Class ArcEdgeRealizer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ArcEdgeRealizer
extends EdgeRealizer

An edge realizer that displays an edge as an arc. Depending on the behavior of the radius of the arc, there are two possible modes for the realizer. In one mode the radius is always fixed independent of the distance of the two adjazent nodes, in the other mode the radius and the distance have a fixed ratio.

This realizer does have exactly one bend. Deleting or inserting bends does not have any effects.

Field Summary
static byte FIXED_HEIGHT
          Arc type specifier constant.
static byte FIXED_RATIO
          Arc type specifier constant.
Fields inherited from class y.view.EdgeRealizer
bends, path
Constructor Summary
          Instantiates a new ArcEdgeRealizer.
ArcEdgeRealizer(byte type)
          Instantiates a new ArcEdgeRealizer with a given arc type.
ArcEdgeRealizer(EdgeRealizer er)
          Instantiates a new ArcEdgeRealizer as a copy of the given edge realizer.
Method Summary
static Map arcTypeToStringMap()
          Returns a map whose keys are the arc type constants wrapped in Byte objects.
 void bendChanged(Bend b, double oldX, double oldY)
          Recalculates the arc path after the bend of this edge has been moved.
protected  void calculatePath()
          Recalculates the arc path after this realizer has been marked as dirty.
 Bend createBend(double x, double y, Bend refBend, int dir)
          Has no effect, because arcs have no bends.
 EdgeRealizer createCopy(EdgeRealizer er)
          Creates a copy of this realizer type that is initialized with the attributes of the given realizer.
 byte getArcType()
          Returns the arc type of this realizer.
 float getHeight()
          Returns the height of the arc.
 int getMinBendCount()
          Returns the minimal number of bends for this realizer, which is 1.
 float getRatio()
          Returns the ratio between the distance of the end nodes of the edges and the height of the arc.
 Bend insertBend(double x, double y)
          Has no effect, because arcs have no bends
 void read(ObjectInputStream in)
          Reads in the serialized form of this realizer.
 void reInsertBend(Bend bend, Bend refBend, int dir)
          Has no effect, because arcs have no bends
 Bend removeBend(Bend b)
          Has no effect, because arcs have no bends
 void setArcType(byte t)
          Sets the arc type for this realizer.
 void setHeight(float h)
          Sets the height of the arc.
 void setRatio(float r)
          Sets the ratio between the distance of the end nodes of the edges and the height of the arc.
 void write(ObjectOutputStream out)
          Writes out this realizer in a serialized form.
Methods inherited from class y.view.EdgeRealizer
addLabel, addPoint, appendBend, bendCount, bendPos, bends, bindEdge, calcUnionRect, clearBends, clearPoints, contains, containsSeg, createCopy, createEdgeLabel, firstBend, getArrow, getBend, getEdge, getHighlightedBendColor, getLabel, getLabel, getLabelText, getLayer, getLineColor, getLineType, getPath, getPoint, getSelectionColor, getSelectionStroke, getSourceArrow, getSourceIntersection, getSourcePoint, getSourcePort, getSourceRealizer, getTargetArrow, getTargetIntersection, getTargetPoint, getTargetPort, getTargetRealizer, intersects, isDirty, isSelected, isVisible, labelCount, lastBend, paint, paintArrows, paintHighlightedBends, paintLabels, paintPorts, paintSloppy, pathIntersects, pointCount, recalculateFeatures, removeLabel, setArrow, setDirty, setHighlightedBendColor, setLabelText, setLayer, setLineColor, setLineType, setPoint, setPorts, setSelected, setSelectionColor, setSelectionStroke, setSourceArrow, setSourcePoint, setSourcePort, setTargetArrow, setTargetPoint, setTargetPort, setVisible
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final byte FIXED_HEIGHT
Arc type specifier constant. This type of arc preserves the height of the arc independent of node distance.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte FIXED_RATIO
Arc type specifier constant. This type of arc preserves the ratio between arc height and node distance.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ArcEdgeRealizer()
Instantiates a new ArcEdgeRealizer. ArcEdgeRealizer.FIXED_RATIO will be used as arc type.


public ArcEdgeRealizer(byte type)
Instantiates a new ArcEdgeRealizer with a given arc type. The arc type can be either ArcEdgeRealizer.FIXED_RATIO or ArcEdgeRealizer.FIXED_HEIGHT.


public ArcEdgeRealizer(EdgeRealizer er)
Instantiates a new ArcEdgeRealizer as a copy of the given edge realizer. If the edge realizer is not of type ArcEdgeRealizer only the standard values will be copied.

Method Detail


public EdgeRealizer createCopy(EdgeRealizer er)
Creates a copy of this realizer type that is initialized with the attributes of the given realizer.

Specified by:
createCopy in class EdgeRealizer


public void setArcType(byte t)
Sets the arc type for this realizer.

t - Either ArcEdgeRealizer.FIXED_HEIGHT or ArcEdgeRealizer.FIXED_RATIO


public byte getArcType()
Returns the arc type of this realizer.

Either ArcEdgeRealizer.FIXED_HEIGHT or ArcEdgeRealizer.FIXED_RATIO


public float getRatio()
Returns the ratio between the distance of the end nodes of the edges and the height of the arc.


public void setRatio(float r)
Sets the ratio between the distance of the end nodes of the edges and the height of the arc.

By default a ratio of 1.0 is used.


public void setHeight(float h)
Sets the height of the arc.

By default a height of 30.0 is used.


public float getHeight()
Returns the height of the arc.


public Bend createBend(double x,
                       double y,
                       Bend refBend,
                       int dir)
Has no effect, because arcs have no bends.

Specified by:
createBend in class EdgeRealizer
x - X-coordinate of the Bend
y - Y-coordinate of the Bend
refBend - Bend which should be neighbour
dir - indicates if the new Bend should be added before (Graph.BEFORE) or after (Graph.AFTER) the refBend in the bend sequence of the edge
Return value is always null<\CODE>.


public void reInsertBend(Bend bend,
                         Bend refBend,
                         int dir)
Has no effect, because arcs have no bends

Specified by:
reInsertBend in class EdgeRealizer
bend - the bend to be reinserted
refBend - reference bend already contained in this realizer
dir - indicates whether the bend should be inserted before or after the reference bend.Allowed values are Graph.AFTER and Graph.BEFORE.


public Bend insertBend(double x,
                       double y)
Has no effect, because arcs have no bends

Specified by:
insertBend in class EdgeRealizer
x - X-coordinates of the bend
y - Y-coordinates of the bend
Return value is always null<\CODE>.


public Bend removeBend(Bend b)
Has no effect, because arcs have no bends

Specified by:
removeBend in class EdgeRealizer
b - Bend to be removed


public int getMinBendCount()
Returns the minimal number of bends for this realizer, which is 1.

getMinBendCount in class EdgeRealizer


public void bendChanged(Bend b,
                        double oldX,
                        double oldY)
Recalculates the arc path after the bend of this edge has been moved.

bendChanged in class EdgeRealizer
b - Bend which has changed position
oldX - previous x-coordinate
oldY - previous y-coordinate


protected void calculatePath()
Recalculates the arc path after this realizer has been marked as dirty.

Specified by:
calculatePath in class EdgeRealizer
See Also:


public static Map arcTypeToStringMap()
Returns a map whose keys are the arc type constants wrapped in Byte objects. The values of these keys are descriptive strings describing these types.


public void write(ObjectOutputStream out)
           throws IOException
Writes out this realizer in a serialized form.

write in class EdgeRealizer


public void read(ObjectInputStream in)
          throws IOException,
Reads in the serialized form of this realizer. The realizer must have been written out before by it's ArcEdgeRealizer.write(ObjectOutputStream) method.

read in class EdgeRealizer

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