Interface View

All Known Implementing Classes:
Graph2DView, TreeView

public interface View

Interface for classes that implement a view for a Graph2D.

Method Summary
 Component getComponent()
          Returns the AWT component on which the view acts.
 Frame getFrame()
          Returns the frame in which the view is contained.
 Graph2D getGraph2D()
          Returns the Graph2D that this view displays.
 void updateView()
          Redraws the content of this view.

Method Detail


public Graph2D getGraph2D()
Returns the Graph2D that this view displays.


public void updateView()
Redraws the content of this view. Yes, this is an important method.


public Frame getFrame()
Returns the frame in which the view is contained. If there is no such frame null is returned.


public Component getComponent()
Returns the AWT component on which the view acts.

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