue initialized with all nodes of the graph.
TreeIntNodePQ(NodeMap _valueMap)
          Returns an empty Priority-Queue.
Method Summary
 void add(Node n, int value)
          Insertes a node into the queue.
 void clear()
          Removes all entires from the queue.
 boolean contains(Node n)
          Returns whether or not the given node is contained within this queue.
 void decreasePriority(Node n, int value)
          Decreases the value of a node in the queue to a certain value.
 void dispose()
          Disposes this queue.
 Node getMin()
          Returns the node with the minimal value in the queue.
 int getPriority(Node v)
          Returns the current priority of the given node.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Time complexity O(1).
 void remove(Node n)
          Removes a node from the queue.
 Node removeMin()
          Removes the node with the minimal value from the queue.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TreeIntNodePQ(Graph _graph)
Returns an empty Priority-Queue.

_graph - the graph which contains the nodes


public TreeIntNodePQ(Graph _graph,
                     DataProvider _initValues)
Returns a new Priority-Queue initialized with all nodes of the graph.

_graph - the graph which contains the nodes
_initValues - the initial priority-values of the nodes.


public TreeIntNodePQ(NodeMap _valueMap)
Returns an empty Priority-Queue. This constructor takes a NodeMap as argument which is used to store the priority values.

_valueMap - here the priority values are stored
Method Detail


public boolean isEmpty()
Time complexity O(1).

Specified by:
isEmpty in interface IntNodePQ


public boolean contains(Node n)
Returns whether or not the given node is contained within this queue.
Time complexity O(log(n)).

Specified by:
contains in interface IntNodePQ


public void add(Node n,
                int value)
Insertes a node into the queue. Time complexity O(log(n)).

Specified by:
add in interface IntNodePQ


public void remove(Node n)
Removes a node from the queue. Time complexity O(log(n)).


public Node getMin()
Returns the node with the minimal value in the queue.
Time complexity O(log(n)).

Specified by:
getMin in interface IntNodePQ


public Node removeMin()
Removes the node with the minimal value from the queue.
Time complexity O(log(n)).

Specified by:
removeMin in interface IntNodePQ


public void decreasePriority(Node n,
                             int value)
Decreases the value of a node in the queue to a certain value.
Time complexity O(log(n)).

Specified by:
decreasePriority in interface IntNodePQ
n - a node in the priotity queue.
value - the new priority value of the node.


public void clear()
Removes all entires from the queue.
Time complexity O(1).

Specified by:
clear in interface IntNodePQ


public int getPriority(Node v)
Description copied from interface: IntNodePQ
Returns the current priority of the given node.

Specified by:
getPriority in interface IntNodePQ


public void dispose()
Disposes this queue. It is important to call this method after the queue is not needed anymore, to free hold resources.

Specified by:
dispose in interface IntNodePQ

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