Class Port

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Port
extends Object

Defines a logical end point of an edge relative to the center location of a node. Port locations are specified relative to the center location of the corresponding node.

A port can be thought of as the first or last control point of an edge realizer.

Field Summary
protected  EdgeRealizer realizer
protected  double xoff
protected  double yoff
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new Port with default offset 0.0.
Port(double xoff, double yoff)
          Constructs a new Port with offset location (xoff,yoff).
Port(Port port)
          Constructs a new Port as a copy of a given port.
Method Summary
 void calcUnionRect(Rectangle2D rect, NodeRealizer r)
          Enlarges the given rectangle such that it will contain the complete visual representation of this port.
 boolean contains(double x, double y)
          Returns true if the given coordinates lie within the visual shape of this port.
 Port createCopy()
          Creates an unbound copy of this port.
 Port createRotatedPort()
          Creates an unbound copy of this port that is rotated by 90 degrees.
 boolean findIntersection(NodeRealizer r, double ix, double iy, double ox, double oy, Point2D result)
          Returns true iff the coord (ix,iy) lies within the visual shape of this port and the coord (ox,oy> lies outside of that shape.
 double getOffsetX()
          Returns the center x-coord of this port relative to the center of the node it is connected to.
 double getOffsetY()
          Returns the center y-coord of this port relative to the center of the node it is connected to.
 EdgeRealizer getOwner()
          Returns the edge realizer this port belongs to.
 double getX(NodeRealizer nr)
          Returns the absolute center x-coord of this port.
 double getY(NodeRealizer nr)
          Returns the absolute center y-coord of this port.
 void paint(Graphics2D gfx, NodeRealizer r)
          Paints a little black rectangle if the edge realizer this port belongs to is selected.
 void read(ObjectInputStream in)
          Reads in a serialized form of a port that was previously written out by the method Port.write(ObjectOutputStream out).
protected  void setDirty()
          Marks this port and it's associated edge realizer as dirty.
 void setOffsets(double xoff, double yoff)
          Sets the center coords of this port relative to the center of the node is connected to.
 void setOffsetX(double xoff)
          Sets the center x-coord of this port relative to the center of the node is connected to.
 void setOffsetY(double yoff)
          Sets the center x-coord of this port relative to the center of the node is connected to.
 String toString()
          Returns a string representation of this port.
 void write(ObjectOutputStream out)
          Writes out this port in a serialized form.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected double xoff


protected double yoff


protected EdgeRealizer realizer
Constructor Detail


public Port()
Constructs a new Port with default offset 0.0.


public Port(double xoff,
            double yoff)
Constructs a new Port with offset location (xoff,yoff).


public Port(Port port)
Constructs a new Port as a copy of a given port.

Method Detail


public Port createCopy()
Creates an unbound copy of this port.


public Port createRotatedPort()
Creates an unbound copy of this port that is rotated by 90 degrees.


public EdgeRealizer getOwner()
Returns the edge realizer this port belongs to.


public boolean findIntersection(NodeRealizer r,
                                double ix,
                                double iy,
                                double ox,
                                double oy,
                                Point2D result)
Returns true iff the coord (ix,iy) lies within the visual shape of this port and the coord (ox,oy> lies outside of that shape. In that case the intersection point of the line (ix,iy) - (ox,oy) with that shape will be stored in the given point.


public void paint(Graphics2D gfx,
                  NodeRealizer r)
Paints a little black rectangle if the edge realizer this port belongs to is selected. Otherwise nothing will be painted.


protected void setDirty()
Marks this port and it's associated edge realizer as dirty. This method should be called whenever the port changes its bounds or location in order to ensure proper repaint behaviour.


public boolean contains(double x,
                        double y)
Returns true if the given coordinates lie within the visual shape of this port.


public void calcUnionRect(Rectangle2D rect,
                          NodeRealizer r)
Enlarges the given rectangle such that it will contain the complete visual representation of this port.

r - The node realizer this port is connected to.


public double getOffsetX()
Returns the center x-coord of this port relative to the center of the node it is connected to.


public double getOffsetY()
Returns the center y-coord of this port relative to the center of the node it is connected to.


public double getX(NodeRealizer nr)
Returns the absolute center x-coord of this port. The given node realizer is used as a reference point to translate relative to absolute coords.


public double getY(NodeRealizer nr)
Returns the absolute center y-coord of this port. The given node realizer is used as a reference point to translate relative to absolute coords.


public void setOffsetX(double xoff)
Sets the center x-coord of this port relative to the center of the node is connected to.


public void setOffsetY(double yoff)
Sets the center x-coord of this port relative to the center of the node is connected to.


public void setOffsets(double xoff,
                       double yoff)
Sets the center coords of this port relative to the center of the node is connected to.


public void write(ObjectOutputStream out)
           throws IOException
Writes out this port in a serialized form.



public void read(ObjectInputStream in)
          throws IOException,
Reads in a serialized form of a port that was previously written out by the method Port.write(ObjectOutputStream out).



public String toString()
Returns a string representation of this port.

toString in class Object

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