Interface GraphInterface

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface GraphInterface

An interface that describes the structural information of a graph and the data that is associated with its nodes and edges.

Method Summary
 Iterator edgeObjects()
          Returns an iterator that provides access to all edges residing in the graph.
 DataProvider getDataProvider(Object dataKey)
          Returns a data provider that is registered with the graph under the given key. the lookup domain of a data provider returned will normally consist of either the nodes of the graph or its edges or both.
 Object[] getDataProviderKeys()
          Returns an array of all data provider keys that are registered with this graph.
 Object getSource(Object edgeObject)
          Returns the source node associated with the given edge.
 Object getTarget(Object edgeObject)
          Returns the target node associated with the given edge.
 Iterator nodeObjects()
          Returns an iterator that provides access to all nodes residing in the graph.

Method Detail


public Iterator nodeObjects()
Returns an iterator that provides access to all nodes residing in the graph.


public Iterator edgeObjects()
Returns an iterator that provides access to all edges residing in the graph.


public Object getSource(Object edgeObject)
Returns the source node associated with the given edge.


public Object getTarget(Object edgeObject)
Returns the target node associated with the given edge.


public DataProvider getDataProvider(Object dataKey)
Returns a data provider that is registered with the graph under the given key. the lookup domain of a data provider returned will normally consist of either the nodes of the graph or its edges or both.


public Object[] getDataProviderKeys()
Returns an array of all data provider keys that are registered with this graph.

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