Package y.base

Provides an efficient graph data type and related classes like nodes and edges.


Interface Summary
Command General command pattern interface, that supports the execution and the undoability of some code.
DataAcceptor A general interface for setting data.
DataProvider A general interface for data provision.
EdgeCursor A cursor interface for iterating over edges.
EdgeMap Provides access to data associated with an edge.
GraphFactory Implementations of this interface provide a factory for graphs and elements within that graph.
GraphInterface An interface that describes the structural information of a graph and the data that is associated with its nodes and edges.
GraphListener The listener interface for receiving graph events.
NodeCursor A cursor interface for iterating over nodes.
NodeMap Provides access to data associated with a node.
YCursor YCursor is a general interface for iterating over a collection of objects.

Class Summary
CommandStream This class represents a stream of Commands.
Edge Represents a directed connection between two nodes in a graph.
EdgeList This is a special list implementation for instances of type Edge.
Graph This class implements a directed graph structure.
GraphEvent An event which indicates that a graph structure change occured.
ListCell This Class represents a cell or link of the doubly linked list implementation YList.
Node Represents a vertex in the directed graph datatype Graph.
NodeList This is a special list implementation for instances of type Node.
YList YList is an implementation of a doubly linked list.

Exception Summary
WrongGraphStructure Exception thrown when a graph-structural precondition is violated.

Package y.base Description

Provides an efficient graph data type and related classes like nodes and edges.

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